they first passed by the Bohemian Grove (cremation of cure)
from their Owl Rothschild God and their Lucifer Eye Rochefeller on piramyd masonic Golpe FED 666 IMF OIC sharia.
and then they all went to do dirty things with the kids! I ask for the death penalty for all of them!
#Epstein commits suicide in prison. everyone who is approached by CLINTON sooner or later dies dramatically! Your account twitter is suspended Obama twitter socialNetwok satelliteTV Ansa lgbt and the Democratic Party are all under the protection of Satan's Priest prima passavano dal Bohemian Grove dal loro Gufo Rothschild Dio e occhio di lucifero Rochefeller e dopo andavano tutti a fare le cose sporche con i bambini! io chiedo la pena di morte per tutti loro!

lorenzojhwh Unius KING the LEVIATHAN 11 minuti fa
WATCH: Brazilian Politician Praises Palestinian Stabbing Attacks politician Jamal Harfoush and politician Erdogan wahhabis is prof that Islam make ill balance mental

lorenzojhwh Unius KING the LEVIATHAN 13 minuti fa
#Epstein commits suicide in prison. everyone who is approached by CLINTON sooner or later dies dramatically! Your account twitter is suspended Obama twitter socialNetwok satelliteTV Ansa lgbt and the Democratic Party are all under the protection of Satan's Priests! #Epstein si suicida in carcere. è un classico tutti quelli che vengono avvicinati dai CLINTON prima o poi muoiono drammaticamente! Your account twitter is suspended Obama twitter socialNetwok satelliteTV Ansa lgbt e il Partito Democratico sono tutti sotto la protezione dei Sacerdoti di Satana!

lorenzojhwh Unius KING the LEVIATHAN 44 minuti fa
Coverage found on the site: Coverage found on the site: Search Console has detected that your site is affected by 1 Coverage issues: Main notices Indexed but blocked by "robots txt" ANSWER but I don't know how I could protect myself from this "Robot" of "aliens abduction" that the CIA put me!

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH • 3 hours ago
Security Mattarella: 'The obligation to save the shipwrecked remains' The president signs the security decree bis but notes two critical issues
NO NO NO! Your twitter account is suspended and is not permitted to perform this action.
THE OBLIGATION TO SAVE THE ITALIANS FROM FED BCE Rothschild and Bilderberg and Erdogan sharia!
Sicurezza Mattarella: 'Resta l'obbligo di salvare i naufraghi' Il presidente firma il decreto sicurezza bis ma rileva due criticità
NO NO NO! Your twitter account is suspended and is not permitted to perform this action.
RESTA L'OBBLIGO DI SALVARE GLI ITALIANI da FED BCE Rothschild e Bilderberg e Erdogan sharia!

Don Spilman •
Well they KNOW something is coming we ALL know something is coming. The damned muzslime and godless GLOBS are going to push until they get their desired wars! I hope millions of both those evil groups die!

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH • 10 hours ago
Satan Marduch Allah] you asked God JHWH 100 years why you thought you could do it,
but now you have been defeated by me: "withdrawn yourself"
[ ] tu hai chiesto a Dio JHWH ,100 anni perché tu pensavi di farcela,
ma ora sei stato sconfitto da me: "ritirati"

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH •
#Norway shooting in a mosque near #Oslo
only governments have not realized that #ISLAM is not a religion: buta deadly threat jihad sharia of genocide NAZI worldwide imperialism Stalin-Hilter-Erdogan.
but people? start to get scared: instead!
#Norvegia sparatoria in una #moschea vicino a #Oslo
soltanto i Governi non si sono accorti che #ISLAM non è una religione: ma una minaccia mortale jihad sharia genocidio NAZI mondiale.
ma la gente? incomincia a spaventarsi: invece!

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH • 10 hours ago
here here is who are the perverted pornographers rich Jews Masons and rothschild parasites all diaspora Jews: and the Democratic Party:
here is who think the Israelis are harmful,
and that a shoah against them would be something right,
they so are as many and as many as are another financiers Jeffrey Epstein
ecco chi sono i pornografi pervertiti ebrei ricchi massoni e parassiti rothschild tutti gli ebrei della diaspora: e del partito democratico:
che pensano che gli israeliani sono dannosi,
e che una shoah contro di loro sarebbe qualcosa di giusto,
loro sono tanti e altrettanti come financier Jeffrey Epstein

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH • 10 hours ago
I do not fear the destruction of all my sites: or the impending nuclear world war.
because I have nested myself: in the youtube Masonic world government:
and with my satanists and demon-possessed (the only ones who have not lost faith in God) I will still be here: having seen the carcasses of all my enemies transformed into manure: which have been cursed: by the Wahhabis and their rothschild-bilderberg !
non temo la distruzione di tutti i miei siti: o la imminente guerra mondiale nucleare.
perché io mi sono annidato nel governo mondiale massonico di youtube:
e con i miei satanisti e indemoniati (gli unici che non hanno perso la fede in Dio) io sarò ancora quì: avendo visto trasformare in letame le carogne di tutti i miei nemici: che sono stati maleficati: dai wahhabiti e dai loro rothschild-bilderberg!

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH • 10 hours ago
cynical Richard Gere in Lampedusa is: "Botta and answer" with Salvini:
cynical jackal Richard Gere he kalergi agenda and genocide of Christian Jewish civilization!
Richard Gere is NOT a naive he like the Democratic Party: they hate Jesus of Bethlehem and are part of "esoteric agenda" to push all things to satan allah lgbt sodoma!
cinico Richard Gere a Lampedusa Botta e risposta con Salvini:
cinico sciacallo Richard Gere lui agenda kalergi e genocidio della civiltà ebraico cristiana!
Richard Gere NON è un ingenuo lui come il partito democratico: odiano Gesù di Betlemme e sono parte di: "esoteric agenda" per spingere a satana allah sodoma tutte le cose!

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH • 10 hours ago
Hercules the ancient giant parrot one meter high
He lived 19 million years ago weighed 7 kilos.
in his time: 7000 years ago: everything was gigantic because that was a world of giant nephilim
there were 2 atmospheres:
twice the oxygen and 40 times the intensity of our magnetic field while the vault was crystalline:
and while the water vapor fed the plants!
Ercole l'antico pappagallo gigante alto un metro
E' vissuto 19 milioni di anni fa pesava 7 chili.
nel suo tempo: 7000 anni fa: tutto era gigantesco perché quello era un mondo di giganti nephilim
c'erano 2 atmosfere: il doppio di ossigeno e 40 volte la intensità del nostro campo magnetico mentre la volta era cristallina: e mentre il vapore acqueo nutriva le piante!

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH •
my Israel: I terrorize all the social 666 CIA twitter networks and all the masonic governments of the world
because I always tell the truth!
but if you want to survive your self-destruction: you must speak my language too!
I am not at war against religions or peoples!
my Israel: io terrorizzo tutti i social e tutti i governi del mondo
perché io dico sempre la verità!
ma se volete sopravivere alla vostra autodistruzione: voi dovete parlare il mio linguaggio anche!
io non sono in guerra contro religioni o popoli!

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH • 10 hours ago
what good is a king,
if his word is not the politically most authoritative word that could exist and that could be heard?
then read my comments quickly and you will live!
a che serve un Re,
se la sua parola non è la parola politicamente più autorevole che potrebbe esistere e che si potrebbe udire?
allora leggete i miei commenti rinsavite velocemente e vivrete!

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH • 11 hours ago
Suicide in jail financier Jeffrey Epstein
Overwhelmed by the scandal of sexual abuse and child trafficking.
Virginia Robert Giuffre: 'Forced to relations with Prince Andrea'
his cell is now empty: because the CIA killed him:
now in that cell? enter Clinton!

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH • 9 minutes ago • edited
WATCH: Brazilian Politician Praises Palestinian Stabbing Attacks
politician Jamal Harfoush
and politician Erdogan wahhabis is prof that Islam make ill balance mental

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH •
#Epstein commits suicide in prison.
everyone who is approached by CLINTON sooner or later dies dramatically!
Your account twitter is suspended
Obama twitter socialNetwok satelliteTV Ansa lgbt and the Democratic Party are all under the protection of Satan's Priests!
#Epstein si suicida in carcere.
è un classico tutti quelli che vengono avvicinati dai CLINTON prima o poi muoiono drammaticamente!
Your account twitter is suspended
Obama twitter socialNetwok satelliteTV Ansa lgbt e il Partito Democratico sono tutti sotto la protezione dei Sacerdoti di Satana!

ZionMyHome •
The name "Jamal Harfoush" is no more Brazilian than it is Irish. The stinking fake Brazilian is of Arabic descent and speaks Arab. The God of Israel will have the last word with this vile Jew hater.

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH • 17 hours ago • edited
Rothschilds and Wahhabis have shifted all mankind to Satan too.
and if you do not find life and salvation in my Kingdom of Israel (like a new ark of Noah)
everything will be purified by atomic fire .. so who could make it?
who could survive?
chi potrebbe sopravvivere?
Rothschild e wahhabiti hanno spostato troppo in Satana tutto il genere umano.
e se non trovate vita e salvezza nel mio Regno di Israele (come una nuova arca di Noé)
tutto verrà purificato dal fuoco atomico.. allora chi potrebbe farcela?

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH •
I do not recognize valid Jews or any other peoples: outside of my Kingdom of ISRAEL: and I am Unius REI!
and this is a legal act of my Kingdom!
e questo è un atto giuridico del mio Regno!
io non riconosco ebrei validi o qualsiasi altro popolo: al di fuori del mio Regno di ISRAELE: ed io sono Unius REI!

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH •
"Violating our rules lgbt twitter sharia against evading permanent suspension"
1. Fri 9 Aug 11:22 (1 day ago) [they didn't allow me one comment]
Hi king Israel Your account @kingIsr13040472 (king Israel)
has been locked for violating the Twitter Rules.
Please note that repeated violations may lead to a permanent suspension of your account. Proceed to Twitter now to fix the issue with your account.
2. Hello king Israel,
Your account kingIsr13040472 has been suspended for violating the Twitter Rules.
Specifically for:
"Violating our rules against evading permanent suspension"
Notes that if you try to evade permanent suspension by creating new accounts we will suspend your new accounts. If you wish to appeal this suspension please contact our support team.
1. you are NWO "esoteric agenda" criminals & slanderers: you have closed two channels to me at the same time: [@ kingIsr13040472 (king Israel)] only because: for one time only: I published the same comment from both !
2. what can I do: if the algorithms & filters of: CIA NWO: the nuclear submarine that controls the world IPs are added to the twitter filters and algorithms?
you persecute me: only because I have decided to prevent the genocide of the Israelis!

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH • 18 hours ago
31 July 2019: New Member: "universal metaphysical". Your account has been terminated due to repeated or serious violations of YouTube's rules on spam deceptive practices and misleading content or other violations of the Terms of Service
in reality: 1. this channel of mine did not have a single video
2. and was guilty (for the Democratic party) only of loving Israel,
3. of supporting Salvini and
4. of condemning the satanic theosophy of the Gender!
the Jews of the Diaspora in following their "esoteric agenda" have stifled freedom of speech to death!
their intolerance against the Israelis can no longer be concealed!
and I became a political persecuted

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH • a day ago
1. (without motivation) youtube destroyed 60 channels in a moment: so 300,000 videos of Christian martyrs were destroyed too!
2. (without motivation) in twitter lgbt #democratic #Party think i'm the biggest criminal on the planet!
3. (without motivation) also sputniknews and unitedwithisrael and worldisraelnews: when the first CIA 666 troll tells me (I am the kindest and most polite man that exists on this planet!):
I am also thrown out by them!
but this is the truth I am alone:
1. the King of Israel which is also:
2. an Observatory on the Martyrdom of Christians for 30 years.
and no one should think that this profanation of my royalty could go unpunished!

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH • a day ago
========> against all racial geopolitical religious suprematism: which was generated by talmud and Koran!
good and bad genes? you talk like the suprematist Erdogan-Rothschild!
but I doubt that you could be right: because in Africa and Asia:
1. it is a chronic millennial deprivation;
2. and the male-dominated and supremacist mental imbalance that Islam Coranico Sharia represents!