di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH
Mystery surrounds Epstein’s death but abuse investigation carries on

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH
Too many violent and premature deaths have happened to too many people who have approached CLINTON's private life closely:
because they are under protection of the Churches of Satan CIA 666 NSA FED FMi 187 NWO
troppe morti violente e premature sono accadute a troppe le persone che hanno avvicinato da vicino la vita privata dei CLINTON:
perché loro sono sotto protezione delle Chiese di Satana CIA 666 NSA FED FMi 187 NWO Edit View in discussion
Discussion on World Israel News 33 comments
Arabs attempt to lynch Jewish driver outside Old City of Jerusalem

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH Melo Gardener 6 hours ago
and then I had another vision: under a big tent in the desert we were like brothers of one and big family: in reality there is no sincere and pure love as can be the love of a Muslim: when he decides that : he must give love!
e poi io ho avuto un altra visione: sotto una grande tenda nel deserto noi eravamo come fratelli du una sola e grande famiglia: in realtà non esiste un amore sincero e puro come può essere l'amore di un mussulmano: quando lui decide che: lui deve amare! Edit View in discussion

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH Melo Gardener 7 hours ago
I had a vision 10 years ago: about.
the Saudi King welcomed me as the King of Israel must be received and while I was passing from one room to another all the Saudi princes were all left and right: they honored me.
Now it is not possible for any creature to be able to win in gratitude: for love universal Unius REI and to be able to remain indebted to its magnanimity!
when the mercy of God will come: all people e people in all the human race: everyone will be touched by the sanctifying grace! Edit View in discussion

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH Albert Reingewirtz 11 hours ago
if we thought about killing all Muslims?
although it is obvious to all: "it is the sharia that threatens the human race and not vice versa"
then however in the spiral of hatred: we would be forced to approach Erdogan's hatred and madness too dangerously! 3 Edit View in discussion

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH 11 hours ago
peace with Islam? yes I believe it!
I know that it is not human to think this for me as an observatory on the martyrdom of Christians (for 30 years): and that they still suffer from the genocide of Sharia:
but I believe that God is greater than our wounded heart! 1 Edit View in discussion

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH Don Spilman 11 hours ago
what you say has been dramatically demonstrated the 1400 years of Islamic genocide:
yet God is greater than history: this is why: I am the universal brotherhood: in fact for those who believe in God JHWH there is no word: "impossible" 4 Edit View in discussion

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH Matthew Lathum
obtaining a safe homeland for us is our real goal?
no it does not! God wants: all Jews must return: therefore we are forced to wait for a moment of grace: a rain of grace and mercy: in / on Egyptians Jordanians and Saudis peoples etc .. to be well received by them! 1 Edit View in discussion

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH Albert Reingewirtz 11 hours ago
to think that Netanjahu could be a coward?
this is extremely simplistic!
with our meekness and patience: self-defeating.
we try to make us fall in love with us: Saudi and Jordanian Egyptians: etc .. because God wants to realize a Kingdom of Israel in the whole Middle East! Edit View in discussion
Discussion on World Israel News 10 comments
'How to achieve victory in Gaza?' Zionist group holds panel to find answers

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH Yidith 11 hours ago
ok girl!
maybe in the past: could you have told me: why you don't like me? I do not remember!
but you must know that it's not my fault ... and that the "senile dementia has weakened me and I don't remember it anymore"
Already because you don't like me? Edit View in discussion

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH 11 hours ago
#Johnson announces close against crime More prisons and powers to the police 2.5 billion pounds plan.
answer. OK well! built lager islands: iron containers: for afro Muslims assassins jihad Erdogan and sharia Riyad Nigerian mafia Boko Haram? even our jails are a premium vacation Edit View in discussion

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH 12 hours ago
Meluzzi denounces the plan: "Bergoglio wants to repopulate Italy with afro-Islamists" - VIDEO
that he too is a Catholic!
Meluzzi denuncia il piano: “Bergoglio vuole ripopolare l’Italia con afroislamici” – VIDEO
che anche lui è un cattolico! Edit View in discussion

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH Yidith 12 hours ago
but Egyptians Jordanians and Saudis? they are our friends and allies we can't hurt them!
so the Palestinians must all go to Syria from Assad for a pleasure trip!
ma egiziani giordani e sauditi? loro sono nostri amici e alleati noi non possiamo danneggiarli!
quindi i palestinesi devono andare tutti in Siria da Assad per una gita di piacere! Edit View in discussion

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH 12 hours ago
the fault is not of #Haftar sharia but it is ISLAM jihad ISIS Umma Erdogan which is a dogmatic STACCIA-CIOLA of word increated of brainless Ruhollah Khomeyni!
Haftar violates the UN truce at the Tripoli airport
"The forces of General Khalifa Haftar have violated the truce demanded by the UN by bombing the Mitiga civil airport in Tripoli and a residential neighborhood in the area of Souq Al Jum'aa in the capital." This was reported by Libyan TV Al Ahrar on Twitter.
la colpa non è di #Haftar sharia ma è ISLAM jihad Erdogan che è una ciola dogmatica di Ruhollah Khomeyni senza cervello!
Haftar viola la tregua dell'Onu raid sull'aeroporto di Tripoli
"Le forze del generale Khalifa Haftar hanno violato la tregua chiesta dall'Onu bombardando l'aeroporto civile di Mitiga a Tripoli e un quartiere residenziale nella zona di Souq Al Jum'aa nella capitale". Lo riferisce la tv libica Al Ahrar su Twitter. Edit View in discussion

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH 13 hours ago
what Muslims want to do to you?
what have they done to all the previous peoples in the ARAB LEAGUE?
you must do it to them!
this is why Jewish enemies and Muslim enemies were happily expelled from a Christian Europe:
in fact they were the killers!
but for now there is URSULA von Hitler Rothschild and the problem does not arise
ma per ora c'é URSULA von Hitler Rothschild e il problema non si pone
quello che i mussulmani vogliono fare a te?
questo che hanno fatto a tutti i popoli precedenti nella LEGA ARABA ?
tu lo devi fare a loro!
ecco perché da una Europa cristiana furono esplusi felicemente i nemici ebrei e i nemici mussulmani:
infatti loro erano gli assassini! Edit View in discussion
Discussion on World Israel News 87 comments
House Democrats in Israel say ‘Squad’ doesn’t speak for party

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH 13 hours ago
#Norway: mosque terrorism investigation
Twenty-year-old extremist arrested praising fascist leader
ok now investigated against the Nazi ARAB LEAGUE and sharia genocide
Norvegia: #moschea indagini per terrorismo
Ventenne estremista arrestato ha inneggiato a leader fascista
ok ora indagate contro la LEGA ARABA nazista e genocidio sharia Edit View in discussion

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH 14 hours ago
illegal immigrants are not shipwrecked refugees or migrants:
they are parasites of Islamic invasion Sharia Erdogan jihad: and Nigerian mafia
and they are part of the rich African bourgeoisie who has the tools to escape (11,000 euros) and who intentionally come as parasites to live at our expense: in our hotels to rob us of rape us and destroy our dying society: for rothschild bilderberg usury!
martial laws must be used against them!
clandestini non sono naufraghi profughi o migranti:
sono dei parassiti di invasione islamica sharia Erdogan jihad: e mafia nigeriana
e sono parte della ricca borghesia africana che ha gli strumenti per fuggire(11000 euro) e che vengono intenzionalmente come parassiti a vivere a nostre spese: nei nostri alberghi per derubare stuprare e distruggere la nostra società morente: per usura rothschild bilderberg!
contro di loro si devono usare le leggi marziali! Edit View in discussion
Discussion on World Israel News 28 comments
Jeffrey Epstein dead in apparent suicide FBI investigating

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH 14 hours ago
Luigi Di Maio on the government crisis: "No mess. We rely on Mattarella liked enlisted Merkel and inciuciato technocratic Bilderberg Soros Rothschild"
I don't think that Mattarella understood that,
if he does not bring the Italian people to the vote quickly: he will find himself with a sedition riots: dead and wounded this time!
Luigi Di Maio sulla crisi di governo: "Nessun inciucio. Ci affidiamo a Mattarella inciuciato Merkel e inciuciatore tecnocratico Bilderberg"
io non credo che Mattarella abbia capito che,
se lui non porta al voto rapidamente il popolo italiano: si troverà con una sedizioni sommosse: morti e feriti questa volta! Edit View in discussion

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH 14 hours ago
it is not easy to judge a Pope
because even if he is a despicable catto-communist
then, he can always say that he did it because he was blackmailed: from extermination against Christian martyrs from: OIC jihad Wahhabis sharia Erdogan and Rothschild 666 FED Bilderberg Ursula Von Hitler
worldwatchmonitor org/
non è facile giudicare un Papa
perché anche se lui è un catto-comunista spregevole
poi, lui può sempre dire che lo ha fatto perché era ricattato: di sterminio contro i martiri cristiani da: OIC Wahhabiti Erdogan e Rothschild Bilderberg Ursula Von Hitler Edit View in discussion

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH 15 hours ago
Bin SALMAN ] my boy [the Kingdom of Israel has been prophesied!
and God forbid that we must make all the Wahhabis disappear from this planet!
Riyad ] ragazzo mio [ il Regno di Israele è stato profettizato!
e Dio non voglia che dobbiamo far sparire tutti i wahhabiti da questo pianeta! Edit View in discussion

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH 15 hours ago
Soros Satana lgbt FED IMF NWO Lilit Allah belfagor Marduch ] [ it is not my fault: in the world there is always someone who laughs and there is always someone who cries: "now is your time to cry"
non è colpa mia: nel mondo c'é sempre chi ride e c'é sempre chi piange: "ora è il tuo momento di piangere" Edit View in discussion

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH 15 hours ago
#Jerusalem in the esplanade of the mosques dozens of wounded: there is the "jihad Erdogan virus" that hits the brain: and this is what drives Muslims all over the world crazy!
Satan Owl lilith Your twitter account has suspended
'Islamist faithful sharia genocide: for now they are treated by rubber bullets grenades and gas'
#Gerusalemme nella Spianata delle moschee decine di feriti: c'é il "virus jihad Erdogan" che colpisce il cervello: ed è questo che fa impazzire i mussulmani in tutto il mondo!
Satana Owl lilith Your twitter account has suspended
'Fedeli islamici genocidio sharia: per ora sono curati da proiettili di gomma granate e gas' Edit View in discussion

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH 15 hours ago
in this world: there is no place for Chinese and Russian and Christians-Israelis peoples!
in fact the Pharisees Enlightened "lucifer eye allah" on FED jihad FMI pyramid Rothschild have designed it in the last 400 years: so that it can become a single slave population: laogai goyim dalit dhimmis "kafir" disbeliever "murtad" apostate: sentenced to death.
with exploitation to death: banking seigniorage: high constitutional treason and its Masonic consociativism FED IMF ECB CIA UN OIC for its Islamic sharia genocide
Bilderberg of world wear Rothschild FED FMI BM NWO: bank seigniorage is high constitutional treason.
it is clear: Israelis will not survive all this satanism and they will be the first to succumb! Edit View in discussion

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH 17 hours ago
Epstein Riyad Hillary and his Democratic Party NWO for kill shoah israeli people
regno666unitonwo blogspot com/2019/08/epstein-riyad-hillary-democratic-party Edit View in discussion

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH 17 hours ago
Rothschild FED freemasons and sharia Wahhabi genocide their accomplices have built a system that they were never to be punished!
but all this? must end!
Rothschild FED massoni e sharia genocidio wahhabiti loro complici hanno costruito un sistema che loro non dovevano mai essere puniti!
ma tutto questo? deve finire!
Jeffrey Epstein dead in apparent suicide FBI investigating Edit View in discussion

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH 17 hours ago
Then we saw an organized criminal system come to l i g h t r u n by social workers psychologists and magistrates to s n a t c h children from families and give them to friends for money
#BibbianoPd #forteto.
#Epstein is the brick that brings down the Pyramid #Pd ped0-es0terica ultranationals Masonic consociativismo lgbt satanists?
di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH • a few seconds ago
di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH • a few seconds ago
di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH • 2 minutes ago
di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH • 5 minutes ago Edit View in discussion

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH 17 hours ago
Then we saw an organized criminal system come to light run by social workers psychologists and magistrates to snatch children from families and give them to friends for money
Discussion on World Israel News 28 comments
Jeffrey Epstein dead in apparent suicide FBI investigating

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH 17 hours ago
Then we saw an organized criminal system come to light run by social workers psychologists and magistrates to snatch children from families and give them to friends for money #BibbianoPd #forteto.
#Epstein is the brick that brings down the Pyramid #Pd ped0-es0terica ultranationals Masonic consociativismo lgbt satanists?

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH 17 hours ago
Then we saw an organized criminal system come to light run by social workers psychologists and magistrates to snatch children from families and give them to friends for money #BibbianoPd.
#Epstein is the brick that brings down the Pyramid #Pd ped0-esoterica
transnational Masonic consociativismo lgbt satanists?

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH 17 hours ago
Then we saw an organized criminal system come to light run by social
workers psychologists and magistrates to snatch
children from families and give them to friends for money #BibbianoPd.
Epstein is the brick that brings down the Pyramid #Pd pedo-esoterica
transnational Masonic consociativismo lgbt satanists?
disinformazione it/2019/07/14/epstein-e-il-mattone-che-fa-crollare-la-piramide/

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH 17 hours ago
Hold on this is waiting to be approved by World Israel News.
in conclusion:
Here with us after the scandal of ped0filia in the upper echel0ns of
Vatican there was the incredible one of the judiciary (whose: outside
hand is quite visible) that brought precisely in these
hours to the resignation of Riccardo Fuzio Procuratore General of the Cassation. Edit View in discussion

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH 17 hours ago
Until today everyone had gotten away with it but now
after the arrest of Epstein and the acquisition of ped0phile files with
names and surnames in the hands of #FBI we'll see the developments. In
the last period we have also seen excellent arrests for ped0filia
both among founders of important #ONG and between consultants #UNICEF,
like #Peter #Newell author among other things of the «Convention of the rights of the child»
approved by the United Nations in 1988. The man was sentenced
to 6 years and 8months for the violence inflicted on a boy for three
years in a row. Edit View in discussion

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH 17 hours ago
in conclusion:
Here with us after the scandal of ped0filia in the upper echelons of Vatican there was the incredible one of the judiciary (whose: outside hand is quite visible) that brought precisely in these
hours to the resignation of Riccardo Fuzio Procuratore General of the Cassation. Then we saw an organized criminal system come to light run by social workers psychologists and magistrates to snatch
children from families and give them to friends for money #BibbianoPd.
Epstein is the brick that brings down the Pyramid # Pd pedo-esoterica
transnational Masonic consociativismo: the lgbt satanists?
disinformazione it/2019/07/14/epstein-e-il-mattone-che-fa-crollare-la-piramide/

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH 17 hours ago
oooooohhhhh di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH • a few seconds ago Hold on this is waiting to be approved by World Israel News.
di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH • 5 minutes ago
di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH • 7 minutes ago
di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH • 8 minutes ago
di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH • 8 minutes ago
di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH • 9 minutes ago
Trump (and those who advise him) knows very well that the abuse of children sold and child p0rn0graphy
touches the highest summits of the Shadow Government ...
So his was a clear and profound signal: to the ped0satist rot that permeates the UK lgbt City London and the world finance: Fed 666 Bce 322 FMI 187 BM and NWO! it is the real rot that lurks in the crucial ganglia of our falsely democratic Masonic System of high constitutional betrayal banking seigniorage.
1. We will see how far they are inserted in the control rooms.
2. We'll see if they manage to silence everything again this time.
3. We'll see if they can kill Epstein in jail.
But despite everything either by reflex or by induction the scandals (judiciary trust etc.) are coming out in all countries including Italy #forteto #bibbiano. Edit View in discussion

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH 17 hours ago
Trump (and those who advise him) knows very well that the abuse of children sold and child p0rn0graphy
touches the highest summits of the Shadow Government ...
So his was a clear and profound signal: to the ped0satist rot that permeates the UK lgbt City London and the world finance: Fed 666 Bce 322 FMI 187 BM and NWO! it is the real rot that lurks in the crucial ganglia of our falsely democratic Masonic System of high constitutional betrayal banking seigniorage.
1. We will see how far they are inserted in the control rooms.
2. We'll see if they manage to silence everything again this time.
3. We'll see if they can kill Epstein in jail.
But despite everything either by reflex or by induction the scandals (judiciary trust etc.) are coming out in all countries including Italy #forteto #bibbiano.
in conclusion:
Here with us after the scandal of ped0filia in the upper echelons of Vatican there was the incredible one of the judiciary (whose: outside hand is quite visible) that brought precisely in these
hours to the resignation of Riccardo Fuzio Procuratore General of the Cassation. Then we saw an organized criminal system come to light run by social workers psychologists and magistrates to snatch
children from families and give them to friends for money #BibbianoPd.
Epstein is the brick that brings down the Pyramid # Pd pedo-esoterica
transnational Masonic consociativismo: the lgbt satanists?
disinformazione it/2019/07/14/epstein-e-il-mattone-che-fa-crollare-la-piramide/
Until today everyone had gotten away with it but now after the arrest of Epstein and the acquisition of ped0phile files with names and surnames in the hands of #FBI we'll see the developments. In the last period we have also seen excellent arrests for ped0filia
both among founders of important #ONG and between consultants #UNICEF,
like #Peter #Newell author among other things of the «Convention of the rights of the child»
approved by the United Nations in 1988. The man was sentenced to 6 years and 8months for the violence inflicted on a boy for three years in a row.

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH 17 hours ago
Trump (and those who advise him) knows very well that the abuse of children sold and child porn0graphy
touches the highest summits of the Shadow Government ...
So his was a clear and profound signal: to the ped0satist rot that permeates the City London and the world finance: Fed 666 Bce 322 FMI 187 BM and NWO! it is the real rot that lurks in the crucial ganglia of our falsely democratic Masonic System of high constitutional betrayal
banking seigniorage.
1. We will see how far they are inserted in the control rooms.
2. We'll see if they manage to silence everything again this time.
3. We'll see if they can kill Epstein in jail.
But despite everything either by reflex or by induction the scandals
(judiciary trust etc.) are coming out in all countries including Italy #forteto #bibbiano.
in conclusion:
Here with us after the scandal of ped0filia in the upper echelons
of Vatican there was the incredible one of the judiciary (whose:
outside hand is quite visible) that brought precisely in these
hours to the resignation of Riccardo Fuzio Procuratore
of the Cassation. Then we saw an organized criminal system come to
light run by social workers psychologists and magistrates to snatch
children from families and give them to friends for money #BibbianoPd.
is the brick that brings down the Pyramid # Pd pedo-esoterica
transnational Masonic consociativismo: the lgbt satanists?
disinformazione it/2019/07/14/epstein-e-il-mattone-che-fa-crollare-la-piramide/
Until today everyone had gotten away with it but now after the arrest of
Epstein and the acquisition of ped0phile files with names and surnames in the hands of the FBI we'll see the developments.
In the last period we have also seen excellent arrests for ped0filia
both among founders of important #ONG and between consultants #UNICEF,
like Peter Newell author among other things of the «Convention of the
rights of the child»
approved by the United Nations in 1988. The man was sentenced to six
years and eight months for the violence inflicted on a boy for three years in a row.

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH 17 hours ago
Detected as spam This isn't spam »
Trump (and those who advise him) knows very well that the abuse of children sold and child porn0graphy
touches the highest summits of the Shadow Government ...
his was a clear and profound signal: to the pedosatist rot that
permeates the City London and the world finance: Fed 666 Bce 322 FMI 187
BM and NWO! it is the real rot that lurks in the crucial ganglia of our
falsely democratic Masonic System of high constitutional betrayal
banking seigniorage.
1. We will see how far they are inserted in the control rooms.
2. We'll see if they manage to silence everything again this time.
3. We'll see if they can kill Epstein in jail.
But despite everything either by reflex or by induction the scandals
(judiciary trust etc.) are coming out in all countries including Italy #forteto #bibbiano.
in conclusion:
Here with us after the scandal of ped0filia in the upper echelons
the Vatican there was the incredible one of the judiciary (whose:
outside hand is quite visible) that brought precisely in these
hours to the resignation of Riccardo Fuzio Procuratore
of the Cassation. Then we saw an organized criminal system come to
light run by social workers psychologists and magistrates to snatch
children from families and give them to friends for money #BibbianoPd.
is the brick that brings down the Pyramid # Pd pedo-esoterica
transnational Masonic consociativismo: the lgbt satanists?
disinformazione it/2019/07/14/epstein-e-il-mattone-che-fa-crollare-la-piramide/
Until today everyone had gotten away with it but now after the arrest of
Epstein and the acquisition of ped0phile files with names and surnames in the hands of the FBI we'll see the developments.
In the last period we have also seen excellent arrests for
both among founders of important #ONG and between consultants #UNICEF,
like Peter Newell author among other things of the «Convention of the
rights of the child»
approved by the United Nations in 1988. The man was sentenced to six
years and eight months for the violence inflicted on a boy for three years in a row.
Discussion on World Israel News 28 comments
Jeffrey Epstein dead in apparent suicide FBI investigating

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH 17 hours ago
Detected as spam This isn't spam »
Trump (and those who advise him) knows very well that the abuse of children sold and child porn0graphy
touches the highest summits of the Shadow Government ...
So his was a clear and profound signal: to the pedosatist rot that permeates the City London and the world finance: Fed 666 Bce 322 FMI 187 BM and NWO! it is the real rot that lurks in the crucial ganglia of our falsely democratic Masonic System of high constitutional betrayal banking seigniorage.
1. We will see how far they are inserted in the control rooms.
2. We'll see if they manage to silence everything again this time.
3. We'll see if they can kill Epstein in jail.
But despite everything either by reflex or by induction the scandals
(judiciary trust etc.) are coming out in all countries including Italy #forteto #bibbiano.
in conclusion:
Here with us after the scandal of ped0filia in the upper echelons
of the Vatican there was the incredible one of the judiciary (whose: outside hand is quite visible) that brought precisely in these
hours to the resignation of Riccardo Fuzio Procuratore
General of the Cassation. Then we saw an organized criminal system come to light run by social workers psychologists and magistrates to snatch children from families and give them to friends for money #BibbianoPd.
Epstein is the brick that brings down the Pyramid # Pd pedo-esoterica transnational Masonic consociativismo: the lgbt satanists?
disinformazione it/2019/07/14/epstein-e-il-mattone-che-fa-crollare-la-piramide/
Until today everyone had gotten away with it but now after the arrest of
Epstein and the acquisition of pedophile files with names and surnames in the hands of the FBI we'll see the developments.
In the last period we have also seen excellent arrests for
ped0filia both among founders of important #ONG and between consultants #UNICEF, like Peter Newell author among other things of the «Convention of the rights of the child»
approved by the United Nations in 1988. The man was sentenced to six
years and eight months for the violence inflicted on a boy for three years in a row.

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH 17 hours ago
Trump (and those who advise him) knows very well that the abuse of children sold and child porn0graphy
touches the highest summits of the Shadow Government ...
So his was a clear and profound signal: to the pedosatist rot that permeates the City London and the world finance: Fed 666 Bce 322 FMI 187 BM and NWO! it is the real rot that lurks in the crucial ganglia of our falsely democratic Masonic System of high constitutional betrayal banking seigniorage.
1. We will see how far they are inserted in the control rooms.
2. We'll see if they manage to silence everything again this time.
3. We'll see if they can kill Epstein in jail.
But despite everything either by reflex or by induction the scandals
(judiciary trust etc.) are coming out in all countries including Italy #forteto #bibbiano.
in conclusion:
Here with us after the scandal of ped0filia in the upper echelons
of the Vatican there was the incredible one of the judiciary (whose: outside hand is quite visible) that brought precisely in these
hours to the resignation of Riccardo Fuzio Procuratore
General of the Cassation. Then we saw an organized criminal system come to light run by social workers psychologists and magistrates to snatch children from families and give them to friends for money #BibbianoPd.
Epstein is the brick that brings down the Pyramid # Pd pedo-esoterica transnational Masonic consociativismo: the lgbt satanists? https://disinformazione.it/...
Until today everyone had gotten away with it but now after the arrest of
Epstein and the acquisition of pedophile files with names and surnames in the hands of the FBI we'll see the developments.
In the last period we have also seen excellent arrests for
ped0filia both among founders of important #ONG and between consultants #UNICEF, like Peter Newell author among other things of the «Convention of the rights of the child»
approved by the United Nations in 1988. The man was sentenced to six
years and eight months for the violence inflicted on a boy for three years in a row.

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH 17 hours ago
Trump (and those who advise him) knows very well that the abuse of children sold and child pornography
touches the highest summits of the Shadow Government ...
So his was a clear and profound signal: to the pedosatist rot that permeates the City London and the world finance: Fed 666 Bce 322 FMI 187 BM and NWO! it is the real rot that lurks in the crucial ganglia of our falsely democratic Masonic System of high constitutional betrayal banking seigniorage.
1. We will see how far they are inserted in the control rooms.
2. We'll see if they manage to silence everything again this time.
3. We'll see if they can kill Epstein in jail.
But despite everything either by reflex or by induction the scandals
(judiciary trust etc.) are coming out in all countries including Italy #forteto #bibbiano.
in conclusion:
Here with us after the scandal of ped0filia in the upper echelons
of the Vatican there was the incredible one of the judiciary (whose: outside hand is quite visible) that brought precisely in these
hours to the resignation of Riccardo Fuzio Procuratore
General of the Cassation. Then we saw an organized criminal system come to light run by social workers psychologists and magistrates to snatch children from families and give them to friends for money #BibbianoPd.
Epstein is the brick that brings down the Pyramid # Pd pedo-esoterica transnational Masonic consociativismo: the lgbt satanists?
disinformazione it/2019/07/14/epstein-e-il-mattone-che-fa-crollare-la-piramide/
Until today everyone had gotten away with it but now after the arrest of
Epstein and the acquisition of pedophile files with names and surnames in the hands of the FBI we'll see the developments.
In the last period we have also seen excellent arrests for
ped0filia both among founders of important #ONG and between consultants #UNICEF, like Peter Newell author among other things of the «Convention of the rights of the child»
approved by the United Nations in 1988. The man was sentenced to six
years and eight months for the violence inflicted on a boy for three years in a row.

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH 17 hours ago
Epstein Vs Trump] Epstein hated Trump! (therefore all the properties of the ARABIC LEAGUE must all be confiscated!).
at one point Donald
Trump learned about his friend's squalid behavior and threw him out of the club because he would "sexually assault an underage girl at the club".
Epstein is the brick that brings down the Pyramid # Pd pedo-esoterica transnational Masonic consociativismo: the lgbt satanists? Donald has a genetic incapacity to do politics in the usual and "correct" way and a public image that attracts many critics like a magnet. It is good to remember that he did not have to win
elections because the #Sinarchia had placed trust in Hillary Clinton.
But in spite of everything it is right to point out that since Trump
took possession of the White House very many financial scandals,
s-es-sua-li sanitary facilities have come and are coming to light above all
those concerning children.
and this is a precise political Plan.
this is why we have Trump's attacks on the "Deep State" that is to say the so-called "shadow government" would seem to confirm.
With this in mind one can understand why on 21 December 2017 the President signed the Executive Order no. 13818 entitled: "Executive Order Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption" that is "Executive Order which blocks the property of persons involved in serious violations of human rights or corruption" (hence all the properties of the ARABIC LEAGUE must all be confiscated!).
The Order wants to hit anyone who is guilty of violations of the
Human Rights (therefore ped0filia and trafficking in men) and corruption,
not only in the USA but also in the whole world. So it affects everyone,
foreign governments included as well as their officials. All
Epstein is the brick that brings down the Pyramid #Pd Islamic sharia pedo-esoteric transnational Masonic consociativism: the satanists lgbt jihad Erdogan Riyad? Edit View in discussion

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH 17 hours ago
me Unius REI; I have to lead this commission of inquiry! #Linda # Collins-Smith those of the CIA killed her with several gunshots on June 4 2019] Hillary must now enter the same cell as Epstein
io Unius REI; io devo guidare questa commissione di inchiesta! #Linda # Collins-Smith those of the CIA killed her with several gunshots on June 4 2019] Hillary ora deve entrare nella stessa cella di Epstein Edit View in discussion

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH 17 hours ago
#Linda # Collins-Smith those of the CIA killed her with several gunshots on June 4 2019] Hillary ora deve entrare nella stessa cella di Epstein [We'll see if they can save the billionaire's head once again or "commit suicide" (prophetic words for the CIA satanists). Which intelligence service would not consider an Epstein treasure with
his powerful clientele who loaded on the "Lolita Express" to have "s -e- x"
with girls on his private island? The murder of the senator of the #Arkansans she was called #Linda # Collins-Smith who was 57 years old and had been #Arkansas #manager until 2016.
Epstein is the brick that brings down the Pyramid # Pd ped0-esoterica transnational Masonic consociativismo: the lgbt satanists?
They killed her with several pistol shots last June 4 outside her home near Little Rock. All for no apparent reason.
The interesting thing is that the senator was investigating in person on
cases of child porn0graphy in a criminal tour of Arkansas that also included child trafficking with serious
responsibility of the social services of the State. The murder scene is Arkansas the state where the Clintons live (Epstein's regular customers) they built their fortunes in ways
very questionable. And Collins was in the process of denouncing Hillary Clinton herself for such management.
Epstein is the brick that brings down the Pyramid # Pd pedo-esoterica transnational Masonic consociativismo: the lgbt satanists? Edit View in discussion

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH 18 hours ago
Detected as spam This isn't spam »
#Linda # Collins-Smith those of the CIA killed her with several gunshots on June 4 2019] [We'll see if they can save the billionaire's head once again or "commit suicide" (prophetic words for the CIA satanists).
Which intelligence service would not consider an Epstein treasure with
his powerful clientele who loaded on the "Lolita Express" to have "s e x" with girls on his private island? The murder of the senator of the Arkansans
It was called #Linda # Collins-Smith who was 57 years old and had been #Arkansas #manager until 2016.
Epstein is the brick that brings down the Pyramid # Pd pedo-esoterica transnational Masonic consociativismo: the lgbt satanists?
disinformation en / 2019/07/14 / epstein-and-the-brick-that-does-collapses-the-pyramid /
They killed her with several pistol shots last June 4 outside her home near Little Rock. All for no apparent reason.
The interesting thing is that the senator was investigating in person on
cases of child pornography in a criminal tour of Arkansas that
also included child trafficking with serious
responsibility of the social services of the State.
The murder scene is Arkansas the state where the Clintons live
(Epstein's regular customers) they built their fortunes in ways
very questionable. And Collins was in the process of denouncing Hillary Clinton herself for such management.
Epstein is the brick that brings down the Pyramid # Pd pedo-esoterica transnational Masonic consociativismo: the lgbt satanists?

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH 18 hours ago
#Linda # Collins-Smith those of the CIA killed her with several gunshots on June 4 2019] [We'll see if they can save the billionaire's head once again or "commit suicide" (prophetic words for the CIA satanists).
Which intelligence service would not consider an Epstein treasure with
his powerful clientele who loaded on the "Lolita Express" to have sex
with girls on his private island? The murder of the senator of the Arkansans
It was called #Linda # Collins-Smith who was 57 years old and had been #Arkansas #manager until 2016.
Epstein is the brick that brings down the Pyramid # Pd pedo-esoterica transnational Masonic consociativismo: the lgbt satanists?
disinformation en / 2019/07/14 / epstein-and-the-brick-that-does-collapses-the-pyramid /
They killed her with several pistol shots last June 4 outside her home near Little Rock. All for no apparent reason.
The interesting thing is that the senator was investigating in person on
cases of child pornography in a criminal tour of Arkansas that
also included child trafficking with serious
responsibility of the social services of the State.
The murder scene is Arkansas the state where the Clintons live
(Epstein's regular customers) they built their fortunes in ways
very questionable. And Collins was in the process of denouncing Hillary Clinton herself for such management.
Epstein is the brick that brings down the Pyramid # Pd pedo-esoterica transnational Masonic consociativismo: the lgbt satanists?

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH 18 hours ago
Also for Steele also Leslie Wexner the billionaire
master of the bra empire Victoria's Secrets the one who has
given (for 1 euro) to Epstein the 40-room-style cottage
renaissance in Manhattan he would be a very active agent of the Mossad. (2) Wexner is defined by the media as a minion (exactly like George Soros) "philanthropist": he founded and finances the "Wexner Foundation" which has the task of "strengthening Jewish leadership ",
both with scholarships to students who want a master's degree in studies
rabbinical both to Israeli public officials to whom he pays a master's degree in
public administration at the John F. Kennedy School of Government of Harvard University ... (3)
Anyway Mossad or Cia for any diverted intelligence agency,
having in your hands the unspeakable secrets of characters that matter is
fat that drips ...
A blackmail person is a great friend and ally!
Epstein is the brick that brings down the Pyramid # Pd pedo-esoterica transnational Masonic consociativismo: the lgbt satanists? Edit View in discussion

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH 18 hours ago
[Alex Acosta Minister of Labor]
says that Acosta would have received orders from above not
pursuing Epstein: he was indeed a ped0filo (like the prophet Mohammed who shamed his peace over him)
Epstein: he was yes he was a ped0filo but he was well protected by the secret services because he could blackmail the powerful with videos of them together with the children.
It is not known what these services would be: CIA or Mossad even if the proofs lean towards Jewish intelligence, and this not only for the origins of #Epstein but also for the ambiguous friendships.
#Epstein is the brick that brings down the Pyramid #Pd pedo-esoterica (esoteric agenda) transnational Masonic consociativismo: the Rothschild satanist agents lgbt
his partner and accomplice is "madame" Ghislaine Maxwell the brothel keeper. She is the daughter of the British media patron Robert Maxwell (Mirror Group Pergamon Press) and computer science (Sinclair) as well as a well-known agent ... (1)
According to Robert Steele computer expert and former CIA agent who along with Bill Bonney
(NSA computer scientist) collaborates with Trump against the Deep
State Epstein would be a clandestine Mossad agent assisted by clandestine operative Ghislaine Maxwell with the mission of
framing (thanks to video footage of pedophile relationships) US politicians magistrates celebrities prosecutors and heads of big business ...
disinformation en / 2019/07/14 / epstein-and-the-brick-that-does-collapses-the-pyramid / Edit View in discussion
Discussion on World Israel News 28 comments
Jeffrey Epstein dead in apparent suicide FBI investigating

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH 18 hours ago
Epstein suicidal? nobody would believe it !!
1. someone had the cell key:
2. and the CIA had ordered special surveillance to be removed from him!
3. the official declaration on the death of the billionaire who knew a lot: and who had to be silent?
4. (in the insect-infested prison)?
this is a statement that doesn't hold water! Edit View in discussion

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH 18 hours ago
"Lolita Express" is the name of the Boeing 727
private of Epstein with whom he was carrying minors for later,
harass them and rape them in his super-luxury residences from the Islands
Virgins at Stanley's ranch in New Mexico.
But the plane was not only used to transport VIPs and "cannon fodder" because even in flight anything could happen ... and Bill Clinton should tell everyone now.
Besides is there a place in the world more secure than a transatlantic flight?
Epstein is the brick that causes the Pyramid to collapse: Lucifer Eye rothschild "FMI IMF 666 NWO; EU ECB Ursula: Shadow Government: Soros-Bilderberg
the corporation: technocratic financial institutional Masonic politician: and usurocratic: the # pedo-esoteric #bibbiano #forteto #lgbt system: which is transnational and institutional Masonic consociativismo: the lgbt satanists: bank seigniorage and high constitutional betrayal.
In the past Epstein managed to covertly negotiate only 13 months in prison (spent in privileged conditions)
despite being formalemtne accused of sexually abusing over 30 minors.
The accusation spoke clearly: first she was massaged "then he harassed the girls and sexually abused them".
Eventually he threw 100-200 bucks on his bed and convinced his victims to recruit other teenagers to start again with a new round of violence: horrors and abuses: all included in the Rothschilds' esoteric agenda! Edit View in discussion

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH 18 hours ago
a crime of satanism of these proportions? can only be punished: with the death penalty for all CIA directors and managers of the last 20 years!
Epstein had direct contact with the "creme della creme" which is the real foam of the sewerage of this planet with pieces like ninety:
former president Bill Clinton (according to recordings of flight plans obtained by Fox News in 2016 Clinton would have traveled at least 26 times on the infamous jet),
[from an agenda page of #Epstein]
Tony Blair,
Prince Andrew of the United Kingdom (Duke of York),
Kevin Spacey,
Alec Baldwin,
Dustin Hoffman,
Naomi Campbell,
Bernie Ecclestone,
Rupert Murdoch,
Peter Soros (grandson of George Soros),
Woody Allen,
Henry Kissinger,
Edouard de Rothschild
Evelyn de Rothschild ,.
and many others we are talking about hundreds of important names.
Epstein is the brick that brings down the Pyramid # Pd pedo-esoterica transnational Masonic consociativism: the lgbt satanists of the FMI FMI OIC NWO. Edit View in discussion

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH 18 hours ago
with the Epstein murder that the CIA has carried out: now the rich men who took part in its rubbish: they feel calm but it is not so: because here I am and I will remain there so that all of them will go down to hell before their time!
rich masons rothschild reigning etc .. could be hooked by some trained little girl or easier they were the ones to choose the prey or the preys ...
The "Epstein System" worked perfectly because it was protected and supervised by the CIA secret services.
The subscriptions to his fund would have given guarantees: being in a #paradiso #fiscale he was not obliged to provide the list of names,
guaranteeing total security and then a fund managed in a tax haven justified the huge commissions required.
It was a seemingly perfect system.
but now Epstein is in
prison and according to rumors he seems to want to empty the bag
investigators listing the names of the people involved in the shady underage prostitution ring. All to have a reduction of the sentence not exceeding 5 years.
but the priests of Satan who protect Obama and Clinton Hillary have already closed his mouth: definitely
disinformation en / 2019/07/14 / epstein-and-the-brick-that-does-collapses-the-pyramid / Edit View in discussion

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH 18 hours ago
I ask for the confiscation of all bank deposits: and all the real estate, against all those who contributed to this fund: "Il Sistema-Epstein" and who then went to take their girl child!
Epstein was known not for his background but for the very special party he organized of the "bunga-bunga" type.
Participation at parties was very expensive and indeed to return
in the list of guests there were to be subscribed quotas to several
zeri of its offshore fund in the Virgin Islands.
The money was widely repaid because at the festivities besides champagne, there were rich and precious cotillons: boys and girls of your choice!
/disinformazione it/2019/07/14/epstein-e-il-mattone-che-fa-crollare-la-piramide/ Edit View in discussion

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH 18 hours ago
stop giving cover to all these satanists!
I demand at President #Donald #TRUMP: different working groups: a full broad crossover and even parliamentary inquiry: why this worldwide corruption scum ends!
According to a survey by the "Miami Herald" based on
stories of the alleged victims traced over the years at least 80 women
they said they were harassed by Epstein from 2001 to 2006.
Almost all were poor girls who came from disadvantaged families and
problems or who lived in an orphanage; the billionaire monster
he knew how to exploit their weakness and their need for money. Some young women were traumatized by the suicide of parents or friends others
they had mothers beaten by fathers and companions or fathers who harassed and beat them.
In all the FBI gathered the stories of 36 girls who had been
harassed but over the years new testimonies emerged that suggest
that the underage girls and boys were a thousand Edit View in discussion

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH 19 hours ago
#Epstein is the Masonic globalization of consociativism trasnational masonic democratic party Soros Bilderberg
Epstein is the brick that will bring down the Pyramid: FED "lucifer eye" #Pd pedo-esoterica transnational Masonic consociativismo: the lgbt & satanists all NWO agent?
The billionaire would have sexually exploited hundreds
of underage girls abusing them in their homes
in Manhattan and Palm Beach in Florida
therefore it offered a service to all the shareholders of the Central Banks and their accomplices politicians!
/disinformazione it/2019/07/14/epstein-e-il-mattone-che-fa-crollare-la-piramide/ Edit View in discussion

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH 19 hours ago
I do not know if I have expelled all the Satanists: 187AudioHostem CIA cannibals from youtube if that is this: it was something positive given that now it is filled with lgbt sodomitics: who have control of youtube: and now I do not know how to do :
because the lgbt being aware of their moral and cultural ethical inferiority: they dare not oppose you with a method of intellectual honesty but they stab you in the back: only !!
non so se avere espulso tutti i satanisti: 187AudioHostem CIA cannibali da youtube se cioè questo: sia stato qualcosa di positivo dato che ora si è riempito di sodomitici lgbt: che hanno il controllo di youtube: ed ora io non so come fare:
perché gli lgbt essendo consapevoli della loro inferiorità etica morale e culturale: loro non osano contrastarti con un metodo di onestà intellettuale ma ti pugnalano alle spalle: soltanto!! Edit View in discussion

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH 19 hours ago
they first passed by the Bohemian Grove (cremation of cure) from their Owl Rothschild God and their Lucifer Eye Rochefeller on piramyd masonic Golpe FED 666 IMF OIC sharia.
and then they all went to do dirty things with the kids!
I ask for the death penalty for all of them!
#Epstein commits suicide in prison.
everyone who is approached by CLINTON sooner or later dies dramatically!
Your account twitter is suspended
Obama twitter socialNetwok satelliteTV Ansa lgbt and the Democratic Party are all under the protection of Satan's Priest
prima passavano dal Bohemian Grove dal loro Gufo Rothschild Dio e occhio di lucifero Rochefeller
e dopo andavano tutti a fare le cose sporche con i bambini!
io chiedo la pena di morte per tutti loro! Edit View in discussion

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH a day ago
now let's put all his friends pinging rothschild in jail!
Epstein commits suicide in prison with CIA support!
The financier had been overwhelmed by a s e x scandal and accused of abuse, exploitation of female prostitution and child trafficking Edit View in discussion
Discussion on United with Israel 9 comments
WATCH: Brazilian Politician Praises Palestinian Stabbing Attacks

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH 19 hours ago
WATCH: Brazilian Politician Praises Palestinian Stabbing Attacks
politician Jamal Harfoush
and politician Erdogan wahhabis is prof that Islam make ill balance mental Edit View in discussion

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH 19 hours ago
#Epstein commits suicide in prison.
everyone who is approached by CLINTON sooner or later dies dramatically!
Your account twitter is suspended
Obama twitter socialNetwok satelliteTV Ansa lgbt and the Democratic Party are all under the protection of Satan's Priests!
#Epstein si suicida in carcere.
è un classico tutti quelli che vengono avvicinati dai CLINTON prima o poi muoiono drammaticamente!
Your account twitter is suspended
Obama, twitter socialNetwok satelliteTV Ansa lgbt e il Partito Democratico sono tutti sotto la protezione dei Sacerdoti di Satana! Edit View in discussion
Discussion on World Israel News 20 comments
Religious Zionist leader: Netanyahu will pay at polls for deriding those who seek Torah state

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH 20 hours ago
Coverage found on the site: uniusrei wordpress com/
Coverage found on the site: cecchinospadaccino wordpress com/
Search Console has detected that your site is affected by 1 Coverage issues:
Main notices
Indexed but blocked by "robots txt"
but I don't know how I could protect myself from this "Robot" of "aliens abduction" that the CIA put me! Edit View in discussion

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH 20 hours ago
Lorenzojhwh UniusREI <uniusrei@gmail com="">
sab 10 ago 20:36 (13 ore fa)
a Twitter
twitter lgbt Pd Soros Bilderberg: shadow government: transnational Masonic conspiracy: high constitutional treason banking 666 seigniorage: scam FED.
you on twitter you are slandering and politically persecuting: for trivial reasons
only because I believe in the Bible and not in Rothschild in fact I am a Catholic Christian
Your request has been sent to Twitter. Edit View in discussion
Discussion on World Israel News 28 comments
Jeffrey Epstein dead in apparent suicide FBI investigating

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH a day ago
now let's put all his friends porcellini rothschild in jail!
Epstein commits suicide in prison with CIA support!
The financier had been overwhelmed by a sex scandal and accused of abuse exploitation of female prostitution and child trafficking
adesso mettiamo tutti i suoi amici mailai rothschild in galera!
Epstein si suicida in carcere con il supporto della CIA!
Il finanziere era stato travolto da uno scandalo sessuale e accusato di abusi sfruttamento della prostituzione femminile e traffico di minori

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH a day ago
now let's put all his friends pinging rothschild in jail!
Epstein commits suicide in prison with CIA support!
The financier had been overwhelmed by a sex scandal and accused of abuse exploitation of female prostitution and child trafficking
adesso mettiamo tutti i suoi amici mailai rothschild in galera!
Epstein si suicida in carcere con il supporto della CIA!
Il finanziere era stato travolto da uno scandalo sessuale e accusato di abusi sfruttamento della prostituzione femminile e traffico di minori
Discussion on World Israel News 11 comments
WATCH: Israeli navy makes waves in massive multinational drill

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH a day ago
Security, Mattarella: 'The obligation to save the shipwrecked remains' The president signs the security decree bis but notes two critical issues
NO NO NO! Your twitter account is suspended and is not permitted to perform this action.
THE OBLIGATION TO SAVE THE ITALIANS FROM FED BCE Rothschild and Bilderberg and Erdogan sharia!
Sicurezza, Mattarella: 'Resta l'obbligo di salvare i naufraghi' Il presidente firma il decreto sicurezza bis ma rileva due criticità
NO NO NO! Your twitter account is suspended and is not permitted to perform this action.
RESTA L'OBBLIGO DI SALVARE GLI ITALIANI da FED BCE Rothschild e Bilderberg e Erdogan sharia! Edit View in discussion

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH a day ago
Satan Marduch Allah] you asked God JHWH 100 years why you thought you could do it,
but now you have been defeated by me: "withdrawn yourself"
[ ] tu hai chiesto a Dio JHWH ,100 anni perché tu pensavi di farcela,
ma ora sei stato sconfitto da me: "ritirati" Edit View in discussion

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH a day ago
#Norway shooting in a mosque near #Oslo
only governments have not realized that #ISLAM is not a religion: buta deadly threat jihad sharia of genocide NAZI worldwide imperialism Stalin-Hilter-Erdogan.
but people? start to get scared: instead!
#Norvegia sparatoria in una #moschea vicino a #Oslo
soltanto i Governi non si sono accorti che #ISLAM non è una religione: ma una minaccia mortale jihad sharia genocidio NAZI mondiale.
ma la gente? incomincia a spaventarsi: invece! Edit View in discussion

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH a day ago
here, here is who are the perverted pornographers rich Jews Masons and rothschild parasites all diaspora Jews: and the Democratic Party:
here is who think the Israelis are harmful,
and that a shoah against them would be something right,
they so are as many and as many as are another financiers Jeffrey Epstein
ecco chi sono i pornografi pervertiti ebrei ricchi massoni e parassiti rothschild tutti gli ebrei della diaspora: e del partito democratico:
che pensano che gli israeliani sono dannosi,
e che una shoah contro di loro sarebbe qualcosa di giusto,
loro sono tanti e altrettanti come financier Jeffrey Epstein Edit View in discussion

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH a day ago
I do not fear the destruction of all my sites: or the impending nuclear world war.
because I have nested myself: in the youtube Masonic world government:
and with my satanists and demon-possessed (the only ones who have not lost faith in God) I will still be here: having seen the carcasses of all my enemies transformed into manure: which have been cursed: by the Wahhabis and their rothschild-bilderberg !
non temo la distruzione di tutti i miei siti: o la imminente guerra mondiale nucleare.
perché io mi sono annidato nel governo mondiale massonico di youtube:
e con i miei satanisti e indemoniati (gli unici che non hanno perso la fede in Dio) io sarò ancora quì: avendo visto trasformare in letame le carogne di tutti i miei nemici: che sono stati maleficati: dai wahhabiti e dai loro rothschild-bilderberg! Edit View in discussion

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH a day ago
cynical Richard Gere in Lampedusa is: "Botta and answer" with Salvini:
cynical jackal Richard Gere he kalergi agenda and genocide of Christian Jewish civilization!
Richard Gere is NOT a naive he like the Democratic Party: they hate Jesus of Bethlehem and are part of "esoteric agenda" to push all things to satan allah lgbt sodoma!
cinico Richard Gere a Lampedusa Botta e risposta con Salvini:
cinico sciacallo Richard Gere lui agenda kalergi e genocidio della civiltà ebraico cristiana!
Richard Gere NON è un ingenuo lui come il partito democratico: odiano Gesù di Betlemme e sono parte di: "esoteric agenda" per spingere a satana allah sodoma tutte le cose! Edit View in discussion

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH a day ago
Hercules the ancient giant parrot one meter high
He lived 19 million years ago weighed 7 kilos.
in his time: 7000 years ago: everything was gigantic because that was a world of giant nephilim
there were 2 atmospheres:
twice the oxygen and 40 times the intensity of our magnetic field while the vault was crystalline:
and while the water vapor fed the plants!
Ercole l'antico pappagallo gigante alto un metro
E' vissuto 19 milioni di anni fa pesava 7 chili.
nel suo tempo: 7000 anni fa: tutto era gigantesco perché quello era un mondo di giganti nephilim
c'erano 2 atmosfere: il doppio di ossigeno e 40 volte la intensità del nostro campo magnetico mentre la volta era cristallina: e mentre il vapore acqueo nutriva le piante! Edit View in discussion

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH a day ago
my Israel: I terrorize all the social 666 CIA twitter networks and all the masonic governments of the world
because I always tell the truth!
but if you want to survive your self-destruction: you must speak my language too!
I am not at war against religions or peoples!
my Israel: io terrorizzo tutti i social e tutti i governi del mondo
perché io dico sempre la verità!
ma se volete sopravivere alla vostra autodistruzione: voi dovete parlare il mio linguaggio anche!
io non sono in guerra contro religioni o popoli! Edit View in discussion

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH a day ago
what good is a king,
if his word is not the politically most authoritative word that could exist and that could be heard?
then read my comments quickly and you will live!
a che serve un Re,
se la sua parola non è la parola politicamente più autorevole che potrebbe esistere e che si potrebbe udire?
allora leggete i miei commenti rinsavite velocemente e vivrete! Edit View in discussion

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH a day ago
Suicide in jail financier Jeffrey Epstein
Overwhelmed by the scandal of sexual abuse and child trafficking.
Virginia Robert Giuffre: 'Forced to relations with Prince Andrea'
his cell is now empty: because the CIA killed him:
now in that cell? enter Clinton! Edit View in discussion
Discussion on World Israel News 20 comments
Religious Zionist leader: Netanyahu will pay at polls for deriding those who seek Torah state

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH Ginny Grace Mortvedt a day ago
And what you said is true .. only if it receives further specific indications,
no one in these 3000 years has managed to respect the torà.
so how could we do it with all the perversion that exists on the internet?
it is clear that the whole Torah that is in tune with the natural law will be confirmed spiritually only also throughout the world.
because this of the kingdom of Israel is a secular and spiritual cultural movement
which is valid worldwide
E quello che tu hai detto è vero.. soltanto se riceve ulteriori indicazioni specifiche
nessuno in questi 3000 anni è riuscito a rispettare la torà.
allora come potremmo riuscirci noi con tutta la perversione che esiste in internet?
è chiaro tutta la Torà che è in sintonia con la legge naturale sarà confermata spiritualmente soltanto anche in tutto il mondo.
perchè questo del regno di Israele è un movimento culturale laico e spirituale
che è valido in tutto il mondo Edit View in discussion

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH a day ago
in REALITY: the dogmatic religious Zionist like the Muslims: mentally ill,
he could: start killing himself: in an attempt to punish all adulterers to death: as the torà says
in REALTà: il dogmatico religioso sionista come i mussulmani: malati di mente
lui potrebbe: iniziare ad uccidere se stesso: nel tentativo di punire tutti gli adulteri a morte: come dice la torà Edit View in discussion
Discussion on World Israel News 23 comments
Israel’s Attorney General recommends indicting former Arab-Israeli MK Hanin Zoabi for fraud corruption

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH a day ago
We received your appeal regarding your account. Please reply to this message and confirm that you have access to this email address. Once we receive your confirmation we’ll review the information you provided and will respond as soon as possible.
twitter lgbt Pd Soros Bilderberg: shadow government: transnational Masonic conspiracy: high constitutional treason bank seigniorage!
you on twitter you are slandering and politically persecuting: for trivial reasons
only because I believe in the Bible and not in Rothschild in fact I am a Catholic Christian
Your request has been sent to Twitter. Edit View in discussion

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH a day ago
abuse @ altervista it (another NWO criminal: enemy of Israel and sucker of the Democratic party: like all social media)
let me return my sites
sniper Spadaccino & NoahNephilim
and I abandon them!
abuse @ altervista it ( un altro criminale del NWO: nemico di Israele e succhiatore del partito democratico: come tutti i social media )
tu fammi restituire i miei siti
cecchinoSpadaccino & NoahNephilim
ed io li abbandono! Edit View in discussion

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH a day ago
beyond all tactics and hypocrisy (planned by the Koranic kabbalah reflection of the talmuduca kabbalah): ie: agenda jihad
any Muslims are a threat all over the world:
because they are compatible only with the Sharia genocide as the ARAB LEAGUE still demonstrates and OIC plans in Nigeria and around the world!
Israel's attorney general recommends indicting former Arab-Israeli MK Hanin Zoabi for fraud corruption
al di la di ogni tatticismo e ipocrisia (pianificata dalla kabbalah coranica riflesso della kabbalah talmuduca): i mussulmani sono una minaccia in tutto il mondo:
perché sono compatibili soltanto con il genocidio della Sharia come la LEGA ARABA tutt'oggi dimostra e pianifica in Nigeria e in tutto il mondo!
Israel's attorney general recommends indicting former Arab-Israeli MK Hanin Zoabi for fraud corruption Edit View in discussion
Discussion on World Israel News 13 comments
Peace Now protest backfires as 'illegal outpost' sign moved from Jewish town to Bedouin outpost

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH a day ago
the jihad sharia political theocracy of the ARAB LEAGUE?
her demon didn't program her to have mercy on mankind!
la teocrazia politica jihad sharia della LEGA ARABA?
il suo demonio non la ha programmata per avere pietà del genere umano! Edit View in discussion

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH a day ago
the UMMA OIC Lega ARABA the theocracy of genocide and its theology of substitution?they deny religious freedom to all,
but they expect it (freedom of religion) from everyone!
who should be sentenced to death for high treason?
when do we start martial law?
chi deve essere condannato a morte per alto tradimento?
quando facciamo partire la legge marziale?
la UMMA OIC Lega ARABA la teocrazia del genocidio e sua teologia della sostituzione?
loro negano la libertà di religione a tutti,
ma la pretendono da tutti! Edit View in discussion
Discussion on United with Israel 9 comments
WATCH: Brazilian Politician Praises Palestinian Stabbing Attacks

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH a day ago
Rothschilds and Wahhabis have shifted all mankind to Satan too.
and if you do not find life and salvation in my Kingdom of Israel (like a new ark of Noah)
everything will be purified by atomic fire .. so who could make it?
who could survive?
chi potrebbe sopravvivere?
Rothschild e wahhabiti hanno spostato troppo in Satana tutto il genere umano.
e se non trovate vita e salvezza nel mio Regno di Israele (come una nuova arca di Noé)
tutto verrà purificato dal fuoco atomico.. allora chi potrebbe farcela? Edit View in discussion

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH 2 days ago
I do not recognize valid Jews or any other peoples: outside of my Kingdom of ISRAEL: and I am Unius REI!
and this is a legal act of my Kingdom!
e questo è un atto giuridico del mio Regno!
io non riconosco ebrei validi o qualsiasi altro popolo: al di fuori del mio Regno di ISRAELE: ed io sono Unius REI! Edit View in discussion

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH 2 days ago
"Violating our rules lgbt twitter sharia against evading permanent suspension"
1. Fri 9 Aug 11:22 (1 day ago) [they didn't allow me one comment]
Hi king Israel Your account @kingIsr13040472 (king Israel)
has been locked for violating the Twitter Rules.
Please note that repeated violations may lead to a permanent suspension of your account. Proceed to Twitter now to fix the issue with your account.
2. Hello king Israel,
Your account kingIsr13040472 has been suspended for violating the Twitter Rules.
Specifically for:
"Violating our rules against evading permanent suspension"
Notes that if you try to evade permanent suspension by creating new accounts, we will suspend your new accounts. If you wish to appeal this suspension please contact our support team.
1. you are NWO "esoteric agenda" criminals & slanderers: you have closed two channels to me at the same time: [@ kingIsr13040472 (king Israel)] only because: for one time only: I published the same comment from both !
2. what can I do: if the algorithms & filters of: CIA NWO: the nuclear submarine that controls the world IPs are added to the twitter filters and algorithms?
you persecute me: only because I have decided to prevent the genocide of the Israelis! Edit View in discussion

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH 2 days ago
31 July 2019: New Member: "universal metaphysical". Your account has been terminated due to repeated or serious violations of YouTube's rules on spam deceptive practices and misleading content or other violations of the Terms of Service
in reality: 1. this channel of mine did not have a single video
2. and was guilty (for the Democratic party) only of loving Israel,
3. of supporting Salvini and
4. of condemning the satanic theosophy of the Gender!
the Jews of the Diaspora in following their "esoteric agenda" have stifled freedom of speech to death!
their intolerance against the Israelis can no longer be concealed!
and I became a political persecuted Edit View in discussion
Discussion on World Israel News 9 comments
Jewish Agency chairman warns of rift but also calls it best of times

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH Yidith 2 days ago
I proved it 10 years ago:
the Jews rich and parasites of the diaspora: they are the real enemies of Israel (and the real enemies of the human race)
and the life of the Israelis is not threatened by the ARAB LEAGUE (which has no never out sharia: as another sharia tool: to obtain its Islamic genocide: classic to solve its problems)
when Israelis are threatened with genocide: precisely by the Jewish Masons of the NWO FED FMI BM and the LGBT Community Democratic Party
io lo ho dimostrato 10 anni fa:
gli ebrei richi e parassiti della diaspora: sono i veri nemici di Israele (e i veri nemici del genere umano)
e la vita degli israeliani non è minacciata dalla LEGA ARABA (che non ha per sharia: altro strumento sharia: di ottenre il suo genocidio islamico: classico per risolvere i suoi problemi)
quando israeliani sono minacciati di genocidio: proprio dai massoni ebrei del NWO FED FMI BM e partito democratico lgbt community Edit View in discussion
Discussion on World Israel News 84 comments
Hunt continues for killer of teen student stabbed while holding religious books

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH Lawrence Best 2 days ago
your Enlightened Pharisees Wahhabis have so powerfully cursed this planet nullified all the blessings of Abraham uprooted the hope of Israel:
that they are bringing it to a point of total self-destruction and I am Observatory on the Martyrdom of Christians and Israelis fron 30 years ago
Farisei Enlightened Wahhabiti hanno maledetto così potentemente questo pianeta annullato tutte le benedizioni di Abramo sradicato la speranza di Israele:
che lo stanno portando ad un punto di autodistruzione totale ed io sono Osservatorio sul Martirio dei cristiani e degli israeliani Edit View in discussion

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH Lawrence Best 2 days ago
that boy belongs to me: and I cried and prayed for him and his family!
but I don't think you've done both!
I am forced by my political ministry: Unius REI Universal brotherhood to leave the subject out of the question!
quel ragazzo mi appartiene: e io ho pianto ed ho pregato per lui e la sua famiglia!
ma io non credo che tu hai fatto entrambe le cose!
io sono costretto dal mio ministero politico ad uscire fuori argomento! Edit View in discussion
Discussion on World Israel News 19 comments
WATCH: ‘Hezbollah armed with Iranian weapons controls our daily life,’ says Lebanese politician

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH 2 days ago
Antichrists China Russia India USA EU: cowardice and high treason!
I will make of all the ARAB LEAGUE an immense big CIMITERO radioactive field because of you!
do not think that I am Netanjahu: I will not hold on here in this planet of yours (cursed by Rothschild and Iranian Wahhabis)
I will not hold here: Christian and Israeli martyrs whose life is worth nothing becouse to you!
Cina Russia India USA UE: cowardice and high treason!
IO FARò di tutta la LEGA ARABA un immenso CIMITERO campo radioattivo per colpa vostra!
non pensate che io sono Netanjahu: non terrò quì in questo vostro pianeta (maleficato da Rothschild e wahhabiti Iran)
non terrò quì: martiri cristiani e israeliani la cui vita per voi non vale nulla! Edit View in discussion
Discussion on United with Israel 31 comments
Hamas Says Yeshiva Student's Murder Was Response to Talk of Israeli Sovereignty

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH 2 days ago
it is clear the Jewish Satanists: DEMO PLUTO GIUDAICO MASSONE FED FMI BM NWO ECB masters of the world: they fight against a Jewish homeland!
è chiaro i satanisti ebrei padroni del mondo: loro lottano contro una Patria ebraica! Edit View in discussion

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH 2 days ago
Hamas Says Yeshiva Student’s Murder Was Response to Talk of Israeli Sovereignty
in the face of this declaration do you not deport all Muslims to Syria? it is an act of cowardice and high treason! Edit View in discussion
Discussion on United with Israel 9 comments
A Hamas Front in Jerusalem?

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH ZionMyHome 2 days ago
because your 666 Rothschild star (pantheism & idol of jealousy FED NWO IMF BCE SpA) is the head of the snake: while the penis is in Mecca sharia Kaaba
you have a brain that has been raped by the catto-communists
perché la tua 666 stella Rothschild (panteismo idolo della gelosia FED NWO IMF BCE SpA) è la testa del serpente: mentre il pene si trova a Mecca sharia Kaaba Edit View in discussion

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH 2 days ago
my Israele ] [ it is not that having been definitively expelled from twitter is a great loss: all my channels have always been bottled: filters algorithms at 100%!
is that the #lgbt are superstitious and think that I am guilty for to done do loser the democratic party: every time!
Hillary Clinton is like a viper against me!
non è che essere stato espulso definitivamente da twitter sia una grande perdita: tutti i miei canali sono sempre stati imbottigliati: filtri algoritmi al 100%!
è che gli lgbt sono superstiziosi e pensano che sono io che faccio perdere il partito democratico: tutte le volte!
Hillary Clinton contro di me sta come una vipera! Edit View in discussion

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH 2 days ago
there is only one sharia!
so all the ARAB LEAGUE is only one: ISIS hamas!
we all know it but: China India USA Russia is afraid of the consequence of this statement!
esiste una sola sharia!
quindi tutta la LEGA ARABA è un solo: ISIS hamas!
tutti lo sappiamo ma: Cina India USA Russia hanno paura delle conseguenza di questa affermazione! Edit View in discussion
Discussion on United with Israel 9 comments
WATCH: Brazilian Politician Praises Palestinian Stabbing Attacks

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH 2 days ago
1. (without motivation) youtube destroyed 60 channels in a moment: so 300,000 videos of Christian martyrs were destroyed too!
2. (without motivation) in twitter lgbt #democratic #Party think i'm the biggest criminal on the planet!
3. (without motivation) also sputniknews and unitedwithisrael and worldisraelnews: when the first CIA 666 troll tells me (I am the kindest and most polite man that exists on this planet!):
I am also thrown out by them!
but this is the truth I am alone:
1. the King of Israel which is also:
2. an Observatory on the Martyrdom of Christians for 30 years.
and no one should think that this profanation of my royalty could go unpunished! Edit View in discussion

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH 2 days ago
========> against all racial geopolitical religious suprematism: which was generated by talmud and Koran!
good and bad genes? you talk like the suprematist Erdogan-Rothschild!
but I doubt that you could be right: because in Africa and Asia:
1. it is a chronic millennial deprivation;
2. and the male-dominated and supremacist mental imbalance that Islam Coranico Sharia represents! Edit View in discussion
Discussion on World Israel News 19 comments
WATCH: ‘Hezbollah armed with Iranian weapons controls our daily life,’ says Lebanese politician

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH 2 days ago
Hunt continues for killer of Israeli student!
Your lgbt 666 twitter account is suspended and is not permitted to perform this action.
I am innocent in the NWO of Rothschild SpA & Sharia Riyad
io sono innocente nel NWO di Rothschild SpA & sharia Riyad
Learn more
/hunt-continues-for-killer-of-teen-student-stabbed-while-holding-religious-books Edit View in discussion
Discussion on United with Israel 41 comments
ACT NOW! Demand Hebrew University Condemn Professors Who Incite Violence Against Israeli Soldiers!

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH 2 days ago
and now of democracy? to us this is nothing left!
ed adesso della democrazia? a noi non cio è rimasto più nulla! Edit View in discussion

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH 2 days ago
Your twitter account is suspended and is not permitted to perform this action.
was created yesterday: it was blocked for 24 hours and now it has written the first comment that nobody can see! Edit View in discussion

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH 2 days ago
Your account is now restored to full functionality.
king Israel
What happened?
We determined that this account violated the Twitter Rules so we had temporarily limited some of your account features. Learn more.
Your account is now fully functional. Please note that further violations of the Twitter Rules may result in the permanent suspension of your account.
twitter 666 lgbt ANSWER.
this account has not yet written a single letter!
what can I have done wrong: they talked about it in Sodoma 3000 years but they were all burned and nobody can know today! Edit View in discussion
Discussion on World Israel News 84 comments
Hunt continues for killer of teen student stabbed while holding religious books

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH Pwca 2 days ago
I doubt that Netanjahu could be the real problem
is that along with monetary sovereignty too many sovereignties have been go lost to politics.
therefore our governments have administrative tasks while the real power lies in the Freemasonry which is a pyramidal Rothschild and of which all our politicians are the victims!
then our democracy is no longer suitable to protect us from anything!
that's why I'm the world monarchy!
dubito che Netanjahu possa essere il vero problema
è che insieme alla sovranità monetaria troppe sovranità sono andate perdute alla politica.
quindi i nostri governi hanno compiti amministrativi mentre il vero potere si trova nella massoneria che è una piramidale Rothschild e di cui tutti i nostri politici sono le vittime!
allora la nostra democrazia non è più idonea a proteggerci da nulla!
ecco perché io sono la monarchia mondiale! Edit View in discussion

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH STEVE 2 days ago
everyone wants it to be the others (maybe we kill only Israelis people against ISLAM genocide jihad) to get their hands dirty against: the sharia monsters of Allah Erdogan NAZI OCI Riyad Iran Islam:
and therefore we the cowards: to live happily for the sacrifice of others!
and instead: to disintegrate Islam: definitively: we need the unitary sacrifice of the whole human race:
indeed excellent results can be achieved: peacefully: today through a common diplomacy: lorenzoJHWH Unius REI!
tutti vogliono che siano gli altri (magari facciamo suicidare gli israeliani) a sporcarsi le mani contro: i mostri sharia di Allah Erdogan NAZI OCI Riyad Iran Islam:
e quindi loro: i codardi: vivere felici per il sacrificio altrui!
ed invece: per disintegrare Islam: definitivamente: occorre il sacrificio unitario di tutto il genere umano:
anzi si possono ottenere ottimi risultati: pacificamente: oggi attraverso una comune diplomazia: Unius REI! Edit View in discussion

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH Ronald Hall 2 days ago
the satanist rothschild has robbed you of monetary sovereignty for 400 years: and the talmud has been pushing everyone towards satanism for 3,000 years: so that your vision of history can be correct!
sono 400 anni che il satanista rothschild ti ha rubato la sovranità monetaria: e sono 3000 anni che il talmud spinge tutti verso il satanismo: perché la tua visione della storia possa essere corretta! Edit View in discussion

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH Matthew Lathum 2 days ago
it's true Netanjahu has disappointed me deeply!
who do you propose in his place? Edit View in discussion

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH Matthew Lathum 2 days ago
Erdogan is better than Netanyahu,
1. why: Jesus said that the children of darkness are more cunning than the children of light:
2. because Erdogan would have solved the problem of terrorism (raised by himself with ISIS) against his dogmatic theocratic power satan: in a practical and definitive way!
Erdogan è migliore di Netanyahu,
1. perché: Gesù ha detto che i figli delle tenebre sono più scaltri dei figli della luce:
2. perché Erdogan avrebbe risolto il problema del terrorismo (suscitto da lui stesso con ISIS) contro il suo potere dogmatico teocratico satana: in modo pratico e definitivo! Edit View in discussion

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH ZionMyHome 2 days ago
don't tell me they have closed the channel to you too !!! ??? nooooo!
these are hard times for the romantics Edit View in discussion

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH 2 days ago
Thank you for updating your Disqus profile. Please check your email (alldavidduke@ gmail ) to verify your account.
ANSWER. and this is true!
no one could know how Allah OWL Saud Salman Riyad Iran Bilderberg Sodoma Dracula FED Rothschild Belfagor Erdogan sharia could be happy!
ANSWER. e questo è vero!
nessuno potrebbe sapere come Allah OWL Saud Salman Riyad Iran Rothschild Belfagor potrebbero essere felici! Edit View in discussion

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH 2 days ago
I have no problem in fact I am happy to defend my homosexual brothers: Lucio Dalla and D&G.
but two prostitution Sodoma #lgbt: they walked in Moscow: with fishnet stockings: and stilettos:
and then they were happily shot and one of the two died happily in hell!
io non ho nessun problema anzi io sono felice di difendere gli omosessuali miei fratelli: Lucio Dalla e D&G.
ma due prostituzione Sodoma #lgbt: loro camminavano a Mosca: con le calze a rete: e i tacchi a spillo:
e poi loro furono felicemente sparati ed uno dei due morì felicemente all'inferno! 2 Edit View in discussion

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH 2 days ago
shalom + salam = universal brotherhood
I'm a good boy but Rothschild and Salman Riyad
they make me bad!
io sono un bravo ragazzo ma Rothschild e Salman Riyad
loro mi fanno diventare cattivo! Edit View in discussion
Discussion on United with Israel 31 comments
Hamas Says Yeshiva Student's Murder Was Response to Talk of Israeli Sovereignty

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH 2 days ago
everyone wants it to be the others (maybe we kill only Israelis people against NAZI ISLAM genocide jihad Mecca demonic possessed kaaba) to get their hands dirty against: the sharia monsters of Allah Erdogan NAZI OCI Riyad Iran Islam:
and therefore we the cowards: to live happily for the sacrifice of others!
and instead: to disintegrate Islam: definitively: we need the unitary sacrifice of the whole human race:
indeed excellent results can be achieved: peacefully: today through a common diplomacy: lorenzoJHWH Unius REI! Edit View in discussion

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH 2 days ago
OCI Riyad Iran Erdogan NAZI sharia] it is useless that: you make the collection money jihad to carry out the war against INDIA!
I will defend INDIA against you!
OCI Riyad Iran Erdogan NAZI sharia ] è inutile che: voi fate la colletta per realizzare la guerra contro INDIA!
io difenderò INDIA contro di voi! Edit View in discussion

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH 2 days ago
Riyad Iran Erdogan NAZI sharia] all over the world? there is always some Muslim who kills an innocent person!
I think your God Lilith the devil allah? some questions should be asked: now!
Riyad Iran Erdogan NAZI sharia ] in tutto il mondo? c'é sempre qualche mussulmano che uccide una persona innocente!
penso che il vostro Dio demonio allah? qualche domanda dovrebbe porsela: ora! Edit View in discussion

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH 2 days ago
Bartender slaughtered by an Afro-Islamic man: he was the usual North African clandestine Erdogan Riyad OCI sharia - PHOTO
the victim is a 23-year-old Chinese girl: extraordinarily nice and kind who was like an angel in the heart of the whole neighborhood: all the Italians mourn her!
Barista sgozzata da afro-islamico: è stato il solito clandestino nordafricano – FOTO
la vittima è una ragazza cinese di 23 anni: straordinariamente carina e gentile che era come un angelo nel cuore di tutto il quartiere: tutti gli italiani la piangono!
voxnews info/2019/08/09/barista-sgozzata-e-stato-clandestino-nordafricano-foto/ Edit View in discussion

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH 2 days ago
a pathetic Netanyahu declared that Israel's "mission to establish the nation of Israel in our country [and] to secure our sovereignty over our historic homeland."
but Muslims will never recognize his Satanist King Rothschild!
while if there was King lorenzoJHWH? they would trust their lives with him! Edit View in discussion

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH 2 days ago
Salman of Saudi Arabia King of Saudi Arabia has become totally crazy!
he told all the Muslims who go to their idol: Mecca LILIT Kaaba: "ok let's not mix Islam with politics"
but in reality we have never seen in these 1400 years: an Islam (separated from politics: today this does not exist in the ARAB LEAGUE) that today:
the jihad Erdogan (like his prophet: that sharia peace in hell be also on him)
that he never tried (with the legendary Kabbalah and Islamic hypocrisy) to get some kind of Sharia genocide: against all infidels he too!
Salman dell'Arabia Saudita
Re dell'Arabia Saudita è diventato totalmente pazzo!
lui ha detto a tutti i mussulmani che vanno dal loro idolo: Mecca LILIT Kaaba: "ok non mischiamo Islam con la politica"
ma, in realtà: noi non abbiamo mai visto in questi 1400 anni: un Islam (separato dalla politica: oggi questo non esiste nella LEGA ARABA) che oggi: la jihad Erdogan (come il suo profeta: che la pace sharia all'inferno sia anche su di lui)
che non abbia mai cercato (con la leggendaria kabbalah e ipocrisia islamica) di ottenere un qualche genocidio sharia: anche lui! Edit View in discussion

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH 2 days ago
Masons must be people who are tremendously frustrated and that is why President Mattarella: he dyes his hair white to look like Moses.
also because when you make robbery the banking seigniorage: scam function to poor demonic possessed into rothschild and then you see so many children dying of hunger and diseases all over the world: and who go to look for food in the garbage also in Greece?
then your Mason consciousness will not let you sleep peacefully!
i massoni devono essere persone che sono tremendamente sotto frustazione, e sarà per questo che il Presidente Mattarella: si tinge i capelli di bianco per sembrare come Mosè.
anche perché quando tu fai rubare il signoragigo bancario a rothschild e poi vedi tanti bambini che muoiono di fame e malattie in tutto il mondo: e che vanno a cercare il cibo nella spazzatura anche in Grecia?
poi la tua coscienza di massone non ti lascerà dormire tranquillo! Edit View in discussion

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH 2 days ago
for how much: the President Matarella is an extraordinary lick such liked of Rothschild and of the Merkel:
I don't think it will denies the fraudulent Masonic elections: high constitutional treason the bank seigniorage: to start the civil war in Italy!
per quanto: il Presidente Matarella è uno straordinario lecchino di Rothschild e della Merkel:
io non credo che ci vorrà negale le elezioni massoniche truffa: alto tradimento costituzionale il signoraggio bancario: per far iniziare la guerra civile in Italia! Edit View in discussion

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH 2 days ago
# 187AudioHostem 666 Allah lucifer] you stop protecting islamist cut jihad OIC Riyad Iran Erdogan: from the Sharia genocide or,
for all your worshipers: FED IMF BM NWO Rothschild?
will end dramatically !! it is true that I have no super-powers and in fact you are still alive!
but everyone knows it: I am not only human: DO NOT relax!
#187AudioHostem 666 Allah lucifer ] tu smetti di proteggere gli islamici del genocidio sharia oppure per tutti i tuoi adoratori: FED FMI BM NWO Rothschild?
finirà drammaticamente!! è vero che non ho super-poteri ed infatti tu sei ancora vivo!
ma lo sanno tutti: io non sono soltanto umano: NON ti rilassare!! Edit View in discussion
Discussion on World Israel News 88 comments
Palestinians resume arson attacks on southern Israel

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH 2 days ago
the criminals that go around the lgbt:
1. offer: euthanasia to children;
2. offer reports mohammed ped0filia
3. offer: An Act of Genocide: Canada's Coerced Sterilization of First Nations Women
4. blasfemy satanism masonry:
and: Macron and Trudeau are their priests: Rothschild their lucifer-God-Allah
and around the Democratic Party runs all the scum of this world!
i criminali che girano intorno agli lgbt:
1. offrono: eutanasia ai bambini;
2. offrono rapporti mohammed ped0filia
3. offrono:
An Act of Genocide: Canada’s Coerced Sterilization of First Nations Women
Macron e Trudeau i loro sacerdoti: Rothschild il loro lucifero-Dio-Allah
ed intorno al partito democratico gira tutta la feccia di questo mondo! Edit View in discussion
Discussion on World Israel News 9 comments
WATCH: Thousands of mourners attend funeral of slain student in Samaria

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH 2 days ago
I ask for the death penalty for Macron and for all those of the Democratic Party!
A 120-page search entitled "The inaccessible areas in the French Republic: myth or reality?" has documented dozens of French neighborhoods "where the police and the gendarmerie fail to enforce the Republican order nor can they access them without the risk of clashes of being injured or even of lethal shootings".
In October 2011 a 2200 page document entitled "Banlieu de la République" (Peripheries of the Republic) found that Seine-Saint-Denis and other Parisian suburbs are becoming "separate Islamic societies" cut off from the French state and where Sharia Islamic law is rapidly replacing French civil law.
The study also showed that the problem is aggravated by radical Muslim preachers who promote the social marginalization of Muslim immigrants in order to create a parallel Muslim society in France that is governed by Sharia.
The TV presenter asks: "What if we went to the suburbs?" Obertone replies: "I don't recommend doing it. Not even we French will dare to go there. But nobody obviously talks about it in public. Not even those who say: 'Long life to multiculturalism' and 'Paris is wonderful!' they dare to venture into the banlieus ". 3 Edit View in discussion

di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH 2 days ago
the Freemasons Demo Pluto antichrists Rothschild Ursula the werewolf and Christine Lagarde the traitors FED 666 BCE?
they have cursed all the peoples of Europe too deeply that Europeans cannot save themselves and the Israelis have been abandoned !!!
gatestoneinstitute org
Turkey threatens to re-ignite the European migration crisis 2019-08-08
The fighters of the Islamic State returned to Europe and disappeared 2019-07-11
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di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH cofer 2 days ago
how could I resist the call of your love?
no this can be not!
it is thanks to you if I returned to rescue these ungrateful Israelis!
however your proposal could be interesting and therefore it should be subjected to discernment!
come io potevo resistere al richiamo del tuo amore?
è tutto merito tuo se io sono ritornato a soccorrete questi israeliani ingrati!
comunque la tua proposta potrebbe essere interessante e quindi andrebbe sottoposta a discernimento!