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mercoledì 12 agosto 2020

Rothschild has filled with hatred

NoahTheNephilim •  

BIN SALMAN from Rijad ] [ Rothschild has filled with hatred all the peoples of the world against the Jews (again) .. and all this does not move you to pity?
after all in these 50 years they the synagogue of satan FED IMF ECB Bilderberg USA Owl at Bohemian GROVE they made you kill millions of innocent Christian martyrs and you should be grateful for that I say!
now the Jews need to be secured in Saudi Arabia in my MADIANA desert!

Rothschild ha riempito di odio: tutti i popoli del mondo contro gli ebrei (ancora una volta).. e tutto questo non ti muove a compassione?
dopotutto in questi 50 anni loro la sinagoga di satana FED IMF ECB Bilderberg USA Owl at Bohemian GROVE loro ti hanno fatto uccidere milioni di martiri cristiani innocenti e tu dovresti essere riconoscente per questo io dico!
ora gli ebrei hanno bisogno di essere messi in sicurezza in Arabia Saudita nel mio deserto della MADIANA!

Matthew Lathum

Why Jews still in diaspora ? Hashem gave them land in 1948 ! they have no right to complain for anti-semitism they chose to be a victims ! this is their way !

NoahTheNephilim Matthew Lathum

so you don't know that it was the Anglo-American Jews who created the Wahhabis and the hajatollahs?
and don't you know that it was the Jewish Masons B'nai B'rith who gave: 70 years of terrorism to Israel?
they are the greatest threat to you Israelis!
they chose Satan
and the Israelis are sentenced to death because of Bin Salman who is complicit in this project of destruction of CHINA and RUSSIA

e quindi tu non sai che sono stati gli ebrei anglo-americani a creare i wahhabiti e gli hajatollah?
e non sai che sono stati gli ebrei massoni B'nai B'rith che hanno dato: 70 anni di terrorismo a Israele?
loro sono la più grande minaccia per voi israeliani!
loro hanno scelto Satana
e gli israeliani sono condannati a morte per colpa di Bin Salman che è complice in questo progetto di distruzione di CINA e RUSSIA

NoahTheNephilim Matthew Lathum

you are pathological:
I am the champion ONE of Hashem: King ISRAEL & Massia
but you don't know him and it's normal that you don't know me!

tu sei patologico:
io sono il campione di Hashem
ma tu non cosci lui ed è normale che tu non conosci me!

NoahTheNephilim Matthew Lathum

as parasites your Satna's synagogue talmud agenda lgbt Freemasons Rothschild SpA FED IMF NWO regime Bilderberg Democratic Party: ANTIFA deep State esoteric agenda: and they have chosen to suck people to death ..
and now I'm in the midst of hate!

come parassiti massoni lgbt Rothschild SpA FED IMF NWO regime Bilderberg Partito Democratico: ANTIFA deep State esoteric agenda: e loro hanno scelto di succhiare i popoli fino alla morte..
ed ora sono in mezzo all'odio!

Bubstera day ago

don't believe that for one second

NoahTheNephilim Bubster

eih CIA TROLL 666 cannibal NWO 322 FED IMF regime Bilderberg
deep State Satana Allah Lilit Marduch Aru Mazda
i am jewish messia
and any resistence? is futile!

Bubster NoahTheNephilim
Yeah and I visited Massada national park
and there was No resistance from me I enjoyed lunch there and
I Browsed through the gift shop I learned a lot about the events that
took place there . I went there twice as a matter of fact I didn't walk up
the path it was closed . have a nice day !

NoahTheNephilim Bubster

your NWO are the heirs of Massada shoah
not me I am the kingdom of ISRAEL
how you are the kingdom of Satan and Rothschild!

il tuo NWO sono gli eredi di Massada shoah
non io io sono il regno di ISRAELE
come tu sei il regno di Satana e Rothschild!

Bubster NoahTheNephilim

Oops ,did I do something wrong ? I didn't mean to
it's on the list for things to do while your in Israel , While I was there ,
I went to En Gedi the dead sea I went to see where
the dead sea scrolls .were found,& by the way you sound like you are
a run away Jew who just got off the the plantation !
and you sound like you know John the Baptized .? Simon the Zealot ?
he was Yeshua's disciple he was part of a political movement among
the Jews who sought to overthrow the occupying Roman government .
take care

NoahTheNephilim Bubster
Oops you have only begun to be delirious!
you have only begun to be delirious!
Peter was never a zealot
and I'm a rational agnostic ..
and delusional failed donkey of religion like you?
everyone got bored!

you have only begun to be delirious!
hai soltanto incominaciato a delirare!
Pietro non è mai stato uno zelota
ed io sono un agnostico razionale..
e di falliti deliranti asini della religione come te?
tutti si sono stufati!

Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom

Russian President Vladimir Putin is your vaccine free from Bill Gates 666 metallic nano particles?

il tuo vaccino è libero da nano particelle metalliche?


between covid made by them and infected vaccines? Bill GATES would have said he will kill a billion people! and he claims that the flu infected many people covid!

tra covid fatto da loro e vaccini infetti? Bill GATES avrebbe detto che ucciderà un miliardo di persone!
e https://holyjhwhholyholy blogspot com/p/dottor-petrella-denuncia.html
lui afferma che l'antinfluenzale infetti di covid molte persone!

Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom
Jenna Jameson Says Jeffrey Epstein Is An 'Amateur' & Children Are 'Hunted' At 'Parties' https://humansarefree com/2020/07/jenna-jameson-says-jeffrey-epstein-is-an-amateur-children-hunted-parties.html
Jenna Jameson ha raccontato di aver "sentito cose terribili su "La caccia". Il che implica che le persone dell'élite sociale "cacciano" i bambini dai 4 anni alle "feste".



BIN SALMAN FROM RIYADH ] io non so che farmene di questi scemi è te che io voglio! [ the priests of Satan: of the Masonic world government of lgbt youtube they have failed with me ..
that is why the Democratic Party can no longer stand up
And that's why if you won't come to me?
certainly I will come to you! (Augh may sharia peace be upon you)


UMMA OCI Riad jihad genocide party sharia death to the unfaithful Chinese unclean kafirs
for all Erdogan Ottoman happy slaces Dhimmis
morte agli infedeli kafir impuri cinesi!

that's a big bad story] [Kamala Harris Protected Pedophile Priests when she was DA Kamala Harris covered up a massive pedophilia scandal in the Catholic Church when she was district attorney for San Fransisco. According to an investigation by SF Weekly Harris repeatedly protected files containing the details of

Kamala Harris' father slams his shameless "pursuit of identity politics"
Thursday 22 February 2019 Sean Adl-Tabatabai 0 Comments
2020 father Kamala Harris slammed his daughter for shamelessly pursuing identity politics. Jamaican professor Donald Harris criticized Kamala for casually stereotyping Jamaicans in an attempt to look cool during [...]

Roseanne says Kamala 'Karma-Sutra' Harris 'Slept her way down'

Kamala Harris deemed "more dishonest" senator
September 13 2018
Senator Kamala Harris is one of the most destructive senators in recent history according to recent fact-checking. Last week during Brett Kavanaugh's Supreme Court confirmation hearing Sen. Harris told a bold lie in [...]

Kamala Harris could be expelled from the Senate Judiciary Committee
Thursday 27 November 2018

Willie Brown: 'Mistress' Kamala Harris can't beat Trump
February 10 2019
Former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown banged his former lover Sen. In his weekly column at San Fransisco [...]

liar Fail! Kamala Harris says "Got High" and listen to To Snoop & Tupac - 10 years before they existed
Thursday 13 February 2019
Kamala Harris' latest lie went up in smoke after the senator falsely claimed she smoked weed in college and listened to Tupac and Snoop Dogg - even though she graduated a decade before [...]

questa è gran brutta storia ] [ Kamala Harris Protetto Preti Pedofili quando era DA Kamala Harris ha coperto un massiccio scandalo di pedofilia nella Chiesa cattolica quando era procuratore distrettuale per San Fransisco. Secondo un'indagine di SF Weekly Harris ha ripetutamente protetto i file contenenti i dettagli di

Il Padre di Kamala Harris sbatte la sua spudorata "perseguimento della politica dell'identità"
giovedì 22 febbraio 2019 Sean Adl-Tabatabai 0 Commenti
Il padre del 2020 Kamala Harris ha sbattuto sua figlia per aver spudoratamente perseguito la politica dell'identità. Il professor giamaicano Donald Harris ha criticato Kamala per aver casualmente stereotipato i giamaicani nel tentativo di sembrare figo durante [...]

Roseanne dice Kamala 'Karma-Sutra' Harris 'Dormito la sua strada verso il basso'

Kamala Harris giudicata "più disonesta" senatore
September 13 2018
Il senatore Kamala Harris è uno dei senatori più dionesti della storia recente secondo recenti fact-checking. La scorsa settimana durante l'udienza di conferma della Corte Suprema di Brett Kavanaugh Sen. Harris ha detto una bugia audace in [...]

Kamala Harris potrebbe essere espulso dalla commissione giudiziaria del Senato
giovedì 27 novembre 2018

Willie Brown: 'Mistress' Kamala Harris non può battere Trump
February 10 2019
L'ex sindaco di San Francisco Willie Brown ha sbattuto la sua ex amante Sen. Nella sua rubrica settimanale al San Fransisco [...]

bugiarda Fallire! Kamala Harris dice che "Got High" e ascoltaTo Snoop & Tupac – 10 anni prima che esistessero
giovedì 13 febbraio 2019
L'ultima bugia di Kamala Harris è andata in fumo dopo che la senatrice ha falsamente affermato di fumato erba al college e ha ascoltato Tupac e Snoop Dogg - anche se si è laureata un decennio prima di [...]

Kamala Harris accuses Donald Trump of being a racist (but did not prove it) sic [...]

Kamala Harris: We should spend trillions of dollars on the "Green New Deal" companies will pay


*** the black God? then come the other colors God] [Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris said "writing a check" to the descendants of slaves is not enough

Kamala Harris promises to criminalize private gun sales via executive order

Kamala Harris wants to discuss giving the Boston bomber a death row vote
In May 2015 a jury found Dzhokhar guilty of all 30 charges in the [...]

Kamala Harris vows to decriminalize prostitution (maybe she wants to do double duty with Nancy Peolosi that Hillary was no good to Bill and was discarded)

NoahTheNephiliman hour ago

Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris faces questions about a plea deal negotiated by her office that allowed a former San Diego mayor to register as a s e x offender and dodge prison.

After Tulsi Gabbard completely destroyed Kamala Harris during Wednesday's Democratic debate "awakened" Satanist Twitter users began to slander that Gabbard had been hired by Russia to bring down Harris.
No this is not satire

ANTIFA Kamala Harris NAZI told Twitter to eliminate Trump; Rob Schneider just ditched his on free speech in the United States
Kamala Harris: 'malicious' Trump should be BANNED by Twitter

La candidata democratica alla presidenza Kamala Harris si trova ad affrontare domande su un patteggiamento negoziato dal suo ufficio che ha permesso a un ex sindaco di San Diego di registrarsi come molestatore s e s s u a l e e schivare la prigione.

Dopo che Tulsi Gabbard ha completamente distrutto Kamala Harris durante il dibattito democratico di mercoledì gli utenti satanisti di Twitter "svegliati" hanno iniziato a calunniare che Gabbard era stato assunto dalla Russia per far cadere Harris.
No questa non è satira

ANTIFA Kamala Harris NAZI ha detto a Twitter di eliminare Trump; Rob Schneider ha appena scolato il suo sulla libertà di parola negli Stati Uniti
Kamala Harris: Trump 'dannoso' dovrebbe essere BANNED da Twitter


*** no comment ] [ Planned Parenthood Harvests Body Parts from LIVING Babies - Humans Are Free
https://humansarefree com/2019/09/planned-parenthood-harvests-body-parts-from-living-babies.html
The Left-wing state filed felony charges against Merritt and Daleiden and they have been pursued with vigor by Democrat politicians including Sen. Kamala Harris when she was California’s attorney general and her Democrat replacement Xavier Becerra.
As the Washington Examiner points out Harris has received massive campaign contributions from the abortion industry including some $81,000 from Planned Parenthood and other groups advocating abortion.
When she was still attorney general Harris elected not to investigate Planned Parenthood’s alleged illegal activities. But she did have her office search the home of Daleiden where prosecutors took possession of his laptop and hard drives containing footage of his undercover investigation.
Daleiden’s legal counsel the Thomas More Society has filed a motion to void the warrant that led Harris’ office to search his home and seize his property. The motion contains evidence that Harris sought to protect Planned Parenthood from legal scrutiny.
*** no comment ] [ Top 10 Events of 2019 that Indicate the Rise of Satanism https://humansarefree com/2019/12/the-rise-of-satanism.html
There’s also failed California Senator Kamala Harris another Satanist who came out this year as an anti-Christian bigot who wants to see God extinguished not just from California but from the entire country.

It’s a good thing she dropped out of the 2020 presidential race not that she ever stood a chance of actually winning.
by Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom •


everywhere in the world the ANTIFA enrich the rich and throw the people into despair!
certainly TRUMP will not declare war on CHINA
while for Rothschild this is the commitment he gave to the democrats in this way all the Saudis will be exterminated by the Chinese
"I am concerned that (1) Kamala Harris wants to restore the catastrophic agreement [2015] with the Islamic Republic of Iran which allows a path to nuclear weapons; (2) that she has refused to condemn [Minnesota Democratic] Rep. [Ilhan] Omar anti-Semitism and hatred of Israel while expressing concern for Omar's safety not the safety of American Jews; and (3) that she refused to appear at the [2019] AIPAC political conference. "

ovunque nel mondo gli ANTIFA arricchiscono i ricchi e gettano nella disperazione i popoli!
certamente TRUMP non dichiarerà guerra alla CINA
mentre per Rothschild questo è l'impegno che ha dato ai democratici in questo modo tutti i sauditi saranno sterminati dai cinesi
"Sono preoccupato che (1) Kamala Harris voglia ripristinare l'accordo catastrofico [2015] con la Repubblica islamica dell'Iran che consente un percorso verso le armi nucleari ; (2) che si è rifiutata di condannare [Minnesota Democratic] Rep. [Ilhan] Omar l'antisemitismo e l'odio per Israele mentre esprimeva preoccupazione per la sicurezza di Omar non per la sicurezza degli ebrei americani; e (3) che si è rifiutata di comparire alla [2019] conferenza politica dell'AIPAC. "


NoahTheNephilim4 hours ago

BIN SALMAN from Riyad ] [ I have no sectarian or sectoral way of reasoning because I am universal justice,
and this is the vocation that all synagogues and mosques have yet to discover,
that's why I am the messiah of the Jews.
I did everything to save Islam,
how you did everything to destroy it,
because you like it well to continue drinking the blood of innocent Christian martyrs sharia genocide

io non ho un modo settario o settoriale di ragionare perché io sono la giustizia universale,
ed è questa la vocazione che tutte le Sinagoghe e tutte le moschee devono ancora scoprire,
ecco perché io sono il messia degli ebrei.
io ho fatto di tutto per salvare l'ISLAM,
come tu hai fatto di tutto per distruggerlo,
perché a te piace bene di continuare a bere il sangue dei martiri innocenti cristiani sharia genocidio


NoahTheNephilim4 hours ago

“Senator Kamala Harris D-Calif. Wants to bring the United States back into the disastrous Obama-Biden nuclear deal with Iran. It is not with Israel and the Jewish community. He voted against an anti-BDS bill in the Senate "
"As California attorney general she has received numerous letters from Jewish organizations urging her to take action against anti-Semitic activities on the campuses of the California public university system but she has refused to answer such pleas."
every antichrist is also anti-Zionist
and no more words are needed.
BIDEN is the true face of the priests of satan of OBAMA

“Il senatore Kamala Harris D-Calif. vuole riportare gli Stati Uniti nel disastroso accordo nucleare Obama-Biden con l'Iran. Non sta con Israele e la comunità ebraica. Ha votato contro un disegno di legge anti-BDS al Senato"
"In qualità di procuratore generale della California ha ricevuto numerose lettere da organizzazioni ebraiche che la esortavano ad agire contro le attività antisemite nei campus del sistema universitario pubblico della California ma si è rifiutata di rispondere a tali suppliche".
ogni anticristo è anche antisionista
e non servono altre parole.
BIDEN è il vero volto dei sacerdoti di satana di OBAMA

NoahTheNephilim3 hours ago

Israeli sites are the only place in the world where the filters and AI (artificial intelligence) of the New World Order have not been applied "i am Jewish Messiah" - Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom


Putin told me that: "Biden chooses Kamala Harris but the US will turn back into the Rothschild empire the policemen of the world of satan SpA FED IMF NWO ECB Bilderberg regime a triumph of the lgbtq high schools,
but there will again be greater instability therefore a more penetrating censorship of politically "non-politically correct" actions and punitive measures taken against countries on a collision course with US geopolitical interests,
welcome: third world Saudi Islamic war !!!



Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom •  

BIN SALMAN FROM RIYADH ] io non so che farmene di questi scemi è te che io voglio! [ the priests of Satan: of the Masonic world government of lgbt youtube they have failed with me ..
that is why the Democratic Party can no longer stand up
And that's why if you won't come to me?
certainly I will come to you! (Augh may sharia peace be upon you)

i sacerdoti di Satana: del Governo mondiale massonico di lgbt youtube loro con me hanno fallito..
ecco perché il partito democratico non può più mantenersi in piedi
ed ecco perché se tu non verrai da me?
certamente io verrò da te! (Augh che la pace sharia sia su di te ) 

Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom •  
UMMA OCI Riad jihad genocide party sharia death to the unfaithful Chinese unclean kafirs!
morte agli infedeli kafir impuri cinesi! 

Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom •  

that's a big bad story] [ Kamala Harris Protected Pedophile Priests when she was DA Kamala Harris covered up a massive pedophilia scandal in the Catholic Church when she was district attorney for San Fransisco. According to an investigation by SF Weekly Harris repeatedly protected files containing the details of

Kamala Harris' father slams his shameless "pursuit of identity politics"
Thursday 22 February 2019 Sean Adl-Tabatabai 0 Comments
2020 father Kamala Harris slammed his daughter for shamelessly pursuing identity politics. Jamaican professor Donald Harris criticized Kamala for casually stereotyping Jamaicans in an attempt to look cool during [...]

Roseanne says Kamala 'Karma-Sutra' Harris 'Slept her way down'

Kamala Harris deemed "more dishonest" senator
September 13 2018
Senator Kamala Harris is one of the most destructive senators in recent history according to recent fact-checking. Last week during Brett Kavanaugh's Supreme Court confirmation hearing Sen. Harris told a bold lie in [...]

Kamala Harris could be expelled from the Senate Judiciary Committee
Thursday 27 November 2018

Willie Brown: 'Mistress' Kamala Harris can't beat Trump
February 10 2019
Former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown banged his former lover Sen. In his weekly column at San Fransisco [...]

liar Fail! Kamala Harris says "Got High" and listen to To Snoop & Tupac - 10 years before they existed
Thursday 13 February 2019
Kamala Harris' latest lie went up in smoke after the senator falsely claimed she smoked weed in college and listened to Tupac and Snoop Dogg - even though she graduated a decade before [...]


Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom •  

*** the black God? then come the other colors God] [Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris said "writing a check" to the descendants of slaves is not enough

Kamala Harris promises to criminalize private gun sales via executive order

Kamala Harris wants to discuss giving the Boston bomber a death row vote
In May 2015 a jury found Dzhokhar guilty of all 30 charges in the [...]

Kamala Harris vows to decriminalize prostitution (maybe she wants to do double duty with Nancy Peolosi that Hillary was no good to Bill and was discarded)
Kamala Harris accuses Donald Trump of being a racist (but did not prove it) sic [...]

Kamala Harris: We should spend trillions of dollars on the "Green New Deal" companies will pay

*** il Dio nero? poi arrivano gli altri colori Dio ] [ La candidata democratica alla presidenza Kamala Harris ha detto che "scrivere un assegno" ai discendenti degli schiavi non è sufficiente

Kamala Harris promises to criminalize private gun sales via executive order

Kamala Harris vuole discutere concedere al bomber di Boston un voto dal braccio della morte
Nel maggio 2015 una giuria ha giudicato Dzhokhar colpevole di tutte le 30 accuse nel [...]

Kamala Harris vows to decriminalize prostitution (forse lei vuole fare il doppio lavoro con Nancy Peolosi che Hillary non era buona con Bill ed è stata scartata)
Kamala Harris accuses Donald Trump of being a racist (ma non lo ha dimostrato)sic [...]

Kamala Harris: Dovremmo spendere trilioni di dollari per il "Green New Deal" pagheranno le aziende 

Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom2 hours ago

emocratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris faces questions about a plea deal negotiated by her office that allowed a former San Diego mayor to register as a s e x offender and dodge prison.

After Tulsi Gabbard completely destroyed Kamala Harris during Wednesday's Democratic debate "awakened" Satanist Twitter users began to slander that Gabbard had been hired by Russia to bring down Harris.
No this is not satire

ANTIFA Kamala Harris NAZI told Twitter to eliminate Trump; Rob Schneider just ditched his on free speech in the United States
Kamala Harris: 'malicious' Trump should be BANNED by Twitter


Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom2 hours ago

no comment ] [ Planned Parenthood Harvests Body Parts from LIVING Babies - Humans Are Free
https://humansarefree com/2019/09/planned-parenthood-harvests-body-parts-from-living-babies.html

The Left-wing state filed felony charges against Merritt and Daleiden and they have been pursued with vigor by Democrat politicians including Sen. Kamala Harris when she was California’s attorney general and her Democrat replacement Xavier Becerra.

As the Washington Examiner points out Harris has received massive campaign contributions from the abortion industry including some $81,000 from Planned Parenthood and other groups advocating abortion.

When she was still attorney general Harris elected not to investigate Planned Parenthood’s alleged illegal activities. But she did have her office search the home of Daleiden where prosecutors took possession of his laptop and hard drives containing footage of his undercover investigation.

Daleiden’s legal counsel the Thomas More Society has filed a motion to void the warrant that led Harris’ office to search his home and seize his property. The motion contains evidence that Harris sought to protect Planned Parenthood from legal scrutiny. 

Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom •  

no comment ] [ Top 10 Events of 2019 that Indicate the Rise of Satanism https://humansarefree com/2019/12/the-rise-of-satanism.html
There’s also failed California Senator Kamala Harris another Satanist who came out this year as an anti-Christian bigot who wants to see God extinguished not just from California but from the entire country.

It’s a good thing she dropped out of the 2020 presidential race not that she ever stood a chance of actually winning. 

NoahTheNephilim7 hours ago

# COVID19 #Renzi: "The #vaccine must be mandatory otherwise what's the point?"
Meanwhile he and his family began to inoculate the "nano uranium particles" of #BillGates then if it were effective it will be worse for those who do not ...
You PD are "protected" right?

#COVID19 #Renzi: “Il #vaccino dovrà essere obbligatorio sennò che senso ha?”
Intanto cominciasse lui e la sua famiglia a inocularsi le "nano particelle di uranio" di #BillGates poi se fosse efficace sarà peggio per chi non lo fa...
Tu PD sei "protetto" no?

NoahTheNephilim •  
Facebook bans Laurel and Hardy


vocelibera on The Cuban taken by the neck had harassed the agents - VIDEO

North Africans attack Italians with katana and bars


African beats policeman and yells: "In any case the judge won't do anything to me"

Bellanova: "Compulsory anti-Covid vaccine" 

NoahTheNephilim • 

Too many infected immigrants in Pozzallo: the army arrives but in the meantime they have fled
August 11 2020
#Oms gives the BOIA #Monti the "Covid armchair":
he will decide the priorities

Furbetti Sgarbi to Fico: "You can't give lessons with the clandestine maid in black"
August 11 2020
Contagion almost tripled: +412 spreads in reception centers
August 11 2020
Lamorgese reopens the hotels to illegal immigrants and they land in bursts
August 11 2020
PD politician caught with the € 600 bonus: "I didn't notice"

Lampedusa: Tunisians land directly on the beach and in the port then flee: it is invasion - VIDEO
August 11 2020

Naked migrants in front of children: this is how those who keep them free reciprocate

They disembark and undress in front of the children: disgrace to those who welcome them  

NoahTheNephilim7 hours ago

Coronavirus many cases of relapse: strong doubts about the effectiveness of a vaccine
Acquired immunity is not definitive but can ally with the virus during secondary infections
https://www imolaoggi it/2020/07/14/coronavirus-tanti-casi-ricadutadubbi-su-efficacia-vaccino/
Coronavirus tanti casi di ricaduta: forti dubbi sull’efficacia di un vaccino
L'immunità acquisita non è definitiva ma può allearsi con il virus durante infezioni secondarie


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NoahTheNephilim7 hours ago

Islam OCI sharia is a demonic disease of the FED UE NWO ECB IMF the blood of all Christian martyrs was found there in BIDEN Babylon USA
Pakistan: judges overturn sentence that freed kidnapped Christian girl
ROME AUG 05 - New stop after the first timid openings of justice in Pakistan against the phenomenon of child-brides teenagers kidnapped converted and forced into marriage chosen above all from girls of the Catholic minority. The campaign for the liberation of 14-year-old Pakistani Catholic Maira Shahbaz from her Muslim kidnapper has failed.

Islam OCI sharia è una malattia demoniaca della FED UE NWO ECB IMF li a BIDEN Babilonia USA è stato trovato il sangue di tutti i martiri cristiani
Pakistan: giudici ribaltano sentenza che liberava ragazzina cristiana rapita
ROMA 05 AGO – Nuovo stop dopo le prime timide aperture della giustizia in Pakistan contro il fenomeno delle spose-bambine adolescenti rapite convertite e costrette al matrimonio scelte soprattutto tra le ragazze della minoranza cattolica. La campagna per la liberazione della 14enne cattolica pakistana Maira Shahbaz dal suo rapitore enstupratore islamico è fallita.


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NoahTheNephilim7 hours ago

Vaccini Meluzzi: a strategic match for the control of the planet
CHRONICLE Featured Tuesday August 11 2020
The professor. Alessandro Meluzzi explains how in an international context vaccines do not represent just a health issue but a strategic method a match for the control of the planet.
Dear friends of "Fatti e Disfatti" have a nice day. As we have tried several times to discuss to say also in our column the Covid story - and above all that of the vaccine that ideally derives from it - is very closely intertwined with the issues of politics and geopolitics and even strategy.
The fact that Vladimir Putin from Russia very promptly announces a vaccine that is being registered immediately produces acute reactions in the WHO in some way an expression of the Chinese and of big international finance and it is announced that there is a lot of skepticism towards this timeliness. Russian but we also believe that in reality this timeliness is linked to the fact of a game that opens and that from many points of view is similar to that of 5G beyond the fact that there may be relationships between 5G and vaccines .
Whoever controls the information system the system of datism the system of antibodies will have control of the planet and therefore it seems to me absolutely understandable that Russia strongly national sovereign and autonomous of Putin wants to avoid being colonized not only by 5G from Huawei but also from hypothetical vaccines. Vaccines on the other hand which as is well known being (the Covid coronavirus) an RNA virus that does not give permanent immunity and which exposes even those who have had the disease to reinfection have a very partial meaning at most producing a temporary cellular and antibody reaction after the administration of the vaccine but certainly not the solution of the definitive immunity as we have been led to imagine when thinking of the smallpox or antipolio vaccine which are completely different viruses.
As you can see the game is very complex and Russia also enters this complicated chessboard and all in all we do not mind because we have never liked the great monopolies of power.
Good day to all the friends of “Fatti e Disfatti” and ImolaOggi. Hello.see more


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NoahTheNephilim8 hours ago

Why is Bill Clinton still scheduled to speak at the DNC Convention after he was recently documented as taking part in the s e x trafficking of underage girls?

Perché Bill Clinton è ancora programmato per parlare alla Convenzione DNC dopo che è stato recentemente documentato come prendere parte al traffico s e s s u a l e di ragazze minorenni?


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Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom8 hours ago

via Volturno] the Democratic Party gave us the Nigerian mafia [Lamorgese has a bodyguard? Not us this old attacked woman dragged to the ground by a foreigner (the parasites) and What if it happened to your mother?

via Volturno ] il Pd ci ha regalato la mafia nigeriana [ Lamorgese ce l'ha la guardia del corpo? Noi no questa anziana aggredita trascinata a terra da uno straniero(i parassiti) e Se capitasse a tua madre?



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NoahTheNephilim8 hours ago

the NATO security council must be convened
Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias warned that Greece will defend its sovereignty and sovereign rights and called on Turkey to leave the Greek continental shelf immediately.

bisogna convocare il consiglio di sicurezza della NATO
Il ministro degli Esteri greco Nikos Dendias ha avvertito che la Grecia difenderà la sua sovranità e i suoi diritti sovrani e ha invitato la Turchia a lasciare immediatamente la piattaforma continentale greca.


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Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom10 hours ago

Fellow American Patriot MAGA the neoliberal democratic party is a constitutional threat a threat to national security: they must be arrested! Sarah Huff just wants to make a living. But ANTIFA Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer's radical orders forced Sarah to shutter her small hair salon which is her only source of income. Now the state of Michigan is charging Sarah with crimes and local authorities are threatening her.
Fellow American Patriot MAGA il partito democratico neoliberista è una minaccia costituzionale una minaccia alla sicurezza nazionale: devono essere arrestati!



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punch_corona16 hours ago

.. these are biblical prophecies happening right before you.. the odds of the old guy completing the 4 years is a question.. the VP becomes President .. remember Lyndon B Johnson.. if the democrats win ... the top prized govt post is the State Department .. all else is secondary.. would not be surprised if obama or rice .. get this post at the State Department.. these are interesting times..

.. for those curious about biblical prophecies : http://trackingbibleprophecy [dot ] org/index.html 

questo NON è una testata giornalistica

questo NON è una testata giornalistica

questo NON è una testata giornalistica

La mia foto ☦️burn satana ☦️shariah ☦️Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name amen ☦️alleluia ☦️ lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom ☦️burn satana ☦️shariah ☦️Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name amen ☦️alleluia ☦️ C. S. P. B. Crux Sancti Patris Benedecti Croce del Santo Padre Benedetto C. S. S. M. L. Crux Sacra Sit Mihi Lux Croce sacra sii la mia Luce N. D. S. M. D. Non draco sit mihi dux Che il dragone non sia il mio duce V. R. S. Vadre Retro satana Allontanati satana! N. S. M. V. Non Suade Mihi Vana Non mi persuaderai di cose vane S. M. Q. L. Sunt Mala Quae Libas Ciò che mi offri è cattivo I.V. B. Ipsa Venena Bibas Bevi tu stesso i tuoi veleni