universal Kingdom brotherhood Fedele
HI-JINPING PUTIN ] [ IRAN Erdogan RIYAD non sono entrati nel mio regno di Israele perché lo sterminio di russi e cinesi per loro è la soluzione più vantaggiosa... infatti anche se la Cia Spa Big Farma NWO riuscirà con il suo progetto agenda 2004 (covid + vaccino) a uccidere un miliardo di persone questo non sarà sufficiente... piuttosto che fermare il NWO la LEGA ARABA oci ha pensato che sarebbe più utile distruggere RUSSIA e CINA
universal Kingdom brotherhood Fedele
BIN SALMAN OCI RIYAD IRAN ] [ nel sesso anche dal punto di visto genetico-cromosonico Dio JHWH vede il sacramento monogamico del matrimonio... altrimenti. NOI trasformiamo le donne in femmine e le bambine di 9 anni in cagne come ha fatto il demonio del tuo profeta Maometto









universal Kingdom brotherhood Fedele
chiunque (anche i satanisti)che parteciperanno al mio progetto di sterminare tutta la LEGA ARABA e si pentirà dei suoi peccati di massoneria e satanismo Deep State signoraggio bancario? certo io gli aprirò le porte del PARADISO!
universal Kingdom brotherhood Fedele
chi conserva una minima speranza di poter entrare nella vita eterna... venga con me a sterminare tutta la LEGA ARABA sharia genocidio
universal Kingdom brotherhood Fedele
la LEGA ARABA andrà ad occupare prima o poi il territorio "ripulito dei kafir" dalla sua galassia jihadista! Il presidente satanista ebreo massone rabbino Usa Barack Obama ha definito "straziante" il rapimento delle oltre 200 liceali nigeriane sottolineando che Boko Haram "è una delle peggiori organizzazioni terroristiche... che uccide persone in modo spietato". answer si ma il criminale IMAM OBAMA non ha dichiarato guerra a tutta la LEGA ARABA
universal Kingdom brotherhood Fedele
Il presidente satanista ebreo massone Usa Barack Obama ha definito "straziante" il rapimento delle oltre 200 liceali nigeriane sottolineando che Boko Haram "è una delle peggiori organizzazioni terroristiche... che uccide persone in modo spietato". si ma il criminale IMAM OBAMA non ha dichiarato guerra a tutta la LEGA ARABA,
universal Kingdom brotherhood Fedele1 ora fa
NWO DEPP STATE INTERNET NETWORK SOCIAL SATELLITE TV IS FAKE NEWS AND TIRANNIC REGIME.. TYRANNIC WORLDWIDE ISIS SHARIA RIYAD WORLDIST REGIME! DOUBLE STANDARD! US House Rep. Taylor Greene was kicked out of committees for her conspiracy theories (when she was a simple citizen) no conspiracy theory was made by her when she became a political figure .... Corriere della Sera and her accomplices DEM PD UE NWO CIA FED IMF ECB Riyadh are totally corrupt
universal Kingdom brotherhood Fedele
TYRANNIC WORLDIST REGIME! DOUBLE STANDARD! US House Rep. Taylor Greene was kicked out of committees for her conspiracy theories (when she was a simple citizen) no conspiracy theory was made by her when she became a political figure .... Corriere della Sera and her accomplices DEM PD UE NWO CIA FED IMF ECB Riyadh are totally corrupt the expressions with which the 46-year-old deputy from Georgia was condemned and ousted for having spread false and aberrant theories (before being elected by the citizens as political representative). For example the Parkland High School massacre (17 dead) was a staged one. Or because of her threatening statements. Like you have to put a bullet in Nancy Pelosi's skull. Or the tweet that yesterday the leader of the democratic majority Steny Hoyer showed on a large panel in the hemicycle. Marjorie Taylor Green is seen holding an automatic rifle. Dark teardrop glasses jacket grim air and the words «The worst nightmare for the“ Squad ”» that is the three radical deputies Ilhan Omar Rashida Tlaib and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. About halfway through the debate Taylor Greene attempted HIS ultimate defense LGBT MASON SATANISTS DON'T REASON BECAUSE THEY ARE A LEGION OF DEMONS THAT DON'T FORGET OR FORGIVE!
universal Kingdom brotherhood Fedele
REGIME MONDIALISTA TIRANNICO! DOPPIO STANDARD! Camera Usa deputata Taylor Greene repubblicana è stata espulsa dalle commissioni per le sue teorie cospirazioniste (quando era una semplice cittadina) nessuna teoria cospirazionista è stata fatta da lei quando è diventata un personaggio politico.... Corriere della Sera e suoi complici DEM PD UE NWO CIA FED IMF ECB Riyad sono totalmente corrotti le espressioni con cui è stata condannata ed estromessa la deputata della Georgia 46 anni che viene sanzionata per aver diffuso teorie false e aberranti (prima di essere stata eletta dai cittadini come rappresentante politico). Per esempio la strage nel liceo di Parkland (17 morti) era una messa in scena. Oppure per le sue affermazioni minacciose. Tipo bisogna piantare una pallottola nel cranio di Nancy Pelosi. O ancora il tweet che ieri il leader della maggioranza democratica Steny Hoyer ha mostrato su un grande pannello all’emiciclo. Si vede Marjorie Taylor Green imbracciare un fucile automatico. Occhiali a goccia scuri giubbotto aria truce e la scritta «Il peggior incubo per la “Squad”» cioè le tre deputate radical Ilhan Omar Rashida Tlaib e Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. A metà circa del dibattito Taylor Greene ha tentato LA SUA l’estrema difesa I SATANISTI MASSONI LGBT NON RAGIONANO PERCHé SONO UNA LEGIONE DI DEMONI CHE NON DIMENTICA E NON PERDONA!
universal Kingdom brotherhood Fedele
Dead Russian doctor who treated Navalny after poisoning ANSWER this is the war to clean up of the Wahhabis and their priests of Satan of the CIA all our planet! Morto medico russo che curò Navalny dopo l'avvelenamento ANSWER questa è la guerra ripulire dai wahhabiti e loro sacerdoti di Satana della CIA tutto il nostro pianeta!
universal Kingdom brotherhood Fedele7 ore fa
NO COMMENT BIG FARMA WITH BILL GATES KILL AGAIN ] [ 7 die at Spanish care home after getting Pfizer Covid-19 jab as ALL residents test positive for virus second doses still to come 7 muoiono in una casa di cura spagnola dopo aver ricevuto l'iniezione di Pfizer Covid-19 poiché TUTTI i residenti risultano positivi al virus le seconde dosi devono ancora arrivare
"Un precedente pericoloso" la Camera toglie l'incarico alla deputata "QAnon" Greene La Camera dei Rappresentanti degli Stati Uniti dominata dai Democratici ha votato per rimuovere Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Georgia) da due comitati mentre i repubblicani protestavano per "l'impatto duraturo e dannoso" del "nuovo pericoloso precedente". Giovedì pomeriggio Greene è stato rimosso dai comitati Bilancio Istruzione e Lavoro. I democratici l'hanno accusata di "incitamento all'odio" online e di sostenere teorie del complotto come QAnon mentre era un privato cittadino e hanno affermato che rappresentava un pericolo di "danno" per altri membri del Congresso e americani. Mentre il precedente voto procedurale ha rotto il 218-210 lungo le linee del partito diversi repubblicani si sono schierati con i democratici nel voto finale per privare Greene dei suoi incarichi di commissione. In un discorso in Aula Greene ha espresso rammarico per i commenti fatti prima della sua elezione ma ha detto che "non ha mai detto una delle cose di cui sono stato accusato oggi durante la mia campagna" o da quando sono stata eletta al Congresso. "Queste erano parole del passato e queste cose non mi rappresentano non rappresentano il mio distretto e non rappresentano i miei valori" ha detto prima di fare perno per denunciare la cancellazione della cultura e della censura. Pur dichiarando i commenti che Greene ha fatto prima della sua elezione "completamente inappropriati" e meritevoli di condanna la leadership repubblicana della Camera ha comunque esortato i propri membri a votare contro la sua rimozione dicendo che avrebbe stabilito "un nuovo pericoloso precedente". "La risoluzione davanti alla Camera oggi non riguarda i commenti fatti in passato dal rappresentante Greene ma è invece un'ulteriore violazione dei diritti delle minoranze che avrà un impatto duraturo e dannoso sull'istituzione" ha scritto la leadership nell'istruzione. Commentando ciò il rappresentante Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Florida) che ha avviato la mozione per rimuovere Greene dai comitati ha insultato il leader della minoranza Kevin McCarthy (R-California) definendolo "Qevin McQarthy". Questo è stato un passo oltre la presidente della Camera Nancy Pelosi (D-California) che mercoledì ha denunciato McCarthy come "Q-California" e lo ha accusato di "incapacità di guidare il suo partito" e di "consegna delle chiavi" a Greene che lei ha descritto come "antisemita aderente al QAnon e Truther dell'11 settembre". Parlando all'aula della Camera McCarthy ha accusato i Democratici di ipocrisia e doppi standard sollevando le dichiarazioni e il comportamento passati di rappresentanti come Ilhan Omar (D-Minnesota) Maxine Waters (D-California) ed Eric Swalwell (D-California) che sono stati invece tutti premiati. "Questo è il Congresso meno produttivo dallo scorso anno" ha sottolineato McCarthy definendo la discussione di Greene una "distrazione dalle questioni reali" come aiutare gli americani che hanno perso il lavoro. Ha esortato i democratici a "smettere di cercare di trovare modi pericolosi e divisivi per abusare del potere della maggioranza" e ha detto che potrebbero vivere per rimpiangere il nuovo standard che stanno creando "molto prima di quanto si pensi". Anche se Greene è stata al centro dell'attenzione negativa dei media e dei Democratici nelle ultime settimane c'è poco da suggerire che la sua rimozione sarà la fine. Diversi membri democratici del Congresso hanno già affermato che la semplice presenza di "persone armate " come la matricola Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colorado) li fa sentire insicuri. https://www.rt.com/usa/514654-house-democrats-greene-committees/
universal Kingdom brotherhood Fedele
Vaccino anti Covid oltre 7mila reazioni (14mila?) avverse «Il 92,4% non gravi». Il primo rapporto dell'Aifa ma il 3% sono reazioni mortali immediate mentre il 15% saranno reazioni mortali postume?!
universal Kingdom brotherhood Fedele
Vaccino anti Covid oltre 7mila reazioni avverse «Il 92,4% non gravi». Il primo rapporto dell'Aifa
universal Kingdom brotherhood Fedele
Bin Salman ] ebrei e mussulmani fanno i filosofi contro di me e ma? loro non potrebbero farlo! Escludiamo Gesù che era venuto intenzionalmente per morire come l'Agnello Innocente di Dio del riscatto e della redenzione (per tutti noi e per ogni uomo)... ma l'Apostolo Giacomo e il diacono Stefano? Quelli loro non dovevano ucciderli! .. Quindi sono stati gli ebrei che hanno iniziato con le ostilità... che io non sono quì per litigare con le persone ma loro non mi dovrebbero provocare
universal Kingdom brotherhood Fedele
criminal Cain Rivlin Rockefeller Talmudic schith satanists block their loving messia Abel lorenzoJHWH We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by United with Israel.
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
Theodore Shoebat https://muckrack.com/theodore-shoebat/articles
universal Kingdom brotherhood Fedele
President RIVLIN ] si lo so i tuoi froci "gridano gridano"... ma non hanno il coraggio di farsi avanti!
universal Kingdom brotherhood Fedele
BIN SALMAN ] [ Dio mai approverebbe un crimine! Voi siete il più grande delitto/genocidio sharia della storia del genere umano!
universal Kingdom brotherhood Fedel
Rockefeller ] i tuoi satanisti di Chrome mi stanno rallentando il lavoro
universal Kingdom brotherhood Fedele
Bin SALMAN ] non esiste un problema per i palestinesi di vivere in Palestina se la LEGA ARABA non fosse incompatibile con la sopravvivenza del genere umano! .. e mi dispiace per quell'infame di Sergej Viktorovič Lavrov che sputa anche lui sul sangue dei martiri cristiani


non abbiamo ideologie che prevedono la centralità dell'uomo visto che per Onu i nuovi diritti umani sono la shariah e che per gli evoluzionisti noi siamo animali goym dalla forma umana! ] Corte Ue l'ovulo umano non fecondato è brevettabile
È embrione solo se può svilupparsi [ 18 dicembre Corte Ue brevettabile ovulo umano non fecondato Corte Ue brevettabile ovulo umano non fecondato. Un ovulo umano manipolato ma non fecondato può essere brevettato a fini industriali. Lo ha stabilito la Corte di giustizia Ue sostenendo che per essere qualificato come embrione umano un ovulo deve avere la capacità intrinseca di svilupparsi in essere umano. Un ricercatore chiarisce le parti del corpo non sono brevettabili e la brevettabilità è riferita ai prodotti della ricerca ottenuti utilizzando anche ovuli a patto che non siano fecondati''.
Nella loro sentenza i giudici europei hanno stabilito che per essere qualificato come embrione umano un ovulo umano non fecondato deve necessariamente avere la capacità intrinseca di svilupparsi in in essere umano. Quindi per la Corte un ovulo attivato per partenogenesi che abbia iniziato un processo di sviluppo non va considerato come un embrione umano.
https://www.facebook.com/daniel.kilbert.1 Benjamin Netanyahu -- IO SPERAVO CHE I NOSTRI EBREI SI SAREBBERO RIBELLATI AL SATANISMO DEI FARISEI ROTHSCHILD Spa Banca Mondiale LaVey 322 Kerry (la schiavizzazione dei popoli con il furto della sovranità monetaria ed il plagio massonico della Politica) PER NON FINIRE DI NUOVO IN UN INFERNO DI GUERRA MONDIaLE TUTTI AD UN solo Campo di concentramento di BUSH 666 Auschwitz NWO; FMI.. questa è la verità i Farisei Talmud se possono rendono colpevoli criminali i governi e poi massacrano i popoli e rubano loro la sovranità monetaria questa è la Agenda Talmud in Iraq e Iran Cina e Russia ed io speravo che gli ebrei ricchi mi potevano seguire.. ma per colpa di Abd Allah dell'Arabia Saudita,?l Sa??d. King Abdullah Commander of Saudi Arabian National Guard non lo hanno voluto fare oppure non lo hanno potuto fare tutti fare PERCHé PER GLI ISLAMICI è GIUSTA UNA GUERRA MONDIALE PER POTER CONQUISTARE IL MONDO.. SOPRATTUTTO SE GLI INFEDELI (ALLAH AKBAR MORTE A TUTTI GLI INFEDELI) SI UCCIDONO TRA DI LORO E RENDONO L'OPERAZIONE SHARIAH CALIFFATO MONDIALE PIù FACILE ed adesso FARISEI ILLUMINATI accerchiano la Russia (che ha ragione al 100%) per TENTARE DI annetterla al sistema massonico bildenberg... ma questo non avverrà quindi non esiteranno a distruggere il genere umano in realtà se volessero loro potrebbero risolvere i problemi del mondo(tutti problemi che loro hanno cuasato scientemente) rapidamente! Ma i goym senza genealogia paterna sono gli schiAvi animali dalla forma umana di cui non si deve avere pietà perché sono stati creAti dal gufo dio Baal per essere sfruttati e per essere distrutti.. ED ADESsO IO VI DEVO VEDER MORIRE PERCHé IO SONO IMMORTALE ED IO SARò SEMPRE QUì PERCHé IO HO PROMESSO A DIO DI ROVESCIARE IL NWO SHARIAH ONU!
open letter a Papa Francesco [ io rischio di essere ucciso ogni giorno da otto anni! e sarei già stato ucciso certamente se io non fossi il progetto politico del Re di Israele e se non avessi potuto dimostrare di aver saputo calpestare nel nome di Gesù di Betlemme tutti i poteri occulti massonici e esoterici! ] otto anni fa io ho distrutto la mia azienda agricola ed io ho fatto un mutuo per 25 anni che è un sacrificio economico di poco inferiore ai 600.000 euro per 1. soccorrere i martiri cristiani 2. fermare la usurocrazia del NWO che è il furto della nostra sovranità monetaria! 3. Quindi fermare la agenda del Talmud che distruggerà ISraele ed il Genere umano 4. perché è il satanismo ideologico e pratico dei giudei massoni e 5. tutti i loro satanismi per realizzare branchi di schiavi dalit goym dhimmi che questa forma di schiavismo e satanismo dei giudeo massoni farisei salafiti proprio loro hanno preso il controllo del potere! 6. in questi 8 anni IO ho lavorato tutti i giorni più di 8 ore al giorno... e poi perché i satanisti cannibali della CIA e tutti gli anticristi massoni farisei salafiti del mondo possano essere soccorsi ed aiutati io devo avere il mio Arcivescovo Mons FRANCESCO che lui mi deve perseguitare ed infatti mi ha rimosso il mio Ministero di Accolito dopo 32 anni senza comunicarmi le motivazioni che questo è un atto di vero terrorismo e di intimidazione.. QUALCOSA CHE IL REGNO DI DIO NON POTREBBE MAI ACCETTARE! https://www.youtube.com/user/UniusRei3/discussion
Antonio Amato https://www.facebook.com/frenkildiavolo https://www.facebook.com/daniel.kilbert.1 Benjamin Netanyahu -- IO SPERAVO CHE I NOSTRI EBREI SI SAREBBERO RIBELLATI AL SATANISMO DEI FARISEI ROTHSCHILD Spa Banca Mondiale LaVey 322 Kerry (la schiavizzazione dei popoli con il furto della loro sovranità monetaria ed il plagio massonico della Politica) PER NON FINIRE DI NUOVO IN UN INFERNO DI GUERRA MONDIaLE TUTTI AD UN solo Campo di concentramento di BUSH 666 Auschwitz NWO; FMI.. questa è la verità i Farisei Talmud se possono loro rendono prima sommamente colpevoli criminali i Governi (come hanno fatto con Hitler COSì oggi stanno facendo la stessa operazione con la LEGA NAZI SHARIAH ONU OIC ARABA NUOVO IMPERO OTTOMANO) e poi massacrano i popoli e rubano loro la sovranità monetaria questa è la Agenda Talmud in Iraq e Iran Cina e Russia ed io speravo che gli ebrei ricchi mi potevano seguire.. ma per colpa di Abd Allah dell'Arabia Saudita,?l Sa??d. King Abdullah Commander of Saudi Arabian National Guard non lo hanno voluto fare oppure non lo hanno potuto fare PERCHé PER GLI ISLAMICI è GIUSTA UNA GUERRA MONDIALE PER POTER CONQUISTARE IL MONDO.. SOPRATTUTTO SE GLI INFEDELI (ALLAH AKBAR MORTE A TUTTI GLI INFEDELI) SI UCCIDONO TRA DI LORO E RENDONO L'OPERAZIONE SHARIAH CALIFFATO MONDIALE PIù AGEVOLE E PIù FACILE ed adesso FARISEI ILLUMINATI accerchiano la Russia (che ha ragione al 100%) per annetterla al sistema massonico Bildenberg... ma questo non avverrà quindi non esiteranno a distruggere il genere umano in realtà se volessero loro potrebbero risolvere i problemi del mondo (PROBLEMI che loro gli ILLUMINATI MASSONI hanno causato poi PER lucida pianificazione e deliberata attitudine criminale) rapidamente! Ma i goym senza genealogia paterna sono gli schiAvi animali dalla forma umana di cui non si deve avere pietà perché sono stati creAti dal gufo dio BAAL per essere sfruttati e per essere distrutti.. ED ADESSO IO VI DEVO VEDER MORIRE PERCHé IO SONO IMMORTALE ED IO SARò SEMPRE QUì PERCHé IO HO PROMESSO A DIO DI ROVESCIARE IL NWO SHARIAH ONU!
Moreno Furian · Top Commentator · Freccette
LORENZO TU sei una mosca bianca ed è un peccato che siano pochi o comunque una minoranza gli ebrei che la pensano come te.
Lorenzo Canigiani · Top Commentator
sondaggio di Haaretz? Ma per piacere... Haaretz è un media di estrema sinistra colluso con l'islamismo palestinese e senza un briciolo di credibilità se non nelle teste di chi vorrebbe vedere Israele sparire dal pianeta.
Leon Shteingardt Ben detto!
Marco Pieri · Top Commentator · Università di Bologna
parole grosse in Israele si tollera una testata "collusa" con i palestinesi? sembrerebbe difficile da credere magari - se vuole - si spieghi meglio. Grazie
Lorenzo Canigiani · Top Commentator
Marco Pieri in Israele Haaretz ha una tiratura di pochissime copie sopravvive solo grazie al fatto che la sua agenda completamente antisionista piace molto ai media esteri e a chi ne condivide il pensiero. E riguardo al merito in un paio di frangenti è stata apertamente denunciata per supposto tradimento (come per l'affaire Kam) e per aver indirettamente e direttamente favorito i nemici della nazione. Questo potrebbe anche non infastidire gli antisionisti e gli antisemiti ma alla popolazione israeliana non credo faccia molto piacere visto che poi è quella che finisce sotto i missili di Hamas e di Hezbollah o perde la vita negli attentati organizzati dalle fazioni terroristiche palestinesi.
Lavrov legge su sanzioni Usa è rottura! IL GOLPE A KIEV MAIDAN è STATO REALIZZATO CON IMPUNIBILI CECHINI DELLA CIA CHE HANNO UCCISO UN CENTINAIO DI PERSONE INNOCENTI E POI DOPO AVERE VIOLATO LA COSTITUZIONE PER REALIZZARE UN GOLPE INUTILE USANO LA STESSA COSTITUZIONE PER REALIZZARE UN GENOCIDIO DI CITTADINI. CHE SI SONO ORGANIZZATI IN MODO COSTITUZIONALE NEL DONBASS.. MA SATANISTI E MASSONI MERKEL MOGHERINI BILDENBERG TROIKA JUNCKER NON HANNO UN LEGAME CON LA DEMOCRAZIA REALE DEI POPOLI PERCHé IL REGIME ROTHSCHILD LA USUROCRAZIA NON PUò AMMETTERE LA AUTODERMINAZIONE DEI POPOLI LIBERI! COSì LA NATO 322 LEGA ARABA OGGI UN SOLO ANTICRISTO PORTANO AVANTI IN MODO COERENTE LA AGENDA DEL TALMUD CIOè LA DISTRUZIONE DI ISRAELE ED EUROPA PER ANNIENTARE DEFINITIVAMENTE LA CIVILTà EBRAICO CRISTIANA!.. ED IL FATTO CHE LA CHIESA CATTOLICA STIA FACENDO DA DECENNI UN LAVORO AUTOLESIONISTICO QUESTO NON VUOL DIRE CHE NON CI SIANO ERESIE ED INFILTRATI CHE VANNO SOTTO IL VECCHIO NOME DI GIUDEO MARRANI O PIù MODERNAMENTE SOTTO IL NOME DI MODERNISMO! MA FINCHé ESISTONO I CRISTIANI IL REGNO DI SATANA DEI FARISEI ILLUMINATI BUSH 322 KERRY NWO NON PUò SORGERE! OVVIAMENTE LA RESA DEI CONTI CONTRO IL CALIFFATO SHARIAH è RINVIATA è POSTICIPATA SOLTANTO.. PERCHé OGGI SONO FARISEI SALAFITI MASSONI SONO COMPLICI NEL DISTRUGGERE ISRAELE EUROPA CINA E RUSSIA! Monito della Russia dopo legge Congresso firmata ieri da Obama. 19 dicembre 2014 MOSCA 19 DIC - La nuova legge approvata dal Congresso Usa e firmata ieri dal presidente Barack Obama che rende possibili - sebbene per ora non operative stando alla Casa Bianca - nuove sanzioni contro la Russia minaccia di congelare "a lungo" le relazioni tra Mosca e Washington. Lo ha detto il capo della diplomazia russa Serghiei Lavrov in una telefonata con il segretario di Stato Usa John Kerry di cui riferisce il ministero degli Esteri russo. C. S. P. B. Crux Sancti Patris Benedecti Croce del Santo Padre Benedetto C. S. S. M. L. Crux Sacra Sit Mihi Lux Croce sacra sii la mia Luce N. D. S. M. D. Non draco sit mihi dux Che il dragone non sia il mio duce V. R. S. Vadre Retro satana Allontanati satana! N. S. M. V. Non Suade Mihi Vana Non mi persuaderai di cose vane S. M. Q. L. Sunt Mala Quae Libas Ciò che mi offri è cattivo I.V. B. Ipsa Venena Bibas Bevi tu stesso i tuoi veleni + In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritui Sancto Croce del Santo Padre Benedetto. Croce Santa sii la mia Luce e non sia mai il dragone mio duce. Va indietro satana! Non mi persuaderai di cose vane. Sono mali le cose che mi offri bevi tu stesso il tuo veleno. Nel Nome del Padre del Figlio e dello Spirito Santo +. Amen! le RELIGIONI SATANICHE HANNO LEGITTIMATO GOYM DALIT DHIMMI
IN REALTà SI DOVREBBERO AMMAZARE TUTTI TRA DI LORO DAL MOMENTO CHE LA SHARIAH è IL PIù CRIMINALE DI TUTTI I NAZISMI CHE SONO APPARSI NELLA STORIA DEL GENERE UMANO!.. ma è soltanto ONU USA UE CHE NON SE NE SONO ACCORTI!.. ISRAELE E RUSSIA NON NE PARLANO DEL NAZISMO SHARIAH PER NON ACCENTUARE IL LORO ISOLAMENTO! MA UE ED USA HANNO BISOGNO DEI NAZISTI ISLAMICI LEGA ARABA PER LA LORO INEVITABILE GUERRA MONDIALE NUCLEARE.. PERCHé SENZA GUERRA MONDIALE NON SI POTREBBE RIGENERARE UN NUOVO CICLO MONETARIO PARASSITARIO ED IL FONDO MONETARIO COLLASSEREBBE O SAREBBE LO STRUMENTO DELLA DISPERAZIONE USUROCRATICA OPPRESSIONE FISCALE INSOSTENIBILE PER REALIZZARE LE RIVOLUZIONI DI TUTTI I POPOLI OPPRESSI ] Pakistan strage scuola forca per 3.000. Primi ordini di esecuzione già firmati dopo stop a moratoria. 19 dicembre 2014 ISLAMABAD Il comandante dell'esercito pachistano generale Raheel Sharif ha chiesto al governo di poter eseguire oltre 3.000 "impiccagioni di terroristi" nelle prossime 48 ore come ritorsione per il massacro di 148 persone quasi tutti bambini e adolescenti perpetrato dai talebani nella Scuola militare di Peshawar. Sharif ha poi firmato di suo pugno i primi 6 ordini d'esecuzione per oggi. Il Pakistan aveva già annunciato la fine della moratoria sulle esecuzioni capitali per reati di terrorismo. C. S. P. B. Crux Sancti Patris Benedecti Croce del Santo Padre Benedetto C. S. S. M. L. Crux Sacra Sit Mihi Lux Croce sacra sii la mia Luce N. D. S. M. D. Non draco sit mihi dux Che il dragone non sia il mio duce V. R. S. Vadre Retro satana Allontanati satana! N. S. M. V. Non Suade Mihi Vana Non mi persuaderai di cose vane S. M. Q. L. Sunt Mala Quae Libas Ciò che mi offri è cattivo I.V. B. Ipsa Venena Bibas Bevi tu stesso i tuoi veleni + In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritui Sancto Croce del Santo Padre Benedetto. Croce Santa sii la mia Luce e non sia mai il dragone mio duce. Va indietro satana! Non mi persuaderai di cose vane. Sono mali le cose che mi offri bevi tu stesso il tuo veleno. Nel Nome del Padre del Figlio e dello Spirito Santo +. Amen! le RELIGIONI SATANICHE HANNO LEGITTIMATO GOYM DALIT DHIMMIhttp://www.ansa.it/sito/notizie/mondo/asia/2014/12/19/pakistan-strage-scuola-forca-per-3.000_640c4f4e-bff6-4667-a9fe-0bf38e68f37d.html
NON è POSSIBILE CHE MILIZIE SHARIAH POSSANO VINCERE GLI ESERCITI SE DIETRO DI LORO NON C'è LA LOGISTICA DELLA LEGA ARABA SHARIAH CON AL SUPERVISIONE DEI SATANISTI AMERICANI DELLA CIA NATO NWO FMI FED BCE SATANA GENDER A TUTTI! Libia islamici conquistano base aerea. Fronte Alba si impossessa di armi inclusi missili e velivoli 19 dicembre 2014 BENGASI (LIBIA) 19 DIC - Le milizie filo-islamiche di Fajr Libya fedeli al governo "parallelo" di Tripoli hanno attaccato nel sud della Libia una base aerea dell'esecutivo insediato a Tobruk e riconosciuto dalla comunità internazionale. Lo ha riferito un anonimo responsabile militare. Le milizie di Fajr Libya (Alba della Libia) sono entratw in forze nella base di Brak al-Chata e si sono impossessate di "diversi tipi di munizioni armi pesanti e medie missili anti-carro aerei" ha precisato la fonte. C. S. P. B. Crux Sancti Patris Benedecti Croce del Santo Padre Benedetto C. S. S. M. L. Crux Sacra Sit Mihi Lux Croce sacra sii la mia Luce N. D. S. M. D. Non draco sit mihi dux Che il dragone non sia il mio duce V. R. S. Vadre Retro satana Allontanati satana! N. S. M. V. Non Suade Mihi Vana Non mi persuaderai di cose vane S. M. Q. L. Sunt Mala Quae Libas Ciò che mi offri è cattivo I.V. B. Ipsa Venena Bibas Bevi tu stesso i tuoi veleni + In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritui Sancto Croce del Santo Padre Benedetto. Croce Santa sii la mia Luce e non sia mai il dragone mio duce. Va indietro satana! Non mi persuaderai di cose vane. Sono mali le cose che mi offri bevi tu stesso il tuo veleno. Nel Nome del Padre del Figlio e dello Spirito Santo +. Amen! le RELIGIONI SATANICHE HANNO LEGITTIMATO GOYM DALIT DHIMMI
NEW DELHI I BULLI PIRATERIA DI GOVERNO SATANISMO INDUISMO LADRI PIRATI ASSASSINI PER GLI SCHIAVI DALIT DEI PESCATORI CATTOLICI UCCISI DAL KERALA SU UNA BARCA CON IL NOME SANTO ANTONIO. E PREDAZIONE DI UNA PETROLIERA ITALIANA IN ACQUE INTERNAZIONALI! ] L'India sta esaminando "con spirito positivo" la proposta di soluzione consensuale della vicenda dei due Fucilieri di Marina presentata dall'Italia. Lo ha dichiarato oggi all'ANSA a New Delhi il ministro degli Esteri indiano Sushma Swaraj. Nel corso di un incontro per gli auguri natalizi con la stampa estera il ministro ha detto di "non poter prevedere quanto tempo prenderà questo esame" ricordando comunque che la vicenda "e' attualmente nelle mani della Corte Suprema". C. S. P. B. Crux Sancti Patris Benedecti Croce del Santo Padre Benedetto C. S. S. M. L. Crux Sacra Sit Mihi Lux Croce sacra sii la mia Luce N. D. S. M. D. Non draco sit mihi dux Che il dragone non sia il mio duce V. R. S. Vadre Retro satana Allontanati satana! N. S. M. V. Non Suade Mihi Vana Non mi persuaderai di cose vane S. M. Q. L. Sunt Mala Quae Libas Ciò che mi offri è cattivo I.V. B. Ipsa Venena Bibas Bevi tu stesso i tuoi veleni + In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritui Sancto Croce del Santo Padre Benedetto. Croce Santa sii la mia Luce e non sia mai il dragone mio duce. Va indietro satana! Non mi persuaderai di cose vane. Sono mali le cose che mi offri bevi tu stesso il tuo veleno. Nel Nome del Padre del Figlio e dello Spirito Santo +. Amen! le RELIGIONI SATANICHE HANNO LEGITTIMATO GOYM DALIT DHIMMI
NON POSSIAMO DIRE NO! A PRODI DALEMA VELTRONI SCHIOPPA DRAGHI MONTI E TUTTI GLI ILLUMINATI BILDENBERG DATO CHE IL SISTEMA MASSONICO DEI PARTITI è TUTTA UNA AZIENDA SPA ILLUMINATI NWO FMI. LA TRUFFA DELLA DEMOCRAZIA. IO SONO 4 ANNI CHE IO NON RIESCO AD ISCRIVERMI AL PARTITO DI GIORGIA MELONI.. PERCHé NON ESISTONO IN INTERNET CONTATTI PER ME! C. S. P. B. Crux Sancti Patris Benedecti Croce del Santo Padre Benedetto C. S. S. M. L. Crux Sacra Sit Mihi Lux Croce sacra sii la mia Luce N. D. S. M. D. Non draco sit mihi dux Che il dragone non sia il mio duce V. R. S. Vadre Retro satana Allontanati satana! N. S. M. V. Non Suade Mihi Vana Non mi persuaderai di cose vane S. M. Q. L. Sunt Mala Quae Libas Ciò che mi offri è cattivo I.V. B. Ipsa Venena Bibas Bevi tu stesso i tuoi veleni + In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritui Sancto Croce del Santo Padre Benedetto. Croce Santa sii la mia Luce e non sia mai il dragone mio duce. Va indietro satana! Non mi persuaderai di cose vane. Sono mali le cose che mi offri bevi tu stesso il tuo veleno. Nel Nome del Padre del Figlio e dello Spirito Santo +. Amen! le RELIGIONI SATANICHE HANNO LEGITTIMATO GOYM DALIT DHIMMI
M5S Grillo a Stampa Estera Pd è referente di Carminati e Buzzi 'M5s governerà aspettiamo passi cadavere. Andremo a governare se non ci faremo male da soli'
IL FRUSTINO E LA CAROTA LA SAPIENZA DELL'USURAIO COMMERCIANTE DI SCHAIVI GOYM ISRAELIANI SENZA GENEALOGIA PATERNA PER MEGLIO STRINGERE IL CAPPIO AI POPOLI SENZA SOVRANITà MONETARIA... MA SENZA SOVRANITà MONETARIA NON SARà POSSIBILE RIMANERE FUORI DALLA GUERRA MONDIALE NUCLEARE IMMINENTE! C. S. P. B. Crux Sancti Patris Benedecti Croce del Santo Padre Benedetto C. S. S. M. L. Crux Sacra Sit Mihi Lux Croce sacra sii la mia Luce N. D. S. M. D. Non draco sit mihi dux Che il dragone non sia il mio duce V. R. S. Vadre Retro satana Allontanati satana! N. S. M. V. Non Suade Mihi Vana Non mi persuaderai di cose vane S. M. Q. L. Sunt Mala Quae Libas Ciò che mi offri è cattivo I.V. B. Ipsa Venena Bibas Bevi tu stesso i tuoi veleni + In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritui Sancto Croce del Santo Padre Benedetto. Croce Santa sii la mia Luce e non sia mai il dragone mio duce. Va indietro satana! Non mi persuaderai di cose vane. Sono mali le cose che mi offri bevi tu stesso il tuo veleno. Nel Nome del Padre del Figlio e dello Spirito Santo +. Amen! le RELIGIONI SATANICHE HANNO LEGITTIMATO GOYM DALIT DHIMMI
Christmas 2014 'evokes not joy but fears' for India's Christians Published Dec. 18 2014 by Anto Akkara Indian prime minister Narendra Modi addressing a BJP rally ahead of his election success 28 March 14Indian prime minister Narendra Modi addressing a BJP rally ahead of his election success 28 March 14 Christmas is an occasion mostly associated with joy and celebration. But since the start of the holiday season India's minority religious groups of Christians and Muslims have been especially under pressure.
The Indian Parliament has hardly functioned since the start of December because several opposition lawmakers have been protesting a series of attacks against the nation's religious minorities. The protagonists are Hindu nationalists emboldened by India's largest political party Bharatiya Janata Party BJP. India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi is a member of the BJP. The party controls a majority in Parliament and expresses a commitment to Hindutva an ideology that defines Indian culture in terms of Hindu values. On the morning of Dec. 1 St Sebastian's church at Dilshad Garden – a large Catholic church in a crowded middleclass area of Delhi - went up in flames. The interior of the church was destroyed before half a dozen firefighting trucks managed to extinguish the blaze. Hours after the fire a Minister for food processing industries Sadhvi Niranjan Jyoti who has been handpicked by Prime Minister Modi stunned the nation with a provocative statement. Speaking at a BJP rally in Delhi ahead of state elections Jyoti encouraged the audience to make a decision saying "People of Delhi have to decide if they want a government of Ramzaadon (followers of Ram - a major Hindu deity) or a government of those who are Haraamzadon (illegitimate)." The Minister swiftly made a public apology but the storm over her using an expletive to brand the religious minorities of the country ended only after Prime Minister Modi himself appeared in both houses of Parliament and urged the opposition to accept the apology tendered by saying she is a 'first-time MP from rural background.' Conversion of Muslims
A week after these incidents 57 migrant Muslim families were 'reconverted' to Hinduism before the media by a Hindu fundamentalist outfit in Agra a city famous for the Taj Mahal 200 kilometers south of New Delhi. Nand Kishore Balmiki the organizer of the reconversion boasted to the media that they "will purge society of foreign faiths," the largest of which in India are Christianity and Islam.
The media reported that reconverts – comprised mainly of impoverished waste pickers – were encouraged to attend the ceremony by being offered ration cards voter identity and a Below Poverty Line card that would entitle them to government welfare schemes.
Christmas Day conversions
Further intensifying the situation on Dec. 10 the Regional Head of another group of extreme Hindu nationalists Rajeshwar Singh is reported to have declared that 5000 Christians and Muslims will be 'brought home to Hinduism' on Christmas day at Aligarh - 160 kms south east of New Delhi - also in Uttar Pradesh state.
Singh represents Dharma Jagram Samiti (DJM) a group supported by Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (the RSS) an extreme Hindu nationalist voluntary organization funded by the BJP.
The RSS has been linked to violent attacks against minorities over the past twenty years or more.
The group's initial claims stated that the 'ghar vapsi' ('home-coming') campaign would be the largest to date and that it would be led by BJP Parliamentarian Yogi Adityanath - known for his aggressive Hindu nationalist rhetoric.
Under pressure from the Prime Minister the RSS has now forced the DJS to call off the ceremony.
However today (Dec 18) The Hindu reports that the DJS says the ceremony was postponed not cancelled "in the strategic interest of the cause" and that the work of re-conversion will "continue slowly and steadily but cautiously".
Rajeshwar Singh had claimed that Christmas has been chosen for the reconversion because the event is a 'test of strength' for both religions.
"If their religion is better they can stop them. It is a test for both of us. If they come to us on Christmas it is the biggest rejection of the faith," Singh was quoted as saying in the Economic Times on Dec. 10.
India's Parliament has been especially heated over the conversion debate with opposition targeting the BJP. The party responded with a strong counter-offensive in support of Hindu fundamentalist's stance on reconversions.
Unfazed by the barrage of criticism in the Parliament and the media Venkaiah Naidu Minister for Parliamentary Affairs on Dec. 13 called for national and state level anti-conversion laws. At the moment five of India's 15 states have laws that forbid coercing someone to change religions. 'Good Governance Day'
The most controversial element of the conversion campaign emerged Dec. 15 when the Times of India unearthed a government circular of the education department attempting to shift children's attention from Christmas to 'good governance' by recognizing a new Indian holiday on Christmas day. Good Governance Day is being established to encourage students to celebrate the birthdays of Atal Bihari Vajpayee a former Prime Minister of India and Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya a Hindu nationalist educationist and politician.
The circular encourages schools and colleges to organise various student competitions such as activities including narratives essay and quizzes on promoting the message of 'good governance.'
"The situation is alarming. This Christmas looks like it is not a pleasant one," Bishop Simon John of Delhi Diocese of the Believers Church told World Watch Monitor following the alleged Christmas day circular to schools.
"Mark 'good governance day' on Christmas government tells schools" said the Times of India in its lead story sparking more vociferous protests in Parliament and outside. It published a photocopy of what it claims to be the government circular.
The federal Human Resource Development ministry promptly denied allegations that it is requiring schools to now remain open on Christmas day.
Christmas 2014 'evokes not joy but fears
On Dec. 10 International Human Rights day the Justice Peace and Development Commission of the Catholic Bishops Conference of India expressed the anguish of the Christian community.
"The most distressing is the situation of the religious minorities whose right to religious freedom is ruthlessly rubbished and trampled upon by the militant majoritarian groups that apparently enjoy utmost impunity in the new political ambience," the Commission said.
Alarmed by the developments including the Christmas 'insult' to the Christians by the federal government itself the National council of Churches in India (NCCI) has taken an unprecedented step by deciding for the first time not to invite the Chief Minister of state for its annual Christmas prayer meeting.
"We used to invite the chief minister every year. But to protest what is happening we have decided not to invite him this year," Rev. Christopher Rajkumar Executive Secretary of NCCI's Commission on Justice Peace and Creation told WWM from Nagpur on Dec. 16.
Headquartered at Nagpur the second capital of Maharashtra state NCCI consists of 30 Orthodox and mainline Protestant churches. Maharashtra state came under BJP rule after the state elections in October.
"This Christmas evokes not joy but fears. It should not happen. But is happening," Rajkumar said.
An old story under India's new government
Indian villages outlaw Christian practices
BJP win elicits mixed reaction from India's Christians
In India a familiar pattern of pressure on Christians
Attack on India prayer meeting puts 25 in hospital
Three more cases in which Pakistani Christians accused of blasphemy
Published Dec. 11 2014 by Asif Aqeel. Hajji Ikram's brick kiln where 24 bonded Christian families work Hajji Ikram's brick kiln where 24 bonded Christian families work
World Watch Monitor
Three more cases of blasphemy accusations have emerged in Pakistan even after a Christian couple's beating to death and burning in a brick kiln after allegations of blasphemy horrified the world including the metropolitan elite in the country.
The Christian couple were killed over suspicions of desecrating the Qur'an on November 4. The Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif expressed the resolve to bring the perpetrators "to justice" and appointed Senator Kamran Michael to be the focal person in the case.
Condemnation from top religious clerics gave some hope to human rights defenders for some positive change. The Pakistani police arrested dozens of suspects in connection with the lynching of the couple but all these measures have failed to curb the rising levels of discrimination against Christians.
London-based Minority Rights Group International in its new report published yesterday (Dec. 8th) Searching for Security The Rising Marginalization of Religious Communities in Pakistan confirms this trend:
"The environment in which minorities find themselves is characterized by hate speech frequent invocation of blasphemy laws and increasingly violent attacks on places of worship."
It was in this hostile environment that only four days after the Christian couple was beaten and burned to death 24 bonded-labourer Christian families also working at a brick kiln narrowly escaped a mob attack only due to the intervention of a police contingent which happened to be passing through the village.
World Watch Monitor visited the brick kiln the next day and interviewed a number of people involved to piece together this account of events:
A copy of the Qur'an was recovered from a water channel in Pajian (Bus) Stop Raiwind on November 9. The Qur'an was handed to cleric Muhammad Hussein who runs a mosque in the nearby village. After this an announcement was made from the mosque that desecration of the Qur'an had taken place.
In the absence of any obvious suspect nearby Christians were rumoured by locals to be the ones who could have done this crime. As a mob began pouring in after the announcement some extremist Muslims pressed these Christian bonded workers to declare on oath that they hadn't done this act "or else the Kasur episode could be repeated."
The Christians immediately informed the brick kiln owner Hajji Ikram about this demand and the rising level of anger among the protestors. Hajji told World Watch Monitor he found it very impractical to bring all his Christian workers out and make them take an oath. "I discussed with my son Muhammad Tayyab -what if the enraged mob were still unsatisfied and the Kasur incident be repeated at our kiln."
"Fearing any untoward situation I told the Christians to immediately inform the police about the threat that neighboring Muslims have posed to them."
It did not take long for the police to arrive and take control of the mob. Some of the Christians in the village told World Watch Monitor that about nine vehicles loaded with more than 100 policemen immediately arrived to protect the Christians and remained deployed there for a couple of days.
Talking to World Watch Monitor Saddar Superintendent of Police Ejaz Shafi Dogar said that on that day most of the police had been deployed at the annual gathering of the Tablighi Jamaat (an Islamic religious movement that aims at spiritual revival) which is only a few kilometres away from the village. "The program had ended and we were near the village when the emergency call from the Christians was received," said Dogar.
"The police immediately took charge of the situation and resolved the matter peacefully. This all became possible because of the ready availability of the police; otherwise things could have got worse," Dogar said.
"The method prescribed in Islam for discarding a worn out copy of the Qur'an is burying it but many illiterate Muslims though wrongly believe that the worn out Qur'an should be drowned in clean running water," Dogar said.
It is in this context that out of reverence someone threw a copy of the Qur'an into the canal from which a water channel comes to this village and ends near the brick kiln where Christian families worked."
"The condition of the Qur'an was so deteriorated that it was later easy to convince the area Muslims that it had drifted all the way from the canal into the channel."
Dogar says that there is no more danger for the Christian families working on the kiln.
Streets of LahoreStreets of Lahore
World Watch Monitor
Nine Christians accused in burning of Qur'an pages
About 300 kilometres north of Lahore nine Christians living in the capital have been named in a police First Information Report (FIR) only because their names were found on a list attached to the partially burned pages of the Qur'an.
Naheed Ahmed who runs a tea stall in Islamabad lodged a formal complaint [no. 596/14] with the Industrial Area Police Station that on November 20 he found partially burned pages of the Qur'an when he was returning from the mosque after saying the early morning prayer.
"I found [partially] burned pages of the Qur'an at the gate of Radio Pakistan. When I looked around I found similar pages on both sides of the road in front of the HBL Bank. I picked up all these pages and preserved them with utmost respect. Along with each burned Qur'anic page another page was attached which had a list of names."
The Station House Officer (SHO) Fiaz Khan Shinwari told World Watch Monitor that no arrest had been made so far and an investigation is underway. "I am working hard to expose the actual perpetrators behind this crime. So no arrest will be made until we reach the actual criminals."
One of the persons nominated in the FIR is Pastor Arif Masih who told World Watch Monitor that he had no link with the burning of the pages of the Qur'an. "I don't know who has done this heinous act but I am sure that the perpetrator is very much against the Christian community."
Human rights activist Basharat Khokhar told World Watch Monitor that the names of the nine people given in the list are of Christians living in a nearby slum area in Sector H-9. "The area police were assured that these Christians would not flee and if anyone is found guilty they would be handed in to the police."
"After this assurance the police are investigating without arresting these Christians."
Sectarian clash gets a Christian man accused of blasphemy
About 200 kilometers from Islamabad a 70-year-old Christian man was caught between two rival Sunni sects in Sargodha when he painted a signboard fixed outside a mosque. Bashir Masih was hired to whitewash the walls of a mosque including an iron signboard that had sacred Islamic words written on it.
Masih is the only breadwinner of the family and earns a wage of about 300 rupees (roughly $3) a day by whitewashing. On October 1 he was hired to whitewash the walls of Jamiya Mosque Zill-e-Nabi and to paint the signboard fixed outside it. While Masih was doing his work several people gathered and beat him for doing this. They handed him to the police claiming that he had committed blasphemy against Islam by applying paint on the board that had sacred words written on it. According to the FIR [no. 442/14] lodged by Muhammad Arshad one of the caretakers of the mosque:
The mosque was constructed 18 years ago and is under the control of the Sunni Barelvi sect. Today … a man whose name not yet known holding a brush and paint has removed the sacred words (by painting) from the iron signboard of the mosque.
Arshad further stated that the men who had sent Masih had instructed him to write the "names of the people belong to his sect". Arshad submitted that when he inquired about the incident from the people who had hired Masih "they confirmed this fact and also threatened to kill each one of us (ie. a different Sunni sect) if we tried to stop them in future."
The Minorities' Alliance of Pakistan Chairman Tahir Naveed Chaudhry told World Watch Monitor that Masih was rescued with the efforts of the local Christians. "The police and the complainant party were assured that Masih had no role in the sectarian clash and that he would be available whenever the police needed him for investigation."
"We are trying to resolve this case without any further litigation so that Masih is saved from further social and economic fallout after being accused of blasphemy."
According to the data quoted by the Human Rights Without Frontiers International about 4000 blasphemy cases have been registered since these laws were enacted in 1980s. Out of these 49% are against Muslims 26% against Ahmadis (an offshoot of Islam now constitutionally declared non-Muslim in Pakistan) 21 % against Christians and 4 % against others.
According to the Centre for Research and Security Studies at least 54 people have been murdered in Pakistan in extrajudicial killings since 1990 25 were Muslims 17 were Christian 5 were Ahmadis 1 Hindu 1 Buddhist and 5 without their faith identified.
Since they account for only 1.6 percent of the total population the vulnerability of Christians is shown by their high representation in these quoted figures. The Minority Rights Group International report also notes:
"Since 2001 violence and discrimination against Christians has increased. Seen as connected to the 'West' due to their faith Christians have at times been scapegoated for the US-led invasion of Afghanistan as well as the immense human suffering seen as a consequence of interventions in other countries with large Muslim populations".
Reasons for Christians' high representation in the data also include poverty lack of social or political strength illiteracy and the stereotypical perception among Muslims that Christians in general are against the country and their religion.
Pakistan court upholds death penalty for Asia Bibi despite serious legal loophole in trial
Pakistani Christian on blasphemy charge speaks out from jail
Christians flee Pakistani village after pastor accused of blasphemy
Death sentence for Pakistan woman turned on technicality
Pakistani Christian couple brutally killed by mob for alleged 'blasphemy'
Human Rights Day but Article 18 violated every day
Published Dec. 11 2014 by World Watch Monitor
'Christmas in a N. Korean gulag will be just another day of grotesque suffering'
C. S. P. B. Crux Sancti Patris Benedecti Croce del Santo Padre Benedetto C. S. S. M. L. Crux Sacra Sit Mihi Lux Croce sacra sii la mia Luce N. D. S. M. D. Non draco sit mihi dux Che il dragone non sia il mio duce V. R. S. Vadre Retro satana Allontanati satana! N. S. M. V. Non Suade Mihi Vana Non mi persuaderai di cose vane S. M. Q. L. Sunt Mala Quae Libas Ciò che mi offri è cattivo I.V. B. Ipsa Venena Bibas Bevi tu stesso i tuoi veleni + In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritui Sancto Croce del Santo Padre Benedetto. Croce Santa sii la mia Luce e non sia mai il dragone mio duce. Va indietro satana! Non mi persuaderai di cose vane. Sono mali le cose che mi offri bevi tu stesso il tuo veleno. Nel Nome del Padre del Figlio e dello Spirito Santo +. Amen! le RELIGIONI SATANICHE HANNO LEGITTIMATO GOYM DALIT DHIMMI
Drawing made by a former prisoner who was detained in the Chongori prison. North Korean prisoner pretends to be asleep and uses food to catch a mouse which he will eat raw.Drawing made by a former prisoner who was detained in the Chongori prison. North Korean prisoner pretends to be asleep and uses food to catch a mouse which he will eat raw.
United Nations Human Rights
"Christmas in a N. Korean gulag will be just another day of grotesque suffering"
Today is International Human Rights Day but the right to freedom of belief is violated each and every single day especially in North Korea despite being protected by Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
A globally recognised campaigner and specialist on North Korea British Lord David Alton wrote in a Dec. 8 email that "Christmas spent in a North Korean gulag will be just another day of grotesque suffering," according to California Catholic Daily.
On Dec. 10 the British All Party Parliamentary Group for International Freedom of Religion or Belief (the latter shortened to FORB) published a report about the findings of its inquiry into persecution in North Korea. The findings of the group encourage countries around the globe to maintain momentum and public pressure on North Korea so that it can no longer systematically oppress religious freedom with impunity.
The report entitled "Religion and Belief in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea," key findings include how the North Korean government systematically oppresses freedom of religion or belief and continues to target Christians in a way that amounts to crimes against humanity.
"For many years North Korea has been viewed as an impossible case but now the international community is finally beginning to afford the country the attention its people so desperately need," said Baroness Elizabeth Berridge chairman of the APPG.
In an effort to uphold the values of Article 18 the report encourages the international community to invest in long-term strategic engagement with North Korea. Some of the practical suggestions include educational exchanges investing in the 30,000 North Korean people who have managed to escape breaking the information blockade critical engagement on human rights and the re-instigation of the 'Six Party Talks.'.
It also recommends that governments use "soft power" to push the North Korean regime for further openness and urges the BBC World Service to establish a radio broadcast to the Korean Peninsula in both English and Korean languages giving citizens a window out of their closed world.
Chronic wide-spread human rights abuses
In March 2014 the first-ever Commission of Inquiry on Human Rights in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea presented its report to the UN Human Rights Council. The 372 page report accentuated the chronic wide-spread human rights abuses in the DPRK. It reported how countless followers of religion "have been severely punished even unto death" stating that "the gravity scale and nature of these violations reveal a State that does not have any parallel in the contemporary world."
Crimes against humanity
The UN Commission of Inquiry also labelled North Korea's treatment of Christians a crime against humanity recommending that the DPRK be referred to the International Criminal Court. The first step of this process was implemented on Nov. 18 when 111 nations voted at the UN General Assembly for its referral.
In response members of the UK Parliament All Party Parliamentary Group on International FORB decided to launch an inquiry into religion in the DPRK with a view to the role that the international community can play in furthering justice accountability and increasing openness in this country.
The APPG report found that although there were visible changes in DPRK policy toward religion in the 1970s-1990s these did not point to an overall relaxation of pressure on religious groups. On the contrary the DPRK continued to actively target religious groups functioning outside the extremely limited state-controlled religious structures.
Imprisoned for owning Bibles & executed for praying
Those who practice a religion in the DPRK do so knowing full well that they could be sent to prison for saying grace at meals and executed for possessing a Bible.
In 2009 two women Seo Keum Ok and Ryi Hyuk were executed for distributing Bibles. They were accused of having connections with the US and South Korea and were charged with spying and being Catholic. Three generations of the women's families were also arrested and sent to prison camps highlighting North Korea's three-generation guilt policy.
If a married person is accused of practicing religion his or her spouse will often seek divorce in a bid to save the wider family from punishment.
Christians targeted
Religious groups were also targeted for particularly harsh treatment in prison camps. The All-Party group heard how Christians were "forced to stick out their tongue and iron was pushed into it". Another woman arrested for her faith was "assigned to pull the cart used to remove excrement from the prison latrines. Several times the guards made her lick off excrement that had spilled over in order to humiliate and discipline her".
Far from being a secret religious persecution in the DPRK is widely known. According to a study by the the Database Centre for North Korean Human Rights 99.7% of refugees interviewed said there is no religious freedom. Of those who had experienced witnessed or perpetrated religious persecution 45.5% were Protestant 0.2% Catholic 1.3% Buddhist 1.7% no religion 1.1% 'others' and the beliefs of 50.3% were unknown.
Religions threat to North Korean government
Religious belief is considered treasonous by the DPRK because it is seen to directly compete with its national ideology of Juche points to man's self-sufficiency and a deification of the country's leaders. Decades of state-sponsored religious oppression are summarised in a 1962 speech by former leader Kim Il-sung:
"We have tried and executed all religious leaders higher than a deacon in the Protestant and Catholic churches. Among other religiously active people those deemed malignant were all put to trial. Among ordinary religious believers those who recanted were given jobs while those who did not were held in prison camps".
Despite this religious institutions appeared in the DPRK in the 1970s and state-approved religious buildings emerged in the 1980s and 1990s.
Although the report said these organisations and buildings opened a small window of opportunity for engagement with the DPRK it concluded these limited examples of religious activity did not constitute freedom of religion or belief.
Christianity and genocide?
Iran appears to fight Islamic State but are their ultimate goals too similar for comfort?
Arab churches' key contribution to Iraqi relief
OD joins campaign urging UN to protect Syria's civilians
'One week' deadlines for Iraqi Christians to convert or 'face the sword'
Lawyer 'Egyptian convert's arrest linked to leaving Islam'
Published Dec. 9 2014 by Barbara G. Baker
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Christian convert Mohammed Hegazy at his appeal hearing in Minya Egypt on November 23Christian convert Mohammed Hegazy at his appeal hearing in Minya Egypt on November 23
World Watch Monitor
The first Egyptian citizen to attempt to change his legal religious identity from Muslim to Christian Mohammed Hegazy has been in jail for a year now awaiting a verdict on separate misdemeanor charges due on Dec. 28.
Hegazy faces a five-year prison sentence if an appeal court upholds his conviction last June when he was ruled guilty of "illegally filming anti-Christian demonstrations" in Upper Egypt's Minya governate.
But his lawyer Karam Ghobrial told World Watch Monitor that he is "optimistic" that the appeal court judge will overturn the conviction simply because no evidence was produced to prove the allegations against his client.
Ghobrial contends that the real reason Hegazy was arrested and then kept in custody on minor charges is because he is publicly known for the case he tried to open in 2007 to legalize his conversion to Christianity.
In a Nov. 23 appeal hearing before Judge Ahmed Abdel Aziz el-Ghool of the Minya Misdemeanor Court Ghobrial declared that there was no proof that his client had broken any law nor had the Christian convert even been arrested legally.
"My defense was based on the absence of a 'flagrante delicto' [a legal term for being caught in the very act of committing a crime]," Ghobrial said.
Hegazy was arrested on Dec. 4 2013 charged with filming Muslim Brotherhood demonstrations in the Minya governate of Upper Egypt without permission. Identified by the arresting officer as "a converted person" [from Islam to Christianity] Hegazy was also accused of "spreading false news and rumors."
"He was not filming or taking pictures or doing anything wrong at the time the policeman arrived and arrested him," Ghobrial said. "By law taking pictures is not a crime in itself," the attorney said. He stressed that Samia Naguib who was with Hegazy at the time he was arrested testified during the trial that although she had also been taking pictures alongside Hegazy before the policeman arrived the officer who arrested Hegazy did not arrest her.
Although the prosecution claimed Hegazy was circulating false statements that disturbed public security Ghobrial stressed that no evidence had been produced to back up this accusation.
In addition he said the police officer's failure to obtain the required arrest warrant from either a court or the district attorney made Hegazy's arrest illegal. "He simply went to the Syndicate of Agriculture site after he received a phone call reporting that Hegazy was there," Ghobrial said and arrested him without any legal authorization.
To the lawyer's relief Tora Prison officials in Cairo cooperated with his client's transfer to Minya to attend his initial appeal hearing on Nov. 16 when without warning the judge failed to appear and again when the hearing was postponed on Nov. 23.
After Ghobrial submitted his defense before the court Judge el-Ghool stated that he would announce his verdict at a final hearing on Dec. 28. Both Hegazy and his lawyer must be present at that hearing with the judge's reasons for his judgment to be issued in writing a few days later.
Detained 'arbitrarily' in death cell
Several days after the Nov. 23 hearing Ghobrial learned that Hegazy had not yet been transferred from Minya back to Tora Prison. Instead on Dec. 1 he had been "arbitrarily detained" in a solitary "execution" cell reserved for death penalty prisoners.
"[He was] detained inside the execution chamber in violation of the law because he is in custody under investigation," Ghobrial told Mideast Christian News on Dec. 2. According to the lawyer it was a 'malicious' attempt to 'take revenge' against his client for his religious beliefs.
After one night in the death penalty cell Hegazy declared he would start a hunger strike if he was not removed. He was transferred back to Tora Prison the next day.
Although the lawyer said he and his client remain optimistic that the appeal court judge in Minya will acquit him on Dec. 28 the convert still expects to be returned to Tora Prison to face separate charges for "insulting Islam" from a now obsolete case filed against him in 2009. Initially filed by two Muslim lawyers the case was revived in July by the Supreme State Security Prosecution in Cairo's El-Tagamu El-Khames district as a pretext to remand Hegazy in custody after the Minya court released him until his conviction appeal was completed.
Now 31-years-old Hegazy converted to Christianity as a teenager when he took the Christian name Bishoy Armiya Boulos. After his marriage to another convert from Islam he applied for legal Christian identity in August 2007. He has since sent his wife and children to claim asylum in Europe.
'Kidnapping,' forced conversion and collective punishment haunt Egypt's Copts
Jailed Egyptian convert awaits appeal hearing
Shot Copt dies on New Year's Eve after hospital 'negligence'
Rumour of tryst triggers anti-Christian violence in Egypt village
Egyptian army breaks Islamist grip on Delga
Bhutan's Christians Out of the Shadows Waiting for Rights
Published Dec. 1 2014 by Vishal Arora
C. S. P. B. Crux Sancti Patris Benedecti Croce del Santo Padre Benedetto C. S. S. M. L. Crux Sacra Sit Mihi Lux Croce sacra sii la mia Luce N. D. S. M. D. Non draco sit mihi dux Che il dragone non sia il mio duce V. R. S. Vadre Retro satana Allontanati satana! N. S. M. V. Non Suade Mihi Vana Non mi persuaderai di cose vane S. M. Q. L. Sunt Mala Quae Libas Ciò che mi offri è cattivo I.V. B. Ipsa Venena Bibas Bevi tu stesso i tuoi veleni + In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritui Sancto Croce del Santo Padre Benedetto. Croce Santa sii la mia Luce e non sia mai il dragone mio duce. Va indietro satana! Non mi persuaderai di cose vane. Sono mali le cose che mi offri bevi tu stesso il tuo veleno. Nel Nome del Padre del Figlio e dello Spirito Santo +. Amen! le RELIGIONI SATANICHE HANNO LEGITTIMATO GOYM DALIT DHIMMI
The Christian minority in the tiny Buddhist nation of Bhutan remained underground until 2008. Now for the first time since the advent of democracy six years ago Bhutanese Christian pastors speak publicly sharing their their love and respect for their country and their patient wait for equal rights.
NoTe English subtitles can be switched on and off by clicking the "CC" button at the bottom of the video player:
Bhutan Democracy Hinduism Bhutanese pastors 'guilty' of fundraising for own gain
An old story under India's new government
Attack on nuns said to be first ever in Bangladesh
BJP win elicits mixed reaction from India's Christians
Bhutanese pastors released on bail
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Al Shabaab kills 36 Kenyan Christians on Somali border
Published Dec. 2 2014
C. S. P. B. Crux Sancti Patris Benedecti Croce del Santo Padre Benedetto C. S. S. M. L. Crux Sacra Sit Mihi Lux Croce sacra sii la mia Luce N. D. S. M. D. Non draco sit mihi dux Che il dragone non sia il mio duce V. R. S. Vadre Retro satana Allontanati satana! N. S. M. V. Non Suade Mihi Vana Non mi persuaderai di cose vane S. M. Q. L. Sunt Mala Quae Libas Ciò che mi offri è cattivo I.V. B. Ipsa Venena Bibas Bevi tu stesso i tuoi veleni + In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritui Sancto Croce del Santo Padre Benedetto. Croce Santa sii la mia Luce e non sia mai il dragone mio duce. Va indietro satana! Non mi persuaderai di cose vane. Sono mali le cose che mi offri bevi tu stesso il tuo veleno. Nel Nome del Padre del Figlio e dello Spirito Santo +. Amen! le RELIGIONI SATANICHE HANNO LEGITTIMATO GOYM DALIT DHIMMI
Village in Northern KenyaVillage in Northern Kenya
World Watch Monitor
Al Shabaab militants have slaughtered 36 quarry workers in northern Kenya – all of the victims are believed to be Christian.
Local residents told the BBC that the militants separated the group from Muslim workers before shooting them dead.
Al Shabaab an al Qaeda affiliate based in Somalia has claimed responsibility for the attack.
It said in a press release issue on 2 December that 'nearly 40 Kenyan crusaders met their demise' in the attack adding that it was 'part of a series of attacks planned in response to Kenya's occupation of Muslim lands and their ongoing atrocities …such as recent airstrikes on Muslims in Somalia.'
Kenya's military said the airstrikes were a response to Al-Shabaab's 22 November attack on a bus which was travelling to Nairobi and left 28 dead. The militants then isolated non-Muslims because they couldn't recite the Shahada an Islamic creed. Those who failed the test were asked to lie down before gunmen shot all but one of them dead. George Ochwodho a school teacher survived and later described the attack to Associated Press.
Today at the stone quarry Peter Nderitu who works there told CBC News that a group of about 50 heavily armed people walked into their camp next to the quarry at 12.30am as the men were sleeping and fired warning shots.
Nderitu said when he heard the shooting he ran and hid in a trench from where he could hear his colleagues being asked to recite the Shahada an Islamic creed declaring oneness with God. Then gunshots followed. He said he rose from hiding two hours later when he was sure there was no more movement. He said the bodies of his colleagues were in two rows and that nearly all had been shot in the back of the head.
Ali Sheikh Yusuf a driver who visited the scene shortly after the attack said most of the victims appeared to have been lined-up and shot in the head at close range.
He is reported as saying four were beheaded inside their tents while three appeared to have escaped to nearby Mandera town.
Other reports suggested the workers' tents had been sprayed with gunfire. A source told World Watch Monitor that an unknown number of workers had been abducted. The source added that there was 'lots of gunfire near the Kenya-Somali border so we cannot venture out just yet'.
Other witnesses confirmed the attack took place early on Tuesday. They said the victims were caught after midnight while sleeping in their tents at the quarry in Kormey nine miles (15km) from Mandera town which is on Kenya's border with both Somalia and Ethiopia.
Many of the quarry workers killed are reported to have come from the south of Kenya where Christians predominate. A witness told World Watch Monitor that the stone quarry employed about 200 people adding that most came from 'down country' – a reference to southern Kenya.
Al-Shabab has stepped up its campaign in Kenya since 2011 when Kenya sent troops across the border to help battle the militants.
The attack follows an incident on 1 December when grenades were thrown into a social club in Wajir a town not far from Mandera also close to the Somali border that is popular with government officials. The attackers opened fire on people as they fled the bar; leaving one dead and 12 injured.
A presidential adviser from Mandera told the BBC that Al-Shabaab is trying to fan a religious war in a part of Kenya that is dominated by Kenyan Somalis most of whom are Muslim.
The attacks have led to Christian leaders publicly accusing Muslim leaders of not doing enough to tame radicalism within their ranks as well as putting pressure on the government to step up efforts to end the insurgency and secure the borders.
In June at least 65 people were killed a month ago in the predominantly Christian town of Mpeketoni 40km inland from Kenya's mainly Muslim coastal strip in attacks which some reports linked to Al Shabaab and also local politicians.
This year there has been a series of attacks involving grenades and improvised bombs which have hit churches in Nairobi Mombasa and Garissa (also close to Kenya's Somali border).
In September 2013 radical Islamists claimed responsibility for the Westgate Shopping Mall terrorist attack in Nairobi where Al Shabaab gunmen killed at least 67 people and injured 175.
Uganda churches warned of Al Shabab 'threats'
Two pastors killed in Kenya
Islamic Extremists in Somalia Behead 17-year-old Christian
Somali Convert to Christianity Kidnapped Beheaded
Hundreds of Islamist extremists mob a Christian school
Tension simmers following attack on Christians in troubled Bastar
Published Nov. 3 2014 by Anto Akkara
C. S. P. B. Crux Sancti Patris Benedecti Croce del Santo Padre Benedetto C. S. S. M. L. Crux Sacra Sit Mihi Lux Croce sacra sii la mia Luce N. D. S. M. D. Non draco sit mihi dux Che il dragone non sia il mio duce V. R. S. Vadre Retro satana Allontanati satana! N. S. M. V. Non Suade Mihi Vana Non mi persuaderai di cose vane S. M. Q. L. Sunt Mala Quae Libas Ciò che mi offri è cattivo I.V. B. Ipsa Venena Bibas Bevi tu stesso i tuoi veleni + In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritui Sancto Croce del Santo Padre Benedetto. Croce Santa sii la mia Luce e non sia mai il dragone mio duce. Va indietro satana! Non mi persuaderai di cose vane. Sono mali le cose che mi offri bevi tu stesso il tuo veleno. Nel Nome del Padre del Figlio e dello Spirito Santo +. Amen! le RELIGIONI SATANICHE HANNO LEGITTIMATO GOYM DALIT DHIMMI
Man injured in the attackMan injured in the attack
World Watch Monitor
Scores of policemen are camping in a remote Indian village following an Oct. 25 attack on Christians by Hindu fundamentalists.
Government officials characterize the violence in Madhota village in the Bastar district of Chhattisgarh state in central India as a "clash between two communities." Arun Pannalal president of Chhattisgarh Christian Forum calls it a "cleverly planned attack."
That's not the only point on which Pannalal and local officials disagree.
"Eleven of our people have been hospitalised. Eight of them have serious injuries," Pannalal told World Watch Monitor on Oct. 29.
"Ten people were injured," countered Ankit Anand the district collector — the head of Bastar's government administration. The 10 include five Christians and five of the attackers he said.
In the wake of the violence more than 100 police officers are camped in Madhota.
"Yes policemen are there in the village," Anand said. "We have to maintain law and order."
The roots of the trouble go back a week in the village of Bhanpuri. That's where Dinesh Kashyap a member of India's Parliament from Bastar washed the feet of some Christians and declared they had undergone "ghar wapsi," or homecoming to Hinduism.
Kashyap is a member of the Bharatiya Janata Party the political home of Hindu nationalism and which won a majority in the national Parliament in elections earlier this year.
The Bhanpuri event raised tension between Christians and fundamentalist Hindus in the region. In Madhota traditional drumbeats summoned residents to assemble with government officials and police on the morning of Oct. 25 to discuss the resulting "simmering tension." Christians gathered awaiting the officials Pannalal said.
"But the officials never came," he said. "Fundamentalists came in a truck and attacked the Christians."
Anand said six people – four Hindus and two Christians — were arrested after the "clash."
Several hundred Hindu fundamentalists had been camping around the police station in
Man injured in the attackMan injured in the attack
World Watch Monitor
Bhanpuri demanding that the case against them be withdrawn said Rev. John Daniel president of the Bastar chapter of Chhattisgarh Christian Forum and a Pentecostal minister.
"I have been here for 40 years. Whenever Christians are attacked this is the pattern. Before the Christian victims would reach the police station the attackers would have filed a case against them with the police. That's why innocent Christians have been arrested," Daniel told World Watch Monitor.
Anand however said the two Christians who were arrested had been released Oct. 29 while the four Hindus charged with more serious offenses are still in detention.
"We have been getting complaints these days that Christians are not even allowed to draw water from the (common) tube wells," Daniel said after attending an Oct. 29 "peace meeting" convened by the district collector.
Elsewhere police are preventing Christians from entering the hospital at Jagdalpur 30 kilometres from Madhota to which injured Christians had been rushed in a truck Pannalal said.
Asked on Oct. 29 whether police have filed any case against Dinesh Kashyap the Member of Parliament who conducted the "reconversion" ritual in Bhanpuri village Anand said "I am not aware of such a report and no Christian has mentioned it in their meeting with me today or given in it in writing."
A day earlier on Oct. 28 the Indian Express a national newspaper reported that "the present controversy is rooted in an attempt by the right-wing groups to take these converted tribals to the Hindu fold." It referenced the MP Dinesh Kashyap saying he "had visited the [Bhanpuri] area and initiated" the reconversion of Christians in the village.
When World Watch Monitor directed Anand's attention to the national headlines of a day earlier he said "We will look into it."
He also said he will look into whether the present situation is linked to tension in other Bastar villages where village councils have passed resolutions that outlaw the open practice of Christianity.
"Christians had complained to us about these resolutions. I had told them that these have no legal validity," Anand said.
Christian-rights advocates have sued the Bastar government over the restrictions. "The government has been asked by the (state) high court to respond to our petition about these resolutions," Pannalal said. "But they have not responded to this yet."
He said the subsequent attacks on Christians are a "ploy to intimidate us."
Christmas 2014 'evokes not joy but fears' for India's Christians
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Indian Christian man forced to separate from Hindu wife by right-wing activists
An old story under India's new government
'Secret church' served with coffee & cakes in Central Asian cafes
Published Dec. 5 2014
Clampdown on Sudan's churches
Published Dec. 4 2014
Dispatch from Aleppo
Published Dec. 3 2014
Muslim and Christian leaders pledge to promote dialogue in Great Lakes region
Published Dec. 3 2014
Taliban murder four humanitarian aid workers in Kabul
Published Dec. 2 2014
Al Shabaab kills 36 Kenyan Christians on Somali border
Published Dec. 2 2014
Monastery converted to prison
Sources inside Mosul controlled by the self-proclaimed "Islamic State," have confirmed that during the third week of December IS militants transported nearly 150 blindfolded people and detained them inside the city's St. George Monastery.
According to the sources identified by Ankawa.com as "a number of people from nearby houses to the monastery," the detainees were opponents to the Islamic State and former security forces who had been arrested and detained in Badush prison before it was destroyed. Reportedly the detainees were transferred to several different churches and monasteries in Mosul.
A current photograph of the late 17th century monastery obtained by Ankawa.com documented previous reports that IS had removed the cross that was atop the dome of the monastery.
'Islamic State' terror is 2014 top story
The surge of the self-proclaimed "Islamic State" across Syria and Iraq causing hundreds of thousands of religious and ethnic minorities to flee is the top religion news story of 2014 according to the Religion Newswriters Assocation. The IS horror stripped northern Iraq nearly completely clear of its Christian population which had occupied the region since the time of Christ.
The top religion news stories of the year were selected by RNA members (including World Watch Monitor) in the organization's annual poll. The complete list is here.
Pakistan haunted by school massacre
The attack on a military school in Peshawar claimed by the Pakistani Taliban as a response to an army offensive in the Khyber area and North Waziristan regions is the deadliest in Pakistan's recent memory.
Its toll surpasses the September 2013 massacre in the same city at All Saints Anglican Church by two suicide bombers which remains the worst attack against Pakistan's Christians. Ninety six were killed including six from one family. There were 150 other casualties.
The 2013 church massacre claimed by Taliban-related groups in retaliation for US drone strikes triggered a call for better security for minority groups.
Last year's vulnerability of Christians in the lead up to Christmas will be heightened again this year after this latest shock.
In response to 16th December attack the Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif vowed to end terrorism. 'We... have resolved to continue the war against terrorism till the last terrorist is eliminated,' he said.
C. S. P. B. Crux Sancti Patris Benedecti Croce del Santo Padre Benedetto C. S. S. M. L. Crux Sacra Sit Mihi Lux Croce sacra sii la mia Luce N. D. S. M. D. Non draco sit mihi dux Che il dragone non sia il mio duce V. R. S. Vadre Retro satana Allontanati satana! N. S. M. V. Non Suade Mihi Vana Non mi persuaderai di cose vane S. M. Q. L. Sunt Mala Quae Libas Ciò che mi offri è cattivo I.V. B. Ipsa Venena Bibas Bevi tu stesso i tuoi veleni + In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritui Sancto Croce del Santo Padre Benedetto. Croce Santa sii la mia Luce e non sia mai il dragone mio duce. Va indietro satana! Non mi persuaderai di cose vane. Sono mali le cose che mi offri bevi tu stesso il tuo veleno. Nel Nome del Padre del Figlio e dello Spirito Santo +. Amen! le RELIGIONI SATANICHE HANNO LEGITTIMATO GOYM DALIT DHIMMI
Hamas è stato appena rimosso dalla lista del terrore UE? ' Gli europei hanno imparato nulla da The Holocaust ' Netanyahu - a - europe Niente Europei hanno imparato da The Holocaust. Il primo ministro Benjamin Netanyahu ha criticato gli "esempi impressionanti di ipocrisia europea " che sono state esposte Mercoledì alle decisioni dell'UE per rimuovere Hamas dalla lista nera del terrore e di riconoscere simbolicamente uno stato palestinese. Parlando prima di una riunione con la visita senatore repubblicano Joni Ernst Netanyahu ha detto " A Ginevra che chiamano per le indagini di Israele per i crimini di guerra mentre in Lussemburgo il tribunale UE rimosso Hamas dalla lista del terrore. Hamas che ha commesso innumerevoli crimini di guerra e innumerevoli attacchi terroristici ". Egli fa riferimento l'Olocausto affermando che "Sembra che anche molti in Europa il cui suolo 6 milioni di ebrei furono massacrati hanno imparato nulla. Ma noi in Israele hanno imparato. " Continueremo a difendere il nostro popolo e il nostro stato contro le forze del terrore e la tirannia e l'ipocrisia " ha detto Netanyahu. Servizio di azione esterna dell'UE ha detto la decisione di un tribunale dell'Unione europea nel corso della giornata prendendo Hamas fuori lista dei terroristi dell'UE era una non una decisione politica legale che sarà probabilmente appello.
Guarda qui
" Questa sentenza legale si basa chiaramente per motivi procedurali e non implica alcuna valutazione da parte della Corte dei motivi sostanziali per la designazione di Hamas come organizzazione terroristica leggere la dichiarazione del SEAE che è guidata dal capo della politica estera dell'Ue Federica Mogherini ed è essenzialmente servizio estera dell'UE. " Si tratta di una sentenza legale di un tribunale non una decisione politica adottata dai governi dell'UE. L'UE continua a sostenere i principi del Quartetto " si legge nella dichiarazione. L'impegno principi del Quartetto divieto con Hamas fino a che non rinnega il terrorismo riconosce Israele e accetta precedenti accordi israelo-palestinesi. La dichiarazione ha detto che le istituzioni dell'UE sono state accuratamente studiando la sentenza e " decideranno sulle opzioni a loro disposizione. Essi a tempo debito adottare opportune misure correttive tra cui l'eventuale appello alla sentenza. In caso di ricorso alle misure restrittive restano in vigore. " Hamas was just removed from the EU terror list? 'Europeans have Learned Nothing from The Holocaust' Netanyahu-to-europe.
Click here to watch Europeans have Learned Nothing from The Holocaust
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu criticized the "staggering examples of European hypocrisy," that were exhibited Wednesday in the EU decisions to remove Hamas from the terror blacklist and to symbolically recognize a Palestinian state. Speaking ahead of a meeting with visiting Republican Senator Joni Ernst Netanyahu said "In Geneva they call for the investigation of Israel for war crimes while in Luxemburg the EU court removed Hamas from the terror list. Hamas that has committed countless war crimes and countless terror attacks." He referenced the Holocaust saying that "It seems that too many in Europe on whose soil 6 million Jews were slaughtered have learned nothing. But we in Israel have learned. "We'll continue to defend our people and our state against the forces of terror and tyranny and hypocrisy," Netanyahu said. The EU's External Action Service said an EU court's decision earlier in the day taking Hamas off the EU's terrorist list was a legal not a political decision that will likely be appealed.
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non intendo mai offendere le persone e la loro dignità
con sharia massoni lgbt e chiese di satana, io non intendo mai offendere le persone e la loro dignità, ma unicamente la loro criminale ideologia pianificata dal talmud di Rockefeller Spa & Co.
quindi non vi fate ingannare da qualche sintetica volgarità!