Bin Salman] [I'm sure now that there is a very careful subject in China and Russia who listens to everything I say Bin Salman ] [ ora io sono sicuro che c'é un suddito molto attento in Cina e Russia che ascolta tutto quello che io dico
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
2 giorni fa
Rapper 'Ice Cube' in Hot Water for More Anti-Semitic Tweets http://disq.us/t/3ph62ss Dorrie_ And your multiple posts have WHAT to do with Chinese pickles ???? ANSWER I am the MESsia of the Jews God sent me to save all mankind but I believe that because of the Saudis I will be forced to ruin all mankind 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 I am the MESsia of the Jews and God sent me to save all mankind but I believe that because of the Saudis wahhabis jihad sharia Erdogan? I will be forced to ruin all mankind
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
2 giorni fa
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 It is a mystery about the numbers released by the Spanish Ministry of Health about the count of coronavirus victims registered over the past two weeks. Covid scandal in Spain: 82% of the dead in the last two weeks hidden from official data Covid scandal in Spain: 82% of the dead in the last two weeks hidden from official data: As Okdiario reports in the last two weeks there have been There have been 19 full-blown deaths caused by SARS-CoV2 in Spain.However going to check in the registers of the ministry it was possible to verify that in reality the victims were 107 or 82% more than what was officially declared. The alarm launched by the Iberian portal takes up some of the perplexities expressed last week by the Financial Times which had brought to the attention of international public opinion of the inconsistencies in the statistics made public by the government of Madrid. Dorrie_ Dorrie_ And your multiple posts have WHAT to do with Chinese pickles ???? ANSWER I am the MESsia of the Jews God sent me to save all mankind but I believe that because of the Saudis I will be forced to ruin all mankind 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 a few seconds ago I am the MESsia of the Jews and God sent me to save all mankind but I believe that because of the Saudis wahhabis jihad sharia Erdogan? I will be forced to ruin all mankind
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
2 giorni fa
Dorrie_ And your multiple posts have WHAT to do with Chinese pickles???? 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 I am the MESsia of the Jews and God sent me to save all mankind but I believe that because of the Saudis wahhabis jihad sharia Erdogan? I will be forced to ruin all mankind
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
2 giorni fa
sono i Rothschild che conducono dal 1600 la predazione e il satanismo del Nuovo Ordine Mondiale sono i più pericolosi satanisti e massoni della storia del genere umano. le loro prede sono i figli della BIBBIA sia ebrei che cristiani! spilla fatta coniare durante il periodo bellico della seconda guerra mondiale. all'interno di una croce è scritto: "Dio stramaledica gli inglesi" anglo-americani hanno commesso enormi crimini di guerra gli anglo-americani si sono abbandonati sempre a enormi crimini di guerra impunemente. una volta intercettarono diverse navi cargo che portavano uomini e mezzi in Libia come rifornimento alle truppe italiane e non si accontentarono di affondarle e di abbandonare le persone in mare ma versarono sul mare la benzina e bruciarono tutte quelle persone sulla superficie del mare!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
2 giorni fa
Greg Carr I wonder if that is how the metal band Pantera got their name. I really like their big hit Walk. 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 PANTERA is to slander in your satanic talmud
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
2 giorni fa
Islamic Jihad flexes muscles in Palestinian Authority as Abbas fears to challenge http://disq.us/t/3pgwr58 Universal allowance for children go-ahead from the Government for the "Family act" ANSWER are protective measures against the Rothschild tax levy but there is a 40% of the population to which the Masonic Rothschild bureaucracy is barred! the Democratic Party? he is a murderer and an instigator of wickedness in the people! Assegno universale per i figli via libera del Governo al «Family act» ANSWER sono misure protettive contro il prelievo fiscale Rothschild ma c'é un 40% della popolazione a cui è preclusa la burocrazia massonica Rothschild! il Partito Democratico? è un assassino e un istigatore della malvagità nel popolo!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
2 giorni fa
Teen Sensation Signs Largest Ever US Record Deal for an Israeli https://unitedwithisrael.org/teen-sensation-signs-largest-ever-us-record-deal-for-an-israeli/#.XuLlRbu_Hsg.twitter And Y B • Awesome! 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 And Y B • burn Satana in Jesus's name amen alleluia drink your poison made by yourself
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
2 giorni fa
And Y B • 6 hours ago Awesome! 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 And Y B • a few seconds ago they are the Rothschilds who have been leading the predation and Satanism of the New World Order since 1600 they are the most dangerous Satanists and Freemasons in the history of mankind. their prey are the children of the BIBLE both Jews and Christians! brooch coined during the war period of the second world war. inside a cross it is written: "God damn the British" Anglo-Americans have committed huge war crimes Anglo-Americans have always indulged in huge war crimes with impunity. they once intercepted several cargo ships carrying men and vehicles to Libya as a supply to Italian troops and they were not content with sinking them and abandoning people at sea but they poured gas on the sea and burned all those people on the surface of the sea! 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 And Y B • i am jewish messia & king Israel Teen Sensation Signs Largest Ever US Record Deal for an Israeli http://disq.us/t/3pgs0ic in this page 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 And Y B ? i can not see his link or his disqus account
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
2 giorni fa
Of course the collapse of the IMF is economically and mathematically inevitable President RIVLIN QUANTI SOLDI TU HAI IN BANCA? e poiché il messia lorenzoJHWH e il governatore universale Unius REI lui continua a rendere impossibile la terza guerra mondiale: dei sauditi wahhabiti e della CIA NATO FED IMF NWO ECB contro russi e cinesi? certo il collasso del FMI è un dato economicamente e matematicamente inevitabile Of course the collapse of the IMF is economically and mathematically inevitable President RIVLIN HOW MUCH MONEY DO YOU HAVE ON THE BANK? and since the messiah lorenzo JHWH and the universal governor Unius REI he continues to make World War III impossible: of the Wahhabi Saudis and the CIA NATO FED IMF NWO ECB against Russians and Chinese? of course the collapse of the IMF is economically and mathematically inevitable 18_18 18_18 "guy cock" n off'n yam "
lorenzoJHWH Unius REI 2 giorni fa
Diskusted • Jesus prays for his own (Talking to The Father) John 17:8-10 For I have given unto them the words which thou gavest me; and they have received them and have known surely that I came out from thee and they have believed that thou didst send me. 9 I pray for them: I pray not for the world but for them which thou hast given me; for they are thine. 10 And all mine are thine and thine are mine; and I am glorified in them. so…………do we pray for only those that now or in future are going to belong to Jesus. I think so. …pray 'His Will Be Done'. it is not a negative prayer to exclude but Jesus knew that his followers would be persecuted by the synagogue of satan and the devil Allah .. therefore he prayed in a special way for their protection. but everyone knows that Jesus died to save everyone in mankind .. and those who are not antichrists like Erdogan or Rothschild sure you can save: because there is no salvation for the antichrist! but I am lorenzoJHWH the Jewish messiah and Unius REI the world procurator: why UN? sucks satan allah! for this reason to extend the salvation of Jesus in a political way to all those who want to enter my Kingdom of ISRAEL and in my third Jewish temple and I do not expect anyone to abandon their religion non è una preghiera negativa per escludere ma Gesù sapeva che i suoi sarebbero stati perseguitati dalla sinagoga di satana e dal demonio Allah.. quindi ha pregato in modo speciale per la loro protezione. ma sanno tutti che Gesù è morto per salvare tutti nel genere umano.. e chi non è anticristo come Erdogan o come Rothschild certo si potrà salvare: perché non c'é salvezza per l'anticristo! ma io sono lorenzoJHWH il messia ebreo e Unius REI il procuratore mondiale: perché ONU? succhia a satana allah! proprio per questo per estendere la salvezza di Gesù in modo politico a tuti coloro che vogliono entrare nel mio Regno di ISRAELE e nle mio terzo tempio ebraico e io non pretendo da nessuno che si debba abbandonare la propria religione
Lorenzo Fedele250660 2 giorni fa
Report: US willing to consider ‘annexation-lite’ http://disq.us/t/3ph7cu0 The deeply offensive propaganda war that China launched against the United States for the killing of George Floyd is nothing more than a clumsy attempt by Beijing to seek revenge against Washington for supporting pro-democracy activists in Hong Kong. Pictured: Pro-democracy protesters in Hong Kong on June 9 2020 mark a year's anniversary since pro-democracy protests erupted ANSWER the CIA made the coronavirus and the CIA imposed this cold war against CHINA. it is like the ARAB LEAGUE which with Sharia imposed its religious war against mankind. you can't slap and then complain if someone returns it to you! La guerra di propaganda profondamente offensiva che la Cina ha lanciato contro gli Stati Uniti per l'uccisione di George Floyd non è altro che un maldestro tentativo di Pechino di cercare vendetta contro Washington per aver sostenuto gli attivisti pro-democrazia a Hong Kong. Nella foto: i manifestanti pro-democrazia a Hong Kong il 9 giugno 2020 segnano l'anniversario di un anno da quando sono scoppiate proteste pro-democrazia ANSWER la CIA ha fatto il coronavirus e la CIA ha imposto questa guerra fredda contro la CINA. è come la LEGA ARABA che con la sharia ha imposto la sua guerra di religione contro il genere umano. non puoi dare uno schiaffo e poi lamentarti se qualcuno te lo restituisce!
lorenzoJHWH Unius REI 2 giorni fa
Christopher Columbus statue found beheaded in Boston https://worldisraelnews.com/christopher-columbus-statue-found-beheaded-in-boston/#.XuKMdRQSkXk.twitter 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • Bin SALMAN] come on everyone knows that President Rivlin is a good person and also his grandfather 2000 years ago was like him .. and how the Iranian and Turkish Wahhabis live in terror: that someone listens to Benny Hinn's teachings and then he becomes a false Muslim (a hidden Christian) so it was in jesus' time they were all scared those of the Synagogue of Satan Morgan Soros Rockefeller Rothschild Bush Biden Obama etc .. in short it was all the supreme Sanhedrin in full that many could become false Jews (but who were actually hidden Christians) then everyone called with the excuse of checking for errors in the paternal genealogies. So when Rivlin's grandfather went and they said to him: "King Erode asked for 2000 signatures in order to put the Apostle James to death you sign!" then Rivlin's grandfather who was a righteous man said: "who killed the Apostle James? he seems to me a fool but since when here we kill the fools in Israel?" then they rushed against him beat him ripped off his beard and ripped off his father's genealogies and said: "you to your father? you don't look even a little you look like PANTERA" now PANTERA was a notorious rapist who molested all women in Israel so much so that this septum ran said this saying in Rome: "half of Israelis? all of PANTERA are children" then finally to this notorious PANTERA a zealot cut his neck treacherously and for the Israelis woman? this PANTERA nightmare ended. Greg Carr 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • I wonder if that is how the metal band Pantera got their name. I really like their big hit Walk. 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Greg Carr • is your talmud and your Quran (an uncreated word of God for the satanists) who say this bullshit. i am not responsible Meagain2.0 Greg Carr • Pantera was an excellent band. I saw them live in Denver in the early 90's with Suicidal Tendencies and Sick Of It All. 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Meagain2.0 • where are you going in the tunnel that little and unaware victim of Aisha? Satanists and even Muslims are! Matthew Lathum • Negros in action ! What to expect from monkey's !
lorenzoJHWH Unius REI 2 giorni fa
Greg Carr HAMC Ppl Have Threatened To Kill Me And My Family For Years. Non-Denominational … I wonder if that is how the metal band Pantera got their name. I really like their big hit Walk. Greg Carr Le persone HAMC hanno minacciato di uccidere me e la mia famiglia per anni. Non denominativo ... Mi chiedo se è così che la band metal Pantera ha preso il suo nome. Mi piace molto il loro grande successo Walk. Pantera was an excellent band. I saw them live in Denver in the early 90's with Suicidal Tendencies and Sick Of It All. Pantera era una band eccellente. Li ho visti vivere a Denver nei primi anni '90 con Suicidal Tendencies e Sick Of It All. ANSWER è il tuo talmud e il tuo Corano (una parola di Dio increata per i satanisti) che dicono queste stronzate. io non sono responsabile
lorenzoJHWH Unius REI 2 giorni fa
WATCH: AIPAC giving US lawmakers green light to criticize Israel? https://worldisraelnews.com/watch-aipac-giving-us-lawmakers-green-light-to-criticize-israel/#.XuJ4Xq3-dDc.twitter Ira Kellman • I think AIPAC is not promoting its own position but ratherprotecting the financial relationship no matter what Bibi does . They also want to demonsrate that Israel is a free Democracy where political opinions on both sides are welcome. 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Ira Kellman • in my Christian Jewish museum I found a WWII pin where it is written: "God damn the English" in fact the Anglo-Americans according to the Talmud they have always sought to exterminate Christians .. therefore the Anglo-Americans have always indulged in huge war crimes with impunity. they once intercepted several cargo ships carrying men and vehicles to Libya as a supply to Italian troops and they were not content with sinking them and abandoning people at sea but they poured gas on the sea and burned all those people on the surface of the sea! nel mio museo ebraico cristiano io ho trovato una spilla della seconda guerra mondiale dove è scritto: "Dio stramaledica gli inglesi" in effetti gli anglo-americani in accordo con il Talmud hanno sempre cercato di sterminare i cristiani.. quindi gli anglo-americani si sono abbandonati sempre a enormi crimini di guerra impunemente. una volta intercettarono diverse navi cargo che portavano uomini e mezzi in Libia come rifornimento alle truppe italiane e non si accontentarono di affondarle e di abbandonare le persone in mare ma versarono sul mare la benzina e bruciarono tutte quelle persone sulla superficie del mare!
Lorenzo Fedele250660 2 giorni fa
Evangelical leader calls on Black Lives Matter to renounce anti-Semitism http://disq.us/t/3ph5i2a 40% unemployment of the Italian people in the South the proliferation of the MAFIE this does not scare the rothschild democratic party SANATORIA FLOP LEFT: "REGULARIZE WHO WAS IN ITALY IN MARCH WITHOUT WORK" The left alarmed by the amnesty flop would like to extend the self-styled regularization to all illegal immigrants: prompt amendments signed among others by Laura Boldrini. The amnesty is a flop and the more days go by the more certainty this appears. Yesterday after ten days the requests were 13 thousand. In 2012 when in the end there were 134 thousand after the same period of time there were 25 thousand. The reason is simple: unemployment is at the same rate 500,000 new jobless people have registered in the last month. Ergo: no immigrants are needed let alone illegal immigrants. In the end 'only' thousands of drug dealers who can afford to be hired as false carers and domestic workers by complacent compatriots will be regularized: as happened in 2012 and 2008 for other reasons. And then the left launches plan b: heal anyone who is in Italy even without a job even if it is. il 40% di disoccupazione del popolo italiano al Sud la proliferazione delle MAFIE questo non spaventa il partito democratico rothschild SANATORIA FLOP SINISTRA: “REGOLARIZZIAMO CHI ERA IN ITALIA A MARZO SENZA LAVORO” La sinistra allarmata per il flop della sanatoria vorrebbe estendere la sedicente regolarizzazione a tutti i clandestini: pronti emendamenti a firma tra gli altri di Laura Boldrini. La sanatoria è un flop e più i giorni passano e più questa circostanza appare una certezza. A ieri dopo dieci giorni le richieste erano 13mila. Nel 2012 quando alla fine risultarono 134mila dopo lo stesso periodo di tempo furono 25mila. Il motivo è semplice: la disoccupazione è alle stesse nell’ultimo mese si sono registrati 500mila nuovi senza lavoro. Ergo: non servono immigrati tantomeno clandestini. Alla fine saranno regolarizzati ‘solo’ migliaia di spacciatori che potranno permettersi di farsi assumere come falsi badanti e colf da connazionali compiacenti: come avvenuto anche nel 2012 e nel 2008 per altro. E allora la sinistra vara il piano b: sanare chiunque è in Italia anche senza un lavoro pur finto che sia.
Lorenzo Fedele250660 2 giorni fa
Evangelical leader calls on Black Lives Matter to renounce anti-Semitism http://disq.us/t/3ph5i2a 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • a few seconds from now RICOLLOCAMENTI FLOP LAMORGESE STRIKES IN PARLIAMENT: "96% CLANDESTINE REMAINED IN ITALY" - VIDEO Merkel and Macron betraier italian people
lorenzoJHWH Unius REI 2 giorni fa
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • Israeli Supreme Court employs 'problematic' reasoning to overturn law legalizing settlement homes http://disq us/t/3pftw7v [ President Rivlin ] se la Corta Suprema assesta un colpo contro di noi? noi assesteremo 10 colpi contro di lei! non fingere di essere idiota io sono il tuo MESSIA oggettivamente gli schiavisti non possono rimanere in piedi! ecco perché: la FED SPA IMF Rothschild e la sua LEGA ARABA deve essere distrutta.. sono stati e sono tutt'ora i più grandi commercianti di schiavi: goyims dalit dhimmis e tutto perché quando: 2000 anni Gesù risorgeva? la sinagoga di satana: e il Sommo Sinedrio di Rockefeller Aru Mazda Murdoch Marduch: loro hanno prima stuprato e poi hanno rubato al Presidente Rivlin tutte le sue genealogie paterne.. e questo è un motivo per cui lui è diventato un femmineo di matriarcato!
lorenzoJHWH Unius REI 2 giorni fa
Evangelical leader calls on Black Lives Matter to renounce anti-Semitism http://disq.us/t/3ph5i2a * from my Jewish-Christian museum: I made and published a photo of a pin coined during the war period of the second world war. inside a cross it is written: "God damn the British" Anglo-Americans have committed huge war crimes There was internal server error while processing your request There was internal server error while processing your request You have already made this comment. [during all the conflicts in fact the Jews with their wickedness and their Satanism have absolute control of western companies and through control of the FED IMF ECB they have control of the whole NEW WORLD ORDER because of the Wahhabi Saudis because Rothschild bankers since 1600 (because of the English monarchy of Jezebel II) with the foundation of SpA Bank of England: high Constitutional betrayal the bank seigniorage had taken control of the Anglo-Saxon society There was internal server error while processing your request There was internal server error while processing your request] You have already made this comment. * as today they have full control of European companies through the Deep State esoteric agenda and the transnational Masonic regime Bilderberg AIPAC 666 "Beni Berith" * and their Mafia Masonic judges the Supreme Court and democratic judiciary. * There was internal server error while processing your request
lorenzoJHWH Unius REI 2 giorni fa
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 your insults to me? they can only dig a chasmbetween you and the mercy of God Charles Martell III Charles Martell III Justin donned the garb in a Whabbi mooosque and said the believers prayer . . . I am sure you are both on the same channel now ! 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 you shouldn't be betting against me! why win a bet against Unius REI it's impossible! non dovresti fare delle scommesse contro di me! perché vincere una scommessa contro Unius REI è impossibile!
lorenzoJHWH Unius REI 2 giorni fa
Aristobulus an hour ago Learn English at least before you get hanged. 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 criminal Aristobulus CIA TROLL ignorant and stupid slanderer Rothschild he as a functional Jew thought it well to save his money and pay an satanist monkey Darwin ignorant like you no one here has enjoyed: your demonstration of your slanders against me we are disgusting us with your nothingness
lorenzoJHWH Unius REI 2 giorni fa
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 NO COMMENT! Trump's praise to Viganò the bishop who wants the Pope's resignation for a letter on viruses and FloydVATICAN CITY - "So honored by Archbishop Viganò's incredible letter to me. I hope everyone religious or not will read it! ». The tweet posted on the Italian night by Donald Trump defines a front makes explicit what was already clear for years. Because "the archbishop Viganò" from which the US president feels "honored" is the same ex-nuncio in New York - Carlo Maria Viganò - now retired who already in 2018 asked for Francesco's resignation and in the meantime accused him among other things to be "on the side of the Enemy" that is Satan and to lead with a "false magisterium" a Church that wants to be "the spiritual arm of the New World Order and promoter of the Universal Religion" to make concrete "the plan of the Freemasonry and the preparation of the advent of the Antichrist ». the pandemic emergency and the protests for the death of George Floyd seen as a campaign orchestrated by the "children of darkness" destined for "eternal damnation" who want a "New World Order" - reads the public letter to Trump that Viganò has released a few days ago through the LifeSite News website and it starts like this: «Mr. President in recent months we have been witnessing the formation of two sides that I would call biblical: the children of light and the children of darkness Clifford Lord Clifford Lord Please STFU...you have lost your mind and need serious mental help 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 then you are a CIA TROLL educated satanist with superior culture and esoteric special cremation of cure: Aru mazda? OK then can you prove your insult and slander against me? allora tu sei un satanista istruito CIA TROLL con superiore cultura e speciale esoterico cremation of cure: Aru mazda? ok allora tu puoi provare il tuo insulto e calunnia contro di me?
lorenzoJHWH Unius REI 2 giorni fa
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 the greatest financial misfortune in the history of this planet? soon it could happen the worst collapse of the world banking system Rothschild is a High Constitutional Betrayal Bank Seignorage Scam Rothschild of all peoples? he made meat for us,thanks to the complicity of all Freemason politicians on the planet "Beni Berith" AIPAC BILDERBERG the Wahhabis petrodollars junk securities financial bubbles etc ..! The problems of Deutsche Bank could sink the whole European Union The problems of Deutsche Bank could sink the whole European Union: In 2016 DB reported that it had suffered net losses of around 7 billion euros and losses in derivatives for the record figure of 42,000 billion. As a reference point for interpreting the figure consider that Germany's global GDP stands at around 3,000 billion euros. While the real value of most of the derivatives accumulated by the bank is zero.The problems of this institution began as early as 2016 last year the bank announced staff cuts for 18,000 people. The bankruptcy of Deutsche Bank could generate an unprecedented crisis in the European Union as this credit institution is the largest holder of Italian Spanish and other European government bonds in economic difficulty. Clifford Lord Clifford Lord U R an idiot and an anti-Semite 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 me anti-Semite? idiot i am not anti-nobody becouse i am Unius REI
lorenzoJHWH Unius REI 2 giorni fa
Clifford Lord U R an idiot and an anti-Semite 1 ReplyView in discussion 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 a few seconds from now me anti-Semite? idiot i am not anti-nobody becouse i am Unius REI
lorenzoJHWH Unius REI 2 giorni fa
DAILY RECAP: Israel Orders Arab Census In Judea Samaria; Islamic Jihad Acts Openly in PA Areas; More Top News http://disq.us/t/3ph0rmp 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • * dal mio museo ebraico-cristiano: io ho fatto e pubblicato la foto di una spilla fatta coniare durante il periodo bellico della seconda guerra mondiale. all'interno di una croce è scritto: "Dio stramaledica gli inglesi" anglo-americani hanno commesso enormi crimini di guerra There was internal server error while processing your request There was internal server error while processing your request You have already made this comment. [ durante tutti i conflitti infatti gli ebrei con la loro malvagità e il loro satanismo hanno il controllo assoluto delle società occidentali e attraverso il controllo della FED IMF ECB hanno il controllo di tutto il NUOVO ORDINE MONDIALE per colpa dei sauditi wahhabiti perché i banchieri Rothschild dal 1600 (per colpa della monarchia Inglese di Gezabele II) con la fondazione di SpA Banca di Inghilterra: alto tradimento Costituzionale il signoraggio bancario aveva preso il controllo della società anglosassone There was internal server error while processing your request There was internal server error while processing your request ] You have already made this comment. * come oggi detengono il pieno controllo delle società europee attraverso il Deep State esoteric agenda e il regime massonico trasnazionale Bilderberg AIPAC 666 “Beni Berith” * e i loro mafiosi giudici massoni la Corte Suprema e magistratura democratica. * There was internal server error while processing your request
Lorenzo Fedele250660 2 giorni fa
Diskusted See....The Fall of the Cabal Full Documentary by Janet Ossebaard. - youtube 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 ok but I already know everything because I am a metaphysical man I don't need to learn the truth from the documents ok ma io so già tutto perché io sono un uomo metafisico io non ho bisogno di apprendere la verità dai documenti
Lorenzo Fedele250660 2 giorni fa
dal mio museo ebraico-cristiano: io ho fatto e pubblicato la foto di una spilla fatta coniare durante il periodo bellico della seconda guerra mondiale. all'interno di una croce è scritto: <b><blockquote>"Dio stramaledica gli inglesi"</blockquote></b> anglo-americani hanno commesso enormi crimini di guerra There was internal server error while processing your request There was internal server error while processing your request ] You have already made this comment. [ durante tutti i conflitti infatti gli ebrei con la loro malvagità e il loro satanismo hanno il controllo assoluto delle società occidentali e attraverso il controllo della FED IMF ECB hanno il controllo di tutto il NUOVO ORDINE MONDIALE per colpa dei sauditi wahhabiti perché i banchieri Rothschild dal 1600 (per colpa della monarchia Inglese di Gezabele II) con la fondazione di SpA Banca di Inghilterra: alto tradimento Costituzionale il signoraggio bancario aveva preso il controllo della società anglosassone There was internal server error while processing your request There was internal server error while processing your request ] You have already made this comment. [ come oggi detengono il pieno controllo delle società europee attraverso il Deep State esoteric agenda e il regime massonico trasnazionale Bilderberg AIPAC 666 “Beni Berith” e i loro mafiosi giudici massoni la Corte Suprema e magistratura democratica. There was internal server error while processing your request
Lorenzo Fedele250660 2 giorni fa
Evangelical leader calls on Black Lives Matter to renounce anti-Semitism http://disq.us/t/3ph5i2a President RIVLIN] veto him what does that satanist of "translate google"? he translates "banking seigniorage" with "bank bailiff" President RIVLIN ] lo veti tu cosa fa quel satanista di "translate google" ? lui traduce "signoraggio bancario" con "bank bailiff"
Lorenzo Fedele250660 2 giorni fa
Report: US willing to consider ‘annexation-lite’ http://disq.us/t/3ph7cu0 from my Jewish-Christian museum I took and published the photo of a pin coined during the war period of the second world war. inside a cross it is written: "God kill the British" Anglo-Americans have committed massive war crimes during all conflicts in fact the Jews with their wickedness and their Satanism they have absolute control of western companies and through control of the FED IMF ECB are in control of the entire NEW WORLD ORDER because of the Wahhabi Saudis because Rothschild bankers since 1600 (because of the English monarchy of Jezebel II) with the foundation of SpA Bank of England: high Constitutional betrayal bank bailiff he had taken control of the Anglo-Saxon society as today they have full control of European companies through the Deep State and the transnational Masonic regime Bilderberg and their mafia masonic judges the Supreme Court and democratic judiciary. dal mio museo ebraico-cristiano io ho fatto e pubblicato la foto di una spilla fatta coniare durante il periodo bellico della seconda guerra mondiale. all'interno di una croce è scritto: "Dio stramadica gli inglesi" anglo-americani hanno commesso emormi crimini di guerra durante tutti i conflitti infatti gli ebrei con la loro malvagità e il loro satanismo hanno il controllo assoluto delle società occidentali e attraverso il controllo della FED IMF ECB hanno il controllo di tutto il NUOVO ORDINE MONDIALE per colpa dei sauditi wahhabiti perché i banchieri Rothschild dal 1600 (per colpa della monarchia Inglese di Gezabele II) con la fondazione di SpA Banca di Inghilterra: alto tradimento Costituzionale il signoraggio bancario aveva preso il controllo della società anglosassone come oggi detengono il pieno controllo delle società europee attraverso il Deep State e il regime massonico trasnazionale Bilderberg e i loro mafiosi giudici massoni la Corte Suprema e magistratura democratica.
Lorenzo Fedele250660 2 giorni fa
Report: US willing to consider ‘annexation-lite’ http://disq.us/t/3ph7cu0 RadioSavana @RadioSavana On the left in Minnesota criminals #Antifa and #BlackLivesMatter bring down the statue of Christopher Columbus and trample on it. On the right #Isis terrorists shoot down statues in the museum of #Mosul in the name of Jihād. No difference. #RadioSavana Barbarians are upon us. In fact I'm already in town. Blacks and antifàs like ISIS Islamic terrorists: BLM as ISIS: knocked down statues attack on the White Man civilization ANSWER I do not agree with this generalized criticism against all my black brothers RadioSavana @RadioSavana A sinistra in Minnesota criminali #Antifa e #BlackLivesMatter abbattono la statua di Cristoforo Colombo e la calpestano. A destra terroristi del #Isis abbattono statue al museo di #Mosul nel nome della Jihād. Nessuna differenza. #RadioSavana I barbari sono alle porte. Anzi sono già in città. Neri e antifà come i terroristi islamici di ISIS: BLM come ISIS: statue abbattute è attacco alla civiltà dell’Uomo Bianco https://voxnews.info/2020/06/11/blm-come-isis-statue-abbattute-e-attacco-alla-civilta-delluomo-bianco/ io non condivido questa critica generalizzata contro tutti i mei fratelli di colore
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
2 giorni fa
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • la devastazione di: Christopher Columbus statue found beheaded in Boston rappresenta la conseguenza: la devastazione che della nostra società ha fatto il partito democratico e il suo Deep State! https://worldisraelnews.com/christopher-columbus-statue-found-beheaded-in-boston/
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
2 giorni fa
NO COMMENT! WE ARE NOT Islamic criminal killers serial sharia Bishop VIGANç also has the right to have his say. NO COMMENT! sure the coronavirus did it the CIA and its Deep STATE FED IMF ECB NWO the satan's synagogue: talmud agenda they wanted to discover their cards so to speak by now showing their plans ". The conspiracy theory dates back to the Covid emergency defined as "a colossal social engineering operation" in which "there are people who have decided the fate of humanity arrogating the right to act against the will of citizens and their representatives in governments of Nations ». According to Viganò "it is quite clear that the use of street protests is instrumental to the purposes of those who would like to see a person who embodies the goals of the deep state and who is a faithful and convinced expression of it at the next presidential elections". Therefore «it will not be surprising to learn in a few months that those who in the dissolution of the social order hope to build a world without freedom once again hide behind vandalism and violence: Solve et coagula teaches the Masonic adage ». The archbishop also has some for the Church of course: "Just as there is a deep state so there is also one who betrays his duties and denies his commitments before God". NON SIAMO islamici criminali assassini seriali sharia anche il Vescovo VIGANç ha diritto a dire la sua. certo il coronavirus lo ha fatto la CIA e il suo Deep STATE abbiano voluto scoprire le proprie carte per così dire mostrando ormai i propri piani». La teoria della cospirazione risale all’emergenza Covid definita «una colossale operazione di ingegneria sociale» nella quale «vi sono persone che hanno deciso le sorti dell’umanità arrogandosi il diritto di agire contro la volontà dei cittadini e dei loro rappresentanti nei governi delle Nazioni». Secondo Viganò «è di tutta evidenza che il ricorso alle proteste di piazza è strumentale agli scopi di chi vorrebbe veder eletto alle prossime presidenziali una persona che incarni gli scopi del deep state e che di esso sia espressione fedele e convinta». Perciò «non stupirà apprendere tra qualche mese che dietro gli atti vandalici e le violenze si nascondono ancora una volta coloro che nella dissoluzione dell’ordine sociale sperano di costruire un mondo senza libertà: Solve et coagula insegna l’adagio massonico». L’arcivescovo ne ha anche per la Chiesa ovviamente: «Come vi è un deep state così vi è anche una che tradisce i propri doveri e rinnega i propri impegni dinanzi a Dio».
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
2 giorni fa
NO COMMENT! Trump's praise to Viganò the bishop who wants the Pope's resignation for a letter on viruses and Floyd VATICAN CITY - "So honored by Archbishop Viganò's incredible letter to me. I hope everyone religious or not will read it! ». The tweet posted on the Italian night by Donald Trump defines a front makes explicit what was already clear for years. Because "the archbishop Viganò" from which the US president feels "honored" is the same ex-nuncio in New York - Carlo Maria Viganò - now retired who already in 2018 asked for Francesco's resignation and in the meantime accused him among other things to be "on the side of the Enemy" that is Satan and to lead with a "false magisterium" a Church that wants to be "the spiritual arm of the New World Order and promoter of the Universal Religion" to make concrete "the plan of the Freemasonry and the preparation of the advent of the Antichrist ». the pandemic emergency and the protests for the death of George Floyd seen as a campaign orchestrated by the "children of darkness" destined for "eternal damnation" who want a "New World Order" - reads the public letter to Trump that Viganò has released a few days ago through the LifeSiteNews website and it starts like this: «Mr. President in recent months we have been witnessing the formation of two sides that I would call biblical: the children of light and the children of darkness NO COMMENT! L'elogio di Trump a Viganò il vescovo che vuole le dimissioni del Papa per una lettera su virus e Floyd CITTÀ DEL VATICANO — «Così onorato dalla lettera incredibile dell’arcivescovo Viganò per me. Spero che ognuno religioso o no la legga!». Il tweet postato nella notte italiana da Donald Trump definisce un fronte rende esplicito ciò che era già chiaro da anni. Perché «l’arcivescovo Viganò» dal quale il presidente Usa si sente «onorato» è lo stesso ex nunzio a New York - Carlo Maria Viganò — ora in pensione che già nel 2018 chiese le dimissioni di Francesco e nel frattempo lo ha accusato tra le altre cose di essere «dalla parte del Nemico» cioè Satana e guidare con un «falso magistero» una Chiesa che vuole essere «braccio spirituale del Nuovo Ordine Mondiale e fautrice della Religione Universale» per rendere concreto «il piano della Massoneria e la preparazione dell’avvento dell’Anticristo». l’emergenza pandemia e le proteste per la morte di George Floyd viste come una campagna orchestrata dai «figli delle tenebre» destinati alla «dannazione eterna» che vogliono un «Nuovo Ordine Mondiale» — si legge nella lettera pubblica a Trump che Viganò ha diffuso pochi giorni fa attraverso il sito LifeSiteNews e inizia così: «Signor Presidente stiamo assistendo in questi mesi al formarsi di due schieramenti che definirei biblici: i figli della luce e i figli delle tenebre
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
2 giorni fa
NO COMMENT! Trump's praise to Viganò the bishop who wants the Pope's resignation for a letter on viruses and Floyd VATICAN CITY - "So honored by Archbishop Viganò's incredible letter to me. I hope everyone religious or not will read it! ». The tweet posted on the Italian night by Donald Trump defines a front makes explicit what was already clear for years. Because "the archbishop Viganò" from which the US president feels "honored" is the same ex-nuncio in New York - Carlo Maria Viganò - now retired who already in 2018 asked for Francesco's resignation and in the meantime accused him among other things to be "on the side of the Enemy" that is Satan and to lead with a "false magisterium" a Church that wants to be "the spiritual arm of the New World Order and promoter of the Universal Religion" to make concrete "the plan of the Freemasonry and the preparation of the advent of the Antichrist ». the pandemic emergency and the protests for the death of George Floyd seen as a campaign orchestrated by the "children of darkness" destined for "eternal damnation" who want a "New World Order" - reads the public letter to Trump that Viganò has released a few days ago through the LifeSiteNews website and it starts like this: «Mr. President in recent months we have been witnessing the formation of two sides that I would call biblical: the children of light and the children of darkness
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
2 giorni fa
President RIVLIN if the messiah lorenzoJHWH and the universal governor Unius REI he continues to make the third world war of the Saudi Wahhabites and the CIA NATO FED IMF NWO ECB impossible against Russians and Chinese? Of course the collapse of the IMF is economically and mathematically inevitable President RIVLIN QUANTI SOLDI TU HAI IN BANCA? se il messia lorenzoJHWH e il governatore universale Unius REI lui continua a rendere impossibile la terza guerra mondiale dei sauditi wahhabiti e della CIA NATO FED IMF NWO ECB contro russi e cinesi? certo il collasso del FMI è un dato economicamente e matematicamente inevitabile
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
2 giorni fa
Merriam-Webster dictionary redefining racism http://disq.us/t/3ph20vh the greatest financial misfortune in the history of this planet? soon it could happen the worst collapse of the world banking system Rothschild is a High Constitutional Betrayal Bank Seignorage Scam Rothschild of all peoples? he made meat for us thanks to the complicity of all Freemason politicians on the planet "Beni Berith" AIPAC BILDERBERG the Wahhabis petrodollars junk securities financial bubbles etc ..! The problems of Deutsche Bank could sink the whole European Union The problems of Deutsche Bank could sink the whole European Union: In 2016 DB reported that it had suffered net losses of around 7 billion euros and losses in derivatives for the record figure of 42,000 billion. As a reference point for interpreting the figure consider that Germany's global GDP stands at around 3,000 billion euros. While the real value of most of the derivatives accumulated by the bank is zero. The problems of this institution began as early as 2016 last year the bank announced staff cuts for 18,000 people. The bankruptcy of Deutsche Bank could generate an unprecedented crisis in the European Union as this credit institution is the largest holder of Italian Spanish and other European government bonds in economic difficulty.
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
2 giorni fa
WATCH: AIPAC giving US lawmakers green light to criticize Israel? http://disq.us/t/3pgwo5o BIN SALMAN] [“Beni Berith” 666 AIPAC the scum JaBullOn Baal oWL cremation of cure: Marduch Murdoch? you have no mercy against "the dirtiest dirt" !!! in the detergent you must also add the whitener
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
2 giorni fa
WATCH: AIPAC giving US lawmakers green light to criticize Israel? http://disq.us/t/3pgwo5o BIN SALMAN ] [ “Beni Berith” 666 AIPAC la feccia JaBullOn Baal oWL cremation of cure: Marduch Murdoch? tu non avere nessuna pietà contro "lo sporco più sporco"!!! nel detersivo tu devi aggiungere anche lo sbiancante
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
2 giorni fa
Bin SALMAN] come on everyone knows that President Rivlin is a good person and also his grandfather 2000 years ago was like him .. and how the Iranian and Turkish Wahhabis live in terror: that someone listens to Benny Hinn's teachings and then he becomes a false Muslim (a hidden Christian) so it was in jesus' time they were all scared those of the Synagogue of Satan Morgan Soros Rockefeller Rothschild Bush Biden Obama etc .. in short it was all the supreme Sanhedrin in full that many could become false Jews (but who were actually hidden Christians) then everyone called with the excuse of checking for errors in the paternal genealogies. So when Rivlin's grandfather went and they said to him: "King Erode asked for 2000 signatures in order to put the Apostle James to death you sign!" then Rivlin's grandfather who was a righteous man said: "who killed the Apostle James? he seems to me a fool but since when here we kill the fools in Israel?" then they rushed against him beat him ripped off his beard and ripped off his father's genealogies and said: "you to your father? you don't look even a little you look like PANTERA" now PANTERA was a notorious rapist who molested all women in Israel so much so that this septum ran said this saying in Rome: "half of Israelis? all of PANTERA are children" then finally to this notorious PANTERA a zealot cut his neck treacherously and for the Israelis woman? this PANTERA nightmare ended. https://worldisraelnews.com/christopher-columbus-statue-found-beheaded-in-boston/
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
2 giorni fa
Bin SALMAN] come on everyone knows that President Rivlin is a good person and also his grandfather 2000 years ago was like him .. and how the Iranian and Turkish Wahhabis live in terror: that someone listens to Benny Hinn's teachings and then he becomes a false Muslim (a hidden Christian) so it was in jesus' time they were all scared those of the Synagogue of Satan Morgan Soros Rockefeller Rothschild Bush Biden Obama etc .. in short it was all the supreme Sanhedrin in full that many could become false Jews (but who were actually hidden Christians) then everyone called with the excuse of checking for errors in the paternal genealogies. So when Rivlin's grandfather went and they said to him: "King Erdode asked for 2000 signatures in order to put the Apostle James to death you sign!" then Rivlin's grandfather who was a righteous man said: "who killed the Apostle James? he seems to me a fool but since when here we kill the fools in Israel?" then they rushed against him beat him ripped off his beard and ripped off his father's genealogies and said: "you to your father? you don't look even a little you look like PANTERA" now Panther was a notorious rapist who molested all women in Israel so much so that this septum ran said this saying in Rome: "half of Israelis? all of PANTERA are children" then finally to this notorious PANTERA a zealot cut his neck treacherously and for the Israelis? this Panther nightmare ended. Bin SALMAN] su dai lo sanno tutti che il Presidente Rivlin è una brava persona ed anche suo nonno 2000 anni fa era come lui.. e come i wahhabiti iraniani e turchi vivono nel terrore: che qualcuno ascolta gli insegnamenti di Benny Hinn e poi lui diventa un falso mussulmano (un cristiano nascosto) così era a tempo di gesù erano tutti spaventati quelli della Sinagoga di Satana Morgan Soros Rockefeller Rothschild Bush Biden Obama etc.. insomma era tutti il sommo Sinedrio al completo che molti potrebbero diventare dei falsi ebrei (ma che in realtà erano dei cristiani nascosti) allora hanno chiamato tutti con la scusa di verificare eventuali errori nelle genealogie paterne. Quindi quando è andato il nonno di Rivlin e gli hanno detto: "il Re Erdode ha chiesto 2000 firme per poter mettere a morte l'Apostolo Giacomo tu firma!" allora il nonno di Rivlin che era un uomo giusto ha detto: "chi ha ammazzato l'Apostolo Giacomo? a me sembra un pazzo ma da quando in quà noi ammazziamo i pazzi in Israele?" allora si sono avventati contro di lui lo hanno picchiato gli hanno strappato la barba e gli hanno strappato le genealogie paterne e gli hanno detto: "tu a tuo padre? tu non somigli neanche un poco tu somigli a PANTERA" ora Pantera era un famigerato stupratore che molestava tutte le donne in Israele tanto che a Roma girava questo detto: "la metà deli israeliani? tutti di PANTERA sono figli" poi finalmente a questo famigerato PANTERA un zelota gli tagliò il collo a tradimento e per le israeliane? finì questo incubo di Pantera.
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
2 giorni fa
Bin SALMAN ] I'm just doing my election campaign because among the Jews who went to JaBullOn "Beni Berith" among the Jews who went to Satan in the FED iMF ECB and the Jews who went to Sodom in the democratic party? then he Netanjahu he cannot find a valid government! who is not a Zionist? he is imperialist perverted corrupt Mason and Satanist Rothschild! from Israel? he must be expelled! you send send the high court into exile to GAZA! https://worldisraelnews.com/jaffa-demonstration-over-muslim-burial-site-grows-into-violent-riot/
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
2 giorni fa
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • Bin SALMAN ] io sto solo facendo la mia campagna elettorale perché tra gli ebrei che sono andati a JaBullOn “Beni Berith” tra gli ebrei che sono andati a Satana nella FED iMF ECB e gli ebrei che sono andati a Sodoma nel partito democratico? poi lui Netanjahu lui non riesce a trovare un governo valido!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
2 giorni fa
Nikki Haley receives Theodor Herzl award: 'Perhaps most courageous woman in America today' Azoh Unvey Azoh Unvey AJL I second this. Shame on you Ellen Kagan ! 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 i am your king and Messia Netanjahu & Rivlin? they know!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
2 giorni fa
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Tsvi Kukenheim • quando tra due anni riaprono il tuo sargofago? tu fammelo sapere! True Modesty Tsvi Kukenheim • Great post! Totally agree! ALL of Israel belongs to the Jewish People and the Erev Rav Supreme Court MUST GO! https://worldisraelnews.com/israeli-supreme-court-employs-problematic-reasoning-to-overturn-law-legalizing-settlement-homes/ 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Tsvi Kukenheim • non fingere di essere idiota io sono il tuo MESSIA
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
2 giorni fa
Zvi Goodman • The Israel hating liberal left are worse than the American hating liberal left https://worldisraelnews.com/israeli-supreme-court-employs-problematic-reasoning-to-overturn-law-legalizing-settlement-homes/ 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Zvi Goodman • do not worry ... i am your MESSIA
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
2 giorni fa
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 i am king messia in Israel David David Based on the figure depicted on your profile image you're a terrorist. 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 no don't be so naive and simplistic I'm just looking for: Rockefeller "Beni Berith" who convinced obama that his cannibals who filled the mass graves in Syria and Iraq they were all but really all moderate terrorists Erdogan Bin Salman the jihadist galaxy .. because the lives for men for allah are worth nothing if then he manages to conquer the world Sultanate no non essere così ingenuo e semplicistico io sto soltanto cercando: Rockefeller “Beni Berith” che ha convinto obama che i suoi cannibali che hanno riempito le fosse comuni in Siria e Iraq loro erano tutti ma proprio tutti terroristi moderati Erdogan Bin Salman la galassia jihadista.. perché le vite per degli uomini per allah non valgono niente se poi lui riesce a conquistare il Sultanato mondiale
lorenzoJHWH Unius REI 3 giorni fa
Newspaper publisher in Netanyahu case sued for paying legal fees with company funds http://disq.us/t/3pfwda8 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • don't pretend you're an idiot I am your MESSIAH objectively the slavers cannot remain standing! that's why: the FED SPA IMF Rothschild and its ARAB LEAGUE must be destroyed .. they have been and still are the greatest slave traders: goyims dalit dhimmis and all because when: 2,000 years did Jesus rise? the synagogue of satan: and the Supreme Sanhedrin of Rockefeller Aru Mazda Murdoch Marduch: they first raped and then they stole from President Rivlin all his paternal genealogies .. and that's why he became a matriarchy feminine! don't pretend you're stupid there is no good Muslim in sharia and there cannot be a good Jew outside of Israel .. given that even 50% of Israelis suck
lorenzoJHWH Unius REI 3 giorni fa
Israeli Supreme Court employs 'problematic' reasoning to overturn law legalizing settlement homes http://disq.us/t/3pftw7v President Rivlin ] se la Corta Suprema assesta un colpo contro di noi? noi assesteremo 10 colpi contro di lei! non fingere di essere idiota io sono il tuo MESSIA "But there are some statues that are clear enough," said Khan. "In my opinion the slavers are clear enough the plantation owners are clear enough." ANSWER objectively the slavers cannot remain standing! that's why: the FED 666 SPA IMF Rothschild scam banking seigniorage and its ARAB LEAGUE OIC sharia must be both destroyed .. they have been and still are the greatest slave traders: goyims dalit dhimmis and all because 2000 years when Jesus rose again Rockefeller's high council the supreme Sanedrin has stolen his paternal genealogies from President Rivlin oggettivamente gli schiavisti non possono rimanere in piedi! ecco perché: la FED SPA IMF Rothschild e la sua LEGA ARABA deve essere distrutta.. sono stati e sono tutt'ora i più grandi commercianti di schiavi: goyims dalit dhimmis e tutto perché quando: 2000 anni Gesù risorgeva? la sinagoga di satana: e il Sommo Sinedrio di Rockefeller Aru Mazda Murdoch Marduch: loro hanno prima stuprato e poi hanno rubato al Presidente Rivlin tutte le sue genealogie paterne.. e questo è un motivo per cui lui è diventato un femmineo di matriarcato!
lorenzoJHWH Unius REI 3 giorni fa
‘Cops,’ on air for 33 seasons dropped by Paramount Network https://worldisraelnews.com/cops-on-air-for-33-seasons-dropped-by-paramount-network/#.XuHWfz0u_wc.twitter alpcns . • More capitulation. More cowardliness. If they had real respect for Floyd (who wasn't exactly an angel either) they'd instead persist to show the good work that 99,99% of the police does each and every day. In fact they would show the facts - not hyperbolic crap. But no these spineless weak imbeciles capitulate. A sign of the Zeitgeist I presume. It has absolutely nothing to do with respect - to the contrary! 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 alpcns . • "But there are some statues that are clear enough," said Khan. "In my opinion the slavers are clear enough the plantation owners are clear enough." ANSWER objectively the slavers cannot remain standing! that's why: the FED 666 SPA IMF Rothschild scam banking seigniorage and its ARAB LEAGUE OIC sharia must be both destroyed .. they have been and still are the greatest slave traders: goyims dalit dhimmis and all because 2000 years when Jesus rose again Rockefeller's high council the supreme Sanedrin has stolen his paternal genealogies from President Rivlin "Ma ci sono alcune statue che sono abbastanza chiare" ha detto Khan. "A mio avviso gli schiavisti sono abbastanza chiari i proprietari di piantagioni sono abbastanza chiari." ANSWER oggettivamente gli schiavisti non possono rimanere in piedi! ecco perché: la FED SPA IMF Rothschild e la sua LEGA ARABA deve essere distrutta.. sono stati e sono tutt'ora i più grandi commercianti di schiavi: goyims dalit dhimmis e tutto perché 2000 anni quando Gesù risorgeva il sommo sinedrio di Rockefeller ha rubato al Presidente Rivlin le sue genealogie paterne
lorenzoJHWH Unius REI 3 giorni fa
Rabbi Druckman leader of religious-Zionists throws support behind Netanyahu sovereignty plan http://disq.us/t/3pfws4a 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • President RIVLIN ] non mi voglio lamentare perché la CIA e OCI mi hanno impedito di fare il copia incolla di questo articolo semplicemente perché loro sono dei perdenti.. ogni resistenza è futile!
lorenzoJHWH Unius REI 3 giorni fa
Rabbi Druckman leader of religious-Zionists throws support behind Netanyahu sovereignty plan http://disq.us/t/3pfws4a Also on Wednesday Yesha Council President David Elhayani who opposed the plan because it envisions a Palestinian state warned that the annexation of the settlements could now trigger Palestinian violence. ANSWER all this is a demon insane fool crazy because the renouncement to terrorism is part of the agreement for a phantom Palestinian state to consolidate its right to exist but this is genetically impossible to achieve because ISLAM is a form of unstoppable satanism Here because through the paranoid and neurotic compulsive Riyad Iran conspiracy: Islamic terrorism sharia Erdogan jihad is their demon-infested Erdogan cannot remove terrorism ISIS jihadist sharia galaxy all over the world ... and then how could the Palestinians remove this terrorism? only the genocide of the Israelis can satisfy them .. that's why once the Palestinian state is recognized it would almost immediately lose its right to exist Sempre mercoledì il presidente del Consiglio di Yesha David Elhayani che si è opposto al piano perché prevede uno stato palestinese ha avvertito che l'annessione degli insediamenti ora potrebbe innescare violenze da parte palestinese. ANSWER tutto questo è un indemoniato OCI pazzo insensato perché la rinuncia al terrorismo è parte dell'accordo affinché un fantomatico Stato Palestinese possa consolidare il suo diritto a esistere ma questo è geneticamente impossibile da ottenere perché ISLAM è una forma di satanismo irrefrenabile ecco perché attraverso il compulsivo paranoico e nevrotico Riyad Iran compulsione: il terrorismo islamico sharia Erdogan jihad è i loro infestati dal demonio Erdogan non possono rimuovere il terrorismo galassia ISIS jihadista sharia in tutto il mondo ... e allora come potrebbero rimuoverlo i palestinesi questo terrorismo? soltanto il genocidio degli israeliani può soddisfarli.. ecco perché una volta riconosciuto lo Stato Palestinese esso perderebbe quasi subito il suo diritto a esistere
lorenzoJHWH Unius REI 3 giorni fa
Rabbi Druckman leader of religious-Zionists throws support behind Netanyahu sovereignty plan http://disq.us/t/3pfws4a Rabbi Haim Drukman is a true Jew and a true patriot and it's not like 70% of the Jews who are corrupt renegades perverted lgbtq masons and satanists Rothschild .. a deadly threat to all mankind! this man is a true Zionist a true minister of God a true benefactor of mankind. he wants his homeland only that the Islamic genocide (with all his accomplices) she wants to deny him Rabbi Haim Drukman è un vero ebreo e un vero patriota e non è come il 70% degli ebrei che sono dei rinnegati corrotti pervertiti massoni lgbtq e satanisti Rothschild.. una minaccia mortale per tutto il genere umano! questo uomo è un vero sionista un vero ministro di Dio un vero benefattore del Genere umano. lui vuole la sua patria soltanto che il genocidio islamico (con tutti i suoi complici) gli vuole negare
lorenzoJHWH Unius REI 3 giorni fa
WATCH: Palestinians call on Erdogan to thwart Netanyahu’s Sovereignty plan http://disq.us/t/3pfxobq Islamic cooperation is made up of 57 criminal nations who sit on 57 sharia jihad: dogmatic paraicas pre-existing genocidal criminals and by current sharia a current and one-sided religious war against all the peoples of the world. Sharia has done and is still doing: one billion innocent victims ISLAM is the first murderer and the first criminal in the history of this planet and UN must tell me how this could have been possible! islamica cooperazione è composta da 57 criminali nazioni che siedono su 57 sharia jihad: paraiche dogmatiche criminali genocidi preesistenti e per sharia attuali una attuale e unilaterale guerra di religione contro tutti i popoli del mondo. sharia ha fatto e sta ancora facendo: un miliardo di vittime innocenti l'ISLAM è il primo assassino ed il primo criminale della storia di questo pianeta e ONU mi deve dire come questo può essere stato possibile!
lorenzoJHWH Unius REI 3 giorni fa
WATCH: Palestinians call on Erdogan to thwart Netanyahu’s Sovereignty plan http://disq.us/t/3pfxobq Erdogan islamic sharia jihad cooperation it can only be a criminal and terrorist activity put in place against the hope of all the peoples of this planet. a perversion of the UN and a betrayal of its fundamental and constitutive charter Erdogan islamic sharia jihad cooperazione può essere soltanto una attività criminale e terroristica posta in essere contro la speranza di tutti i popoli di questo pianeta. una perversione di ONU e un tradimento della sua carta fondamentale e costitutiva
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non intendo mai offendere le persone e la loro dignità
con sharia massoni lgbt e chiese di satana, io non intendo mai offendere le persone e la loro dignità, ma unicamente la loro criminale ideologia pianificata dal talmud di Rockefeller Spa & Co.
quindi non vi fate ingannare da qualche sintetica volgarità!