ACT NOW! Strip Pro-Terror Anti-Semitic Professor of 'Mutual Understanding' Award http://disq.us/t/3phvstb 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • GLI INCENTIVI INGRANDISCONO IL DEMONIO DELLA BUROCRAZIA e della frode la ingiustizia sociale... bisogna detassare e deburocratizzare
Lorenzo Fedele250660 1 giorno fa
ACT NOW! Strip Pro-Terror Anti-Semitic Professor of 'Mutual Understanding' Award http://disq.us/t/3phvstb CINA RUSSIA INDIA USA UE OCI ONU ] 1. questo è il mio pianeta 2. questo è il mio Regno di ISRAELE i criminali traditori? stanno per essere buttati fuori!
Lorenzo Fedele250660 2 giorni fa
go go go go go PATRIOL MAGA GO Hey lorenzoJHWH Now is a great time to pre-order my book How To Destroy America In Three Easy Steps. It’s coming out July 21 and could not possibly be more relevant. The basic idea is there’s a group of people in the United States—I call them disintegrationists—who would love to see the union come apart. They would love to shatter American philosophy. They say the Declaration of Independence is bad and racist and so is the Constitution. They would love to shatter our history and say we don’t have a shared history—that we just have a history of the exploiters and the exploited. They would love to shatter our culture of rights and say that our rights are just an outgrowth of our exploitative system—that the exercise of free speech and freedom of the press and exercise of free association are actually just white supremacism. I write about all of this in my book about why all of this is wrong and about what you can do to fight all of this. If you don't have a copy yet you can pre-order one here: https://amzn to/2VTeCFs. Thanks and I can't wait for you to read it. Ben Shapiro
Lorenzo Fedele250660 2 giorni fa (modificato)
Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • ISLAM and his satanism sharia Riyadh Islamic terror attacks that target Christians in Turkey have been noticeably on the rise. During Christmas in 2011 for instance a large-scale al-Qaeda plot to bomb "all the churches in Ankara" was exposed. Before Christmas 2015 ISIS issued death threats to at least 20 Protestant churches and warned that "Koranic commandments... urge us to slay the apostate like you." In 2017 as widely reported a gunman dressed as Santa Claus entered a nightclub in Istanbul during New Year celebrations and murdered 39 people. A "heroic soldier of the caliphate," the Islamic State ("ISIS") later claimed "attacked the most famous nightclub where Christians were celebrating their pagan feast." The statement further characterized the government of Turkey as being the "servant of the cross." In once-secular Turkey hate for Christians has in fact come to permeate every segment of society — from the average Muslim citizen to the highest levels of government. The examples are many; two of the most obvious — the slaughter of Christians and attacks on their churches — follow: In 2009 a group of young Turks — including the son of a mayor — broke into a Bible publishing house in Malatya. They bound its three Christian employees tortured them for hours and murdered them. "We didn't do this for ourselves but for our religion," one of the Turks accused said. "Let this be a lesson to enemies of our religion." Later they were all released from prison on a technicality. 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 ANTIFA and ISLAM are the terrorism of the democratic party! Attorney General William Barr accused Antifa an "anti-fascist" militant movement of the violence that broke out in George Floyd's protests across the United States. "The violence instigated and perpetrated by Antifa and other similar groups in connection with the uprising is internal terrorism and will be treated accordingly," he said. Barr also said the federal government has evidence that Antifa "hijacked" legitimate protests across the country for "engaging in lawlessness violent unrest willful misconduct looting of businesses and public property attacks on law enforcement and people. innocent and even the murder of a federal agent. " Previously United States President Donald J. Trump had instructed the United States Department of Justice to designate Antifa as a terrorist organization. Academics and media sympathizers of Antifa have argued that the group cannot be classified as a terrorist organization because they claim it is a loosely defined protest movement that lacks a centralized structure. Mark Bray a vocal apologist for Antifa in America and author of the book "Antifa: The Anti-Fascist Handbook" states that Antifa "is not a general organization with a chain of command". Empirical and anecdotal evidence shows that Antifa is in fact highly networked well-funded and has a global presence. It has a flat organizational structure with dozens and possibly hundreds of local groups. Not surprisingly the U.S. Department of Justice is currently investigating individuals linked to Antifa as a step to unmasking the broader organization. In the United States Antifa's ideology tactics and goals far from being novel are borrowed almost entirely from Antifa groups in Europe where so-called anti-fascist groups in one form or another have been active almost without interruption for a century. What is Antifa? Antifa can be described as a transnational insurgency movement that endeavors often with extreme violence to subvert liberal democracy with the aim of replacing global capitalism with communism. Antifa's stated long-term objective both in America and abroad is to establish a communist world order. In the United States Antifa's immediate aim is to bring about the demise of the Trump administration. Antifa's nemeses includes law enforcement which is viewed as enforcing the established
Lorenzo Fedele250660 2 giorni fa
ISLAM is a CRIME worldwide! "You Are Finished!": Turkey's Growing War on Christians When pretexts cannot be found assailants sometimes resort to other tactics. In an apparent attempt to conceal the online presence of at least one church for instance authorities labeled its website "p0rn0graphic," and blocked it. "[T]his hateful environment did not emerge out of nowhere. The seeds of this hatred are spread beginning at primary schools through books printed by the Ministry of National Education portraying Christians as enemies and traitors. The indoctrination continues through newspapers and television channels in line with state policies. And of course the sermons at mosques and talk at coffee houses further stir up this hatred." — Uzay Bulut Ahvalnews com. March 16 2020. Just what then do so-called "radical" Muslims... regard as the "proper" treatment of Christians?
Lorenzo Fedele250660 2 giorni fa (modificato)
lorenzoJHWH_Messia • i am Jewish MESSIA David lorenzoJHWH_Messia • Take your meds. lorenzoJHWH_Messia David • criminale e satanista I don't look 60 years old you prove 80 years old
Lorenzo Fedele250660 2 giorni fa
Government set to give final approval of ‘Trump Heights’ http://disq.us/t/3phurgg a slanderous mafia and freemason Croatian president scolds Orban for alleged territorial claims Liar Croatian President Zoran Milanovic accused Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban of having territorial claims and promoting Hungarian nationalist ambitions abroad. ANSWER the Anglo-American Jewish globalists (the principals) carried out the genocide of Fiume GORIZIA and ISTRIA together with TITO. and we have no territorial claims but murdered people must be celebrated in Crozia and compensated and communism and its neoliberal Kissinger must be condemned! calunnioso mafioso e massone presidente croato rimprovera Orban per presunte rivendicazioni territoriali Il bugiardo presidente croato Zoran Milanovic ha rimproverato al Primo Ministro ungherese Viktor Orban di avere rivendicazioni territoriali e di promuovere ambizioni nazionaliste ungheresi all'estero. ANSWER gli anglo-americani ebrei mondialisti (i mandanti) hanno fatto il genocidio di Fiume GORIZIA e dell'ISTRIA insieme a TITO. e noi non abbiamo rivendicazioni territoriali ma le persone ammazzate devono essere celebrate in Crozia e devono essere risarcite e il comunismo e il suo neoliberismo Kissinger devono essere condannati!
Lorenzo Fedele250660 2 giorni fa
Giuseppe Conte: "On the red areas I acted in science and conscience" answer it only killed 30,000 people! Giuseppe Conte: "Sulle zone rosse ho agito in scienza e coscienza" answer ha soltanto ammazzato 30000 persone!
Lorenzo Fedele250660 2 giorni fa
Government set to give final approval of ‘Trump Heights’ http://disq.us/t/3phurgg North Korea on Thursday accused the United States of intending to aggravate tensions between the two countries adding that Pyongyang would work to build stronger forces to deal with military threats from Washington. SAUDI ARABIA and North Korea? must be suppressed! La Corea del Nord giovedì ha accusato gli Stati Uniti di essere intenzionati ad aggravare le tensioni tra i due paesi aggiungendo che Pyongyang lavorerebbe per costruire forze più forti per affrontare le minacce militari da Washington. la ARABIA SAUDITA e la Korea del Nord? devono essere soppresse!
Lorenzo Fedele250660 2 giorni fa
North Korea on Thursday accused the United States of intending to aggravate tensions between the two countries adding that Pyongyang would work to build stronger forces to deal with military threats from Washington. SAUDI ARABIA and North Korea? must be suppressed!
Lorenzo Fedele250660 2 giorni fa
Government set to give final approval of ‘Trump Heights’ http://disq.us/t/3phurgg they told me that BIDEN instead of kneeling before Satan as he always did? now he kneels even in front of the blacks .. and since you find that position? then that satanist to get one more vote he could even suck! mi hanno detto che BIDEN invece di inginocchiarsi davanti a Satana come ha sempre fatto? ora si inginocchia anche davanti ai neri.. e dato che si trova il quella posizione? poi quel satanista per avere un voto in più lui potrebbe anche mettersi a succhiare!
Lorenzo Fedele250660 2 giorni fa
Government set to give final approval of ‘Trump Heights’ http://disq.us/t/3phurgg lorenzoJHWH_Messia • the money given to that goat 666 Deep State FED scam banking seigniorage of an enraged lizard called BIDEN who ran away from the cemetery? it's all lost money! i soldi dati a quella capra 666 Deep State FED scam banking seigniorage di una lucertola infracidita chiamata BIDEN e che è scappata dal cimitero? sono tutti soldi persi!
Lorenzo Fedele250660 2 giorni fa
lorenzoJHWH_Messia • a few seconds from now Trump is my MAGA PATRIOT:: lorenzoJHWH Last Wednesday I published an article in the New York Times calling for an end to violence in our streets. Outnumbered police officers encumbered by feckless politicians bore the brunt of the violence. These rioters if not subdued not only will destroy the livelihoods of law-abiding citizens but will also take more innocent lives. The overwhelming majority of Americans are sick and tired of this violence and want to see strong action taken to restore law and order. I’ve caused a total meltdown from the media and radical liberals. Reporters are attacking me and going after the New York Times for having the audacity to publish a piece that doesn’t fit within their liberal ideology. lorenzoJHWH the liberal media and the radical Left has turned their attacks towards me and they are going to do everything in their power to defeat me and President Trump in November. In order to fight back I just launched my Stand for Freedom action fund to counter the liberal media’s attack will you join by making a donation of $5 $10 $25 or even $100? As we speak socialists like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are attacking me and the New York Times for publishing my op-ed. Rather than cracking down on the criminals that are looting our streets and killing police officers radicals like AOC are trying to silence my voice. Please join my Stand for Freedom action fund to counter the liberal media’s attack by making a donation of $5 $10 $25 or even $100. We have seen this story before the liberal media and their democrat cronies are trying to silence our conservative voices. But I won’t back down. I will continue to speak out against lawlessness and work with President Trump to restore order to our streets. I need to know that you will stand with me.
Lorenzo Fedele250660 2 giorni fa
stop Iran's Expanding in Iraq and Syria stop Influence into Iraq's Christian Areas "In 2017 after the Nineveh Plains were liberated from ISIS Iran's influence started its increase. They now have allied support from Shiite groups in Baghdad... The presence of the Shia Shabak is expanding particularly in the town of Bartella. They are taking over houses and properties that Christians who fled from ISIS terror left behind." — Athra Kado an Assyrian rights advocate to Gatestone Institute. "The US for its national security should consider Assyrians as its partners arm and train them effectively as a strong force which will stand in the face of infiltrators." Pictured: An soldier from the Assyrian Christian Nineveh Plain Protection Units talks with a man herding sheep near Qaraqosh Iraq on November 15 2016. In historically Christian areas post-Islamic State (ISIS) in northern Iraq the growing influence of Iran as well as demographic changes are raising concerns in the local Christian community. "Iranian pressure exists in the Nineveh Plains either in the areas that are inhabited by the Shia Shabak community or controlled by their militias," Athra Kado an Assyrian rights advocate and resident of the town of Alqosh in Iraq told Gatestone. Assyrians the indigenous people of Iraq make up a distinct ethnic community in the region. The Nineveh Plain is considered the ancient Assyrian heartland and is the only region in Iraq where the largest demographic group is Christian. Assyrians there even have their own security force the Nineveh Plain Protection Units (NPU). The Nineveh plain currently however is mostly divided between the Shia militia and the Sunni Kurdish Peshmerga
Lorenzo Fedele250660 2 giorni fa
Caro amico ho buone notizie cattive notizie e davvero cattive notizie per il movimento pro-vita. La buona notizia è che il giudice ha respinto sei delle quindici accuse criminali contro il giornalista David Daleiden cittadino pro-vita derivante dalla sua indagine sotto copertura su Planned Parenthood lasciandolo a fronte di nove conteggi. La cattiva notizia è che il Procuratore Generale della California ha aggiunto una decima accusa di reato per la protesta di David. E la brutta notizia è che David potrebbe dover essere processato davanti a un'altra giuria di San Francisco che deciderà se trascorrere un decennio rinchiuso in un carcere statale. Quindi dobbiamo essere preparati al peggio! Ecco perché ti sto chiedendo di fare una donazione di emergenza al FONDO DI DIFESA CRIMINALE DAVID DALEIDEN della Thomas More Society oggi. Vedi se David deve affrontare un altro processo con giuria con solo due o più accuse di reato siamo ancora in serio pericolo di giurati che rilasciavano giustizia di tipo solomonico - un "verdetto diviso" - che avrebbe portato David a trascorrere del tempo in una cella di prigione. Perché? Perché questo giovane ha avuto il coraggio di condurre un'indagine sotto copertura che ha catturato prove video dell'aborto golia che cospirava per raccogliere e vendere illegalmente parti del corpo di un bambino abortito. Ora dovremo impegnarci in una difesa esagerata per assicurarci che i giurati non siano spinti a "scendere a compromessi" e condannare David persino di una delle accuse. Quindi se sei d'accordo è assolutamente scandaloso che David sia quello che sta affrontando accuse penali e tempi difficili in un penitenziario statale - piuttosto che i dirigenti di Planned Parenthood ... ... poi prego che farai una donazione di emergenza per aiutarci a difendere David e altri eroi pro-life oggi.
Lorenzo Fedele250660 2 giorni fa
Dear Friend I’ve got good news bad news and really bad news for the pro-life movement. The good news is the judge dismissed six of the fifteen felony criminal charges against pro-life citizen journalist David Daleiden stemming from his undercover investigation of Planned Parenthood leaving him facing nine felony counts. The bad news is the California Attorney General added a tenth felony charge at David’s arraignment. And the really bad news is that David may have to stand trial before another San Francisco jury which will decide whether he spends a decade locked away in a state penitentiary. So we've got to be prepared for the worst! That's why I'm asking you to make an emergency donation to the Thomas More Society's DAVID DALEIDEN CRIMINAL DEFENSE FUND today .You see if David has to face another jury trial on just two or more felony charges we're still in real danger of jurors delivering Solomonic-type justice -- a "split verdict" -- that would result in David spending time in a prison cell. Why? Because this young man had the courage to lead an undercover investigation that captured video evidence of the abortion goliath conspiring to illegally harvest and sell aborted baby body parts. Now we’re going to need to put on an over-the-top defense to make sure jurors are not pressured to “compromise” and convict David of even one of the charges. So if you agree it’s absolutely outrageous that David is the one facing criminal charges and hard time in a state penitentiary -- rather than Planned Parenthood’s executives… …then I pray you’ll make an emergency donation to help us defend David and other pro-life heroes today.
Lorenzo Fedele250660 2 giorni fa
Grazie President DONAL TRUMP GRAZIE! Dio ti benedica e protegga ad Majora go MAGA PATRIOT GO Government set to give final approval of ‘Trump Heights’ http://disq.us/t/3phurgg
Lorenzo Fedele250660 2 giorni fa
all NWO FED IMF ECB OCI Riyadh now he will have to answer for making me manage in these 13 years from his CIA troll satan priests!
Lorenzo Fedele250660 2 giorni fa
I just saw the latest poll in the race for the Senate Majority and lorenzoJHWH I’m afraid it’s bad news. Control of the Senate is slipping away from Republicans. Democrats need to flip just FOUR SEATS in order to flip the Senate and as of now they could flip those four seats and MORE if we don’t do something about it. In order to gain back the momentum in the race for control of the Senate I’m activating 300% MATCHING for the first 350 pro-Trump patriots who TAKE ACTION today. 3X MATCH DONATE TO DEFEND OUR SENATE MAJORITY BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
2 giorni fa
Report: US willing to consider 'annexation-lite' https://worldisraelnews.com/us-willing-to-consider-annexation-litereport-annexation-to-start-with-three-known-settlement-blocs/ 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Diskusted • ok but I already know everything because I am a metaphysical man I don't need to learn the truth from the documents ok ma io so già tutto perché io sono un uomo metafisico io non ho bisogno di apprendere la verità dai documenti Diskusted 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • You are a fool. It's not too late for you to ask God to forgive you and ask HIM to save you. I'm assuming it's not too late. IDK that but God does..... and HIM !! 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Diskusted • because you think that a small part of the infused science which was in men before original sin Couldn't God have given it to me? i am Unius REI and King ISRAEL 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Diskusted • nobody understood why you are angry at me because you forgot to explain it! perché tu pensi che una piccola parte della scienza infusa che era negli uomini prima del peccato originale Dio non avrebbe potuto darla a me? 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Diskusted • in truth in truth I say to you: that anyone will be held responsible for hearing my words! in verità in verità io ti dico: che chiunque sarà ritenuto responsabile per avere ascoltato le mie parole!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
2 giorni fa
WATCH: 'Palestine Was Never an Independent State the Cause is an Illusion,' Says Arab Expert http://disq.us/t/3pgt1we no one exists anywhere in the world outside ISLAM that today: he is doing: occupation predation and imperialist expansion: a one-sided sharia religious war imposed on the planet with the complicity of the UN FED IMF ECB Deep State! ISLAM is a demonic predator and cannot deny the homeland to the Jews! also why diaspora Jews to save their FED NWO iMF SpA? for mathematical reasons they are forced to start the world war that's why all the blame for this war will fall on the Iranian Turks and their Wahhabis non esiste nessuno in tutto il mondo al di fuori dell'ISLAM che oggi: lui sta facendo: predazione occupazione e espansione imperialistica: una unilaterale guerra sharia di religione imposta al pianeta con la complicità di ONU FED IMF ECB Deep State! ISLAM è un predatore demoniaco e non può negare la Patria agli ebrei! anche perché gli ebrei della diaspora per salvare il loro SpA FED NWO iMF? sono costretti per motivi matematici a scatenare la guerra mondiale ecco perché tutta la colpa di questa guerra ricadrà contro i turchi iraniani e i loro wahhabiti
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
2 giorni fa
Report: US willing to consider ‘annexation-lite’ http://disq.us/t/3ph7cu0 Tunisia calls for urgent action warns against the repercussions of Israel's expansion plan ANSWER while there is no freedom of speech in the whole ARAB LEAGUE then the ARAB LEAGUE claims to be free to spread its satanism Nazi genocide and sharia jihad in the West La Tunisia chiede un'azione urgente mette in guardia contro le ripercussioni del piano di espansione di Israele ANSWER mentre non esiste la libertà di parola in tutta la LEGA ARABA poi la LEGA ARABA si pretende si essere libera di diffondere il suo satanismo di genocidio nazismo e sharia jihad in Occidente
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
2 giorni fa
"I have been given all power in heaven and on earth" said Jesus of Bethlehem but its purpose was to become "the lamb of atonement and redemption". this life is short but heartbreaking and infinite is despair in hell for every antichrist of this planet! likewise 13 years ago God did not limit any aspect of my sovereignty jurisdiction and power (as on earth so in heaven) therefore following the laws of the demonic piper Rothschild you are making yourselves responsible for both the innocent blood and the destruction of this planet! Jesus said to the generation of his time: "for this generation to be asked fo"I have been given all power in heaven and on earth" said Jesus of Bethlehem but its purpose was to become "the lamb of atonement and redemption". this life is short but heartbreaking and infinite is despair in hell for every antichrist of this planet! likewise 13 years ago God did not limit any aspect of my sovereignty jurisdiction and power (as on earth so in heaven) therefore following the laws of the demonic piper Rothschild you are making yourselves responsible for both the innocent blood and the destruction of this planet! Jesus said to the generation of his time: "for this generation to be asked for the blood of all the prophets shed from the beginning of the world: 51 from the blood of Abel to the blood of Zechariah who was killed between the altar and the." Lk 11.47-54 then how much more guilty you will be that you allowed the blood of so many innocent people to be shed because of the Wahhabites and their Deep STATE?r the blood of all the prophets shed from the beginning of the world: 51 fro"I have been given all power in heaven and on earth" said Jesus of Bethlehem but its purpose was to become "the lamb of atonement and redemption". this life is short but heartbreaking and infinite is despair in hell for every antichrist of this planet! likewise 13 years ago God did not limit any aspect of my sovereignty jurisdiction and power (as on earth so in heaven) therefore following the laws of the demonic piper Rothschild you are making yourselves responsible for both the innocent blood and the destruction of this planet! Jesus said to the generation of his time: "for this generation to be asked for the blood of all the prophets shed from the beginning of the world: 51 from the blood of Abel to the blood of Zechariah who was killed between the altar and the." Lk 11.47-54 then how much more guilty you will be that you allowed the blood of so many innocent people to be shed because of the Wahhabites and their Deep STATE?m the blood of Abel to the blood of Zechariah who was killed between the altar and the." Lk 11.47-54 then how much more guilty you will be that you allowed the blood of so many innocent people to be shed because of the Wahhabites and their Deep STATE? " mi è stato dato ogni potere in cielo e in terra " disse Gesù di Betlemme ma il suo scopo era quello di diventare "l'agnello della espiazione e redenzione". breve è questa vità ma straziante ed infinita è la disperazione all'inferno per ogni anticristo di questo pianeta! similmente 13 anni fa Dio non ha limitato nessun aspetto della mia sovranità giurisdizione e potere (come in terra così in cielo) quindi seguendo le leggi del pifferaio demoniaco Rothschild voi vi state rendendo responsabili sia del sangue innocente che della distruzione di questo pianeta! disse Gesù alla generazione del suo tempo: " perché a questa generazione sia chiesto conto del sangue di tutti i profeti versato fin dall'inizio del mondo: 51 dal sangue di Abele fino al sangue di Zaccaria che fu ucciso tra l'altare e il ." Lc 11,47-54 allora quanto più colpevoli sarete voi che avete permesso che il sangue di tanti innocenti fosse sparso per colpa dei Wahhabiti e del loro Deep STATO?
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
2 giorni fa
WATCH: 'Palestine Was Never an Independent State the Cause is an Illusion,' Says Arab Expert http://disq.us/t/3pgt1we BIN SALMAN you don't have to be surprised if everyone expects me an encouragement a blessing maybe even to be mistreated with sympathy why I am Unius REI the light and the hope of the world! BIN SALMAN tu non ti devi meravigliare se tutti si aspettano da me un incoraggiamento una benedizione forse anche di essere maltrattati con simpatia perché io sono Unius REI la luce e la speranza del mondo!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
2 giorni fa
WATCH: ‘Palestine Was Never a State the Cause is an Illusion,’ Says Arab Expert https://unitedwithisrael.org/watch-palestine-was-never-an-independent-state-the-cause-is-an-illusion-says-arab-expert/#.XuMh_OropAo.twitter "Gli arabi hanno distrutto le loro nazioni per anni per il bene del mito palestinese" si lamenta uno scrittore saudita. Lo scrittore saudita Abdulhameed Al-Ghobain non ha tirato pugni negli ultimi tempi dicendo ai media arabi che lui e altri in Arabia Saudita sostengono l'annessione israeliana delle comunità ebraiche in Giudea e Samaria. In questa clip esplode i miti nel mondo arabo che circonda il mitico "stato palestinese" che nota non è mai esistito nella storia. Mai. Al-Ghobain aggiunge che la cosiddetta causa palestinese è un'illusione e non è mai stata una causa reale e giusta.
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
2 giorni fa
University Professor Loses Admin Job For Stating That "Men Cannot Get Pregnant" https://vigilantcitizen.com/latestnews/university-professor-loses-admin-job-for-stating-that-men-cannot-get-pregnant/ Stiamo parlando di un'università (un luogo di altissimo livello di apprendimento possibile) che viene “danneggiata” dall'insegnamento prescolare secondo cui “i ragazzi hanno delle meraviglie”. In un'intervista con l'Edmonton Journal Lowrey ha spiegato la logica alla base delle sue opinioni: “Le persone dovrebbero essere in grado di esprimere il proprio genere nel modo che desiderano (ma) non sono d'accordo con il sesso biologico essendo irrilevante. Penso che trattare il sesso biologico come irrilevante abbia alcune implicazioni politiche molto serie. Ad esempio l'alloggiamento di uomini transidentificati nelle carceri femminili non è giusto nei confronti delle donne detenute e penso che metta a rischio le donne ”. “Ho detto che il primo giorno di lezione leggeremo materiale in questa classe che attualmente è fuori moda nel mondo accademico. Di certo non devi essere d'accordo con me. Dal momento che questa è un'università penso che sia importante essere esposti a - questa è la letteratura importante di cui dovrebbero essere consapevoli. L'università ha detto che è perfettamente OK licenziare le persone per il dubbio che gli uomini possano rimanere incinta per il dubbio che le lesbiche possano avere peni. Le implicazioni sono molto pericolose perché questo è un problema vivo nella nostra democrazia canadese contemporanea ". È anche preoccupata per gli studenti che sono d'accordo con lei ma hanno paura di esprimere la propria opinione a causa dell'attuale clima di intimidazione. “Non sono paranoici. Perché questo non è un problema astruso è un dibattito dal vivo nella nostra attuale società e per l'università prendere la posizione che se sei dalla parte sbagliata di questo ti licenzieremo è terrificante per gli studenti. " Un altro aspetto preoccupante di questa storia è il modo subdolo (e codardo) in cui è stata gestita la sua situazione. I reclami sono stati "informalmente" fatti da studenti anonimi di cui Lowrey dubitava di aver mai partecipato alla sua lezione. Inoltre è stata falsamente accusata di scoraggiare una parata dell'orgoglio. Quando fu costretta a dimettersi Lowrey si rifiutò di farlo sostenendo che l'onere era all'università di licenziarla e di spiegarne le ragioni per iscritto. Il Decano delle arti la congedò per iscritto con la vaga ragione: "Non è nell'interesse degli studenti o dell'università che Lowrey continui a sedersi." In altre parole Lowrey voleva che l'università giustificasse per iscritto il principio base alla base del suo licenziamento. Non c'era nessuno. Il fatto triste è che Lowrey è stato probabilmente preso di mira dai gruppi radicali che stanno trasformando le università in campi di indottrinamento. E l'università ha ceduto alla pressione. Questo sta accadendo in tutto il mondo. JK Rowling anche sotto attacco Fino a poco tempo fa l'autore della serie di Harry Potter JK Rowling ha ricevuto elogi illimitati dalla folla della giustizia sociale. Tuttavia le cose si sono inasprite notevolmente quando ha iniziato a esprimere le sue opinioni sul genere alcuni mesi fa. Più di recente la Rowling ha espresso la sua frustrazione per un titolo dalle parole assurde che usa l'espressione "persone che mestruano" anziché "donne".
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
2 giorni fa
University Professor Loses Admin Job For Stating That "Men Cannot Get Pregnant" https://vigilantcitizen.com/latestnews/university-professor-loses-admin-job-for-stating-that-men-cannot-get-pregnant/ We are talking about a university (a place of the highest possible level of learning) that is "damaged" by the preschool teaching that "kids have wonders". In an interview with the Edmonton Journal Lowrey explained the rationale behind his views: “People should be able to express their gender the way they want (but) they don't agree with biological sex being irrelevant. I think treating biological sex as irrelevant has some very serious political implications. For example the housing of transidentified men in women's prisons is not fair to women prisoners and I think it puts women at risk. " “I said that on the first day of class we will read material in this class which is currently out of fashion in the academic world. You certainly don't have to agree with me. Since this is a university I think it is important to be exposed to - this is the important literature that they should be aware of. The university said it was perfectly OK to fire people for the doubt that men could get pregnant for the doubt that lesbians could have penises. The implications are very dangerous because this is a living problem in our contemporary Canadian democracy. " She is also worried about students who agree with her but are afraid to express their opinion because of the current climate of intimidation. “They are not paranoid. Because this is not an abstruse problem it is a live debate in our current society and for the university to take the position that if you are on the wrong side of this we will fire you it is terrifying for the students. " Another disturbing aspect of this story is the sneaky (and cowardly) way in which his situation was handled. The complaints were "informally" made by anonymous students whom Lowrey doubted having ever attended his lesson. Furthermore she was falsely accused of discouraging a pride parade. When forced to resign Lowrey refused to do so arguing that the burden was on the university to fire her and explain the reasons in writing. The Dean of the Arts dismissed her in writing with vague reason: "It is not in the interest of the students or the university that Lowrey continues to sit." In other words Lowrey wanted the university to justify in writing the basic principle behind his dismissal. There was no one. The sad fact is that Lowrey has probably been targeted by radical groups who are turning universities into indoctrination camps. And the university has succumbed to pressure. This is happening all over the world. JK Rowling also under attack Until recently Harry Potter series author JK Rowling has received unlimited praise from the social justice crowd. However things got noticeably worse when he started expressing his views on the genre a few months ago. More recently Rowling has expressed her frustration over an absurdly worded title that uses the expression "menstruating people" instead of "women."
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
2 giorni fa
thanks CUBA !!! God bless you! Doctors and nurses return to Cuba: welcomed as if they had won the World Cup Doctors and nurses return to Cuba: welcomed as if they had won the World Crowd horn and trumpets for the doctors who were in Italy for the Coronavirus emergency - Corriere Tv grazie CUBA!!! Dio ti benedica! Medici e infermieri tornano a Cuba: accolti come se avessero vinto i Mondiali Medici e infermieri tornano a Cuba: accolti come se avessero vinto i Mondiali Folla clacson e trombe per i medici che sono stati in Italia per l’emergenza Coronavirus - Corriere Tv
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
2 giorni fa
UK Activist Links George Floyd Death to Israel Host Jeremy Corbyn Nods http://disq.us/t/3pg7ahy University Professor Loses Admin Job For Stating That "Men Cannot Get Pregnant" https://vigilantcitizen.com/latestnews/university-professor-loses-admin-job-for-stating-that-men-cannot-get-pregnant/ The answer this tweet was immediate. And of course the mass media have amplified everything to make it a big deal. In some ways the tweet was interpreted as "transphobic" although it never expressed any kind of "phobia" towards trans people. Rowling has also been accused of being a TERF - an acronym for "trans-exclusionist radical feminist". Yes they are good at inventing words to censor ideas As if it were the right time Harry Potter himself took his broom and flew into the debate to "correct" Rowling. University professor loses administrator job for claiming that "men cannot get pregnant" Faced with this type of backlash many portray what they say and apologize profusely. JK Rowling resisted and tried to clarify things. However I doubt it will appease the Twitter robots programmed to attack anything that goes against the Agenda. University Professor Loses Admin Job For Stating That "Men Cannot Get Pregnant" https://vigilantcitizen.com/latestnews/university-professor-loses-admin-job-for-stating-that-men-cannot-get-pregnant/ La risposta a questo tweet è stata immediata. E naturalmente i mass media hanno amplificato tutto per renderlo un grosso problema. In qualche modo il tweet è stato interpretato come "transfobico" anche se non ha mai espresso alcun tipo di "fobia" nei confronti delle persone trans. Rowling è stato anche accusato di essere un TERF - un acronimo di "femminista radicale trans-esclusionista". Sì sono bravi a inventare parole per censurare idee Come se fosse stato il momento giusto Harry Potter stesso prese la sua scopa e volò nel dibattito per "correggere" la Rowling. Il professore universitario perde il lavoro di amministratore per aver affermato che "gli uomini non possono rimanere incinta" Di fronte a questo tipo di contraccolpo molti ritraggono ciò che dicono e si scusano abbondantemente. JK Rowling ha resistito e ha cercato di chiarire le cose. Tuttavia dubito che placherà i robot di Twitter programmati per attaccare qualsiasi cosa vada contro l'Agenda.
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
2 giorni fa
Groups on Far-left Far-right Co-opt Black Lives Matter Movement to Target Israel http://disq.us/t/3pg6lyy 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • a few seconds ago Holland now sets foot: "Conditions on the Recovery Fund" ANSWER but Holland is not another tax haven which subtracts / steals: the tax levy on all Eurozone nations? this EU cannot be managed by veto but by majority vote. the veto will destroy the EU! 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • a few seconds ago L'Olanda adesso punta i piedi: "Condizioni sul Recovery Fund" ANSWER ma l'olanda Non è un altro paradiso fiscale che sottrae/ruba: il prelievo fiscale a tutte le Nazioni dell'Eurozona? questa UE non può essere gestita con il veto ma con votazioni a maggioranza. il veto distruggerà la UE!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
2 giorni fa
Groups on Far-left Far-right Co-opt Black Lives Matter Movement to Target Israel http://disq.us/t/3pg6lyy Lowrey is not a conservative who is trying to "own libs". In fact he attributes his intellectual training to Marxism and radical feminism. While this type of background should receive a thumbs-up enthusiasm from the social justice crowd it is no longer enough. This is because Lowrey calls herself a "gender-critical feminist" who considers biological s e x of paramount importance in the struggle for women's rights. While just a few years ago this precept was the norm in feminist circles it is now considered bad and "transphobic". As far as it seems a few minutes ago there was nothing controversial about this opinion. But now there is. The only "correct" opinion to argue is that gender expression wins out over biology in any rights-based claim. And in academic circles Lowrey's views which he has no trouble hiding on and off campus are a form of apostasy calling for punishment. - National Post Barbara Kay: A professor's U keeps the line on free expression Lowrey reduces his ideas on feminism to some key ideas: men cannot get pregnant lesbians have no p,e,n,i,s,e,s and biological s ,e ,x is real. These views apparently made the students feel "insecure" and "hurt him". Lowrey non è un conservatore che sta cercando di "possedere le libs". In realtà attribuisce la sua formazione intellettuale al marxismo e al femminismo radicale. Mentre questo tipo di background dovrebbe ricevere un entusiasmo pollice in su dalla folla della giustizia sociale non è più sufficiente. Questo perché Lowrey si definisce una "femminista critica di genere" che considera il sesso biologico di importanza primordiale nella lotta per i diritti delle donne. Mentre solo pochi anni fa questo precetto era la norma nei circoli femministi ora è considerato cattivo e "transfobico". Fino a quello che sembra pochi minuti fa non c'era nulla di controverso in questa opinione. Ma adesso c'è. L'unica opinione "corretta" da sostenere è che l'espressione di genere vince sulla biologia in qualsiasi rivendicazione basata sui diritti. E nei circoli accademici i punti di vista di Lowrey che non fa fatica a nascondere nel campus e fuori sono una forma di apostasia che chiede la punizione. - National Post Barbara Kay: U di un professore mantiene la linea sulla libera espressione Lowrey riduce le sue idee sul femminismo ad alcune idee chiave: gli uomini non possono rimanere incinta le lesbiche non hanno peni e il sesso biologico è reale. Questi punti di vista apparentemente hanno fatto sentire gli studenti "insicuri" e "gli hanno fatto del male".
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
2 giorni fa
Groups on Far-left Far-right Co-opt Black Lives Matter Movement to Target Israel http://disq.us/t/3pg6lyy These extreme and radical visions made her "problematic" when she was forced to leave her administrative role. When she refused to do it she was fired. Lowrey says that at the meetings she was told that the complaints lodged with the dean of students and the university's Safe Disclosure and Human Rights Office were that her views on feminism were making students feel insecure and there they were worries that this was driving students away from choosing anthropology as a major. He doesn't know exactly the nature of the complaints - or who made them - because they were made informally and anonymously he said. "My chair hoped that for the sake of the department I would resign from my position." She said she was also told that she had discouraged students from organizing Pride events which she denies. It was this statement that led her to conclude the complaints focused on her views on gender. Following a subsequent meeting with the faculty principal he received a letter stating that he could not continue effectively in the role and that his departure would be in the best interest of the department. Lowrey said the letter did not explain the reasons for her dismissal and argued that the proper reasons for her dismissal in writing were never given. - National Post Prof. University of Alberta loses the role of administrator with respect to gender opinions that made students feel "unsafe" Queste visioni estreme e radicali l'hanno resa "problematica" quando è stata costretta a lasciare il suo ruolo amministrativo. Quando ha rifiutato di farlo è stata licenziata. La Lowrey afferma che durante le riunioni le è stato detto che le denunce presentate al decano degli studenti e all'Ufficio di divulgazione sicura e diritti umani dell'università erano che le sue opinioni sul femminismo stavano facendo sentire gli studenti insicuri e c'erano delle preoccupazioni che questo stava allontanando gli studenti dalla scelta dell'antropologia come un maggiore. Non conosce esattamente la natura dei reclami - o chi li ha fatti - perché sono stati fatti in modo informale e anonimo ha detto. "La mia sedia sperava che per il bene del dipartimento avrei rassegnato le dimissioni dalla mia posizione." Ha detto che le è stato anche detto che aveva scoraggiato gli studenti dall'organizzazione di eventi Pride che lei nega. È stata questa affermazione che l'ha portata a concludere le denunce incentrate sulle sue opinioni sul genere. A seguito di un successivo incontro con il preside della facoltà ha ricevuto una lettera in cui affermava di non poter continuare efficacemente nel ruolo e che la sua partenza sarebbe stata nel migliore interesse del dipartimento. Lowrey ha affermato che la lettera non ha spiegato i motivi del suo licenziamento e sostiene che non le sono mai state date le ragioni adeguate del suo licenziamento per iscritto. - National Post Prof. University of Alberta perde il ruolo di amministratore rispetto alle opinioni sul genere che hanno fatto sentire gli studenti "non sicuri"
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
2 giorni fa
Groups on Far-left Far-right Co-opt Black Lives Matter Movement to Target Israel http://disq.us/t/3pg6lyy This is happening all over the world. this also happened to me in Italy 3 times I was fired without motivation for having questioned / for criticizing: the GENDER theory University Professor Loses Admin Job For Stating That "Men Cannot Get Pregnant" https://vigilantcitizen com/latestnews/university-professor-loses-admin-job-for-stating-that-men-cannot-get-pregnant/ Kathleen Lowrey is an associate professor of anthropology at the Faculty of Letters of the University of Alberta Canada. He is also president of the university program an administrative role that includes tasks such as chairing a course committee approving transfer credits and conducting a special seminar to honor students in the department. She is also a feminist. However according to some anonymous and senior students of his university he is not the right type of feminist. Because he believes women are ... women. Even worse he believes men cannot be women because they don't have a vagina. This is happening all over the world. this also happened to me in Italy 3 times I was fired without motivation for having questioned / for criticizing: the GENDER theory University Professor Loses Admin Job For Stating That "Men Cannot Get Pregnant" https://vigilantcitizen.com/latestnews/university-professor-loses-admin-job-for-stating-that-men-cannot-get-pregnant/ Kathleen Lowrey è professore associato di antropologia presso la Facoltà di Lettere dell'Università di Alberta in Canada. È anche presidente del programma universitario un ruolo amministrativo che include compiti come la presidenza di un comitato sui corsi l'approvazione dei crediti di trasferimento e la conduzione di un seminario speciale per onorare gli studenti del dipartimento. È anche una femminista. Tuttavia secondo alcuni studenti anonimi e superiori della sua Università non è il giusto tipo di femminista. Perché crede che le donne siano ... donne. Ancora peggio crede che gli uomini non possano essere donne perché non hanno la vagina.
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
2 giorni fa
Groups on Far-left Far-right Co-opt Black Lives Matter Movement to Target Israel http://disq.us/t/3pg6lyy This is happening all over the world. this also happened to me in Italy 3 times I was fired without motivation for having questioned / for criticizing: the GENDER theory University Professor Loses Admin Job For Stating That "Men Cannot Get Pregnant" https://vigilantcitizen com/latestnews/university-professor-loses-admin-job-for-stating-that-men-cannot-get-pregnant/ Kathleen Lowrey is an associate professor of anthropology at the Faculty of Letters of the University of Alberta Canada. He is also president of the university program an administrative role that includes tasks such as chairing a course committee approving transfer credits and conducting a special seminar to honor students in the department. She is also a feminist. However according to some anonymous and senior students of his university he is not the right type of feminist. Because he believes women are ... women. Even worse he believes men cannot be women because they don't have a vagina. This is happening all over the world. this also happened to me in Italy 3 times I was fired without motivation for having questioned / for criticizing: the GENDER theory University Professor Loses Admin Job For Stating That "Men Cannot Get Pregnant" https://vigilantcitizen.com/latestnews/university-professor-loses-admin-job-for-stating-that-men-cannot-get-pregnant/ Kathleen Lowrey è professore associato di antropologia presso la Facoltà di Lettere dell'Università di Alberta in Canada. È anche presidente del programma universitario un ruolo amministrativo che include compiti come la presidenza di un comitato sui corsi l'approvazione dei crediti di trasferimento e la conduzione di un seminario speciale per onorare gli studenti del dipartimento. È anche una femminista. Tuttavia secondo alcuni studenti anonimi e superiori della sua Università non è il giusto tipo di femminista. Perché crede che le donne siano ... donne. Ancora peggio crede che gli uomini non possano essere donne perché non hanno la vagina.
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
2 giorni fa
PA CULTURE: 'My Chest is a Machine Gun's Arsenal,' Singer Belts Out http://disq.us/t/3pgyxu7 This is happening all over the world. this also happened to me in Italy 3 times I was fired without motivation for having questioned / for criticizing: the GENDER theory In conclusion While I may basically disagree with Lowrey and Rowlings on a wide range of subjects we can at least agree on some basic facts. First of all telling the truth is not an act of hatred it is an act of telling the truth. Second your gender is based on your genitals. The words gen der and gen itals both come from the Latin root gen which means "to reproduce". The genus is based on its reproductive organs. The fact that one claims to identify himself as another genre is fine but does not change one's gender. However this is what is being forced into the world right now. Some as cite WHO-funded "studies" such as those from 2015 to explain that gender and gender are not the same. How about the "studies" of the past thousand years before? I mean there are currently men who "identify as women" who compete in women's sports and dominate them. Newsflash: men and women have different bodies. Are we seriously so delusional? This agenda is nothing but crazy. And they know it. For this reason they do not encourage rational factual debates. Instead they label those who disagree with them as "hateful". The result: university professors are shunned and authors are insulted on social media even if they have not said anything about hatred. As Rowling said "I don't hate to tell the truth." PS The economic downturn caused by COVID-19 has caused a sharp drop in advertising revenue making it difficult for independent websites like The Vigilant Citizen to stay afloat. If you enjoyed this article please consider showing your support through a small monthly donation to Patreon. If you prefer you can also make a one-time donation here. Your support will help this site navigate these difficult times as it continues to provide vital information and analysis on a regular basis. Thanks! Questo sta accadendo in tutto il mondo. questo è accaduto anche a me in Italia 3 volte io sono stato licenziato sena motivazione per avere messo in dubbio/ per avere criticato: la teoria del GENDER In conclusione Anche se potrei fondamentalmente non essere d'accordo con Lowrey e Rowlings su una vasta gamma di argomenti possiamo almeno concordare alcuni fatti di base. Innanzitutto dire la verità non è un atto di odio è un atto di dire la verità. In secondo luogo il proprio genere si basa sui propri genitali. Le parole gen der e gen itals provengono entrambe dalla radice latina gen che significa "riprodurre". Il genere si basa sui propri organi riproduttivi. Il fatto che uno dichiari di identificarsi come un altro genere va benissimo ma non cambia il proprio genere. Tuttavia questo è ciò che viene costretto al mondo in questo momento. Alcuni come citano "studi" finanziati dall'OMS come quelli del 2015 per spiegare che sesso e genere non sono gli stessi. Che ne dici degli "studi" delle ultime migliaia di anni prima? Voglio dire al momento ci sono uomini che "si identificano come donne" che competono negli sport femminili e li dominano. Newsflash: uomini e donne hanno corpi diversi. Siamo seriamente così deliranti? Questa agenda non è altro che folle. E loro lo sanno. Per questo motivo non incoraggiano dibattiti razionali basati su fatti. Invece etichettano quelli che non sono d'accordo con loro come "odiosi". Il risultato: i professori universitari vengono evitati e gli autori vengono insultati sui social media anche se non hanno detto nulla di odio. Come ha affermato Rowling: "Non è odio dire la verità". PS La crisi economica causata da COVID-19 ha causato un forte calo delle entrate pubblicitarie rendendo difficile per i siti Web indipendenti come The Vigilant Citizen rimanere a galla. Se hai apprezzato questo articolo ti preghiamo di considerare di mostrare il tuo supporto attraverso una piccola donazione mensile su Patreon . Se preferisci puoi anche fare una donazione una tantum qui . Il tuo supporto aiuterà questo sito a navigare in questi tempi difficili mentre continua a fornire informazioni e analisi vitali su base regolare. Grazie!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
2 giorni fa
Questo sta accadendo in tutto il mondo. questo è accaduto anche a me in Italia 3 volte io sono stato licenziato sena motivazione per avere messo in dubbio/ per avere criticato: la teoria del GENDER ‘People who menstruate.’ I’m sure there used to be a word for those people. Someone help me out. Wumben? Wimpund? Woomud? Opinion: Creating a more equal post-COVID-19 world for people who menstruate https://www devex com/news/sponsored/opinion-creating-a-more-equal-post-covid-19-world-for-people-who-menstruate-97312#.XtwLnv0aEeR.twitter … Opinion: Creating a more equal post-COVID-19 world for people who menstruate What implications does COVID-19 have on the global menstrual health and hygiene agenda? WASH and health experts explain. PA CULTURE: 'My Chest is a Machine Gun's Arsenal,' Singer Belts Out http://disq.us/t/3pgyxu7 This is happening all over the world. this also happened to me in Italy 3 times I was fired without motivation for having questioned / for criticizing: the GENDER theory 'People who menstruate.' I'm sure there used to be a word for those people. Someone help me out. Wumben? Wimpund? Woomud? Opinion: Creating a more equal post-COVID-19 world for people who menstruate https: // www devex com / news / sponsored / opinion-creating-a-more-equal-post-covid-19-world-for-people- who-menstruate-97312 # .XtwLnv0aEeR.twitter… Opinion: Creating a more equal post-COVID-19 world for people who menstruate What implications does COVID-19 have on the global menstrual health and hygiene agenda? WASH and health experts explain.
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
2 giorni fa
Ivo Scaringi – Paesaggio in due tempi Scaringi Ivo https://www.venderequadri.it/catalogo/ivo-scaringi-paesaggio-due-tempi/ PREZZO 5.800 IL PREZZO E' INDICATIVO FAI LA TUA OFFERTA!! SAREMO NOI A FARE LA TRATTATIVA PER TE PRENOTA LA VISITA DI UN CONSULENTE PER LA VISIONE DELL’OPERA. LA VISITA È GRATUITA E SENZA IMPEGNO. Tecnica: Olio su tela Dimensione: 90x160 Anno: 1969 Codice prodotto: LSAR001 Visualizzazioni 122 https://jewcivilization.blogspot.com/
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
2 giorni fa
Ivo Scaringi - Landscape in two stagesScaringi Ivo https://www.venderequadri.it/catalogo/ivo-scaringi-paesaggio-due-tempi/PRICE 5.800THE PRICE IS APPROXIMATE MAKE YOUR OFFER !!WE WILL BE THE NEGOTIATION FOR YOUBOOK THE VISIT OF A CONSULTANT FOR THE VISION OF THE ARTWORK.THE VISIT IS FREE AND WITHOUT COMMITMENT.Technique: Oil on canvasSize: 90x160Year: 1969Product code: LSAR001Views 122https://jewcivilization.blogspot.com/
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
2 giorni fa
you shouldn't be betting against me!why win a bet against Unius REIit's impossible! Charles Martell III Charles Martell III Anyone who keeps changing their name more often than their Underwear is somewhat detached from reality . . . which is why I likened you to Canada's uninformed low intellect PM. 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 because you think my BRAND or my power can it be connected to a religion a rite or a symbol? I am lorenzoJHWH unius REI because I am from the Holy Spirit ... Jesus did not say: "my words are spirit and life" perché tu pensi che il mio BRAND o il mio potere possa essere connesso ad una religione un rito o un simbolo? io sono lorenzoJHWH unius REI perché io sono lo Spirito Santo... non ha detto Gesù: "le mie parole sono spirito e vita"
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
2 giorni fa
Angelo Comastri tells the story of Sergei Kurdakov (Sergei Kourdakov) https://youtu.be/yV5f0iqqPeI all that the synagogue of satan has done to destroy Christianity and to make all mankind lose in hell: 1. Islam 2. communism 3. masonry 4. lgbtq 5. democratic party 6. FED IMF ECB NWO neoliberalism Mons. Angelo Comastri racconta la storia di Sergej Kurdakov (Sergei Kourdakov) https://youtu.be/yV5f0iqqPeI tutto quello che la sinagoga di satana ha fatto per distruggere il cristianesimo e per far perdere all'inferno tutto il genere umano: 1. Islam 2. comunismo 3. massonerie 4. lgbtq 5. partito democratico 6. FED IMF ECB NWO il neoliberismo
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
2 giorni fa
WATCH: Israeli Tech Stops Pneumonia from Killing Corona Patients http://disq.us/t/3perqq2 WATCH: Israeli Ventilator Device Stops Pneumonia from Killing Corona Patients https://unitedwithisrael.org/watch-israeli-tech-stops-pneumonia-from-killing-corona-patients/#.XuLzxhn2fAo.twitter Your account has been suspended forever from twitter and you are not allowed to follow users. ANSWER there is no eternity in hell for the deep state and for sharia because I will disintegrate you Il tuo account è stato sospeso in eterno da twitter e non ti è consentito seguire utenti. ANSWER non esiste una eternità all'inferno per il Deep State e per la sharia perché io vi disintegrerò
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
2 giorni fa
bernardo rojtenbarg • This is an Israel Discovery not a invention. 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 bernardo rojtenbarg • a i am jewish messia bernardo rojtenbarg • Questa è una scoperta di Israele non un'invenzione. 🕎 Biden moderati terroristi 🕎 bernardo rojtenbarg • a sono la messia ebraica Edward B. Levy bernardo rojtenbarg • BERNARDO CHIAMACI COSA VUOI. quindi PERCHÉ L'ANTI-iSRAEL LO MOSTRA NEI MEDIA. I sostenitori del BDS lo ignoreranno? Questo piccolo stato ha inventato scoperto così tanto per l'umanità e nulla di tutto ciò ferma gli odiatori per loro. Edward B. Levy bernardo rojtenbarg • BERNARDO CALL IT WHAT YOU WANT. sO WHY IS THE ANTI-iSRAEL SHOWN THIS IN THE MEDIA. Will BDS advocates ignore this? This little state has invented discovered so much good for mankind annd none of this stops the haters for them.
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non intendo mai offendere le persone e la loro dignità
con sharia massoni lgbt e chiese di satana, io non intendo mai offendere le persone e la loro dignità, ma unicamente la loro criminale ideologia pianificata dal talmud di Rockefeller Spa & Co.
quindi non vi fate ingannare da qualche sintetica volgarità!