problema secondo molti telespettatori israeliani incluso il denunciante l'organizzazione per i diritti umani Betzalmo era di proporzionalità e prospettiva. Solo pochi minuti sono dedicati all'omicidio di Naftali Fraenkel Gilad Shaer e Eyal Yifrach mentre il resto della serie di 10 settimane si concentra sul caso di Muhammad Abu Khdeir.
E come 120 famiglie in lutto hanno scritto in una lettera di protesta alla HBO nulla è menzionato sulla prevalenza del terrorismo palestinese rispetto al raro verificarsi del terrorismo ebraico né del vasto sostegno pubblico a tali azioni atroce contro gli ebrei nel pubblico arabo al contrario alla condanna di tali crimini contro gli arabi da parte di ebrei israeliani in tutto lo spettro politico e religioso.
CSBC è un consiglio pubblico incaricato di sovrintendere alla televisione multicanale in Israele compreso l'ampliamento delle scelte degli abbonati l'espansione della diversità e del pluralismo nelle trasmissioni e la supervisione della programmazione per bambini e giovani.
Nella sua lettera di risposta CSBC ha dichiarato che dopo aver visto lo spettacolo ritiene che "il suo contenuto non contravviene alla legge israeliana e che è protetto dalla libertà di espressione e pertanto non riteniamo opportuno intervenire".
HBO series 'Our Boys,' branded anti-Semitic by Netanyahu doesn't violate law Israel broadcast council says
September 3 2019
Illustrative (Flash90/Hadas Parush)
(Flash90/Hadas Parush)
HBO series ‘Our Boys,’ branded anti-Semitic by Netanyahu doesn’t violate law Israel broadcast council says
Israel’s broadcast council says it has no reason to interfere with a TV series branded “anti-Semitic” by Prime Minister Netanyahu.
By Batya Jerenberg World Israel News
Israel’s Cable and Satellite Broadcasting Council (CSBC) responded to a complaint against the Keshet-HBO TV series “Our Boys” on Tuesday saying that the content does not violate the law and it will therefore not interfere in its broadcast.
The series which had both Arab and Israeli directors portrays the kidnapping and murder of four boys that preceded the Israeli incursion into Gaza in the summer of 2014: Three Jewish teens in the Gush Etzion region by Hamas terrorists and the revenge killing of one Arab boy by three Jewish perpetrators.
The problem according to many Israeli viewers including the complainant the human rights Betzalmo organization was one of proportionality and perspective. Only minutes are dedicated to the murder of Naftali Fraenkel Gil-Ad Shaer and Eyal Yifrach while the rest of the 10-week series focuses on the case of Muhammad Abu Khdeir.
And as 120 bereaved families wrote in a protest letter to HBO nothing is mentioned about the prevalence of Palestinian terrorism vs. the rare occurrence of Jewish terrorism nor of the broad public support for such heinous actions against Jews in the Arab public in contrast to the condemnation of such crimes against Arabs by Jewish Israelis across the political and religious spectrum.
CSBC is a public council in charge of overseeing multi-channel television in Israel including broadening subscribers’ choices expanding diversity and pluralism in broadcasts and supervising the programming for children and youths.
In its letter of response the CSBC stated that after watching the show it deems that “its content does not contravene Israeli law and that it is protected under freedom of expression and therefore we do not find it appropriate to intervene.”
The Council added further that “Government intervention in commercial television content is rare and should only be done in exceptional cases including incitement.”
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had called the series “anti-Semitic” and urged viewers not only to boycott the show but also its Israeli producer Keshet.
“This is the real answer in democracy – freedom of choice to watch and freedom of choice not to watch,” he wrote Friday in a Facebook post.
After receiving the CSBC answer Betzalmo joined in the prime minister’s boycotting call since the series “damages the State of Israel and its good name” as well as harming the bereaved families.
anti-semitismKeshetOur BoysThree kidnapped boys
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Albert Reingewirtz • an hour ago
Being 'only" pro Islamic terror against The Jewish State of Israel is probably not against the law but it is enough and sufficient to boycott this garbage.
======== =============
We wish you a happy and healthy Jewish New Year - Shana
Tova! As the New Year is now upon us the Sabbatical Year (Shmita) has
That means that TODAY - the day after Rosh Hashana - Jewish farmers can start planting the First Fruits of Israel...
to the biblical Sabbatical laws observant Israeli farmers did not
plant trees - or anything else - during the entire Shmita year.
the Bible God promises to bless those who help in the observance of
Shmita: “I will ordain My blessing for you…” (Leviticus 25:21)
today with YOUR help farmers can begin to plant DOUBLE this year...
Double the Planting means Double the Blessing! Click Here to Plant
Israel's First Fruit Trees of the New Year Planting Israel's First
Fruits occurs just once every 7 years. The Bible teaches us to:
“…honor G-d with your wealth and the first fruits of your produce” (Proverbs 3:9)
This New Year be among the first to plant Israel's first fruits. TODAY IS THE DAY!
Your next chance will be in 2022 - after the next Sabbatical... so don’t delay...
Click Here to Plant the First Fruits of Israel When you plant fruit trees in Israel you will:
Help beautify the Land of Israel and make it even more fruitful... ?
Dedicate your very own tree block section or even orchard in Israel...
Honor a loved one with a meaningful timeless dedication... ? Allow
Israeli farmers who observed the Sabbatical to plant DOUBLE...
your love for the Land and People of Israel by planting Israel’s first
fruits... ...and get DOUBLE the blessing! Click Here to Plant Your Fruit
Trees Today!
The Sabbatical Year is now over. Farmers will start planting TODAY: September 16 2015.
the best time to order your fruit trees is.. RIGHT NOW! Have your share
in the beautiful blessings of the Land of Israel... With Blessings from
Israel,United with Israel.
REMINDER: You can dedicate fruit trees
in honor or memory of loved ones. Everyone who plants will get authentic
Fruit Tree Certificates from Israel. Click Here to Plant the First
Fruits of Israel!
Obsessed with Israel Even as North Korea Threatens to Use Nuclear
Weapons /Sep 16 2015/ Comunità Mondiale è Ossessionato con Israele
Anche se la Corea del Nord minaccia di usare armi nucleari. North Korean
military forces attend a rally at Kim Il Sung Square in Pyongyang
North Korea in February. (AP/Jon Chol Jin)
While North Korea
increasingly threatens the West world leaders urge Israel to exercise
“restraint” in the face of rising Palestinian terror in Jerusalem
seemingly failing to differentiate between acts of violence and the
self-defense measures taken by Israeli security forces.
North Korea
said Tuesday it has restarted its atomic bomb fuel production plants a
move that pushes Pyongyang closer to a standoff with Washington and its
The secretive state said it is fully ready to use nuclear
weapons against the United States “and other hostile forces” at any time
if they “persistently seek their reckless hostile policy towards the
(North) and behave mischievously.”
The North said in state media that
its plutonium and highly enriched uranium facilities at the main
Nyongbyon nuclear complex had been “rearranged changed or readjusted
and they started normal operation.” The announcement follows a warning
Monday by Pyongyang that it is ready to launch “satellites” — which the
West considers banned long-range missiles — aboard long-range rockets to
mark the ruling communist party’s anniversary next month. The 70th
anniversary of the founding of the Workers’ Party is Oct. 10. The
director of North Korea’s National Aerospace Development Administration
told Pyongyang’s official Korean Central News Agency that scientists
were pushing forward on a final development phase for a new earth
observation satellite for weather forecasts. On Tuesday South Korea’s
Defense Ministry said a rocket launch will be a “serious provocation,” a
military threat and a violation of United Nations resolutions Yonhap
“South Korea and the United States are jointly watching for
all possibilities with regard to North Korea’s (potential) long-range
missile launch,” said the ministry’s spokesman Kim Min-seok according
to the news agency. “So far no particular signs have been seen.” Josh
Earnest White House Press Secretary.
White House Press Secretary
Josh Earnest. In Washington White House spokesman Josh Earnest said
“North Korea should refrain from irresponsible provocation that
aggravate regional tensions.” He said the US and other nations will not
accept North Korea as a nuclear state. “We urge North Korea to refrain
from actions and rhetoric that threaten regional peace and security. And
focus instead on fulfilling it’s international obligations and
commitments,” he said.
There have been no statements thus far by the
EU or the UN regarding North Korea’s threatening statements this week in
which it confirmed that the nuclear reactor which is considered the
country’s main source of weapons-grade plutonium had resumed normal
operations. Meanwhile reacting to the current upsurge in Arab violence
throughout Jerusalem particularly on the Temple Mount – Judaism’s
holiest site – the US State Department on Monday said it was “deeply
concerned.” The statement failed to decipher between Palestinian
aggression and Israeli measures of self-defense.
“It is absolutely
critical that all sides exercise restraint refrain from provocative
actions and rhetoric and preserve unchanged the historic status quo on
the Haram al-Sharif Temple Mount in word and in practice,” State
Department spokesman John Kirby said.
A 64-year-old Israeli civilian,
a victim of rock-throwing terror succumbed to his wounds on Monday
morning. Palestinian violence and terror has been increasing steadily in
recent months. Jerusalem terror
Pipe bombs found by Israeli police
in Arab apartment in Jerusalem. (Israeli Police spokesperson)
Palestinians rioted for three consecutive days on the Temple Mount
clashing with security forces and then retreating to their mosques from
where they threw rocks debris firecrackers and other weapons they had
stockpiled indicating that the incidents were not an instantaneous
outburst of fervor but a well-planned acts of violence. “For the third
straight day Arabs rioted and attempted to attack police and visitors
when visiting hours for non-Muslims began in the morning,” said Police
spokesman Mickey Rosenfeld stated on Tuesday. “Police used non-lethal
stun grenades to disperse the rioters who fled into Al-Aksa Mosque
which police did not enter.” Last week Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon
signed an order outlawing Hamas-affiliated Muslim organizations that
plan anti-Jewish provocations on the Temple Mount acting upon the
recommendation of the Shin Bet (Israel’s Security Agency) and Israel
Police having been convinced that the step was necessary in order to
defend the security of the state and public order. The Palestinian
Authority on Tuesday strongly condemned Israel for allowing Jewish
“extremists” to “storm” the Temple Mount and for imposing restrictions
on Muslim worshipers. The European Union (EU) called on “all parties” to
“demonstrate calm and restraint and full respect for the status quo of
the holy sites.” Saeb Erekat a senior Palestinian official blamed
Israel for the unrest claiming that Netanyahu “is trying to push us to
the cycle of violence extremism bloodshed and chaos.” King Abdullah of
Jordan who is officially responsible for the Temple Mount condemned
Israel for what he described as acts of aggression. He issued a
statement ahead of a meeting with British Prime Minister David Cameron
saying that “any more provocations in Jerusalem will affect the
relationship between Jordan and Israel and Jordan will have no choice
but to take action unfortunately.”
Turkish President Recep Erdogan
called on UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon to reprimand Israel for
“violating the mosque’s sanctity,” while Ban himself expressed “concern”
over the incidents.
Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman Emmanuel
Nahshon rejected the allegations against the Jewish state adding that
the recent skirmishes are “an attempt by Palestinians to change the
status quo in a violent way.”
At an emergency meeting convened
Tuesday evening Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stated that Israel
“will use all necessary measures to fight against those who throw
stones firebombs pipe bombs and fireworks in order to attack civilians
and police…. “On the eve of the [Rosh Hashana] holiday it was again
proven that throwing stones can kill,” he said.”Such actions will be met
with very sharp punitive and preventive responses. We will lead
systemic changes and will set a new standard of deterrence and
prevention.” By: AP and United with Israel
Israele soltanto può
ESSERE la terra degli ebrei ed Israele (che noi possiamo anche
chiamare Palestina) può essere soltanto un Regno una Monarchia: con
piena sovranità monetaria .. Quindi tutta quella terra 400.000 kmq in
totale è indispensabile per raccogliere tutti gli ebrei e tutti i
palestinesi che sono sparsi per il mondo: Due popoli una legge: una
Patria quindi la shariah è criminalizzata! 400.000 kmq in totale sono
compensati: in Deserto Saudita (madiana vero Sinai) e in Deserto
Egiziano (falso Sinai).. Questo territorio è stato dato: da ME: Unius
REI ed è stato ATTRIBUITO da JHWH Holy a tutti i figli di Giacobbe..
e tutti gli ebrei che non vorranno tornare andranno sotto
maledizione.. e perderanno la loro ebraicità e chiunque incontrandoli
potrà ucciderli ED è GIUSTO CHE SIANO MESSI A MORTE Iniziando da
Rothschild CHE LUI DEVE ESSERE IL PRIMO A MORIRE! .. che poi tutto
quello che io ho detto? sono tutte cose che sono state già stabilite
dalla Parola di Dio.. infatti stare nel deserto della madiana 40 anni,
ed un giorno porta ad avere diritto legale sopra quel territorio! E
Il nuovo Dio dell'occidente è Satana...
GENDER: MERKEL MOGHERINI! Pubblicato il 22/mar/2014 Fonte:
Video: Pubblicato il 06/dic/2013 Vladimir Poutine : « La plupart des
pays Euro-Atlantistes renient leurs principes moraux » Extrait du
discours de Vlamidir Poutine au forum de Valdai (19 Septembre 2013).
Propos traduits par Lalo et Semeen pour le Cercle des Volontaires.
Vladimir Putin al Forum di Valdai il 19 settembre 2013.
"Un altro obiettivo per l'identità della Russia è legato agli eventi
che hanno luogo nel mondo. Questo riguarda la politica estera e i valori
morali. Possiamo notare come molti Paesi euro-atlantici stanno negando
le loro radici tra cui i valori cristiani che sono alla base della
civiltà occidentale. Stanno negando i principi morali e la propria
identità: nazionale culturale religiosa e perfino sessuale. Mettono in
vigore politiche che pongono allo stesso livello delle numerose
famiglie tradizionali le famiglie omosessuali: la fede in Dio equivale
ormai alla fede in Satana.
Questo eccesso di politicamente corretto
ha condotto la volontà di qualche persona a legittimare partiti politici
di cui l'obiettivo è promuovere la pedofilia. In molti Paesi europei
la gente non ha il coraggio di parlare della propria religione. Le
vacanze sono abolite o chiamate diversamente; la loro essenza è
nascosta proprio come il loro fondamento morale. La gente cerca
aggressivamente di esportare questo modello attraverso il mondo. Sono
convinto che questo apra una via diretta alla degradazione e al
primitivismo che porteranno ad una profonda crisi demografica e morale.
Che cosa testimonia meglio di questa crisi morale se non la perdita
della capacità a riprodursi? Oggigiorno quasi nessuna nazione
sviluppata è in grado di riprodursi anche con l'aiuto dei flussi
migratori. Senza i valori presenti nel cristianesimo e nelle altre
religioni del mondo senza gli standard morali che si sono formati per
millenni le popolazioni perderanno inevitabilmente la loro dignità
umana. Consideriamo normale e naturale di difendere questi valori.
Dobbiamo rispettare il diritto di ogni minoranza di essere differente
però i diritti della maggioranza non devono essere rimessi in
Allo stesso tempo vediamo tentativi di rilanciare il
modello standardizzato di un mondo unipolare e di confondere le
istituzioni di legge internazionale e di sovranità nazionale. Un tale
mondo unipolare standardizzato non ha bisogno di Stati sovrani ha
bisogno di vassalli. Storicamente questo rappresenta una negazione
dell'identità e della diversità mondiale donataci da Dio. La Russia è
d'accordo con quelli che credono che le decisioni debbano essere prese
collettivamente e non nel buio al fine di servire gli interessi di
alcuni Paesi o gruppi di Paesi".
Global Response: Users of PrisonerAlert have sent encouraging letters to prisoners and petitioned officials at an amazing rate.
99,685 Government Officials Emailed 314,497 Encouraging Letters Written
Sponsors: PrisonerAlert is a ministry of The Voice of the Martyrs. Find
out more about VOM at The Voice of the Martyrs
(Canada) CrossWalk
Held 347 days Mohammed Hegazy Arrested December 2013 in Egypt
Print Fact Sheet Mohammed Hegazy an Egyptian convert from Islam who
goes by the Christian name Bishoy Armeya Boulos was sentenced to five
years in prison on June 18 2014 after he filmed clashes between Muslims
and Christians in central Egypt. He is accused of filming a
demonstration without obtaining government permission a misdemeanor
crime that typically carries a maximum sentence of six months. Bishoy
served six months while waiting for conviction after his Dec. 4 arrest.
The true reason for the extreme prison sentence most likely lies in
Bishoy's history. In 2007 Bishoy then Mohammed Hegazy petitioned the
Egyptian government to change his official religious status an
unprecedented move in a thoroughly Islamic society. Bishoy converted to
Christianity from Islam in 1999 at age 17. His public request to change
his religious status generated death threats and forced Bishoy and his
family into hiding.
After spending several years in hiding Bishoy's
wife and two children were able to leave the country for asylum in
Germany. Bishoy however chose to remain in Egypt knowing that if he
left he'd never be allowed back in his home country. His own experience
in hiding and being constantly followed by police made him passionate
for the rights of converts to Christianity. He spends his days
documenting abuses against Egyptian Christians and advocating for fair
When he was arrested Bishoy was in southern Egypt
filming clashes that resulted after Muslim Brotherhood candidate
Mohammed Morsi was ousted from office in July 2013. Hundreds of
Christians were attacked some kidnapped and thousands of churches and
Christian businesses throughout the country were looted and destroyed.
Bishoy's lawyer told World Watch Monitor that Bishoy is in good
condition though police have questioned him about his religious status,
which is totally unrelated to the charge.
Bishoy and his lawyer have filed an appeal against the conviction.
Hegazy Faces 5-Year Sentence - Nov. 2014
Egyptian officials may not permit Mohammad Hegazy to attend his court
appeal hearing on Nov. 16. According to his lawyer if he is not
permitted to travel from Cairo's Tora Prison to the court hearing in
Upper Egypt's Minya governate his conviction and five-year prison
sentence on misdemeanor charges will be confirmed by default. Despite
the Minya court's order to release him on July 20 he was transferred to
Cairo to face charges for leaving Islam. In their last meeting Hegazy
told his lawyer that he is still being tortured by prison officials and
that they denied his requests for a Bible.
Tenuto 347 giorni Mohammed Hegazy Arrested dicembre 2013 in Egitto
Stampare il foglio di fatto Mohammed Hegazy un egiziano convertito
dall'Islam che va sotto il nome di Christian Eugenia Armeya Boulos fu
condannato a cinque anni in carcere il 18 giugno 2014 dopo ha girato gli
scontri tra musulmani e cristiani in Egitto centrale. Egli è accusato
di filmare una dimostrazione senza il permesso del governo un crimine
di reato che in genere comporta una pena massima di sei mesi. Cetty
serviti sei mesi in attesa di condanna dopo il suo arresto il 4
dicembre. La vera ragione per l'estrema pena detentiva molto
probabilmente si trova nella storia di Eugenia. Nel 2007 Eugenia poi
Mohammed Hegazy chiese al governo egiziano di cambiare la sua
condizione religiosa ufficiale una mossa senza precedenti in una
società islamica accuratamente. Cetty convertito al Cristianesimo
dall'Islam nel 1999 all'età di 17 anni. Sua richiesta pubblica di
cambiare il suo status religioso generato minacce di morte e costretto
cetty e la sua famiglia a nascondersi.
Dopo aver trascorso diversi
anni in clandestinità di Eugenia moglie e due bambini sono stati in
grado di lasciare il paese d'asilo in Germania. Cetty tuttavia ha
scelto di rimanere in Egitto sapendo che se ha lasciato lui non
sarebbe mai consentito torna nel suo paese d'origine. La propria
esperienza in clandestinità e costantemente seguiti da polizia fece
appassionato per i diritti dei convertiti al cristianesimo. Passa le sue
giornate che documentano gli abusi contro i cristiani egiziani e di
advocacy per un trattamento equo.
Quando fu arrestato cetty era in
Egitto meridionale riprese gli scontri che hanno provocato il candidato
fratellanza musulmana Mohammed Morsi fu spodestato da ufficio nel luglio
2013. Centinaia di cristiani sono stati attaccati alcuni rapiti e
migliaia di chiese e cristiana alle imprese in tutto il paese era
saccheggiate e distrutte.
Avvocato di cetty detto Monitor orologio
mondiale che Eugenia è in buone condizioni anche se la polizia hanno
interrogato circa il suo stato religioso che è totalmente estraneo
Eugenia e il suo avvocato hanno presentato un ricorso contro la condanna.
Hegazy facce 5 anni di reclusione - novembre 2014
Funzionari egiziani non possono permettere Mohammad Hegazy a
frequentare la sua udienza di appello il 16 novembre. Secondo il suo
avvocato se egli non è consentito viaggiare dalla prigione di Tora del
Cairo per l'udienza di Corte nel Governatorato di Minya dell'alto
Egitto sua convinzione e cinque anni di carcere accuse di reato sarà
confermate per impostazione predefinita. Nonostante l'ordine della Corte
Minya a liberarlo il 20 luglio fu trasferito al Cairo per rispondere
dell'accusa per aver lasciato l'Islam. Nel loro ultimo incontro Hegazy
ha detto il suo avvocato che lui è ancora torturato dai funzionari della
prigione e che hanno negato le sue richieste per una Bibbia.
Held 3829 days Dr. Kiflu Gebremeskel Arrested May 2004 in Eritrea
09/28/2012 Update Dr. Kiflu Gebremeskel a leading figure of Full
Gospel Church of Eritrea founder and senior pastor of Southwest Full
Gospel Church and member of the executive committee to the Full Gospel
Church of Eritrea was arrested on May 23 2004. He was taken from his
home in Asmara Gejeret at approximately 5 a.m. Dr. Gebremeskel was a
mathematics lecturer department and faculty head at the University of
Asmara until 1999 when he became a full-time pastor at the Southwest
Full Gospel Church. He has a Ph.D. in mathematics from Chicago
University. His wife and four children have not been able to visit him.
About 2,000 Eritrean Christians are believed to be under arrest because
of their religious beliefs held in police stations military camps and
prisons in 12 known locations across Eritrea. Dr. Gebremeskel is one of
the 28 clergymen being held.
Jailed Protestants are routinely
subjected to physical beatings and severe psychological pressure to deny
their religious beliefs. Police and military authorities continue to
demand the prisoners return to one of the three "official" Christian
denominations recognized by the government. But even the legally
recognized denominations--the nation's historic Orthodox Catholic and
Lutheran churches--have come under government disfavor incurring
threats and even jailing by security police officials. Sources: VOM
Compass Direct
Held 3530 days Kidane Weldou Arrested March 2005 in Eritrea Pastor
Kidane Weldou disappeared and is presumably detained by Eritrean
security forces. His vehicle was found abandoned in downtown Asmara. He
is a senior pastor of the Full Gospel Church and has been a leader in
the church for many years. Weldou is married and has four daughters. For
many days his family has been unable to learn his whereabouts. Other
Full Gospel pastors still being held include Haile Nayzgi. Pastor Weldou
is also a member of the executive committee of Gideons International in
Eritrea. About 2,000 Christians are being held in prisons and military
camps in Eritrea. A few were released after signing a pledge to stop
attending religious services. The Eritrean government began forcibly
closing evangelical Protestant churches in 2002. They have not allowed
any of the independent Protestant churches to register and reopen since,
even though 11 have applied for this official registration. Along with
Islam there are only three Christian churches authorized to worship by
the government. These include Orthodox Catholic and Evangelical
Lutheran churches. However Orthodox Christians have also been arrested.
On February 19 2005 a group of Sunday school teachers and students
were arrested and detained by police after a raid on the Medhane Alem
Orthodox Church in Asmara. They were later released. According to
Compass Direct the pastors of the banned Protestant churches were
reportedly ordered not to inform anyone outside Eritrea of their
problems. However these pastors rejected this advice and reported what
was happening to the outside world. Some of those arrested are held in
metal shipping containers.
Statistics from Eritrea According to
Compass Direct newly compiled statistics smuggled out of Eritrea
indicate that at least 1,918 Eritrean citizens are imprisoned and
subjected to torture and forced labor because of their religious
beliefs; 95 percent of these known religious prisoners of conscience are
Held 3829 days Haile Nayzgi Arrested May 2004 in Eritrea 03/10/2005
Update During the early morning hours of May 23 2004 Haile Nayzgi was
arrested and taken to Police Station #1 in Asmara. He was the leader of
Eritrea's Full Gospel Church which is comprised of 120 to 150 house
meeting groups. The church groups were closed by government decree at a
meeting with a government official on May 15 2003. At that time the
church groups were given an application form for government
registration. The Full Gospel Church filled out the form and returned it
to the appropriate offices but no reply was ever received.
is married and has three children. He was previously an accountant with
World Evangelical Alliance. During his incarceration Haile has been
refused any personal contact with his family. When family and friends
went to take food and clothing to the prison for Haile on August 24
2004 they were told that he was no longer there. Mr. Nayzgi has been
moved to various locations since his arrest but the actual charges
against him have not been released.
Haile's Wife and Children
Separated in Sudan After Haile went to prison his wife and children
decided to flee Eritrea. His wife is in Kharthoum but his children were
only able to reach a border town between Sudan and Eritrea. Because of
fear of human traffickers they have not been able to travel to
Khartoum. Meanwhile more than 20 church leaders working with the
underground church were arrested on Jan. 17 2013. From various
denominations they were arrested in their own homes in an apparently
coordinated move.
Held 977 days Alireza Seyyedian Arrested March 2012 in Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Alireza Seyyedian is a 37-year-old former Muslim who has been a
Christian since 2006. Last year security forces confiscated his
computer during a raid on his apartment. Authorities then discovered
video of Alireza's baptism in Turkey on the computer. In December 2011
he was sentenced to six years in prison for crimes against national
security and propaganda against the regime. The judge stated that since
Alireza was baptized in Turkey he was trying to express the lack of
freedom in Iran and was therefore was propagating against the regime. He
was also accused of holding regular meetings with former Muslims and
distributing Bibles among youth. They also said he had communication
with Zionist satellite TV channels such as Mohabat TV and Radio Mojde
and shared worship hymns he had written with them. The verdict also
falsely accused him of being a member of the Jesus Only cult. On March
14 2012 Alireza was caught seeking to flee Iran for Turkey. He was
arrested and transported back to Tehran where he was imprisoned in Evin
prison. He was put in Section 350 of the prison which is where
political prisoners are held. That part of the prison is run by VEVAK
the intelligence service that reports to Ayatollah Khameini and is
beyond the control of Iran's prison authorities. According to one
report the conditions of this section of the prison are unsanitary and
each cell is overcrowded with around 30 political prisoners. Alireza
has never been married. Symptoms of Psychosis for Alireza - March 2014
Harsh conditions inside Tehran's Evin prison are taking a heavy toll on
the health and well-being of Alireza Seyyedian. Alireza's family was
shocked by his condition when he was allowed home for a short period of
parole recently. He was described as having "a blank stare trembling
hands and symptoms of psychosis"; he also started vomiting and having
seizures. Alireza who is serving a six-year sentence for converting to
Christianity told BBC Persia that he was addicted to drugs to counter
insomnia stress and depression all prescribed by prison doctors. He
has now returned to Evin.
Held 1421 days Farshid Fathi Arrested December 2010 in Iran (Islamic
Republic of) Farshid Fathi was arrested on Dec. 26 2010 in a wave of
arrests of believers in Tehran and other areas. Of the 22 believers
arrested by security forces in Tehran 10 were released after intense
questioning and after they signed agreements to refrain from Christian
activities. Eleven others were also later released. By the end of April,
2011 only Farshid remained in prison though his family had paid an
enormous bail sum. He spent nearly a year in solitary confinement.
Farshid a Christian convert from Islam was charged with "acting
against national security through membership of a Christian
organization collection of funds propaganda against the Islamic Regime
by helping spread Christianity in the country," and sentenced to six
years of imprisonment on March 5 2012. Though the charge is for his
Christian work authorities tried to cast his activities as political
offenses. Farshid's appeal against the charges was rejected in June
2012. He is due to serve the rest of his sentence in Evin Prison.
According to Elam Ministries Farshid is a shining beacon for Christ in
Evin so much so that the son of an Iranian ayatollah commented on
Farshid's sweet nature in a YouTube video. The two shared a cell. The
man remarked on how beloved Farshid is among the inmates. Elam described
Farshid as "a man after God's own heart." Farshid born in 1979 is
married to Leila and has two children Rosana and Bardia. Farshid
Transferred from Evin - August 2014 According to Mohabat News Farshid
Fathi was transferred out of Evin prison to Rajaei-Shahri prison in
another city – Karaj – for unknown reasons on Aug. 19. A source told
Mohabat that the ward where Farshid was transfered "is isolated from
other prison buildings and holds the most dangerous criminals."
Treatment Delayed Three Days - April 2014 On April 17 a prison guard
broke Farshid Fathi's foot when he stomped on it during a cell
inspection. Farshid went to aid a prisoner who had been beaten and a
guard stopped Farshid and crushed his bare foot with his heavy boot.
Farshid's foot and toe were broken. Farshid spent three days in agony
before he was allowed to be taken to the hospital. Farshid wrote
"Though I was in dire pain I took it as a gift from our Lord to get out
of prison even for a few hours. Of course we forgive them for all they
have done to us because we are followers of the One who says 'Father
please forgive…'."
"How Can I Complain?" – October 2013 Disturbed
to learn of a false story on the Internet Farshid wrote a letter to
clear up the matter.
"How can I complain about my suffering when my
brothers and sisters are paying a high price for their faith all over
the world? I recently heard about many people killed in front of a
church in Pakistan. I also heard a young sister in Christ sharing about
how she lost her family for the sake of the Gospel and still she is
willing to return to share the good news.
"…So when I look at all
these heroes of faith how can I complain about my suffering? Thank you
so much for your prayers..." Farshid Under Mental Torture - August 2013,
In a letter written from prison Farshid Fathi described how his
interrogators have used emotional manipulation to break him. He wrote
"I was told falsely that my wife had been arrested as well and that I
needed to give my [two] children's custody to someone temporarily. I was
also informed falsely that my dad had a heart attack and was
hospitalized. Then they wouldn't give me any follow-up news on whether
he was dead or alive. It was all intended to put me under mental
pressure." In reality his father is fine and his wife and two children
fled Iran in 2011. They are now in Canada. "My Lord Has Never Left Me" -
November 2012 Farshid wrote a letter to his father in November 2012
which describes the condition of his heart during a very lonely time.
"Often I have been sorrowful because of certain things but I have
never been a slave of sadness. Often I have been insulted humiliated
and accused but I have never doubted my identity in Christ. Some have
deserted me some have fled from me; in no way do I pass judgment on
them. My Lord has never left me. "…What really matters is I am my
Beloved's and my Beloved is mine. This possibly is the sweetest truth of
my life that I am His and He is mine."
Held 1265 days Behnam Irani Arrested May 2011 in Iran (Islamic
Republic of) Behnam Irani a 41-year-old pastor from Karaj Iran was
convicted of crimes against national security in January 2011 and
sentenced to one year in prison. After voluntarily surrendering to
authorities on May 31 to begin his sentence he learned that he would be
forced to serve five years in connection with a previous conviction.
Officers from the Ministry of Intelligence and National Security (MOIS)
raided Irani's house church on April 14 2010 and assaulted him before
taking him into custody. Although he was released on bail two months
after his arrest he later received the one-year prison sentence. When
Irani voluntarily began serving his sentence in May 2011 he was
prepared to spend one year in prison. But he received a letter in
October stating that he must now serve five years from his previous
Irani was first arrested in December 2006 and tried for
crimes against national security. He was released in January 2007 but
was soon re-arrested tried and sentenced to five years in prison. Irani
was never called to serve the sentence that is now being held against
Irani became a pastor in 2002 10 years after becoming a
Christian. Please pray for his wife and two children as they wait for
him to return home.
Six Years Added - October 2014. Officials added
six years to Pastor Behnam Irani's prison sentence and he no longer
faces the death penalty. The charge of "spreading corruption on earth"
was dropped in exchange for new charges that add six years to his
current five-year sentence. Pastor Irani is expected to be transferred
to the city of Zabol near the border of Afghanistan where he will not
be due for release until 2023. The prison is located over 900 miles away
from Karaj and it will difficult for his family to visit.
Concerned from No Contact - Sept. 2014 Behnam Irani's family has not
heard from him since Aug. 25 and they are very concerned. During this
time VOM partners heard there was a riot at the prison where Behnam is
held. Please pray that Behnam's family soon receives word from him.
Behnam Irani Held in Solitary - July 2014 Pastor Behnam Irani has
returned to prison after being beaten on June 7 and held in solitary
confinement for weeks. The pastor was held in an undisclosed location by
religious police who threatened him with further prison time after a
judge charged the pastor with communicating with media. Behnam Irani
taken to a detention center and held in solitary confinement. Officers
interrogated the pastor four hours at a time on five separate occasions
while he was there. Pastor Behnam Underwent Surgery.
Pastor Behnam
Irani underwent surgery on Feb. 22 at the Shahid Madani Hospital in
Karaj Iran because of severe bleeding as a result of stomach ulcers
and colon complications. According to Christian Solidarity Worldwide
(CSW) the surgery was successful. He was expected to be returned to the
prison as of Feb. 26 to continue serving his six-year prison term.
Please continue to pray for Pastor Behnam Irani and his family. Still
Ill But Full of Faith - September 2013 Pastor Behnam Irani remains in
poor health. He has served a little over two years of his six-year
sentence. VOM partners report that his faith remains strong and his
attitude is positive. His family misses him a great deal. He has a
12-year-old daughter and a four-year-old son. Pray for healing for
Pastor Behnam and for protection for him while he's in prison. Pray
especially that God would strengthen and encourage his faith during this
Behnam Remains in Prison - August 2013 VOM contacts sent
this update recently: Pastor Irani is still in prison and is still sick.
His wife is mostly doing well but she gets quite lonely. Their young
son forgets he has a daddy sometimes. Their daughter is still shaken by
what happened; she saw her father getting beaten by the police during
the service. Behnam Transferred to Prison Hospital - July 2012 Within
the last week Behnam Irani became so sick that he lost consciousness.
As a result he was finally allowed to be transferred to to prison
hospital. His family had been worried for weeks that he appeared to be
suffering from an intestinal issue. Instead it appears that Behnam
suffers from a bleeding ulcer. We are thankful Behnam is being treated
by a doctor but we encourage you to continue to pray for him since the
situation is so serious. Irani is Ill - February 2012 The family of
Behnam Irani are very concerned over reports of his ill health. He is
experiencing some sort of intestinal disorder. His family is very
concerned because his brother died from intestinal cancer. Please pray
for his health as well as for his family. Pastor Irani Being Mistreated
and in Poor Health For the first few months of his sentence Behnam
Irani was held in solitary confinement in a very small cell. Afterward
he was moved to another small cell with other prisoners. The room was so
full the prisoners were not able to lie down to sleep so they had to
sit all day and night. The room also got very hot. Pastor Behnam is now
in a normal cell but authorities have asked for him to be beaten
regularly. All his hair has turned white and his friends fear he may
lose the use of his foot due to a severe foot injury. Please keep
Behnam and his family in your prayers.
Held 1964 days Imran Ghafur Arrested July 2009 in Pakistan On Jan.
11 2010 Imran Ghafur Masih was sentenced to life in prison and fined
100,000 rupees ($1,155 U.S.) according to The Voice of the Martyrs
contacts. His family has appealed the decision to the Pakistan High
Court and is awaiting a hearing date. On July 1 2009 Pakistani police
arrested Imran Ghafur in Punjab province after Muslims accused him of
burning pages of the Quran. While cleaning his brother's retail shop
Imran removed the trash he had collected intending to burn some of it.
While burning the trash pages of an Islamic book flew into the fire and
burned. Imran's neighbor Haji Liaqat saw the burned pages of the
Islamic book and alerted other Muslims in the area. "Haji Liaqat saw the
burned pages and he aggressively told all resident people and
travelers that Imran burnt the pages of a Quran also," a VOM contact
said. "He was telling everybody that Imran Ghafur is burning the Quran …
he should be killed."
Imran and his father were severely beaten
before police arrested Imran. Following the arrest news of the incident
spread throughout the city and angry Muslims threw stones at the
police station where Imran was being held. "Give the death sentence to
him who disgraces the Holy Quran and hang him who disgraces the Holy
Quran," the Muslims said. "Christians are dogs; Imran is a dog," they
On July 2 2009 Imran was moved to a jail. "The situation
is very tense in Hajwari town where the Christian families live," the
VOM contact said. "Haji Liaqat and his friends are saying that they will
not allow Imran's family to live in the colony or run their business."
Imran and his family have been managing businesses in the area and are
actively involved with other Christians in the area. Singing Songs at
Midnight In March 2012 Imran Ghafur's family told us how Imran spends
his time in prison. At midnight Imran prays and sings spiritual songs.
Sometimes Muslim prisoners join him and ask him to pray for them. Imran
also spends a lot of time in prayer and Bible reading. He is anxious to
be released so he can "do missionary work for Jesus." Please pray for
his family who seemed to be feeling particularly low last month.
Thank You for Your Prayers On Thursday May 26 2011 Imran's brother
Naveed visited Imran in jail. Naveed told Imran many people were
praying for him and he asked Imran what message he wanted to give VOM
and other prayer partners. Imran had tears of joy in his eyes. He said
"I am thankful to Lord for this help. I wish that I could personally
meet and thank you but I am in jail. I cannot do that but I promise
the day I come out of this prison surely I will thank you for this love
and prayers." Imran said he is using his time in prison to study God's
Word. "I am happy the Lord wants to use me for his Kingdom."
Held 1976 days Asia Bibi. Arrested June 2009 in Pakistan Asia Bibi a
37-year-old Pakistani woman from the village of Ittanwali was arrested
by police on Friday June 19 2009. Asia (also called Asia Noreen) is
the wife of 50-year-old Ashiq Masih and their family is one of only
three Christian families in a village of 1,500 families.
Many of the
local women including Asia work on the farm of Muslim landowner
Muhammad Idrees. During their work many of the Muslim women have
pressured Asia to renounce Christianity and accept Islam. In June the
pressure became especially strong.
On Friday June 19 there was an
intense discussion among the women about their faith. The Muslim women
told Asia about Islam. Asia responded by telling them about her faith in
Christ. Asia told the Muslim women Christ had died on the cross for
sins then asked them what Mohammad had done for them according to VOM
sources. She told them Jesus is alive but Mohammad is dead. "Our Christ
is the true prophet of God," she reportedly told them "and yours is
not true."
Upon hearing this the Muslim women became angry and
began to beat Asia. Then some men took her and locked her in a room.
They announced from the mosque loudspeakers that she would be punished
by having her face blackened and being paraded through the village on a
donkey. Local Christians informed the police who took Asia into custody
before the Muslims could carry out their plan. She was held at the
police station in Nankana city. Christians there urged the police not to
file blasphemy charges but police claimed they were under pressure
from local Muslim leaders.
Seventeen months after Asia's arrest she
was convicted of violating subsection C of Pakistan's 295 blasphemy law
- blasphemy against the prophet Muhammad - and was sentenced to death.
No Christian in Pakistan has ever been executed under the blasphemy law,
but in several cases extremists have murdered Christians after their
release from prison. Asia's conviction and death sentence have brought
international attention to the country's blasphemy laws. Christians have
called for Asia's release and for a repeal of the laws while
extremists in Pakistan continue to demand that she be executed.
The Voice of the Martyrs urges Christians around the world to pray for Asia Bibi and her family.
Asia Bibi's Appeal Denied - Oct. 16 2014 Asia Bibi's appeal was
denied by the court on Oct. 16 and her death sentence for blasphemy has
been upheld by the Lahore High Court. Her attorneys have 30 days to
file an appeal with the Supreme Court in Islamabad and the appeal
process will likely take years of more waiting. During the hearing
nearly 2,000 mullahs gathered outside the court to put pressure on the
judges. When she learned the outcome Asia Bibi told VOM contacts
"Please do something. It's been so long and I want to be with my
Hearing Postponed at Husband's Request - 9/9/2014
court hearing for Asia Bibi yesterday (Sept. 9 2014) was postponed
again but this time at the request of her husband Ashiq Masih. Ashiq
submitted the application for adjournment because his private attorney
was not present though Asia's legal team was there. Though the judge
was ready to hear the case the hearing will be postponed until Oct. 16,
2014. The Pakistan Christian Post reported that the judge issued an
order saying that the Oct. 16 hearing would be final and there would be
no other adjournment.
Appeal Delayed for Fifth Time - May 2014. Asia
Bibi was due to appeal her death sentence for blasphemy on May 27 but
just like the last four occasions the hearing was cancelled. No new
date was set. Hearing Postponed for Fourth Time – April 2014
For the
fourth time this year a court hearing for Asia Bibi has been
postponed. Asia has been waiting in limbo for years since her June 2009
arrest while her case drags through the appeals process — and multiple
delays. Hearings set for Feb. 14 March 17 March 26 and now April 14
have all been postponed for various reasons. No future trial date has
been set.
Pray for Asia Bibi Hearing Asia Bibi a Pakistani
Christian sentenced to death on a blasphemy conviction is scheduled to
appear in court on March 26 for an appellate hearing. An earlier court
appearance scheduled for March 17 was postponed because of the absence
of one of two presiding judges. Pakistani law requires that two judges
be present for all court proceedings in death penalty cases. Please pray
for Asia Bibi as well as her husband and two daughters. Pray also for
authorities involved in the case; they face numerous pressures.
Asia's Husband Visits Once a Month - October 2013 Since Asia was
transferred to a new prison her husband has been able to visit her once
a month. It's an expensive arduous journey for him but it is an
encouraging time for both of them. Asia's two daughters have not yet
been able to make the trip but VOM is arranging to have them visit as
soon as their school schedules allow. Asia Transferred to a New Prison
Asia Bibi was transferred to a new prison in June leaving her five
hours away from her family. She was previously only an hour away. Her
husband Ashiq met her on June 6 2013. She again requested prayer and
told her husband she's been sick and in a lot of pain. Asia continues
to await word on her appeal against her blasphemy sentence. Photo - Asia
Bibi Write a Letter Petition Official Share On Facebook & Twitter
8017 Government Officials Emailed 20332 Encouraging Letters Written
100427 Alerts Sent 34501 Alerts Viewed
Held 941 days Umid Gojayev Arrested April 2012 in Turkmenistan In
early 2012 29-year-old Umid Gojayev of Turkmenistan had an argument
with four neighbors over access to a well where they live in Dashoguz.
In the scuffle Umid defended himself and hit one of the men on the head
with a brick causing injury. The man filed a complaint against Umid
with local police.
Several days later he and his family reconciled
with the man he injured and paid for his hospital expenses. They agreed
to withdraw their complaint. However when police learned that Umid was a
Christian they insisted on bringing the case to court though the
victim refused to press charges. Umid was sentenced to four years in
prison on charges of hooliganism. None of the other men involved in the
melee were prosecuted. According to Forum 18 one of the investigators
told Umid's relative that because he is a believer the court will not
forgive him.
After nearly two years in prison there have been four
general amnesties in which prisoners charged under the same law as Umid
have been released but Umid remains in prison. According to Forum 18
"Umid was told in the labor camp he is not being included in the
amnesties because he reads the Bible."
As a result of his
imprisonment Umid's wife Malahat was forced to leave her job and care
for their three young children. They are struggling to make ends meet
without their primary breadwinner.
Held 1713 days Tohar Haydarov Arrested March 2010 in Uzbekistan 08/15/2011 Update
On March 9 2010 a criminal court in Uzbekistan sentenced 27-year-old
Tohar Haydarov to 10 years in prison for the "illegal sale of narcotic
or psychotropic substances in large quantities." Members of the Baptist
church in Uzbekistan insist that the charges are fabricated and that
Haydarov's sentence was punishment for his religious activity. It is
unclear why Haydarov received a 10-year sentence. According to Forum 18
News Baptists insist that police planted drugs on Haydarov and church
members insist that he is "a man with a pure conscience and an honest
Christian." Haydarov's appeal was denied. Sentence Confirmed; Prisoner
Shown Letters
A judge recently confirmed Tohar's ten year prison
sentence for charges church members say are false. "The court correctly
stated the criminal act of Tohar Haydarov and the punishment was given
in proportion to the act taking into account the public danger of the
act," the judge wrote. Prison authorities recently showed Tohar some of
the many letters sent to him but he is not allowed to read them
because "there are too many citations from the Bible in them."
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Blog di Francesco Amodeo
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Giornalista d’inchiesta svela i piani del Cartello finanziario contro il Governo del cambiamento.Di Francesco Amodeo
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Reportage completo e documentato sulle origini eversive dell’Unione Europea.
Di Francesco Amodeo acceso mercoledì aprile 17 2019
L’Unione Europea fu un progetto della CIA e delle oligarchie finanziarie per sottomettere i popoli europei: I documenti desegretati e la confessione dei padri fondatori. Con l’Unione Europea siamo entrati in una trappola. Anzi sarebbe più corretto dire che hanno piazzato una sbarra alla volta chiudendo un cerchio intorno a noi fino a farci ritrovare …
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Governo Conte Bis: Chi l’ha fatto nascere. Chi lo ammazzerà.
Di Francesco Amodeo acceso giovedì agosto 29 2019
Prima di entrare nel merito dell’oggetto di questo articolo è doverosa una premessa: La Matrix Europea è un libro inchiesta del 2014. Ma gli scenari raccontati si sono realizzati concretamente 4 anni dopo ed è per questo che soltanto nel 2019 è diventato “virale” sul web. Anche quando presentai la lista del Bilderberg 2016 analizzandone …
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Flash Mob in memoria dei bambini morti di austerity:
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Domenica 8 Settembre 2019 flash mob nei pressi dell’Ambasciata greca di Roma in ricordo dei bambini morti di austerity.
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La trappola del PD ai Cinquestelle: Ecco qual è e come evitarla.
Di Francesco Amodeo acceso sabato agosto 24 2019
Il Movimento Cinquestelle rischia di finire in una trappola e trascinare con sé gli italiani. Ma un metodo per scongiurare questa eventualità esiste. Si parla di un accordo Pd/Cinquestelle e sembra che il partito democratico abbia già proposto i suoi punti. Tutti trattabili tranne il primo. Sudditanza completa all’Unione Europea. Loro l’hanno chiamata lealtà. Ma …
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Crisi di Governo: Ecco l’inchiesta che ne svela le cause e i mandanti.
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In questo articolo proveremo a chiarire una volta per tutte da dove è partita l’attuale crisi di Governo. E perché Salvini ha staccato la spina. Non spetterà a me esprimere un giudizio. Io elencherò una serie di eventi che i media mainstream non hanno raccontato poi ognuno si farà la propria idea. Alla fine tireremo …
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Vi racconto chi sono i nuovi vertici della UE e chi li ha messi lì.
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Abbiamo un Governo del cambiamento eppure abbiamo accettato la francese Christine Lagarde del FMI come nuovo Governatore della BCE; la tedesca Ursula Von Der Leyen come Presidente della Commissione Europea; il belga Charles Michel come nuovo Presidente del Consiglio Europeo e addirittura l’ “italiano” David Sassoli del Pd come nuovo Presidente dell’Europarlamento. Ma ci siamo …
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Roma 20 Giugno 2019: Siamo all’inizio di una nuova legislatura europea che non possiamo definire una preziosa occasione data la natura tirannica e antidemocratica delle sue principali istituzioni non legittimate dal consenso popolare e che il nostro popolo alle ultime elezioni ha dimostrato di non riconoscere. Ci siamo resi conto dell’inutilità di continuare a lavorare …
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Draghi ed il Cartello finanziario internazionale pronti a sostituire il Governo Giallo-Verde.
Di Francesco Amodeo acceso venerdì aprile 12 2019
Dobbiamo evitare nella maniera più assoluta che si consumi nel silenzio generale il secondo golpe tecnocratico ai danni dell’Italia. Il Cartello finanziario ha già fatto partire l’operazione Mario Draghi che è praticamente identica nelle modalità e nelle finalità a quella che fu l’operazione Mario Monti nel 2011 che causò danni irreparabili al paese nel silenzio …
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Le istanze autonomiste pongono fine al sovranismo in Italia.
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Le autonomie differenziate pongono fine al sovranismo in Italia. In effetti a sentirli parlare del Sud Italia,i fautori delle autonomie differenziate sembra di sentire i vari Macron Merkel Moscovici quando parlano dei paesi del Sud Europa. Il sovranismo da sempre pone le sue basi sull’accusa all’Unione Europea di non essere uno Stato coeso con un …
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Le autonomie differenziate e la nuova questione meridionale. Vogliono la fine del Sovranismo.
Di Francesco Amodeo acceso domenica febbraio 17 2019
Cosa si cela realmente dietro questa affannosa corsa per concludere quanto prima anche senza l’intervento del Parlamento la questione dell’autonomia differenziata da parte di alcune regioni del Nord ? Vado dritto al punto è il momento di far cadere le maschere. La verità è che non si è avuto il coraggio o la facoltà di …
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© Francesco Amodeo
33 YEARS years ago, the Synagogues of Satan Spa and Mosques of Sharia Allah, decided that I should become the King of Israel (lorenzoJHWH) and an Observatory on the martyrdom of Christians (Unius REI) 33 ANNI fa, Sinagoghe di Satana Spa e Moschee di Sharia Allah, decisero che io avrei dovuto diventare il Re di Israele (lorenzoJHWH) e un Osservatorio sul martirio dei cristiani (Unius REI)
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martedì 3 settembre 2019
Im Yitzhak Kaduri's Messiah, Comments 594 ☦️burn satana ☦️shariah ☦️Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name amen ☦️alleluia ☦️ lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom ☦️burn satana ☦️shariah ☦️Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name amen ☦️alleluia ☦️ C. S. P. B. Crux Sancti Patris Benedecti Croce del Santo Padre Benedetto C. S. S. M. L. Crux Sacra Sit Mihi Lux Croce sacra sii la mia Luce N. D. S. M. D. Non draco sit mihi dux Che il dragone non sia il mio duce V. R. S. Vadre Retro satana Allontanati satana! N. S. M. V. Non Suade Mihi Vana Non mi persuaderai di cose vane S. M. Q. L. Sunt Mala Quae Libas Ciò che mi offri è cattivo I.V. B. Ipsa Venena Bibas Bevi tu stesso i tuoi veleni
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set 03
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- illegal immigrants are not shipwrecked refugees
- Lieberman the envious
- Stop free brutal police Macron Boia Merkel Hitler ...
- missing: 21 days to destroy IRAN with atomic weapons
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- “Ladri di bambini”, “Vi quereliamo”SUICIDATI sulla...
- Im Yitzhak Kaduri's Messiah, Comments 594
- I am King of Israel lorenzoJHWH
- salva
- salva salva
set 03
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Muhammad Umer [17 ore fa] Bevi il tuo veleno fatto da soli! Penso che questo è meglio di a...
questo NON è una testata giornalistica
- Lion☦️Judah☦️UniusREI☦️kingdom di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH
- ☦️burn satana ☦️shariah ☦️Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name amen ☦️alleluia ☦️ lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom ☦️burn satana ☦️shariah ☦️Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name amen ☦️alleluia ☦️ C. S. P. B. Crux Sancti Patris Benedecti Croce del Santo Padre Benedetto C. S. S. M. L. Crux Sacra Sit Mihi Lux Croce sacra sii la mia Luce N. D. S. M. D. Non draco sit mihi dux Che il dragone non sia il mio duce V. R. S. Vadre Retro satana Allontanati satana! N. S. M. V. Non Suade Mihi Vana Non mi persuaderai di cose vane S. M. Q. L. Sunt Mala Quae Libas Ciò che mi offri è cattivo I.V. B. Ipsa Venena Bibas Bevi tu stesso i tuoi veleni