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Visualizzazione post con etichetta Tayyip. Mostra tutti i post

giovedì 17 settembre 2015

Tayyip erdogan Trial

by Mathias Hariyadi
国家搜救中心找到了体积较大的两块飞机残骸,还有大片油污。搜救尸体的工作仍在继续,政府停止亚航失事航线    2015/01/03 韩国
玛 利诺会传教士于一九六O年开始在韩国传教。最初,他主要在仁川教区从事牧灵工作、为穷人提供医疗援助。一九七四年,强烈抵制朴正熙独裁政权、积极挽救八名 无辜者的生命,为此遭到驱逐。二OO五年重返韩国,被任命为"真相"委员会成员。生命最后几年里,他撰写诗歌、作画、祈祷
2015/01/03 柬埔寨
其党派将在下届全体大会上正式宣布一九九七年因政变被赶下台的前总理重返政坛。二OO六年,他被迫辞职党内职务。分析家认为,洪森此举是为了分裂反对派,但这一说法遭到了党内高层的驳斥    2015/01/03 沙特阿拉伯
2015/01/02 中国-意大利
by Bernardo Cervellera
伟 大的科学家和利玛窦的东方朋友,徐光启的青铜像交换会于1月24日在意大利马切拉塔将拉开帷幕。已故利玛窦的青铜像早已被被安置在仅差几步之遥的上海圣依 纳爵主教座堂陵园附近。许多中国及世界的各地人士都希望利玛窦和徐光启同时被列为真福品。上海的一些复杂问题。    2015/01/02 中国
少数执法人员; 当晚人群至少有150万人没有执法控制。恐慌和混乱造成36人遇难47人受伤。从一座高大楼窗口以撒假纸币造成人群混乱。
2015/01/02 日本
根据2014年卫生部公布的数据显示,日本去年的婴儿出生率少了9000,但老龄化第一次达到总人口的25%。日本经济学家和社会学家发出警告:"如果按照这种出生情况持续下去,将会使日本整个社会崩溃。"    2015/01/01 梵蒂冈
教 宗邀请大家听从 "玛丽亚的温柔",由先教宗保罗六世为纪念所有战争中牺牲者所祝福的大钟,并强调了两个富有代表性标语:"和平始终是可能的"且"祈祷是和平的泉源。"邀 请大家高呼圣母玛丽亚"天主之母!"并求请大家发觉自己的洗礼日期,"在受洗当日",我们得到了"天父的仁慈,爱情与温柔。"
05/01/2015 IRAQ
Via Crucis: i profughi di Mosul oltre l'emergenza
di Bernardo Cervellera
Sono almeno mezzo milione le persone che si sono rifugiate in Kurdistan per sfuggire all'ISIS. Nello Shlama Mall a Erbil: 350 persone vivono nello scheletro di un edificio in costruzione, con panni stesi e coperte a fare da pareti. L'ordinazione sacerdotale di un giovane, anch'egli profugo dimostra che con la fuga, c'è qualcosa che non è stato distrutto: la fede, le tradizioni, il sacerdozio.
Erbil (AsiaNews) - Una visita che è una specie di Via Crucis. E' questa l'immagine che mi viene in mente mentre l'aereo atterra alle 4 del mattino ad Erbil, in Kurdistan, in un silenzio quasi spettrale. Già la decisione di venire in Iraq sembra una scelta troppo spericolata. In...
Una onorificenza nazionale riconosce il servizio dato al Paese dal vescovo Bonivento
Sacerdote missionario PIME nelle province di Milne Bay e Sandaun per oltre 30 anni. Vescovo di Vanimo dal 1991. Mons. Bonivento nella sua attività pastorale ha sempre dato grande rilievo alla formazione del clero locale. Le critiche contro la politica contro la diffusione dell'Aids.     05/01/2015 COREA DEL NORD
Corea del Nord, mistero sulla scomparsa delle sopracciglia di Kim Jong-un
Nel discorso di Capodanno, il supremo leader di Pyongyang ha sfoggiato "quello che sembra essere un caso di seria iper-depilazione".
05/01/2015 LIBIA - EGITTO
Preoccupa la sorte di 20 copti egiziani rapiti in Libia
Sospettato il gruppo di Ansar al-Sharia. Ci sono già stati casi di cristiani rapiti e uccisi dai fondamentalisti islamici. Il 23 dicembre era stata sequestrata la famiglia di un medico egiziano. L'uomo e la moglie sono stati assassinati lo stesso giorno e il corpo della loro figlia di 13 anni è stato ritrovato due giorni dopo.     05/01/2015 NEPAL - CINA
Grazie al Nepal, la nuova "Via della Seta" porterà le merci cinesi in Europa
di Christopher Sharma
Firmato un accordo fra Pechino e Kathmandu che prevede la costruzione di un "corridoio" per i beni prodotti nel Dragone attraverso il territorio nepalese. Prevista la costruzione di una linea ferroviaria che unisca i Paesi, guardando fino all'India.
05/01/2015 COREA
Seoul, la Chiesa celebra la millesima Messa per la pace in Corea
di Stephany Sun*
La funzione si svolge ogni martedì dal 7 marzo 1995. Il giorno dell'Epifania, quasi 20 anni dopo la prima celebrazione, la messa si terrà nella cattedrale Myeondong: a pronunciare l'omelia mons. Choi, primo presidente della Commissione episcopale per la riconciliazione del popolo coreano. Al via il Movimento per il rinnovamento spirituale, che rende i cattolici del Sud "parrocchiani" di una chiesa del Nord.    05/01/2015 INDIA
Delhi, distrutto in un rogo il presepe di una chiesa cattolica
di Nirmala Carvalho
La polizia ha archiviato il caso. Per il parroco si tratta di incendio doloso: il video delle telecamere di sicurezza mostra che qualcosa viene versato sul presepe. Leader cristiano: "Una grave violazione delle credenziali laiche della Costituzione indiana".
05/01/2015 CINA
Tragedia di Shanghai, i familiari delle vittime al governo: fateci seppellire i nostri morti
Decine di persone hanno manifestato ieri davanti agli uffici governativi per chiedere il permesso di seppellire coloro che sono morti durante la calca di Capodanno. Polemiche anche sui risarcimenti e sul trattamento "preferenziale" concesso alle salme degli stranieri.     05/01/2015 PALESTINA - ISRAELE
Dossier palestinese denuncia alla Corte internazionale crimini di guerra commessi da Israele
Per Saeb Erakat, capo negoziatore palestinese con Israele, "il caso principale sarà l'aggressione contro Gaza e la questione degli insediamenti, che rappresenta un crimine continuato". Netanyahu: "l'autorità palestinese ha scelto la via del confronto e noi non staremo a guardare".
05/01/2015 TIBET - CINA
La polizia picchia a sangue quattro tibetani: non volevano vendere la loro terra
Le autorità cinesi hanno ordinato ai tibetani dell'area, per la maggior parte contadini poveri, di cedere i terreni per programmi di sviluppo statali o di finanziatori privati. Lo scorso anno, centinaia di residenti hanno portato avanti un sit-in lungo un mese contro il furto delle terre nella prefettura di Ngaba.    05/01/2015 BANGLADESH
Il Bangladesh saluta mons. Costa, leader spirituale per cattolici e musulmani
di Sumon Corraya
L'arcivescovo emerito di Dhaka si è spento a 78 anni per un attacco di cuore. In vita ha cercato sempre di favorire la convivenza pacifica di tutte le comunità religiose del Paese. Il suo contributo alla difesa dei diritti umani gli è valso due riconoscimenti nazionali.
04/01/2015 VATICANO
Un concistoro che mostra l'universalità della Chiesa
Fra i nuovi elettori sono rappresentati 14 Paesi diversi, dei quali 6 attualmente non avevano un cardinale e alcuni non lo avevano mai avuto. Se si contano anche gli Emeriti i Paesi rappresentati sono 18.     04/01/2015 VATICANO
Papa: Gli uomini parlano della luce, ma spesso preferiscono la tranquillità ingannatrice del buio
Prima dell'Angelus, Francesco torna sul Messaggio per la Giornata mondiale della Pace: "Non più schiavi, ma fratelli". Lo sfruttamento "è una piaga sociale che mortifica i rapporti interpersonali e impedisce una vita di comunione". Ancora "troppi conflitti insanguinano il mondo. Non c'è futuro senza propositi e progetti di pace!". Annunciati i nomi dei 20 nuovi cardinali (15 più cinque emeriti): fra questi i vescovi di Hanoi, Yangon, Bangkok.
03/01/2015 CINA
Tragedia di Shanghai, il governo censura i media nazionali e stranieri
Necessario il permesso del Dipartimento per la propaganda per intervistare feriti e familiari delle vittime. Vietato pubblicare foto di persone che piangono. Le autorità temono di essere accusate per l'incidente sul Bund, che ha causato la morte di 36 persone.    03/01/2015 INDONESIA
Java, identificato il punto esatto dei resti dell'AirAsia QZ8501
di Mathias Hariyadi
L'Agenzia nazionale di ricerca ha rinvenuto due grandi "parti" dell'aereo, oltre a macchie di petrolio. Continuano le operazioni di recupero dei corpi. Il governo sospende i voli della compagnia tra Surabaya-Singapore.

Altri articoli
03/01/2015 COREA DEL SUD
Corea, l'ultimo saluto a p. Sinnott: ha combattuto la dittatura con il Vangelo
03/01/2015 CAMBOGIA
Phnom Penh, il principe Ranariddh torna in politica
Alla tv saudita donne vestite solo di nero, ma volendo con nastri colorati
02/01/2015 FILIPPINE
Filippine, la carità "non è fine a se stessa, ma aiuta lo sviluppo di tutti"
02/01/2015 SINGAPORE

Crisi cinese e incertezza dei mercati mondiali rallentano la crescita di Singapore
02/01/2015 INDIA
Attivista indiano: Il Messaggio del papa per la pace porti diritti a dalit cristiani e musulmani di Nirmala Carvalho
02/01/2015 CINA-ITALIA
Macerata e Shanghai: scambio di busti di bronzo di Matteo Ricci e Xu Guangqi di Bernardo Cervellera
02/01/2015 COREA
Nucleare, isolamento e fame dietro le aperture di Kim a Seoul
02/01/2015 BANGLADESH
Libri gratuiti ai bambini, per liberare il Bangladesh dall'analfabetismo di Sumon Corraya
02/01/2015 SIRIA - ITALIA
La diffusione del video delle volontarie rapite accresce i timori per la loro sorte
02/01/2015 SIRIA - IRAQ
Nel 2014 più che raddoppiati i morti per i conflitti in Siria e Iraq
02/01/2015 INDIA - AUSTRALIA
Dopo sette anni, l'Australia restituirà all'India un'antica statua di Buddha
02/01/2015 CINA
Errori di calcolo della polizia di Shanghai nella tragedia del Bund
02/01/2015 GIAPPONE
Giappone, per il quarto anno di fila calano le nascite
01/05/2015 IRAQ
Way of the Cross: the refugees from Mosul beyond the emergency
by Bernardo Cervellera
There are at least half a million people who have taken refuge in Kurdistan to flee from ISIS. In the Shlama Mall at Erbil: 350 people living in the skeleton of a building under construction, with draped sheets and blankets serving as walls. The ordination of a young man, also a refugee, shows that with the flight, there is something that has not been destroyed: the faith, the traditions, the priesthood.
Erbil (AsiaNews) - A visit that is a kind of Stations of the Cross. This is the image that comes to mind as the plane lands at four in the morning in Erbin, in Kurdistan, in an almost spectral silence. Already the decision to come to Iraq seems to have been a bit too hasty.  In...
Bishop Bonivento's service to the country recognised with national award
PIME missionary priest worked in Milne Bay and Sandaun provinces for over 30 years. Appointed bishop of Vanimo in 1991, Mgr Bonivento focused his pastoral activity on training the local clergy. He also criticised government AIDS policy.    01/05/2015 NORTH KOREA
North Korea, the mistery of the disappearance of Kim Jong-un's eyebrows
In New Year's Day speech, the supreme leader showed "what appeared to be a case of severe over-plucking."
01/05/2015 LIBYA - EGYPT
Growing concern over the fate of 20 Egyptian Copts kidnapped in Libya
Suspicions have fallen on the Ansar al-Sharia group. Islamic fundamentalists have abducted and killed other Christians in previous cases. On December 23, an Egyptian Coptic doctor and his wife were kidnapped and killed. Their 13-year-old daughter was also found dead two days later.    01/05/2015 NEPAL - CHINA
Thanks to Nepal, new "Silk Road" to bring Chinese goods to Europe
by Christopher Sharma
Beijing and Kathmandu sign deal that includes the construction of a "corridor" to ship Chinese-made goods through Nepal territory. A new railway line linking the two countries and India is also in the works.
01/05/2015 KOREA
Church to celebrate the 1000th Mass for peace on Korean Peninsula
by Stephany Sun*
The function takes place every Tuesday from 7 March 1995. On the day of the Epiphany, nearly 20 years after the first celebration, the mass will be held in the cathedral Myeondong: the homily will be served by Gwangju Archbishop Andrew Choi Chang-moo, the first chairman of the Committee for the Reconciliation of the Korean People. Launch of the Movement for spiritual renewal, which makes catholics of the South "parishioners" of a church in the North.    01/05/2015 INDIA
Delhi: crèche destroyed by fire in a Catholic church
by Nirmala Carvalho
The police closed the case. The clergyman blames arson because CCTV videos show something being poured on the crèche. For Christian leader, this is "a serious violation of the secular credentials of the Indian Constitution."
01/05/2015 CHINA
Shanghai tragedy: victims' families call on the authorities to let them bury their loved ones
Dozens of people demonstrated yesterday in front of government offices. They want the authorities to release for burial the bodies of those who died in the New Year stampede. A controversy has emerged over compensation and "preferential" treatment given to foreigners.    01/05/2015 TIBET - CHINA
Four Tibetans severely beaten by police for refusing to sell their land
Chinese authorities ordered the Tibetans, mostly poor farmers, to sell off their land for government projects or business development projects. Last year, scores of Tibetans sat on a month-long demonstration against Chinese government's appropriation of their land in Ngaba County.
01/05/2015 BANGLADESH
Bangladesh's farewell to Mgr Costa, a spiritual leader for Catholics and Muslims
by Sumon Corraya
The archbishop emeritus of Dhaka died at the age of 78 from a heart attack. During his life, he always tried to promote peaceful coexistence among all of the country's religious communities. His contribution to the defence of human rights earned him two national awards.    01/04/2015 VATICAN
New consistory shows Church's universality
The new electors represent 14 different countries. Six have no cardinal at present; others had no cardinal ever. Counting the cardinals emeriti, 18 countries are represented.
01/04/2015 VATICAN
Pope: Men talk about light but often prefer the deceiving quiet of darkness
Before the Angelus, Francis talked again about his Message for the World Day of Peace "No longer slaves, but brothers and sisters". Exploitation "is a social evil that humiliates interpersonal relationships and prevents a life of communion." There is also too much "bloodshed in too many regions of the planet." For him, "There is no future without aiming and planning for peace." The pontiff also announced the names of 20 new cardinals (including five cardinals emeriti) with the bishops of Hanoi, Yangon, and Bangkok among them.    01/03/2015 CHINA
Shanghai tragedy: authorities censor local and foreign media
Propaganda department must authorise interviews with the injured and victims' families. Pictures photos of people weeping are banned. Authorities fear blame for incident on the Bund that left 36 people dead.
01/03/2015 INDONESIA
Java: AirAsia flight QZ8501 crash site found
by Mathias Hariyadi
Indonesia's National Search and Rescue Agency found two large parts of the aircraft and an oil spill. Bodies continue to be recovered. The government suspends the airline's permit to fly between Surabaya and Singapore.    01/03/2015 SOUTH KOREA
Korea bids farewell to Fr Sinnott, a missionary who fought dictatorship with the Gospel
The Maryknoll missionary arrived in the Asian country in 1960. In his early years, he was involved in pastoral work, providing health care for the poor in the Diocese of Incheon. In 1974, he stood up to Dictator Park and fought to save eight innocent people from the gallows. For his efforts, he was expelled from the country. He came "home" in 2005 after he was appointed to the "Truth Commission", and spent his last years painting, writing poetry and praying.

Altri articoli
01/03/2015 CAMBODIA
Phnom Penh: Prince Ranariddh makes a political comeback
01/03/2015 SAUDI ARABIA
Saudi women TV anchors can dress only in black, but can add colourful ribbons
01/02/2015 PHILIPPINES
Philippines, charity "is not just about giving one-time"
01/02/2015 SINGAPORE
China's economic sluggishness and uncertain world markets dampen Singapore's growth
01/02/2015 INDIA
For Indian activist, pope's peace message entails rights for Christian and Muslim Dalits by Nirmala Carvalho
01/02/2015 CHINA - ITALY
Macerata and Shanghai exchange bronze busts of Matteo Ricci and Xu Guangqi by Bernardo Cervellera
01/02/2015 KOREA
Burden by his country's nuclear programme, hunger and isolation, Kim opens up to Seoul
01/02/2015 BANGLADESH
Free books to children to free Bangladesh from illiteracy by Sumon Corraya
01/02/2015 SYRIA - ITALY
Online video raises fears about the fate of abducted Italian aid workers
01/02/2015 SYRIA - IRAQ
Death toll in Syria and Iraq more than double in 2014
01/02/2015 INDIA - AUSTRALIA
Seven years later, Australia to return ancient stolen Buddha statue to India
01/02/2015 JAPAN
Japan's birth rate slumped to a record low in 2014, the fourth in consecutive years
01/01/2015 VATICAN
Pope: A year of peace under the maternal protection of Mary, Mother of God and our Mother
01/01/2015 VATICAN
For pope, Church and Mary go together; no one can belong to Christ outside the Church
The ISIS Threat Only Grows
templemount isis
Click here to watch: The ISIS Threat Only Grows
The Israeli Defense Forces have created a new department dedicated to intelligence information on the terrorist organization Islamic State. The IDF first began following the spread of ISIS in April 2014, which they learned about primarily through social networking. However, Channel 2 News recently discovered that the Directorate of Military Intelligence (known in Hebrew as Aman) have increased intelligence collection, thereby developing a specific body charged with gathering intelligence on the terrorist organization. In fact, it was an existing intelligence department whose job has now been redefined, that was entrusted with the highly specialized task. "We made adjustments when we realized that the phenomenon of ISIS breaks any previous historical limits," a senior intelligence officer told Channel 2.
Watch Here
"Most of our intelligence on the organization comes from the network, because ISIS does not belong to a particular arena where we have intelligence sources." Surveillance in Aman is divided by arenas. At first, the IDF tried tracking ISIS through Syria, but quickly realized that the terror group was extraordinarily unique, and could not be tracked through one specific arena. "The moment we saw the first significant surveillance footage, we understood that this is something completely different," the officer added. The IDF tracks, among other things, the fighting methods of the organization, the statements of its leaders, and published propaganda videos. Their major concern is the spread of ISIS within Israel's borders - an already present phenomenon. Another major concern is that Palestinian Arab residents of Judea and Samaria, dissatisfied with their leadership, will join the organization. "For the IDF, it is a very disturbing possibility that these video will affect the Palestinian Arab public, already very frustrated with their leadership, and we follow that trend religiously," the officer noted. He also addressed ISIS' skill in recruiting young people to join the terrorist organization. "ISIS's people are knocking on our border," the officer said. "Today there are strong in Sinai and therefore we have to prepare for it. In general all threats of terror within our border employ all of the IDF." The officer added that with time, Aman's monitoring of the organization will increase even more, given the organization's strengthening and closeness to Israel's borders.
Source: Arutz Sheva
You Won't Believe What is Being Taught About Facebook on the Temple Mount
Netanyahu Vows to Protect IDF Soldiers From the Hague
Click here to watch: Netanyahu Vows to Protect IDF Soldiers From the Hague
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday vowed to deny the Palestinians in their efforts to "drag IDF soldiers and commanders to the International Criminal Court in The Hague." "The Palestinian Authority has chosen confrontation with the State of Israel, and we will not sit with folded hands," Netanyahu said at the start of the weekly cabinet meeting in Jerusalem. "Those who need to answer before a criminal court are the heads of the Palestinian Authority, who have forged an alliance with the war criminals of Hamas." "IDF soldiers will continue to defend the State of Israel with determination and might," the premier said. "Just as they defend us, we will protect them with that same determination and the same might." Netanyahu's comments at the start of the weekly cabinet meeting was his first comment on Jerusalem's decision to freeze the transfer of NIS 500 million to the Palestinian Authority in response to the PA's decision to join the International Criminal Court.
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Housing Minister Uri Ariel (Jewish Home) said sarcastically of the request, "I wish them health, but they are probably sick." Intelligence Minister Yuval Steinitz (Likud) also took the opportunity to criticize Labor Chairman Yitzhak Herzog and Hatnua Chairwoman Tzipi Livni for the PA's latest unilateral move. According to Steinitz, Livni and Herzog, the joint leaders of Labor-Hatnua's "Zionist camp," as their campaign is called, "are responsible for the situation. They are sucking up to the Palestinians. Livni met with Abbas and a Labor delegation traveled to Ramallah after the Palestinians refused to continue the latest round of negotiations." Earlier Sunday, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu opened the weekly Cabinet by promising to defend the Israeli military from the PA's assault. "The Palestinian Authority singled out Israel for confrontation, and we will not sit idly by. We will not let Israel Defense Forces (IDF) soldiers and officers be dragged to the International Criminal Court in The Hague," he declared. "It is the Palestinian Authority leaders - who have allied with the war criminals of Hamas - who must be called to account," Netanyahu continued. "The soldiers of the IDF will continue to defend the State of Israel with strength and determination and just as they defend us, we will defend them with the same strength and determination." Netanyahu, meanwhile, has already called on the ICC "to reject out of hand the hypocritical request of the Palestinian Authority, since the Palestinian Authority is not a state."
Source: Jpost
Thanks to Israel, Treating Depression and Addiction Will Never be the Same

Assailant in Street Attack in Turkey Ordered Released

questo NON è una testata giornalistica

questo NON è una testata giornalistica

questo NON è una testata giornalistica

La mia foto ☦️burn satana ☦️shariah ☦️Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name amen ☦️alleluia ☦️ lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom ☦️burn satana ☦️shariah ☦️Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name amen ☦️alleluia ☦️ C. S. P. B. Crux Sancti Patris Benedecti Croce del Santo Padre Benedetto C. S. S. M. L. Crux Sacra Sit Mihi Lux Croce sacra sii la mia Luce N. D. S. M. D. Non draco sit mihi dux Che il dragone non sia il mio duce V. R. S. Vadre Retro satana Allontanati satana! N. S. M. V. Non Suade Mihi Vana Non mi persuaderai di cose vane S. M. Q. L. Sunt Mala Quae Libas Ciò che mi offri è cattivo I.V. B. Ipsa Venena Bibas Bevi tu stesso i tuoi veleni