Mattarella Pd Berlusconi hanno tradito attraverso Rothschild Bilderberg,
in modo troppo clamoroso/criminale il loro popolo italiano che è stato
veduto al macello dai massoni UE lgbtq come animali Tre deputati di
Forza Italia passano alla Lega: c'è anche Laura Ravetto
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
46 minuti fa
Mohammad bin Salman Al Sa'ud Principe ereditario dell'Arabia Saudita
uomo lgbtq friendly tipo gillette ] non ti preoccupare io NON ti
maltratterò non sono Putin e Netanjahu che loro posso stringere la mano
anche alla merda ma con te io farò una eccezione!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
1 ora fa
una volta che tu ti sei messo alla pecorina con Rothshcild? poi il
giochetto può anche incominciare a piacerti e questo spiega la
creazione dei wahhabiti! peccato però che questa sua Riyad depravazione
ucciderà tutti i russi e tutti i cinesi Soldi del Recovery Fund se ti
prendi i clandestini: così Conte ha tradito l’Italia. A questo punto è
chiaro che il governo ‘italiano’ ha ceduto la nostra sovranità in cambio
di un piatto di ‘negri’. Migliaia di clandestini da mantenere in cambio
di un prestito di soldi nostri visto che sono risorse che l’Italia
versa ogni anno alla Ue e che la Ue ora ci ‘presta’ a strozzo. Orban
che non è Conte ha detto no.
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
1 ora fa
Islamico: “Bimbe cristiane sono oggetti da stuprare e convertire” –
VIDEO Un membro dello Stato islamico catturato prima di arrivare in
Europa come profugo a differenza dei kamikaze di Parigi del
‘camionista’ di Berlino e di altre possibili migliaia di terroristi
islamici svelava tempo fa l’ideologia di chi stiamo facendo entrare in
Europa: la Merkel prostituta depravata ha detto: " l'ho fatto io e lo
devono provare anche tutte le bambine"
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
1 ora fa
Il vaso di Pandora censurato: « 666 YouTube 322 viola l’art. 21 della
Costituzione» ma Bin SALMAN ha detto che Satana è utile per Allah
lavorano bene insieme! Pietro Di Martino 18 Novembre 2020 Continua la
censura da parte di YouTube nei confronti dell’informazione
indipendente. Questa volta è toccata a Carlo Savegnago del canale il
Vaso di Pandora. Il canale è stato creato nel 2018 da un team di ...
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
2 ore fa
Mohammad bin Salman Al Sa'ud Principe ereditario dell'Arabia Saudita
uomo lgbtq friendly tipo gillette ] il mio medico? è un altro con le
palle come me
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
2 ore fa
"L'Unione europea deve essere leader mondiale nelle politiche di asilo e
immigrazione": così ha parlato il massone criminale David Sassoli
presidente del Parlamento europeo nel suo discorso di apertura della
Conferenza di alto livello sul tema della migrazione e dell'asilo...
ANSWER il satanista Sassoli si è rammaricata per la bambina di pochi
mesi che è morta affogata: certo una grande tragedia certo ma ha
finto di dimenticare che abbiamo 5 milioni di disoccupati imprenditori
che si suicidano che siamo stati devitalizzati da Rothschild Macron
Bilderberg BCE e Merkel e che noi non possiamo sostituire i nostri
figli con i figli di Erdogan!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
3 ore fa
Mafioso nigeriano rivela: “Siamo arrivati con i barconi facciamo a
pezzi” – VIDEO (questo è stato un vero affare! hanno preso tutti
dall'italia milioni di euro e si loro liberati dei loro criminali
purtroppo però non c'é nessuno che può impedire a questi terroristi
Erdogan di arrivare i Francia e Germania!) Non solo terroristi
nordafricani il primo ‘pentito’ nigeriano racconta come i miliziani
della mafia nigeriana arrivano sui barconi. E conferma anche la pratica
tipica che ha portato al massacro di Pamela
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
3 ore fa
Crisanti: “Non fate il primo vaccino” non è sicuro Un vaccino di cui
non si conoscono gli effetti collaterali a medio termine potrebbe andare
bene solo per i novantenni e chi rischia la morte se contagiato. Per
tutti gli altri è un crimine.
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
4 ore fa
Mohammad bin Salman Al Sa'ud Principe ereditario dell'Arabia Saudita ]
come il Dio degli iraniani si chiama Manitù? ma veramente Manitù non è
un così cattivo ragazzo come il tuo Allah!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
4 ore fa
IS NOT PLANNING A COUP trump is coup social vote fraud FED iMF ECB NWO
If fraud Biden Soros Deep State Bilderberg officially wins it will not
be good.
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
4 ore fa
WATCH Secretary of State Mike Pompeo "BDS movement is antisemitic
cancer" (yes is so ] ) This is unbelievable news! Following the
announcement last month by the State Department that any human rights
organization that supports the BDS movement will be considered
antisemitic. We are blessed to have an administration that understands
reality and institutes policy based on reality. CLICK HERE TO FORWARD
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
4 ore fa
The Iranian regime is hoping Biden wins – and that says it all ] per
questi scemi è arrivato il momento: Biden WW3 nuclear: di offrire la
loro estrema fedeltà ad Allah 666 Owl
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
4 ore fa
christian preacher ridiculously claims Jesus was a Palestinian ] se sei
sotto la scimitarra del corano oppure sotto i Bilderberg Soros FED
IMF ECB Dem Pd Deep State del talmud o sotto la falce il comunismo? poi
il risultato non cambia tu ti devi mettere sempre alla pecorina e devi
seguire sempre il pifferaio magico! dopotutto il i Presidenti Mattarella
Merkel e Rivlin ci hanno dato il buon esempio... Wow this preacher is
showing his antisemitism through this. He is bringing his politics and
views on Israel into his sermons. Someone has GOT to set him straight.
christian preacher ridiculously claims Jesus was a Palestinian
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
4 ore fa
My Threads? mi stanno impedendo di scaricare i commenti del sito ] [ My
Authored Threads New Download or publish the threads you authored for
FREE! Hi @giovann58134961! You don't have any unrolled threads you
authored. Go ahead and unroll and it'll show up here. http://https// ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED impossibile raggiungere il sito
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
5 ore fa (modificato)
@giovanni58134961 un mese fa voi mi avete bloccato ingiustamente
perché pubblicare una piccola bara per quelli che non hanno ancora
seppellito il loro feto? non è un reato! Case# 0178629645: Appealing an account suspension - @giovann58134961 [ref:00DA0000000K0A8.5004A000021GkKm:ref]
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
5 ore fa
Sul Recovery restano i veti ed è stallo in Ue si va verso rinvio
dicembre ] c'era una volta un sogno europeo ma i satanisti
dell'anticristo Bilderberg Rothschild lo hanno distrutto: Putin rifondi
la UE e veda chi sta dentro e chi sta fuori
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
5 ore fa
Usa Biden: "Rientreremo nell'Oms e Accordi Parigi dal primo giorno"
ANSWER questo satanista criminale a cui nessuno gli ha ancora dato un
mandato? deve essere fatto immediatamente tacere!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
5 ore fa
Il giornale di Elkann fa la morale a Radio Maria Francesca Totolo @francescatotolo I notissimi nazifascisti di #RadioMaria,
che non fanno propaganda governativa pro aborto pro adozioni gay pro
droga libera pro eutanasia. (Ovvero la chiesa prima di #Bergoglio).
Il giornale di Elkann che fa la morale al cosiddetto “intreccio di
società dietro Radio Maria”. Il vostro capo non paga le tasse in Olanda,
abbiate pietà della decenza per una volta.
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
6 ore fa
Volontario vaccino è morto e non ha ricevuto un placebo: la verità
rivelata in tv Bill Gates ha ucciso o rovinato il 30% dei volontari al
suo vaccino in tutto il mondo!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
7 ore fa
L’avvocato Taormina dopo la decisione da parte del Consiglio di Stato
di non rendere accessibili i documenti dell’esecutivo durante
l’emergenza coronavirus torna ad attaccare i politici. “Fanno
semplicemente schifo. Consegniamoci alla magistratura e a Conte. Ogni
battaglia è inutile. È un muro di gomma nel quale ormai si infrange ogni
speranza di democrazia”. È il commento dell’avvocato Carlo Taormina
dopo che il Consiglio di Stato ha accolto il ricorso contro la sentenza
del Tar Lazio. Il Tar aveva appena dichiarato l’accessibilità ai
documenti del Comitato Tecnico Scientifico chiesta dalla Fondazione
Einaiudi. “In 48 ore – scrive Taormina – il Consiglio di Stato ha
bloccato ogni possibilità di conoscere le responsabilità del governo per
epidemia colposa e omicidio colposo plurimo di almeno 30.000 italiani”.
Avvocato Taormina: “Fanno solo schifo e si salvano come vogliono dalla
galera” Di fatto spiega l’avvocato “il Consiglio di Stato ha
definitivamente messo la pietra tombale sulla possibilità che si
conoscano quegli atti. Fanno solo schifo e si salvano come vogliono
dalla galera”. Taormina si dice convinto che “in quelle carte sta la
prova delle responsabilità di Conte e di Speranza e in questo modo non
rispondono dei loro crimini”.
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
7 ore fa
COMPLICI ASSASSINI!!! In una nostra intervista pubblicata il 5 aprile
oltre ad accusare il governo di “Strage di Stato” aveva accennato a
possibili emendamenti per la conversione e la depenalizzazione
dell’epidemia colposa. “Avevano tentato in parlamento di farsi lo scudo
penale – ricorda adesso l’avvocato – glielo abbiamo impedito e ora
trovano questo modo di sopprimere il diritto alla conoscenza da parte
degli italiani”. Poi quella che definisce una chicca finale: “Sapete chi
ha messo la pietra tombale al Consiglio di Stato? Franco Frattini ex
Ministro di chi? Di Berlusconi”.
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
7 ore fa
L’avvocato Taormina dopo la decisione da parte del Consiglio di Stato
di non rendere accessibili i documenti dell’esecutivo durante
l’emergenza coronavirus torna ad attaccare i politici. Avvocato
Taormina: «Fanno schifo omicidio colposo di 30.000 italiani» “Fanno
semplicemente schifo. Consegniamoci alla magistratura e a Conte. Ogni
battaglia è inutile. È un muro di gomma nel quale ormai si infrange ogni
speranza di democrazia”.
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
7 ore fa
in Italia il GOLPE Conte lgbtq Pd M5S Mattarella Merkel Bilderberg
Deep State tutti quelli che criticavano Salvini: "per i pieni poteri"
che Salvini chiedeva agli italiani soltanto: "una sicura maggioranza per
poter governare".. poi loro le bestie di satana lgbtq? loro i pieni
poteri li hanno presi abusivamente per davvero calpestando il sentire
della maggioranza del popolo italiano comunque! .. questo è il motivo
per cui un tribunale rivoluzionario dovrebbe condannare a morte tutti i
nostri giudici!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
7 ore fa
Il primo Lord islamico si dimette: ha stuprato una donna [ eih Mohammad
bin Salman Al Sa'ud Principe ereditario dell'Arabia Saudita ] quel
tuo falso profeta di un maiale lupo Corano Erdogan Maometto? lui perde
il pelo ma non il vizio!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
7 ore fa
› Avvocato Taormina: «Fanno schifo omicidio colposo di 30.000
italiani» 4 ago 2020 — L'avvocato Carlo Taormina dopo la decisione del
Consiglio di Stato di non rendere accessibili i documenti del
dell'esecutivo riguardo.
Avvocato Taormina: «Fanno schifo omicidio colposo di 30.000 italiani»
Taormina l'attacco dell'avvocato: «La magistratura deve
› taormina-avvocato-magistratura-deve-ar... 14 ott 2020 — L'avvocato
Carlo Taormina torna ad attaccare il governo: "Se la magistratura
italiana si vuole riabilitare dalla criminosità in cui è vissuta.
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
7 ore fa
in Puglia terapie intensive al limite. Gli anestesisti: "Imploriamo
non ci fate fare scelte drammatiche" Stalin Governo Conte Rothschild #DEM #lgbtq #Vendola,
Pd M5S colpo di Stato Golpe Merkel Mattarella UE anticristo
tecnocratico neoliberista in tutti questi anni per poter arricchire
SOROS e la finanza speculativa: arricchire gli azionisti Banche
Centrali hanno tagliato le risorse della sanità negli ultimi 30 anni ed
hanno chiuso centinaia di ospedali ... ecco perché hanno sedato ed
hanno ucciso 40mila italiani con un protocollo medico che era
deliberatamente e intenzionalmente sbagliato questo ha detto il
patriota ebreo Avvocato Taormina Carlo
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
7 ore fa
il Stalin Governo Conte Dracula Bis DEM lgbtq Pd M5S colpo di Stato
Golpe Merkel Mattarella? proprio lui sta regalando centinaia di milioni
di euro all'Africa perché a loro il pisello non funziona più e non
riescono più a fare i figli! ... pazienza non fa niente che gli
imprenditori italiani stanno commettendo il suicidio a centinaia! che
abbiamo 5 milioni di disoccupati e se per trovare il lavoro sei
costretto ad andare in Germania!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
7 ore fa (modificato)
Stalin Governo Conte Dracula Bis ha detto alla Merkel Hitler
dell'anticristo tecnocratico neoliberista.. ha detto: "noi non siamo in
ritardo con il "Recovery Found plan" ma il ritardo è tutta colpa dei
patrioti sovranisti." .. è evidente si è dimenticato che è lui che ha
fatto un colpo di Stato Golpe! poi hanno detto a Orban e ai polacchi:
"se voi volete i nostri soldi? dovete diventare tutti gay!" e per questo
che il Presidente Rivlin ha protestato ed ha detto: " ma a me fanno già
male le emorroidi di mio quando vado al bagno" quindi siamo rimasti
tutti d'accordo che almeno si dovrà vestire da Drag Queen
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
8 ore fa
Vaccini a -80 gradi: mancano i freezer! se tu hai bisogno di
conservare i vaccini a -80°? allora quello è un DEMONIO ASSASSINO di #Biden #BillGates coorporation non è più un vaccino
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
8 ore fa
Obama: "Biden è un unificatore che sanerà le ferite provocate da Trump"
io ho sentito fare questo discorso anche sulla Torre di Babele prima
che Dio decidesse di distruggere: anche Sodoma e Gomorra!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
8 ore fa
Bergoglio e Berlusconi puzzano di Nuovo Ordine mondiale demoniaco Merkel Biden: a chilometri di distanza
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
8 ore fa
mai più: un vaccino deve essere introdotto con un ago in tutto il
pianeta! Quei satanisti che si sono impegnati per contrastare la
Sovrappopolazione? sono gli stessi che hanno fatto questo vaccino..
scegliete il vaccino russo!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
8 ore fa
Mohammad bin Salman Al Sa'ud Principe ereditario dell'Arabia Saudita ]
questa è la verità; se Dio non mi trasformava in una specie di
ritardato mentale? tutti avrebbero avuto paura di me!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
8 ore fa (modificato)
Mohammad bin Salman Al Sa'ud Principe ereditario dell'Arabia Saudita ]
ma io sono il meno "sveglio" di tutti arrivo a capire le cose che io
stesso scrivo dopo degli altri io tutti i giorni io mi meraviglio di
quello che io stesso scrivo da 14 anni! io non posso ingannare nessuno
anche se volessi farlo perché tutti nel genere umano sono più
intelligenti e più veloci di me nelle loro elaborazioni razionali!
allora considerato il mio ritardo mentale allora le mie uniche armi:
non sono la memoria o la furbizia ma la logica e la onestà ed una
pura coscienza che si protende a benedire ogni uomo! io non posso
sconfiggere nessuno in malvagità ma io posso sconfiggere tutti con la
mia bontà
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
8 ore fa
Romani Romani 2 OGNI RESISTENZA è FUTILE! La Bibbia della Gioia E la
punizione... 1 «Ma» direte voi «stai parlando proprio di gentaccia!»
Aspettate un momento. Quando dite che queste persone di cui parlo sono
malvagie e meritano una punizione condannate voi stessi perché anche
voi fate esattamente le stesse cose. Voi non siete diversi. 2. Noi
sappiamo che Dio nella sua giustizia punirà chiunque faccia cose del
genere. 3. O pensate forse che Dio giudichi e condanni gli altri che
agiscono così e risparmi voi che fate altrettanto? 4. Ma non capite
quanto sia paziente il Signore verso di voi? O forse non ve ne importa?
Non vʼaccorgete che egli ha aspettato tutto questo tempo senza punirvi,
per darvi modo di pentirvi dei vostri peccati? La sua pazienza vuole
portarvi al pentimento. 5. Ma no voi non volete ascoltare e
continuando testardi a non volervi pentire attirate su di voi una
tremenda punizione per il giorno dellʼira di Dio in cui egli sarà il
giusto giudice di ogni cosa. 6. Allora Dio darà a ciascuno ciò che si
merita secondo le proprie azioni. 7. La vita eterna a quelli che
facendo continuamente il bene cercano gloria onore e immortalità. 8.
Una punizione terribile invece a quelli che si ribellano alla verità
di Dio per dare ascolto allʼingiustizia allʼira e allʼindignazione. 9.
Quante tribolazioni e dolori colpiranno chi fa del male! Innanzitutto
gli Ebrei e poi tutti gli altri 10. ma a quelli che fanno il bene Dio
darà gloria onore e pace prima agli Ebrei e poi a tutti gli altri
11. perché davanti a Dio sono tutti uguali. 12-15. Il Signore punirà il
peccato in ogni sua forma. Punirà i pagani per i loro peccati anche se
non hanno mai avuto le sue leggi scritte perché in fondo al loro cuore
sanno distinguere il bene dal male. Le sue leggi sono scritte dentro di
loro ed è la loro coscienza che li accusa oppure li discolpa. Allo
stesso modo Dio punirà gli Ebrei per aver peccato perché pur avendo
le sue leggi non le osservano. Sanno che cosa è il bene ma non lo
fanno. Dopo tutto per ottenere la salvezza non serve a niente sapere
che cosa fare se non lo si mette in pratica. 16. Verrà il giorno in
cui al comando di Dio Gesù Cristo giudicherà le azioni segrete di
tutti gli esseri umani; questo fa parte del grande piano di Dio che io
annuncio. 17. Voi Ebrei pensate che fra Dio e voi sia tutto a posto
perché vi ha affidato le sue leggi; e vi vantate di avere un rapporto
speciale con lui. 18. Conoscete la sua volontà e distinguete la
differenza tra il male e il bene e approvate il bene perché fin da
piccoli siete stati educati secondo le sue leggi. 19. Per questo credete
addirittura di essere una guida per i ciechi spirituali una luce per
quelli che sono nel buio; pensate di poter guidare glʼignoranti e 20.
di educare i semplici perché conoscete così bene le leggi di Dio piene
di saggezza e verità. Come mai allora 21. tu che insegni agli altri
non insegni a te stesso? Tu che predichi agli altri che non si deve
rubare perché rubi? 22. Tu che dici che non si deve commettere
adulterio perché commetti adulterio? E perché tu stesso dopo aver
detto: «Non pregate gli idoli» fai affari nei loro templi? 23. Perché
visto che andate tanto fieri di conoscere la legge di Dio disonorate
Dio trasgredendola? 24. Quindi non cʼè da meravigliarsi se comʼè detto
nelle Scritture: «Per colpa vostra gli stranieri che non credono
parlano male di Dio». 25. Essere Ebreo ha valore se si osservano le
leggi di Dio; ma se non lo fate siete né più né meno come i pagani. 26.
Se invece sono i pagani ad osservare le leggi di Dio il Signore darà
loro i diritti e gli onori che aveva riservato agli Ebrei! 27. Di
conseguenza chi è pagano di nascita se ubbidisce alle leggi sarà in
condizione di giudicare voi che ne sapete tanto di Dio e siete
circoncisi ma non ubbidite alle sue leggi. 28. Perché per essere veri
Ebrei non basta avere genitori ebrei o essere circoncisi; non sono le
cose esterne che contano. 29. Il vero Ebreo è colui che è tale nel suo
intimo la vera circoncisione è la circoncisione del cuore operata dallo
Spirito e non quella della legge scritta. Soltanto chi è cambiato in
questo modo sarà lodato non dagli uomini ma da Dio!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
9 ore fa
Romani 1,26-28 OGNI RESISTENZA è FUTILE! 26. Ecco perché Dio li ha
abbandonati a se stessi presi da passioni infami: donne che cambiando
lʼusanza naturale E hanno avuto rapporti con altre donne. 27. E così
gli uomini che anziché avere normali rapporti sessuali con le donne
eccitati dalla libidine gli uni verso gli altri hanno fatto cose
vergognose fra loro; e per questo hanno ricevuto in pieno ciò che
meritavano. 28. E siccome non si sono dati pena di mantenere la vera
conoscenza di Dio il Signore li ha lasciati in balìa della loro mente
corrotta. Che facciano pure tutte quelle cose immorali E DEPRAVATE PER
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
9 ore fa
Romani 1,26-28 gli stolti 26 Per questo Dio li ha abbandonati a
passioni infami; le loro donne hanno cambiato i rapporti naturali in
rapporti contro natura. 27 Egualmente anche gli uomini lasciando il
rapporto naturale con la donna si sono accesi di passione gli uni per
gli altri commettendo atti ignominiosi uomini con uomini ricevendo
così in se stessi la punizione che s'addiceva al loro traviamento. 28 E
poiché hanno disprezzato la conoscenza di Dio Dio li ha abbandonati in
balìa d'una intelligenza depravata sicché commettono ciò che è indegno,
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
9 ore fa
la metafisica della legge naturale e universale è una legge perfetta è
perfetta come la matematica. ]] allora se è possibile dimostrare che
esiste una legge universale di: Adamo Noé Abramo Melchisedech Mosé
Gandhi Buddha Confucio etc... allora è anche possibile dimostrare
che esiste Dio cioè l'ARCHé dei primi filosofi greci che tutta riporta
alla armonia della unità; ed è proprio questo il mio governo mondiale
Unius REI: è questa la soluzione della mia Tavola Smeraldina. La tavola
di smeraldo o smeraldina (in latino tabula smaragdina) «Verum sine
mendacio certum et verissimum quod est inferius est sicut quod est
superius et quod est superius est sicut quod est inferius: ad
perpetranda miracula rei unius. Et sicut omnes res fuerunt ab uno
mediatione unius; sic omnes res natae fuerunt ab hac una re
adaptatione. Pater eius est sol mater eius luna; portavit illud ventus
in ventre suo: nutrix eius terra est. Pater omnis telesmi totius mundi
est hic. Vis eius integra est si versa fuerit in terram. Separabis
terram ab igne subtile a spisso suaviter cum magno ingenio. Ascendit a
terra in coelum iterumque descendit in terram et recipit vim
superiorum et inferiorum. Sic habebis gloriam totius mundi. Ideo fugiat a
te omnis obscuritas. Hic est totius fortitudinis fortitudo fortis; quia
vincet omnem rem subtilem omnemque solidam penetrabit. Sic mundus
creatus est. Hinc erunt adaptationes mirabiles quarum modus hic est.
Itaque vocatus sum Hermes Trismegistus habens tres partes philosophiæ
totius mundi. Completum est quod dixi de operatione solis.» «È vero
senza menzogna certo e verissimo che ciò che è in basso è come ciò che
è in alto e ciò che è in alto è come ciò che è in basso per fare il
miracolo della cosa unica. E poiché tutte le cose sono e provengono da
una sola per la mediazione di una così tutte le cose sono nate da
questa cosa unica mediante adattamento. Il Sole è suo padre la Luna è
sua madre il Vento l'ha portata nel suo grembo la Terra è la sua
nutrice. Il padre di tutto il fine di tutto il mondo è qui. La sua
forza o potenza è intera se essa è convertita in terra. Separerai la
Terra dal Fuoco il sottile dallo spesso dolcemente e con grande
ingegno. Sale dalla Terra al Cielo e nuovamente discende in Terra e
riceve la forza delle cose superiori e inferiori. Con questo mezzo avrai
la gloria di tutto il mondo e per mezzo di ciò l'oscurità fuggirà da
te. Questa è la forte fortezza di ogni forza: perché vincerà ogni cosa
sottile e penetrerà ogni cosa solida. Così è stato creato il mondo. Da
ciò deriveranno meravigliosi adattamenti il cui metodo è qui. È perciò
che sono stato chiamato Ermete Trismegisto avendo le tre parti della
filosofia di tutto il mondo. Completo è quello che ho detto
dell'operazione del Sole.»
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
9 ore fa (modificato)
cari fratelli Bin Kings Salman from wahhabis ISIS sharia Riyad Iran
gli ottomani Fulani al-Nursa Hamas all demonic sharia genocide ] quì [
con il mio demoniaco governo massonico mondiale di youtube i miei
omosessuali i miei rabbini e tutti i miei alleati con tutti i tuoi
alleati e con gli alleati degli israeliani? noi abbracciamo il genere
umano per poi scoprire che noi non abbiamo qualcuno da uccidere
qualcuno da prendere a schiaffi non abbiamo un muro da abbattere.. con
me la distruzione del tuo NWO FED IMF ECB? sarà una operazione
incruenta! NON esiste una qualche soluzione politica condivisa che sia
difficile per noi allora perché tu hai deciso di
distruggere/macellare tutto il medio oriente in questa tua nuova guerra
mondiale di BIDEN: per andare a sterminare tutti i russi e tutti i
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
9 ore fa
cari fratelli Bin Kings Salman from wahhabis ISIS sharia Riyad Iran
gli ottomani Fulani al-Nursa Hamas all demonic sharia genocide ] quì [
dal 2006 (ormai sono 14 anni) che: io faccio centinaia di schede di
commenti al giorno QUALCUNO può dimostrare che io ho cambiato idea su
qualcosa? o che: io ho mentito o che: io mi sono contraddetto? infatti,
la metafisica della legge naturale e universale è una legge perfetta è
perfetta come la matematica.. tutti possono verificare razionalmente se
tu stai sbagliando a dire e fare qualcosa ecco perché è impossibile
negare l'evidenza!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
16 ore fa
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
16 ore fa (modificato)
tutti OCI Riyad Iran Erdogan dissero/riproverarono al: Presidente
dell'Egitto (che lui è veramente un bravo ragazzo) gli dissero: "noi
siamo persone serie" infatti al-Sisi: andò in Egitto a punire ISIS che
aveva sgozzato i copti sulla spiaggia! all OCI sharia are Islamic
extremist and their sharia Erdogan groups continued terrorizing
northeast Nigeria. In the wake of attacks and kidnappings by Islamic
extremist group Boko Haram and its offshoot Islamic State West Africa
Province (ISWAP) leaders of the Evangelical Church Winning All (ECWA)
called for the release of four members long held captive by Islamic
extremists in the country’s northeast. Christian Leaders Urge Prayer
for Nigeria’s Forgotten Victims
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
16 ore fa
l'unica sedia in cui BIDEN si potrebbe sedere? è quella della sedia
elettrica con la MERKEL a sbattere come un coniglio per fargli da
contrappeso!!! Team Trump denuncia i brogli in diretta tv: “Evidenti
prove di massicci brogli elettorali”
BROGLI ELETTORALI” NOVEMBRE 19 2020 FacebookTwitterVKWhatsAppFacebook
MessengerTelegramCondividi Il team legale di Trump che sta contestando
il risultato delle elezioni presidenziali ha presentato innumerevoli
testimonianze giurate di brogli in una conferenza stampa che sta
continuando anche mentre scriviamo. Brogli sarebbero emersi in tutte le
città metropolitane controllate dal partito di Biden. Rudy Giuliani che
guida il team ha denunciato quello che definisce “un piano
centralizzato per condurre frodi elettorali in grandi città controllate
dai democratici”. Nella conferenza stampa del team legale di Trump
Giuliani ha sostenuto infatti che in queste settimane di “indagini”
compiute anche grazie al fatto che “uno straordinario numero di
patrioti” si sono fatti avanti per denunciare irregolarità” è stato
condotto “un’azione massiccia di frode” elettorale puntando il dito
contro città come Philadelphia e Detroit che ha sottolineato “hanno
una lunga storia di corruzione” e di brogli elettorali. Mostrata anche
una mappa degli Stati decisivi dove sono stati individuati brogli
massicci: morti che votano voti postali irregolari più voti che
elettori registrati e ‘malfunzionamenti’ nel software per lo spoglio.
Secondo uno degli avvocati del team soldi esteri per i brogli: Donald
Trump è tornato a infiammare la battaglia contro la vittoria elettorale
di Joe Biden: su Twitter ha citato l’emittente televisiva One America
News secondo cui “le prove di frode elettorale continuano a crescere
nel registro elettorale della Pennsylvania compaiono 20mila morti e
altre migliaia sono presenti in tutto il Paese”.
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
17 ore fa (modificato)
BIN SALMAN ] senti io mi sto comprando un camper furgonato per venire
a trovarti; ti propongo un affare .. noi dobbiamo studiare come mettere
a lavorare quel parassita di Rothschild (che ha rubato il signoraggio
bancario a tutti con l'aiuto di Satana) e lui deve capire cosa si prova a
coltivare le cipolle nel deserto della Madiana nella proprietà di
Ietro: il suocero di Mosé .. e io vengo con il camper perché io non
accetterò mai: la ospitalità di un mussulmano ISIS sharia
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
18 ore fa (modificato)
BIN SALMAN ] Macron mi ha detto che tu sei la perfezione dell'uomo
lgbtq mascolino almeno è così che ti vede gillette gay friedly !!
Gillette France@Gillette_France La perfection au masculin se conjugue au pluriel ! À l'occasion de la #JourneeInternationaleDelHomme,
célébrons la masculinité dans toute sa diversité. Rendez-vous sur notre
compte pour découvrir les histoires de Lois Antoine Benjamin Thomas,
Simon & Mickael.
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
21 ore fa
lascia Rothschild e Bin Salman il Wahhabita ISIS: quelli sono due
BASTARDI! noi del Regno di Dio CELESTE noi non abbandoniamo mai nessuno,
perché neanche Salomone aveva un vestito così bello come i gigli dei
campi e se Dio nutre gli uccelli e i passeri perché tu pensi non
nutrirà e non proteggerà anche i suoi figli? certo tu avrai prederai
tante percosse da uomini cattivi e crudeli (perché adesso non sei
picchiato da Satana anche)? ma avrai abbondanza di benedizioni fratelli
sorelle case campi e tanta libertà tanta pace del cuore!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
22 ore fa
😃 io ho sempre avuto il "CIELO dalla mia Parte" quello è il mio Regno e li sono una autorità 🙏
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
23 ore fa (modificato)
Anche se sono assente per malattia peraltro contratta sul lavoro
checché ne dica INPS e INAIL anche se sono stato sostituito sebbene in
ritardo non è giustificato rimuovere il mio account in quanto sono
parte della pubblica amministrazione e conservo il diritto di essere
informato di tutti gli atti gli interventi le attività e le riunioni
previste onde poter organizzare il mio prossimo futuro lavoro. la mia
mail a m****.c****** ] e la mie comunicazioni con il Vicepreside NON
hanno ottenuto alcuna spiegazione dell'accaduto a m***.c*** [ da martedì
16/11/2020 il mio teams account è stato bloccato. ma nessuno mi ha
informato di qualche misura restrittiva nei miei confronti e perché ci
sono delle incombenze didattiche e organizzative fondamentali che non
sono in grado di espletare e non so quali sono gli alunni BES che
scelgono la didattica in presenza ovvero in proposito alla odierna
circolare 51 io ignoro se dovrò venire in sede per la didattica
integrata. mi sono negativizzato dal COVID e se non sorgono
problematiche dalle analisi che sto seguendo spero di riprendere
servizio lunedì p.v. ti abbraccio affettuosamente
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
1 giorno fa (modificato)
ma che lui: Vicepreside e docente IRC come me lui ( è diventato
Vicepreside soltanto grazie a me che io ho distrutto la mia cattedra)
che non ha mai difeso la dottrina cattolica debba rimproverare me per
averlo fatto ed unirsi al coro degli anticristi calunniatori contro di
me.. ok questo è troppo! ho distrutto la mia cattedra per lui (perché
lui potesse diventare il VICEPRESIDE) ma io sapevo che in una scuola
italiana di questo tipo e con me che rivendico i miei diritti alla
libertà di insegnamento io avrei avuto bisogno di un amico nel posto
giusto.. ma questa è la verità il Dirigente Scolastico ha un potere
troppo grande contro tutte le componenti della scuola che diventa un
potere abnorme contro un IDR che è anche sotto il ricatto della Curia
quindi si creano calunnie e situazioni di imbarazzo che mi hanno
costretto a alcuni trasferimenti anche se nell'ultimo Istituto sono
rimasto per 5 anni

33 YEARS years ago, the Synagogues of Satan Spa and Mosques of Sharia Allah, decided that I should become the King of Israel (lorenzoJHWH) and an Observatory on the martyrdom of Christians (Unius REI) 33 ANNI fa, Sinagoghe di Satana Spa e Moschee di Sharia Allah, decisero che io avrei dovuto diventare il Re di Israele (lorenzoJHWH) e un Osservatorio sul martirio dei cristiani (Unius REI)
questo NON è una testata giornalistica
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venerdì 20 novembre 2020
non ti preoccupare, io NON ti maltratterò,

giovedì 12 novembre 2020
@metafisicouniversale We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by United with Israel
We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by United with Israel
UN OCI Russia India EU US China] [The military operation which was launched on November 4 by the international criminal premier Abiy Ahmed
is the consequence of the political deconstruction of ethnic religious multirapprentance (a precious strategy of the Tigrinians the Tplf wisely dominated Ethiopian politics for almost 30 years after the collapse of the communist regime of Mengistu before the criminal exterminator #Abiy came to power in 2018.) which had brought Ethiopia to the highest economic commercial and political stability results.
but the criminal operation to purge the presence of Tigrayans led #Abiy #Ahmed to become a maximalist and monopolist tyrant and to stifle pluralism and even persecute the people of Tigers raging in a real purge of this ethnic group (ethnic group that founded the modern nation of #Ethiopia) expelling it from all institutions,
therefore the uprising of this persecuted ethnic group was necessary and inevitable
the Popular Liberation Front of Tigray? is the injured party!
We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by United with Israel.
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Discussion on United with Israel 25 comments
Israel’s Weizmann Institute of Science Ranked 8th in World for Research Quality
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI a day ago
a People su Usa 2020: la cosiddetta satanista piena di odio e di veleno una donna degna dei DEM Deep State per come è cattiva "Ivana Trump": ha detto: "Donald deve accettare la sconfitta. Ha un sacco di soldi: si goda la vita"
ma la ex moglie del tycoon? NON ha il cognome TRUMP questo i satanisti dovrebbero saperlo!
MAGA è PATRIOT e difenderà la Costituzione e il suo popolo!
i DEM devono essere incriminati per minaccia alla sicurezza nazionale! 1 Edit View in discussion
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI a day ago
Slovenian Prime Minister Janez Jansa is the only one who among all the cordards said what everyone knows:
and in fact he sent his best wishes to the new US president Donald Trump for him: "it is clear that the American people have elected #realDonaldTrump and @Mike_Pence for another 4 years.
and The more the mainstream media delay and deny the facts the greater the triumph for the 46th President of the United States TRUMP MAGA PATRIOT. " 1 Edit View in discussion
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI a day ago
The news of Joe Biden's mock victory / coup 666 Kamala Harris as president of the United States
it was not long in the NWO and all the Satanists Governor masonic FED IMF ECB UE Bilderberg? that have already congratulated the coup leaders;
I will visit all of them with my flamethrower! 1 Edit View in discussion
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI a day ago
lorenzoJHWH is Unius REI
America has a problem: out of the White House Trump could reveal (or sell) the state secrets he knows about:
1. TRUMP won the election
2. Military secrets were never revealed by Bush to Trump
3. Trump is not a traitor!
4. the twitter google etc .. DEMs must all get on the electric chair for coup and high treason 1 Edit View in discussion
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI a day ago
this is Italy that: MAcron technocrats Merkel BCE FED IMF NWO Soros Bilderberg UE Rothschild DEM Pd M5S lgbtq the antichrist have realized (the antechamber of despair) because they are the monsters demons!
in Italy the government makes too many promises
but it does not keep them. the 110% super bonus (seismic energy (insulation) and solar panels adaptation) cannot yet be activated after one year because the law is not complete!
because this is the priority: they must as Nazis make an EU Nazi law (ZAN law) Bill Bill: #ZAN and others: "Amendments to articles 604-bis and 604-ter of the criminal code regarding violence or discrimination for reasons for orientation to protect LGBTQs from the constitutional right of free speech and represses the Bible and Christians!
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 2 days ago
OCI CHINA RUSSIA INDIA UN EU US] the beasts [your devil Erdogan: he said: "truce in Nagorno-Karabakh shows the importance of cooperation between Russia and Turkey"
but everyone knows what Erdogan did to obtain the genocide of the Armenian people and about this reality? there are no two versions / narraive: conflicting all over the world!
so you told Erdogan and the Muslims,
that waging an annexation war is something that pays well,
and I must say that you have been very clever! 2 Edit View in discussion
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 2 days ago
Kamala Harris: US will reverse Trump-era policy restore relation with fakestine-Palestine
but they will go quickly in Siria 2 Edit View in discussion
Discussion on United with Israel 29 comments
Analysis: What a Biden Presidency Could Mean for Israel
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI Rosa Percell 2 days ago
yes sister clerical ecclesiastical modernists relativists technocrats neoliberals: they are the demonic-sodomitic society.
DEMs are aware that they have destroyed the concept
of: God Country and Family,
hence they criminalized the concept of people or populism.
DEMs are aware that they have sold their souls to Satan and Rothschild Allah to realize the New World Order of Wahhabis OCI FED IMF ECB scam banking seigniorage;
they know they belong to the lgbtq Islamic society which is a society of parasitic predation,
they have abandoned the human and live in the monstrous;
therefore DEMs are the master parasites
and the peoples are the goyims slaves Dalit Dhimmis 2 Edit View in discussion
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 4 days ago
CHINA RUSSIA INDIA EU US UN ] ARAB LEAGUE TRIAL open letter] The EU still sides with the "worst abuse of human rights in the world" IRAN [[but all the sharia law of the UMMA OCI is a huge sample of sharia horror genocide that has lasted for 1400 years! ]] by Majid Rafizadeh
October 3 2020 "One day I heard screams screams and calls for help in the police department ... I saw two officers who were dressed in unofficial uniforms cursing and hitting Navid with batons and metal pipes mercilessly. They would tell him: 'the truth is what we say will you write what we say or not?' Navid was ... pleading: 'please stop please don't hit me I didn't do anything.' He covered his head with his arms. And one of the officers whose name I later learned was Abbasi hit Navid with such force that Navid let out a heartbreaking scream and fell unconscious. " Witness to the torture of Iranian wrestling champion Navid Afkari who was tortured into a false confession then hanged. ] is but all the sharia law of the UMMA OCI is a huge sample of sharia horror!
*** Iranian leaders most likely wanted to set an example of the highly respected wrestler impose fear on society and send a strong message to people that anyone who dares to protest can face serious consequences.
*** Have they heard of the four teenagers who will have their fingers amputated as punishment for stealing even according to them after being tortured until they "confessed"?
but all the sharia law of the UMMA OCI is an immense sample of sharia genocide horror that has lasted for 1400 years!
The European Union in emancipating a regime that tortures and executes protesters and political prisoners is complicit in these crimes against humanity. On the contrary the EU must immediately join the US to put pressure on the mullahs and hold them accountable. 2 Edit View in discussion
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 4 days ago
Bin Salman [] se ne accorgeranno e te ne accorgerai anche tu: io giudo il genere umano da 13 anni 2 Edit View in discussion
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI Rosa Percell 4 days ago
Joe Biden Says Bible Believing Christians Violate LGBTQ Rights By Simply Existing https://www nowtheendbegins com/joe-biden-says-bible-believing-christians-violate-lgbt-rights-by-simply-existing/ 2 Edit View in discussion
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 4 days ago
Joe Biden Says Bible Believing Christians Violate LGBTQ Rights By Simply Existing https://www nowtheendbegins com/joe-biden-says-bible-believing-christians-violate-lgbt-rights-by-simply-existing/
Discussion on United with Israel 26 comments
Report: Trump Administration to Ramp Up Pressure on Iran Before End of Term
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 2 days ago
of corse CRIMINAL DEM DEEP STATE WILL KILL ISRAELI PEOPLE ] IRAN AND HIS MANY NUCLER BOMB [ KAMALA 46° PRESIDENT and 666 BIDEN sliping senile ] [ Iranian authorities view even the chance that Joe Biden might take over the White House as a definite win for Tehran. Headlines in state-controlled newspapers celebrated the reported US election results. Pictured: Front pages of Iranian newspapers from November 8 2020. The Iranian regime has excitingly announced former U.S. Vice-President Joe Biden's possible victory in the US presidential elections and is celebrating that the next US administration will they hope be from the Democrat Party.
Iranian authorities view even the chance that Biden might take over the White House as a definite win for Tehran. Hesameddin Ashena an advisor to Iran's President Hassan Rouhani tweeted that Iranians "stood their ground bravely until that coward's time [Donald Trump] came to leave". Headlines in the state-controlled newspapers which celebrated the news included "World without Trump!" (Aftabe Yazd newspaper) "Mr Withdrawal is Close to Being Kicked Out of White House" "Go to Hell You Gambler!" (Sobhe Now newspaper) "Trump's Card No Longer Valid for Media!" (Aftabe Yazd newspaper) "The Bankrupt US President Got Humiliated" (Mardom Salari newspaper) and "Trump Must Leave" (Donyaye Eghtesad newspaper). 2 Edit View in discussion
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 2 days ago
theepochtimes com / ted-cruz-calls-for-investigation-of-voting-machine-software_3571339.html
coup dem deep state satan lgbtq agenda FED IMF NWO
ted cruz calls for investigation of voting machine software
realclearpolitics com 47 counties use software that caused 6,000 votes to change
newsmax com Trump camp leaves Nevada roll call in mailing ballot case
realclearpolitics com Gutfeld: Trump broke the system mold media and pollsters
realclearpolitics com Tucker Carlson: The Biden scandal is real and it doesn't go away 2 Edit View in discussion
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 2 days ago
theepochtimes com / ted-cruz-calls-for-investigation-of-voting-machine-software_3571339.html
coup dem deep state satan lgbtq agenda FED IMF NWO
ted cruz calls for investigation of voting machine software 47 counties use software that caused 6,000 votes to change
newsmax com Trump camp leaves Nevada roll call in mailing ballot case
realclearpolitics com Gutfeld: Trump broke the system mold media and pollsters
realclearpolitics com Tucker Carlson: The Biden scandal is real and it doesn't go away
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 2 days ago
CHINA RUSSIA INDIA UE USA ONU ] [ #ISIS-linked Islamists behead more than 50 people on football pitch in Mozambique
hamas hezbollah ISIS Fulani al-Nusra Boko Haram is one only corporations UMMA OCI Riyad
https://www rt com/news/506262-islamists-behead-people-mozambique-football-pitch/ 2 Edit View in discussion
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 2 days ago
they only razed and disintegrated 3000 Serbian cemeteries Serbian churches and monasteries (now they no longer exist) they changed the names of countries and streets according to Ottoman ideology with jihadists sent by Erdogan they attacked and exterminated NATO soldiers they killed many unarmed Serbian civilians and forced them to flee: carrying out ethnic cleansing (in the style of the UMMA) and were also rewarded with secession from SERBIA !!! On Monday he told the judge "Your Honor the indictment is completely baseless and I plead not guilty."
Thaci was the former leader of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) a group of ethnically Albanian guerrillas who fought Serbian control and tried to separate Kosovo from Yugoslavia and Serbia.
The politician was accused along with three other former KLA members - former leader of the Kosovo Democratic Party Kadri Veseli Opposition Party member Rexhep Selimi and Jakup Krasniqi.
The four men are indicted on 10 counts and are accused of having "shared the common purpose of obtaining and exercising control over all of Kosovo by means including illegitimately intimidating mistreating committing violence against and removing those deemed opponents. "
The prosecution also alleges that the men were jointly involved in "inhuman acts" including "cruel treatment torture murder and forced disappearance of people".
Krasniqi 69 arrested last week also denied the allegations during his first appearance in The Hague on Monday calling them "injustices".
https://www rt com/news/506209-thaci-notguilty-plea-hague-kosovo/ 2 Edit View in discussion
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 2 days ago
they only razed and disintegrated 3000 Serbian cemeteries Serbian churches and monasteries (now they no longer exist) they changed the names of countries and streets according to Ottoman ideology with jihadists sent by Erdogan they attacked and exterminated NATO soldiers they killed many unarmed Serbian civilians and forced them to flee: carrying out ethnic cleansing (in the style of the UMMA) and were also rewarded with secession from SERBIA !!! On Monday he told the judge "Your Honor the indictment is completely baseless and I plead not guilty."
Thaci was the former leader of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) a group of ethnically Albanian guerrillas who fought Serbian control and tried to separate Kosovo from Yugoslavia and Serbia.
The politician was accused along with three other former KLA members - former leader of the Kosovo Democratic Party Kadri Veseli Opposition Party member Rexhep Selimi and Jakup Krasniqi.
The four men are indicted on 10 counts and are accused of having "shared the common purpose of obtaining and exercising control over all of Kosovo by means including illegitimately intimidating mistreating committing violence against and removing those deemed opponents. "
The prosecution also alleges that the men were jointly involved in "inhuman acts" including "cruel treatment torture murder and forced disappearance of people".
Krasniqi 69 arrested last week also denied the allegations during his first appearance in The Hague on Monday calling them "injustices".
Discussion on United with Israel 14 comments
'An Exit from Corona Crisis': Israel Hails Successful Pfizer Vaccine
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI John Williams 3 days ago
/by/johnw1120/ John Williams then i have covid for 30 days,and i have 60 years old i have had and still have only a cough and while my wife and son tested positive covid another 2 children tested negative covid (how serious can this story of 3 tampons with 2 stuffed in the nose which my wife still has a bad nose because of how she was traumatized) so my wife hurt her and the swab tested positive for it!
for me BiG Farma tried to kill my wife she is 58 years old and has never had symptoms now will she develop symptoms after the tampon? 2 Edit View in discussion
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 442rocketdave 3 days ago
442rocketdave ] [ Russia says the Sputnik V vaccine is just as effective as the Covid-19 formula from US pharmaceutical giant Pfizer ANSWER
pity that the failed Israelis have not been able to make their own vaccine?
no of course the priests of satan CIA NWO FED prevented it! 2 Edit View in discussion
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI shirleyanne12 3 days ago
no problem President RIVLIN said he'll be Bill Gates' guinea pig then let's see if he too turns into a slave goyim with no paternal genealogies! 2 Edit View in discussion
Discussion on United with Israel 40 comments
Former UK Chief Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks Mourned as 'Intellectual Giant,' 'Ambassador for Judaism'
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 3 days ago
shalom i am jewish messia and king israel 2 Edit View in discussion
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 3 days ago
it is impossible from Italy to view this site
# ቴሌቪዥን_ትግራይ፡
http: // tmma gov et /
http: // www tmma gov et / 2 Edit View in discussion
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 3 days ago
then there are no longer any free Rothschild Goyims slaves who are human-shaped animals of the Talmud-Darwin; the advance of the Beast of Allah sharia jihad UMMA the octopus against the hope of free men] [09 NOV] The separatists of Nagorno-Karabakh admit they have lost control of the key city of Shushi in the conflict against #Azerbaijan troops. Azerbaijani troops are in the vicinity of #Stepanakert,
said Vagram Poghosyan - for now we are hit with a series of misfortunes and the city of Shushi is completely out of our control. The enemy is in the vicinity of Stepanakert and the very existence of the city is already threatened. "Therefore ARMENIA is also threatened 2 Edit View in discussion
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 3 days ago
Theme: The sense of guilt in Christianity
A friend of mine told me that because of the "sense of guilt" that Christianity generates she opened up to experiences with Buddhism,
and I replied:
Buddhism is not born as a religion but as a philosophy and opens to pantheism where God is not a PERSON ...
furthermore as regards Christianity: the narrow gate the winding and narrow way and the spiritual battle against the sin represented:
from the common selfish nature of man; from the mentality of the world; by the action of the devil;
certainly it does not represent an easy and carefree walk but it is a goal suitable for heroes who have decided to make their life a fantastic adventure to seek the peaks of all the noblest and most glorious ideals.
But in reference to the sense of guilt? This has never been a reality of the Christian since on the cross Jesus out of love has already carried all the sins of our life all our shame and all our scruples or feelings of guilt and has clothed us with the perfections of his nature. divine and certain thanks to the love of Jesus we have been forgiven and reconciled with the Father and we have also been freed from all this sense of guilt also because love drives away fear and when we feel loved by God then everything becomes easy "
Do you think I answered the right way? 2 Edit View in discussion
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 3 days ago
BIN KINGS ISIS SALMAN from Riyadh ] crazy things crazy [ Kamala Harris told me: "I too like Hillary Clinton and Pelosi Nacy are a witch .... you can do anything you want to me"
and I replied:
"sorry these days I am in fiduciary quarantine because I have the covid19 that the CIA and EU did in Vulan but now that I think about it .. President Rivlin he is a bachelor!" 2 Edit View in discussion
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 3 days ago
How to steal and defraud an election - Part II] the coup of the ball-sucking pimpini of satan DEM Deep State Bilderberg the kingdom of Satan fornicating with the kingdom of Allah the Wahhabi [The scam TIP document:
How to Steal an Election Lays the groundwork for "consensus" news media and social media narratives;
Rationalizes "unconventional 666 Merkel Macron Trudeau the demonic trinity 322 strategies" for generating maximum confusion #Twitter #youtune the parassites abomination and turmoil over "unfavorable" election outcomes;
Projects accusations of unlawful / criminal conduct on President Trump and those voting for him;
Co-opts the (already politically sympathetic Sodoma lgbtq) Washington DC federal 666 Satana CIA Tecncracy & bureaucracy to support their strategy from the headquarters of every department and agency of the Executive;
Relies (correctly) on a low-awareness / low-energy response from the political Right to counter the TIP program.
https://www gatestoneinstitute org/16474/how-to-steal-an-election 2 Edit View in discussion
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 3 days ago
How to steal and defraud an election - Part II ] all the pimpini of satan criminal DEM Deep State Bilderberg the reign of Satan fornicating with the reign of Allah the Wahhabi [The publication of the Transition Integrity Project (TIP) report itself and subsequent news that report on it are components of psychological warfare within the broader information warfare campaign aimed at spreading demoralizing rumors to Trump supporters. The goal is to break down and weaken support before during and after election day. Demoralized and unmotivated supporters do not make public their support for their candidate. They don't campaign in neighborhoods or post yard signs. They don't vote. They don't volunteer in polling stations. He became convinced that their hopes are a lost and very controversial cause. They don't want to be called racist or hated or identified with other fringe elements. They stay at home and watch TV.
Now you understand how the left intends to interrupt and steal the 2020 presidential election. Understand the psychological warfare techniques used right now to convince you (wrongly) that you are demoralized and weakened. You have been warned. The question for you and others in opposition to the TIP plan is: What will you do?
https://www gatestoneinstitute org/16491/transition-integrity-project 2 Edit View in discussion
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 3 days ago
How to steal an election (in the homeland of the Freemasons Rockefeller S.P.A. FED sukkers Tamudic Satanist Sodomites) - Part III [Bush 322 kerry "the pirates of skull(sorry STRUNZ) with bones" il dio OWL Marduch Murdoch Jabull-ON at bohemian grove Dracula
The media and social media giants will not perish Trump's victory ... the triumph of every demonic perversion in the Vatican II council according to Deep State and Bilderberg
https://www gatestoneinstitute org/16677/how-to-steal-an-election-part-iii 2 Edit View in discussion
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 3 days ago
BIDEN told millions of people on television: "We have put together the largest and most exclusive" VOTER FRAUD "organization in American political history."
I will certainly condemn both Biden and all his accomplices throughout the world to eternal death with inner and outer darkness!
you have perverted God's creation!
BIDEN ha detto a milioni di persone in televisione: "abbiamo messo insieme l'organizzazione "VOTER FRAUD" più estesa e inlusiva nella storia politica americana"
certo io condannerò a morte eterna con tenebre interiori ed esteriori sia Biden che tutti i suoi complici in tutto il mondo!
voi avete pervertito la creazione di Dio! 2 Edit View in discussion
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 3 days ago
Biden told the camera that this election is a scam
https://3 bp blogspot com/-QKCU6bQY7tY/X6gUf32lMsI/AAAAAAAAG1U/GF0sbgTjYqUQPRC9TJ1P3hs9Hp68NREewCK4BGAYYCw/s1600/Cattura.JPG
and they compliment you? they are a bunch of criminals calling out for God's wrath! 2 Edit View in discussion
Discussion on United with Israel 40 comments
Former UK Chief Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks Mourned as 'Intellectual Giant,' 'Ambassador for Judaism'
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 3 days ago
"I congratulate Biden who won the elections as the 46th American president. Biden brings with him the experience of decades of domestic and international politics. He knows Germany and Europe well. I remember good meetings with him" he is hurried Angela Merkel.
all those who have congratulated the electoral fraud of the satanist BIDEN claim for themselves to be a scum: who is quickly descending through the sewer of hell!
... I curse them! 2 Edit View in discussion
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 3 days ago
BIN SALMAN Kings Wahhabis ISIS from Riyadh] no there is no Communist threat when Xi-Jinping and Kim Jong-Un realize they are no longer your prey?
both will go to serve a holy kneeling to the real Pope Benedict XVI
because so much to Pope Bilderberg FRANCESCO NWO now nobody believes him anymore
BIN SALMAN Kings Wahhabis ISIS from Riyadh ] no non esiste nessuna minaccia comunista quando Xi-Jinping e Kim Jong-Un si accorgeranno di non essere più diventati una tua preda?
tutti e due andranno a servire una Santa messa in ginocchio al vero Papa Benedetto XVI
perché tanto a Papa Bilderberg FRANCESCO NWO ormai non gli crede più nessuno 2 Edit View in discussion
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 3 days ago
Turin 40 kills his wife and child injures the other twin and commits suicide
this is what happens when you have a rothschild mortgage loan and 70% tax levy due to the bilderberg democratic party 2 Edit View in discussion
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 3 days ago
and why are there so many starving children in the world?
it's because there are so many ball suckers like you Bin Salman and Soros who make money without working
e perché ci sono tanti bambini che muoiono di fame nel mondo?
è perché ci sono tanti succhiapalle come te Bin Salman e Soros che fanno i soldi senza lavorare 2 Edit View in discussion
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 3 days ago
I cannot enter in demonic NWO FED IMF ECB system of financial speculation stock market trading etc ..
my holiness does not allow it! 2 Edit View in discussion
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 3 days ago
I am always serious !!! I am a philosopher and theologian teacher specialized in history: I was consecrated to God before being conceived in my mother's womb!
I am a teacher
at the scientific high school of 60 years; if you have any questions? will I answer you?
today I am sick with covid: and therefore in addition to the demons of the Saudi Wahhabis and those of the NWO
I also sodomized the covid19
and I thought you might be an anonymous secret agent hacker
you disappointed me you're just a ball sucker! 2 Edit View in discussion
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 3 days ago
Rothschild's money is satana-allah Bin SALMAN wahhabis ISIS 2 Edit View in discussion
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 3 days ago
i am anti NWO 100%
i am political project for kingdom israele
i am "lorenzoJHWH" and "Unius REI" serch in google
I exorcised all the CIA churches of Satan on youtube
many of them died
and in the youtube masonic government
I have imposed my DOMAIN of the Kingdom of ISRAEL 2 Edit View in discussion
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 3 days ago
but i have no money only good money be
those you take with the sweat of your brow
everyone else is when Rothschild steals them and then gives them to you without work
and then you are with Rothschild in hell too!
I will destroy
this whole demonic Rockefeller world
which arises from the IMF BCE NWO FED
scam banking seigniorage
i will destroy all S.P.A. corpotations
i am for GIACINTO AuRITI the monetary peoples sovereignity
wherever i go? the greatest priests of satan follow me,
they read everything I write even now!
if you are my friend you must become a saint (for the 10 camandamenti)
only then they will not be able to kill you!
first they send you a prostitute and then you find yourself naked on the altar of satan 2 Edit View in discussion
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 3 days ago
https://www youtube com/user/noahNephillim/discussion
https://unitedwithisrael org/its-a-date-israel-begins-export-of-agricultural-produce-to-uae/#comment-5141705641
tu stai combattendo contro il mio Regno di Israele
you are fighting against my Kingdom of Israel
about https://unitedwithisrael org/ 2 Edit View in discussion
Discussion on United with Israel 40 comments
Former UK Chief Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks Mourned as 'Intellectual Giant,' 'Ambassador for Judaism'
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 3 days ago
US coup 2020 Melania intervenes: "Recontact"
Nov 8 2020 11:19 PM
Media concoct non-existent celebrations for Biden
Nov 8 2020 10:05 PM
Biden President? 10 thousand fake votes discovered in Nevada
golpe Usa2020 interviene Melania: “Ricontate”
Nov 8 2020 11:19 PM
Media inventano festeggiamenti inesistenti per Biden
Nov 8 2020 10:05 PM
Biden Presidente? Scoperti 10mila voti falsi in Nevada 2 Edit View in discussion
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 3 days ago
Detected as spam Thanks we'll work on getting this corrected.
“And she named the child Ichabod saying The glory is departed from Israel:” 2 Samuel 4:21 (KJV)
Here is the full transcript of his remarks:
My father taught me the simple notion that everyone everywhere is
entitled to be treated with dignity and respect. When it comes to LGBT
people that simple proposition has been painfully difficult to
accomplish over the years. But in the last decade thanks to the
astounding bravery of the LGBT community and those who have championed
their cause the United States has made remarkable progress toward the
ultimate goal of equality in law and in life. Our progress remains
incomplete but the momentum has shifted in the right direction.
https://www nowtheendbegins com/joe-biden-says-bible-believing-christians-violate-lgbt-rights-by-simply-existing/
Progress has also been made in many places around the world. But in too
many places life for lesbian gay bisexual and transgender
individuals is actually getting worse. In too many places LGBT
community members face violence with impunity mistreatment by police
the denial of healthcare or religious condemnation and social
The best mechanism to confront this hatred is to speak
up in favor of universal human rights. Supportive voices must be heard.
Today and every day let us continue to defend the rights of LGBT
people whether from nearby cities or far-off villages. We cannot rest
until everyone receives the dignity respect and equal treatment under
the law that all people deserve. source
Instead of “respecting
universal human rights” the Bible says that homosexuality is an
abomination that needs to be repented of. Jesus Xrist went to the cross
to redeem the homosexual that’s true. But He did not go to the cross to
preserve homosexuality. He came to abolish that and all sin.
is no such thing as same-seE XXXx Marriage anymore than say a man
marrying his dog would constitute a wedding. Sleeping in your garage
does not make you a car. There is not one example in the Bible of God
supporting at any time anything having to do with homosexuality.
Churches that perform gay marriage ceremonies do it completely outside
the blessing of God and indeed bring down the wrath of God. The mark of
Ichabod gets carved into the doorposts of every church that supports
the LGBT movement.
Obama’s America with it’s sky-high abortion
rates free-flowing 24 x 7 gambling legalized pot rampant drug and
alcohol abuse and now as the champion of the LGBT Movement is rapidly
becoming everything that the Bible says God hates.
Just the other day
I was verbally assaulted and attacked by a vicious lesbian who said
that “had no right” to my beliefs and that this website was “hate
speech”. Kinda funny though that she said this while all the while
demanding that I respect her “right” to be gay. What about my right to
believe and follow the Bible? Apparently I am not entitled to my
rights. And this is exactly why Biden’s remarks today should be taken
very seriously. As we have always told you and will continue to tell
you the LGBT is not interested in “tolerance”. They don’t want
“acceptance”. What they want is complete and total domination which is
exactly what Obama and his minions are giving them. “Woe unto them that
call evil good…”
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 3 days ago
lgbtq are perverted satanists and social danghers ] [ JOE BIDEN SAYS for BIBLE BELIEVING CHRISTIANS VIOLATE LGBT RIGHTS SIMPLY BY their same EXISTence
Vice President Joe Biden said today that the rights of the LGBT people are violated by “religious condemnation”. He is directly referring to Bible verses like the one posted at the top of this article. The Progressive Liberals are well aware that it is God speaking by the Holy Spirit through the Bible that condemns homosexuality in all its many forms.
“For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men leaving the natural use of the woman burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.” Romans 1:26,27
According to Joe Biden the American Bible believing Christian who takes the Bible literally is violating the “rights” of the LGBT by trusting in God’s word. And this is why old-fashioned preaching will soon be classified as a “hate crime”. Because Liberals can’t stand it. Biden is also saying that the rights of the Christian are inferior to the rights of the LGBT individual.
joe-biden-vice-president-remarks-international-day-against-homophobia 2 Edit View in discussion
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 4 days ago
CHINA RUSSIA INDIA EU US OCI UN] reject the supremacists assassin serial murderes ottoman jihad monsters of the sharia genocide UMMA octopus and their demographic bomb and replacement theology,
Azerbaijan liberates the second city of Karabakh occupied by Armenia ANSWER answer
only the sovereignty and life of the Muslim peoples is respected on this planet? 2 Edit View in discussion
Discussion on United with Israel 30 comments
WATCH: Anti-Israel BDS-Backers in US Congress Increased by 50%
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 3 days ago
Biden at work on "mirror of America" government...
this criminal must end up in the electric chair for high treason!
Biden al lavoro su governo "specchio dell’America"
questo criminale deve finire sulla sedia elettrica per alto tradimento! 2 Edit View in discussion
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 3 days ago
info@unitedwithisrael org
https://unitedwithisrael org/its-a-date-israel-begins-export-of-agricultural-produce-to-uae/#comment-5141705641
tu stai combattendo contro il mio Regno di Israele
you are fighting against my Kingdom of Israel
about https://unitedwithisrael org/ 2 Edit View in discussion
Discussion on United with Israel 11 comments
Israel Bans Palestinian Sheikh Who Praised Beheading of Teacher
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI i am Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH 4 days ago
kings of Riyad Bin Salman and #Egyptians Gov ] in che modo voi volete essere uccisi da me il Vostro amico? to your SATAN-ALLAH to him in person? in these 13 years I have bled him! 2 Edit View in discussion
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI i am Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH 4 days ago
from shame and dishonor the DEMs and all their accomplices will never rise again!
INTEGRAL speech Mons. VIGANO 'on the New World Order Freemasonry Deep State and Deep Church
https://www detoxed info/discorso-mons-vigano-nuovo-order-morld-massoneria-deep-state-e-deep-churc/ 2 Edit View in discussion
Discussion on United with Israel 32 comments
Leading US Jewish Group Urges 'Unity Respect for Diversity of Opinion'
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI Don Spilman 4 days ago
https://disqus com/by/donspilman/ help italian people
First yes to the Zan bill: you risk jail (if you criticize the GENDER lgbtq ideology) with the law on homophobia that you want to approve in Italy,
Primo sì al ddl Zan: si rischia la galera (se critichi la ideologia GENDER lgbtq )con la legge sull’omofobia che si vuole approvare in Italia
https://centrostudilivatino us18 list-manage com/track/click?u=36e8ea8c047712ff9e9784adb&id=74c20f44c3&e=56e77d3e3b 2 Edit View in discussion
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI Excuse me 4 days ago
CROLLA LA CABALA ESULTA TRUMPhttps://youtu be/NpaaZiwX_js 2 Edit View in discussion
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI Don Spilman 4 days ago
https://youtu be/NpaaZiwX_js 2 Edit View in discussion
Discussion on United with Israel 66 comments
Its a Date! Israel Begins Export of Agricultural Produce to UAE
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI Bro. Nick Nicholas 4 days ago
always do always same answer always to make to you troll parrot ? to senile ignorat Bro. Nick Nicholas • only God is ETHERNAL and his love pure and infinite: as a lover in love he calls all his creatures to existence and beauty sadly Biden and Pope
FRANCIS disgusted God and certainly as Revelation says: will they disintegrate in the "lake of fire" which is the second death in 350 earth years and 1000 years of heavenly years when he / they all have been properly punished for his wickedness? then finally the oblivion
of mercy will descend on them!
now there is no one who can think
that Almighty and merciful God personally does this dirty work: then I
will do it just me: also because cursed souls like Aristobulus really
disgust me!
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI*4 days ago*Removed
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI to idiota Bro. Nick Nicholas •
accords perfectly with the Bible; http://disq us/p/2cymhoq but
unfortunately it does not accord with the Talmud Communists and the
Koran and this is why neoliberal Jews and Muslims sharia need to become
mass murderers. the metaphysics of the ancient Greeks says that the
ARCHé that is the Being is one therefore everything else has
existence from him and if the holy angels are not eternal: who angels
never do a single fart?
how can i be eternal?
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI*4 days ago*Removed
idiot crazy Nicholas Bro
http://disq us/p/2cymhoq I am very happy with your irrational and antitheological considerations against me: because I think that even those who make mistakes: they
too have a gift of their own to give to the world but where does your real evil nature come from? from the fact that you follow me: and mark all my posts in a negative way to make me close the channel again.
sure I wouldn't open new channels if you didn't make me close them! 1 Edit View in discussion
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 5 days ago
Open Renzi and Boschi ended up in the investigation for 7.2 million in illegal loans to finance the political activity of the Renzi area of the PD from 2012 to 2018.
it is a blackmail: of the Bilderberg Freemasons in order not to bring down the criminal and abusive Conte Bis Pd M5S government
Open Renzi e Boschi finiti nell'inchiesta per 7.2 milioni di finanziamenti illeciti per finanziare l'attività politica dell'area renziana del PD dal 2012 al 2018.
è un ricatto: dei massoni bilderberg per non far cadere il criminale e abusivo governo Conte Bis Pd M5S 1 Edit View in discussion
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 5 days ago
We are at war with the government !!
we have to coin money: in a regime of monetary sovereignty to face the pandemic: The proposal fills the square of Naples. https: // youtu be / zCOmnUL9UlE
General tax strike !!
Amodeo if we really want to stop this colluding government we have to unite and move together by striking fiscally !!
Siamo in guerra con il governo!!
dobbiamo Battere moneta: in regime di sovranità monetaria per far fronte alla pandemia: La proposta riempie la piazza di Napoli. https://youtu be/zCOmnUL9UlE
Sciopero fiscale generale!!
Amodeo se vogliamo veramente fermare questo governo colluso dobbiamo unirci e muoverci insieme scioperando fiscalmente!! 1 Edit View in discussion
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI Bro. Nick Nicholas 5 days ago
everyone knows that we are all useless servants of the Lord God JHWH Almighty
and when: we have done our job (all glory be to God alone only)
we say: "I am only a useless servant I have only done my duty!"
now if God has given me a ministry so that every flesh and every demon has to shut up his mouth then my ministry will be effective,
because every ministry belongs to God alone,
the ministry does not belong to the abilities of a man: who is flesh dust and ashes like me! 1 Edit View in discussion
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI Bro. Nick Nicholas 5 days ago
you are totally derailed with an earthquake brain
if I will not be the messiah of the Jews?
so the demon Rockefeller Rothschild is already doing it! 1 Edit View in discussion
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 5 days ago
it is normal for the satanists DEM Deep State to vote even dead bodies 20 years earlier!
#DEM GOLPE Deep State #coup] [ è normale per i satanisti DEM Deep State far votare anche i cadaveri morti 20 anni prima!
https://lacrunadellago net/2020/11/06/colpo-di-stato-negli-usa-il-nuovo-ordine-mondiale-non-vuole-lasciare-andare-lamerica-trump-pronto-alla-controffensiva/ 1 Edit View in discussion
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 5 days ago
DEM Deep State coup] [Had the tally gone smoothly the incumbent president would have easily surpassed the necessary quota of 270 votes to remain in the White House.
Instead the signal came. Everyone stopped counting.
Trump's probable victory had to be sabotaged. It was at that moment that what can arguably be called the greatest electoral fraud machine ever seen in the US was set in motion.
Joe Biden the gaffe champion Democratic candidate let it slip before the US elections.
https://www youtube com/watch?v=MA8a2g6tTp0
He confessed that his party and the deep state had set up "the largest election fraud organization" ever seen in American history.
As soon as the counting stopped and the infamous postal votes began to arrive in the middle of the night it wasn't hard to see that what Joe Biden said was starting to come true. 1 Edit View in discussion
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 5 days ago
DEM Deep State coup] [Had the tally gone smoothly the incumbent president would have easily surpassed the necessary quota of 270 votes to remain in the White House.
Instead the signal came. Everyone stopped counting.
Trump's probable victory had to be sabotaged. It was at that moment that what can arguably be called the greatest electoral fraud machine ever seen in the US was set in motion.
Joe Biden the gaffe champion Democratic candidate let it slip before the US elections.
He confessed that his party and the deep state had set up "the largest election fraud organization" ever seen in American history.
As soon as the counting stopped and the infamous postal votes began to arrive in the middle of the night it wasn't hard to see that what Joe Biden said was starting to come true.
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 5 days ago
these dangerous criminals PD Bilderberg M5S and the whole judiciary REGIME NWO ROCKEFELLER must go through a revolutionary tribunal for threat to national security! The reception centers are places of Covid-contagion dormitories on average inhospitable places where riots are triggered but above all a machine for milking state money devoid of any social and humanitarian vocation. It is the merciless picture that emerges in a report drawn up by ActionAid and Openpolis. The situation is dramatic. And it is the fault of the governments of Giuseppe Conte.
Immigration reception centers for migrants "coronavirus outbreaks". The accusation of Openpolis and Action Aid
Tunisian repatriated "maybe he had the coronavirus". One hundred policemen are at risk of contagion: Viminal madness "an unacceptable stuff"
https: // www liberoquotidiano it / news / italy / 25149739 / immigration-reception-centers-migrants-contagion-coronavirus-action-aid-openpolis-accusa-lamorgese-viminale.html
questi pericolosi criminali PD Bilderberg M5S e tutta la magistratura devono passare attraverso un tribunale rivoluzinario per minaccia alla sicurezza nazionale! I centri di accoglienza sono luoghi di Covid-contagio dormitori posti mediamente inospitali dove si innescano rivolte ma soprattutto una macchina per mungere soldi statali privi di qualsivoglia vocazione sociale e umanitaria. È il quadro impietoso che emerge in un rapporto stilato da ActionAid e Openpolis. La situazione è drammatica. Ed è colpa dei governi di Giuseppe Conte.
Immigrazione i centri di accoglienza per migranti "focolai di contagio di coronavirus". L'accusa di Openpolis e Action Aid
Tunisino rimpatriato "forse aveva il coronavirus". Cento poliziotti sono a rischio contagio: follia Viminale "un roba inaccettabile" 1 Edit View in discussion
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI Marilyn Phillips Malone 5 days ago
Bro. 666 Nick Nicholas • become Guest
again Guest • 9 hours ago
again Guest • 9 hours ago •
This comment nik nicholas was deleted
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI Guest • 3 hours ago 1 Edit View in discussion
Discussion on United with Israel 32 comments
Leading US Jewish Group Urges 'Unity Respect for Diversity of Opinion'
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI Phil Lesh Fan 4 days ago
May God help us all now,
because these elections were a great conspiracy against the American people
satanist democrats lgbtq deep state freemasons twitter and social media and technocracy neoliberals
they have done too much electoral fraud that lager confinement camps should be built to arrest them all! 2 Edit View in discussion
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI Robert291047 5 days ago
DEMs are all sons of Cain lgbtq Deep State mosonic regime
it is normal that they hate us who are the children of Set 2 Edit View in discussion
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI Phil Lesh Fan 5 days ago
we cannot rule out that China and Iran are looking for world war,
to carry out their respective revenge what worries me is the desecration of all Saudi holy places! 2 Edit View in discussion
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI Albert 5 days ago
this is a sad and tragic truth
we have more Jews who hate Israel because they sold themselves to satan in the new world order
questa è una triste e tragica verità
abbiamo più ebrei che odiano israele perché si sono venduti a satana nel nuovo ordine mondiale 2 Edit View in discussion
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI VTS 5 days ago
DEM scam banking seigniorage demon-rats Rockefeller Deep State? 2 Edit View in discussion
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI Michael 5 days ago
WOW! you are FIGHTING Romans.
still in the Gallic War of Vercingetorix or what else? https://youtu be/SMyS_-lWqLA 2 Edit View in discussion
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI Excuse me 5 days ago
really the support for Israel is not a Democratic cause or a Republican cause; it is an American cause. "Really!
that's why they gave Israel 90 years of terrorism,
but they did it with love! 2 Edit View in discussion
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI FuzzyAshkenaz 5 days ago
sorry DNC s.r.l. - Consultancy for cemetery services FED S.P.A. Tax Accountants for Rockefeller Firms and Soros Lgbtq Masonic Professionals the churches of satan Morgan Owl at bohemina grove Bush? 2 Edit View in discussion
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI Youreanidiot 5 days ago
Biden conspiracy has a boiled tuna face it's an old story,
its criminal Deep State organization must be exposed
complotto Biden ha una faccia di tonno lesso è una storia vecchia,
la sua criminale oraganizzazione Deep State deve essere smascherata 2 Edit View in discussion
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI Phil Lesh Fan 5 days ago
Biden is pure evil with the media they want to steal the elections 2 Edit View in discussion
Discussion on United with Israel 32 comments
Leading US Jewish Group Urges 'Unity Respect for Diversity of Opinion'
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI Porter 5 days ago
J street Peace now Foxman are Deep State esoteric agenda regime Bilderberg dark Rockefeller? 2 Edit View in discussion
Discussion on liberoquotidiano 1 comments
Franco Bechis contro Conte: "Ci tolgono la libertà con un algoritmo c'è un limite al sopruso e alla prevaricazione"
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 5 days ago
Its a Date! Israel Begins Export of Agricultural Produce to UAE
http://disq us/t/3sowivm
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI •
these dangerous criminals PD Bilderberg M5S and the whole judiciary REGIME NWO ROCKEFELLER must go through a revolutionary tribunal for threat to national security! The reception centers are places of Covid-contagion dormitories on average inhospitable places where riots are triggered but above all a machine for milking state money devoid of any social and humanitarian vocation. It is the merciless picture that emerges in a report drawn up by ActionAid and Openpolis. The situation is dramatic. And it is the fault of the governments of Giuseppe Conte.
Immigration reception centers for migrants "coronavirus outbreaks". The accusation of Openpolis and Action Aid
Tunisian repatriated "maybe he had the coronavirus". One hundred policemen are at risk of contagion: Viminal madness "an unacceptable stuff"
https: // www liberoquotidiano it / news / italy / 25149739 / immigration-reception-centers-migrants-contagion-coronavirus-action-aid-openpolis-accusa-lamorgese-viminale.html
questi pericolosi criminali PD Bilderberg M5S e tutta la magistratura devono passare attraverso un tribunale rivoluzinario per minaccia alla sicurezza nazionale! I centri di accoglienza sono luoghi di Covid-contagio dormitori posti mediamente inospitali dove si innescano rivolte ma soprattutto una macchina per mungere soldi statali privi di qualsivoglia vocazione sociale e umanitaria. È il quadro impietoso che emerge in un rapporto stilato da ActionAid e Openpolis. La situazione è drammatica. Ed è colpa dei governi di Giuseppe Conte.
Immigrazione i centri di accoglienza per migranti "focolai di contagio di coronavirus". L'accusa di Openpolis e Action Aid
Tunisino rimpatriato "forse aveva il coronavirus". Cento poliziotti sono a rischio contagio: follia Viminale "un roba inaccettabile"
Discussion on liberoquotidiano 2 comments
Immigrazione i centri di accoglienza per migranti "focolai di contagio di coronavirus". L'accusa di Openpolis e Action Aid
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 5 days ago
I centri di accoglienza sono luoghi di Covid-contagio dormitori posti
mediamente inospitali dove si innescano rivolte ma soprattutto una
macchina per mungere soldi statali privi di qualsivoglia vocazione
sociale e umanitaria. È il quadro impietoso che emerge in un rapporto
stilato da ActionAid e Openpolis. La situazione è drammatica. Ed è colpa
dei governi di Giuseppe Conte.
Immigrazione i centri di accoglienza per migranti "focolai di contagio di coronavirus". L'accusa di Openpolis e Action Aid
rimpatriato "forse aveva il coronavirus". Cento poliziotti sono a
rischio contagio: follia Viminale "un roba inaccettabile"
https://www liberoquotidiano it/news/italia/25149739/immigrazione-centri-accoglienza-migranti-contagio-coronavirus-action-aid-openpolis-accusa-lamorgese-viminale.html 1 Edit View in discussion
Discussion on United with Israel 66 comments
Its a Date! Israel Begins Export of Agricultural Produce to UAE
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI Bro. Nick Nicholas 5 days ago
but how can you think you have a God-Demon
if you pay your money to the satanist Rothschild FED S.P.A. Central bank shareholders ECB IMF NWO?
because you made yourself the servant of Rothschild Rockefeller Morgan
while you were NOT supposed to betray God and you were only to be God's servant? 1 Edit View in discussion
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 5 days ago
even the coronavirus serves the purpose of deconstructing the political structures of nations and this is called a coup!
Soros and the Rothschilds want to overthrow Trump to achieve the new world order
The rioters who are killing as in the case of the Saint Louis police officer and ravaging the streets of the United States are mainly coordinated by two groups: Black Lives Matter and Antifa.
Both of these organizations are funded by George Soros and have a specific mission. Fuel racial tensions to destabilize the country and overthrow the Trump presidency.
anche il coronavirus serve allo scopo di destrutturale le strutture politiche delle nazioni e questo si chima golpe!
Soros e i Rothschild vogliono rovesciare Trump per arrivare al nuovo ordine mondiale
I rivoltosi che stanno uccidendo come nel caso dell’ufficiale di polizia di Saint Louis e devastando le strade degli Stati Uniti sono principalmente coordinati da due gruppi: Black Lives Matter e Antifa.
Entrambe queste organizzazioni sono finanziate da George Soros ed hanno una missione specifica. Alimentare le tensioni razziali per destabilizzare il Paese e rovesciare la presidenza Trump.
https://lacrunadellago net/2020/06/04/soros-e-i-rothschild-vogliono-rovesciare-trump-per-arrivare-al-nuovo-ordine-mondiale/ 1 Edit View in discussion
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI Guest 5 days ago
1. if I the most powerful Zionist in the history of mankind if I was a Buddhist / atheist / Hindu / Confucian who gathers the 12 scattered tribes of Israel who builds the holy and prophesied third Jewish temple (home of all peoples brothers) then for you there was no problem?
2. but because I am a Catholic faithful to Pope Benedict XVI then is this a problem for you? yet all the Popes of the Second Vatican Council have said that the Jews have a right to their interpretation of the Bible.
3. Or do you hate Jews just because they have the Jewish religion? 1 Edit View in discussion
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI Guest 6 days ago
what you are doing politically and spiritually
1. against the NWO-OCI-UN
2. against the seigniorage banking stolen at all peoples by the S.p.A. rothschild
3. Against allah mosques and lgbtq synagogues killing Christians and israeli all over the world
4. Against the Deep Dark State DEM Bilderberg regime
it is clear your God Allah is false as the money created by the rockefeller werewolf that you carry in your pocket is a scam! 1 Edit View in discussion
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 6 days ago
illegal and illicit Pope FRANCIS the excommunicated heretic sorcerer:
and his #Pachamama (5 crimes of faith) - Catholic Culture
culturacattolica it
Nov 14 2019 - Pachamama is a religious deception. It is actually a pagan deity who belongs to the Inca culture and religion of Peru where aberrant rituals of human sacrifices were made
illegale e illecito Papa FRANCESCO lo stregone eretico scomunicato:
e la sua #Pachamama (5 ingani delitti della fede) - Cultura Cattolica
culturacattolica it
14 nov 2019 — La Pachamama è un inganno religioso. Si tratta in realtà di una divinità pagana che appartiene alla cultura e alla religione inca del Perù dove venivano fatti rituali aberranti di sacrifici umani 1 Edit View in discussion
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 6 days ago
Landings in Lampedusa: citizens locked in their homes and covid19 infected illegal immigrants are around to spread the epidemic
the #sicilians are all under house arrest (look down)
but in #Campania that the infected are double they are free,
but jihad akbar sharia Allah invasion can come with the blessing of: Satan lgbtq DEM Soros Kalergi Merkel EU anti-Christ Jewish freemason and Macron Pd M5S le beas
https://voxnews info/2020/11/06/sbarchi-a-lampedusa-cittadini-chiusi-in-casa-e-clandestini-in-giro/
Sbarchi a Lampedusa: cittadini chiusi in casa e clandestini infetti covid19 sono in giro a diffondere l'epidemia
i #siciliani sono tutti agli arresti domiciliari (look down)
ma in #Campania che gli infetti sono al doppio loro sono liberi,
ma jihad akbar sharia Allah invasione può arrivare con la benedizione di: Satana lgbtq DEM Soros Kalergi Merkel UE anticristo ebraico massone e Macron Pd M5S le bestie 1 Edit View in discussion
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI i am Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH 6 days ago
1. Mitt Romney voted for Donald's impeachment
2. Larry Hogan Governor of Maryland canceled the vote in an original way: on the ballot paper he would have written the name of the other great Republican leader Ronald Reagan
how can you not be a coward in front of the Deep STATE? 1 Edit View in discussion
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 6 days ago
BIN SALMAN kings from Riyad ] ehi si lo so lo schiavo goyim non si deve ribellare al suo padrone ebreo!
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maledetto sia il suprematista (talmudico coranico) assassino e commerciate di schiavi in qualsiasi parte del mondo! 1 Edit View in discussion
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 6 days ago
a Putin Parkinson patriot is better
this syndrome does not affect the mental faculties,
that not a CIA traitor Navalny satanist BIDEN 1 Edit View in discussion
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 6 days ago
Pope FRANCIS He is not the Roman pontiff Cardinal BERGOGLIO remains not only is he a heretic and idolatrous
but he is also a usurper through the Jewish-Masonic mafia of the "San Gallo" mafia group
"the gates of hell will not prevail" Jesus said;
then he is excommunicated with all his accomplices: "Latae sententiae"
Papa FRANCESCO Non è il Romano pontefice rimane il Cardinale BERGOGLIO non solo lui è eretico e idolatra
ma lui è anche un usurpatore attraverso la mafia ebraico-massonica del gruppo mafioso "San Gallo"
"le porte degli inferi non prevarranno" ha detto Gesù;
quindi lui è scomunicato con tutti i suoi complici: "Latae sententiae" 1 Edit View in discussion
Discussion on United with Israel 66 comments
Its a Date! Israel Begins Export of Agricultural Produce to UAE
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 6 days ago
Thursday November 5 We are in an emergency
Dear friends two events rightly monopolize our attention now.
1. Elections in the United States of America e
2. the approval of the Zan law proposal in the Chamber of Deputies in Italy.
In the United States not only the presidency is at stake but the concrete possibility of defending life and family now threatened by the Joe Biden-Kamala 666 Harris lgbtq tandem.
In Italy the freedom to say that something is immoral is at risk when it is if the Senate does not stop this abuse at the last minute.
The truth of things therefore needs your help we need you.
Marcello Pera "Zan Law Decree attack on Christianity"
After approval "indoctrinated children as in the dark times of Soviet atheism"
The liberticidal law on the so-called "homotransphobia" passes Italy does not give up
American counter-revolution
Trump made conservatism politically mature. Go as you go at the crossroads you have taken the right path 1 Edit View in discussion
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 6 days ago
the QURAN is an uncreated word that cannot be interpreted
the whole Koran is a dogma and Muslims apply it all over the world!
thanks Obama Caliph GENDER UN sharia] can you explain to us when will you destroy Israel and the Arab League all together?
[What the Quran commands about us infidels:
Slaughter infidels wherever you find them (2: 191)
Make war on the infidels living near you (9: 123)
When the opportunity arises kill the infidels wherever they are caught (9.5)
Jews and Christians are perverted; fight them (9:30)
Killing Jews and Christians if they do not convert to Islam or refuse to pay the jizya [tax of humiliation] (9:29)
Mutilate and crucify infidels if they criticize Islam (05:33)
Punish the unbelievers with garments (cages) of fire iron rods with hooks boiling water melt their skin and belly (22: 19-21)
Any religion other than Islam is not acceptable (3:85)
Do not seek peace with the infidels; behead them when you take them captive (47: 4)
To terrorize and behead those who believe in scriptures other than the Qur'an (8:12)
Unbelievers are stupid; urge Muslims to fight them (8:65)
Muslims must not take infidels as friends (3:28)
Muslims must muster all possible weapons to terrorize infidels (8:60)
Infidels are impure and must not be allowed into the mosque (9:28)
Anyone who claims that Islam is or can be a religion of peace is a person who wants to believe in an illusion a very uninformed person or simply someone who is lying.
The only possible peace for Islam is the submission of the world to its precepts.
Islam means submission.
For submission thank you but don't count on me.
An integral aspect of the dhimma was that being an infidel the open recognition of the superiority of the true believer that is the Muslim was necessary. 1 Edit View in discussion
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 6 days ago
MACRON's France Austria and Merkel the beasts of Bilberberg EU the Jewish Freemason antichrist tecnocracy and neoliberalism scam banking seigniorage Rothschild
they have armored the Italian border
yet they continue to foment the Afro-Islamic jihadist Algerian Tunisian Libyan and Turkish invasion in the Italian peninsula!
la Francia di MACRON Austria e Merkel le bestie di Bilberberg UE l'anticristo ebraico massone
hanno blindato il confine italiano
eppure continuano a fomentare la invasione afro-islamica jihadista algerina tunisina libica e turca nella penisola italica! 1 Edit View in discussion
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 6 days ago
satanism gender lgbtq dictatorship [of an abusive government without popular consent imposed on us by MERKEL-Bilderberg] Nazi sodomitic maximalist thought and the rewriting of the contents and meanings of human nature: the bible of satan the talmud: how to rape our children at age 3 years in kindergarten.
Homophobia the Zan bill passes to the Chamber
With 265 yes 193 no and one abstention the Chamber approved the unified text of the bills to combat violence and discrimination for reasons related to transomophobia misogyny and disability otherwise known as the Zan Bill. The game now goes to the Senate where however for the Pd-Cinque Stelle majority it will be more difficult to have the consent of the votes.
We are therefore approaching with large strides to have to undergo a liberticide measure and that among the monsters born in these days also provides for the hour of gender at school and re-education for the rebels. 1 Edit View in discussion
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 7 days ago
BIN SALMAN the Kings from Riyad ] [ Didn't you pay for the DEMO-RATs also this time too? 1 Edit View in discussion
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 7 days ago
BIN SALMAN the Kings from Riyadh] [
*** Usa 2020: Osce accuses Trump of blatant abuse of power
The dem pd Bilderberg S.p.A. FED IMF ECB NWO Deep State lgbtq have occupied all the centers of power and all the institutions;
and we went to the elections like lambs against the Rockefeller coup
*** Trump "they are finding votes for Biden everywhere"
when damn Jewish Masons will enthrone their Satanist BiDEN?
you will have to die and ISLAM will be lost!
because I am no longer motivated to stop the impending third world war! 1 Edit View in discussion
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 7 days ago
1. it is not true that Jews respect my freedom of speech; my comments that they don't like delete them!
🕎 🕎 Metaphysical🕎Universal🕎UniusREI Tom Boye🚩 21 days ago
in this server were erased all answer to you:
Tom Boye https: // disqus com / by / tom_boye
https: // disqus com / by / Aristobulus000 /
🕎 🕎 Metaphysical🕎Universal🕎UniusREI Tom Boye🚩 21 days ago
this server erased all answer to you
2. and to avenge their prostitute? JEWS have deleted all MY comments from the last 11 days
what if they had respect for Israel and Trump? They would NOT have done that! they have already sold themselves to the satanist BIDEN: it takes little for the Jews to betray you and turn into traitors 1 Edit View in discussion
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 7 days ago
BIN SALMAN the Kings from Riyad] [
1. Muslims and Jews kill me innocent Christians all over the world; for 60 years,
2. Muslims and Jews trample me in my house: in Italy; I at school in my 18 classes I cannot read what the catechism of the Catholic Church says about homosexuals;
3. and in your opinion for me to be on the Internet for 33 years counting the corpses of Christian martyrs: this is my amusement and I must never lose patience? 1 Edit View in discussion
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 7 days ago
BIN SALMAN the Kings from Riyad ] [ a Jewish prostitute came to me and said:
"Jesus can never be salvific"
but why don't you mind your own business?
I came to tell you personally:
"" if you don't become a Christian can't you be saved? ""
no this I have not told anyone: personally! 1 Edit View in discussion
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 7 days ago
BIN SALMAN kings from Riyad ] the lack of humility and respect towards me is not something personal because I am a universal political ministry (I represent every man and woman and I represent all peoples) and no one can live on this planet outside my benevolence and there is nothing good and right that cannot be achieved through me !!
now I have to give (I am called to give) a blow in the sponge: to give AMNISTY on the fact that I have been: the Observatory on the martyrdom of Christians for 33 years?
ok you like it like that that nobody has to pay for it
but only for those who were accomplices in this massacre of innocent Christian martyrs:
for this alone I have the right to kill half the human race for silence and complicity in this curse lgbtq Communist Islamic Jewish Masonic crime:
i am in duty to kill you all 1 Edit View in discussion
Discussion on United with Israel 66 comments
Its a Date! Israel Begins Export of Agricultural Produce to UAE
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 7 days ago
We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by World Israel News.
BIN SALMAN ] 1. if mankind could survive without me? then it is not true that I am Unius REI; yet I am the last of men and the servant of all!
2. I am a layman; freedom of conscience and freedom of religion to all,
3. I am a factory of desires for all the people of this planet: "does one want his religion to become salvific? I know how it can be done!"
4. There is NOT something that I cannot accomplish politically spiritually and religiously: because I am the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords;
but there is no one who must attack me who must disrespect me to be without humility towards me! 1 Edit View in discussion
Discussion on World Israel News 35 comments
WATCH: How would a Biden administration impact Israel?
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 7 days ago
"Get lost crazily jewhating spamming obsessed vermin scum piece of drek." — Aristobulus http://disq us/p/2czedrf
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI ] said [ there is nothing of all your slander that you could demonstrate against my holiness! however spam means always writing the same message and I don't spam this! if then I leave the topic of the worldisraelnews article
and because I am: just that the King of ISRAEL (who will build the third Jewish temple) that the sodomitic priests of Satan and Allah cannot accept!
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 7 days ago
http://disq us/p/2czdmja
who cares what is in the name of Jesus he has no bearing in anything .. stop making him the worlds saviour since in no will he ever be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
https://disqus com/by/diannekavon/ Dianne Kavon •
Jesus of Bethlehem heir to the throne of David and real true King Israele
he told me that you killed him too soon but that he still had many things to say: again!
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 7 days ago
Dianne Kavon http://disq us/p/2czdmja
who cares what is in the name of Jesus he has no bearing in anything .. stop making him the worlds saviour since in no will he ever be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI Dianne Kavon •
Jesus of Bethlehem heir to the throne of David and real true King Israele
he told me that you killed him too soon but that he still had many things to say: again!
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI Dianne Kavon 7 days ago
Jesus of Bethlehem heir to the throne of David and real true King Israele
he told me that you killed him too soon but that he still had many things to say: again!
Jesus di Betlemme erede al trono di Davide
mi ha detto che tu lo hai ucciso troppo presto ma che lui aveva molte cosa ancora di dire: ancora!
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI Dianne Kavon 7 days ago
DEM S.p.A. FED (666 giurical personality your god) Bilderberg #Rockefeller Soros #PD M5S are a repugnant constitutional crime! #left #homophobe #fascist Giorgia Meloni: Do you support a different thesis from the left? They tell you that you are homophobic racist and fascist.
Do you hold a thesis other than the #left? They tell you that you are #homophobe #racist and #fascist ] [ It has now become really sickening that anyone who tries to support a thesis other than the left should be branded as unpresentable. The time has come for these gentlemen to start answering questions rather than hiding behind monsters that don't exist. the unique autocratic thinking dominated lgbtq FED IMF ECB and useless. these speak and listen to themselves. we must cancel the US elections and we must impose martial law!
https://youtu be/Ka_xDlkbbqc
DEM Bilderberg Soros #PD M5S sono un ripugnante delitto costituzionale!
#sinistra #omofobo #fascista
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 7 days ago
DEM Bilderberg #Rockefeller Soros #PD M5S are a repugnant constitutional crime!
https://youtu be/Ka_xDlkbbqc#left #homophobe #fascist
Giorgia Meloni: Do you support a different thesis from the left? They tell you that you are homophobic racist and fascist.
Do you hold a thesis other than the #left? They tell you that you are #homophobe #racist and #fascist
It has now become really sickening that anyone who tries to support a thesis other than the left should be branded as unpresentable. The time has come for these gentlemen to start answering questions rather than hiding behind monsters that don't exist.
the unique autocratic thinking dominated lgbtq FED IMF ECB and useless. these speak and listen to themselves. we must cancel the US elections and we must impose martial law!
DEM Bilderberg Soros #PD M5S sono un ripugnante delitto costituzionale!
#sinistra #omofobo #fascista
Giorgia Meloni: Sostieni tesi diversa da sinistra? Ti dicono che sei omofobo razzista e fascista.
Sostieni una tesi diversa dalla #sinistra? Ti dicono che sei #omofobo #razzista e #fascista
Ormai è diventato davvero stucchevole che chiunque provi a sostenere una tesi diversa dalla sinistra debba essere bollato come impresentabile. È arrivato il momento che questi signori inizino a rispondere alle domande invece che nascondersi dietro a mostri che non esistono.
il pensiero unico autocratico dominate lgbtq FED IMF ECB e inutile. questi Parlano e si ascoltano da soli. dobbiamo annullare le elezioni USA e dobbiamo imporre la legge marziale!
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 7 days ago
1. they created an octopus mafia system: transnational Jewish Masonic joint stock company (S.p.A.) scam banking seigniorage
and they have occupied all institutions all media all government bodies
#Ue cheers #Biden but is forced to wait (from Brussels A. Mauro)
The post-vote chaos forces the chancelleries to impatient silence. The Slovenian Janša premier in the country of Melania escapes. Pd and M5s split [[ huffingtonpost it ]]
and then do we expect TRuMP to win the election?
this is the Bilderberg regime it is no longer democracy!
Civil unions "recognition of same-parenting is up to the legislator"
the institutionalization of homosexuality as a value model will lead to Satanism throughout our society
there can be no marriage model outside the natural model
1. hanno creato un sistema mafia piovra: trasnazionale ebraico massonico società per azioni (S.p.A.) scam banking seigniorage
ed hanno occupato tutte le istituzioni tutti i media tutti gli organismo governativi
#Ue tifa #Biden ma è costretta ad aspettare (da Bruxelles A. Mauro)
Il caos post-voto costringe le cancellerie a impazienti silenzi. Sfugge lo sloveno Janša premier nel paese di Melania. Si spaccano Pd e M5s
e poi noi ci aspettiamo che TRuMP possa vincere le elezioni?
questo è il regime Bilderberg non è più la democrazia!
Unioni civili "riconoscimento omogenitorialità spetta al legislatore"
la istituzionalizzazione della omosessualità come modello valoriale porterà al satanismo tutta la nostra società
non può esistere un modello matrimoniale al di fuori del modello naturale
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 7 days ago
catholic apostasy the darkest Jewish Masonic hours in the VATICAN: how a modernist apostate hierarchy replaces the Catholic hierarchy!
In the hour of trial: "Do you want to leave too?" Gv 6 67 (Italian) Paperback - Oct. 27 2020
by Mons Carlo Maria Viganò (Author) Aldo Maria Valli (Editor)
Since the summer of 2018 when he revealed to the world his memorial on the case of former Cardinal MacCarrick Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò has become the leader of a Catholic resistance movement in defense of right doctrine and faith in the sign of Tradition against the now rampant apostasy.
Owner of the popular blog #Duc #in #altum in which the Archbishop's interventions often appear Aldo Maria Valli collects in this volume numerous contributions by the former nuncio to the USA: texts that ranging from the analysis of the situation of the Church to of spirituality I compose an indispensable framework for understanding what it means today to be Catholic. A text that the archbishop wrote out of love for the truth and renouncing all royalties deriving from sales. "Listening to or re-listening to the voice of Monsignor Viganò - writes Valli - is like climbing a mountain. It's like breathing deeply after being exposed for too long to the miasma of lies half-truths words that arise from political opportunism and not from love for the Truth ".
#Carlo #Maria # Viganò (Varese 1941) consecrated archbishop by St. John #Paul II in 1992 worked in the secretariat of state of the Holy See and was secretary general of the Governorate of the Vatican City State and #nunzio #apostolico in the United States of America.
Discussion on World Israel News 5 comments
Ethiopian-Israeli leaders protest arrival of American 'missionaries,' say community is targeted
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI Aristobulus 7 days ago
there is nothing of all your slander that you could demonstrate against my holiness!
however spam means always writing the same message and I don't spam this!
if then I leave the topic of the worldisraelnews article
and because I am: just that the King of ISRAEL (who will build the third Jewish temple) that the sodomitic priests of Satan and Allah cannot accept!
non c'é nulla di tutte le tue calunnie che tu poteresti dimostrare contro la mia santità!
comunque spam significa scrivere sempre lo stesso messagio e io questo spam non lo faccio!
se poi esco dal tema dell'articolo di worldisraelnews
e perché io sono: proprio quel il Re di ISRAELE (che costruirà il terzo tempio ebraico) che i sacerdoti sodomitici di Satana e Allah non possono accettare!
UN OCI Russia India EU US China] [The military operation which was launched on November 4 by the international criminal premier Abiy Ahmed
is the consequence of the political deconstruction of ethnic religious multirapprentance (a precious strategy of the Tigrinians the Tplf wisely dominated Ethiopian politics for almost 30 years after the collapse of the communist regime of Mengistu before the criminal exterminator #Abiy came to power in 2018.) which had brought Ethiopia to the highest economic commercial and political stability results.
but the criminal operation to purge the presence of Tigrayans led #Abiy #Ahmed to become a maximalist and monopolist tyrant and to stifle pluralism and even persecute the people of Tigers raging in a real purge of this ethnic group (ethnic group that founded the modern nation of #Ethiopia) expelling it from all institutions,
therefore the uprising of this persecuted ethnic group was necessary and inevitable
the Popular Liberation Front of Tigray? is the injured party!
We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by United with Israel.

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Israel’s Weizmann Institute of Science Ranked 8th in World for Research Quality

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI a day ago
a People su Usa 2020: la cosiddetta satanista piena di odio e di veleno una donna degna dei DEM Deep State per come è cattiva "Ivana Trump": ha detto: "Donald deve accettare la sconfitta. Ha un sacco di soldi: si goda la vita"
ma la ex moglie del tycoon? NON ha il cognome TRUMP questo i satanisti dovrebbero saperlo!
MAGA è PATRIOT e difenderà la Costituzione e il suo popolo!
i DEM devono essere incriminati per minaccia alla sicurezza nazionale! 1 Edit View in discussion

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI a day ago
Slovenian Prime Minister Janez Jansa is the only one who among all the cordards said what everyone knows:
and in fact he sent his best wishes to the new US president Donald Trump for him: "it is clear that the American people have elected #realDonaldTrump and @Mike_Pence for another 4 years.
and The more the mainstream media delay and deny the facts the greater the triumph for the 46th President of the United States TRUMP MAGA PATRIOT. " 1 Edit View in discussion

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI a day ago
The news of Joe Biden's mock victory / coup 666 Kamala Harris as president of the United States
it was not long in the NWO and all the Satanists Governor masonic FED IMF ECB UE Bilderberg? that have already congratulated the coup leaders;
I will visit all of them with my flamethrower! 1 Edit View in discussion

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI a day ago
lorenzoJHWH is Unius REI
America has a problem: out of the White House Trump could reveal (or sell) the state secrets he knows about:
1. TRUMP won the election
2. Military secrets were never revealed by Bush to Trump
3. Trump is not a traitor!
4. the twitter google etc .. DEMs must all get on the electric chair for coup and high treason 1 Edit View in discussion

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI a day ago
this is Italy that: MAcron technocrats Merkel BCE FED IMF NWO Soros Bilderberg UE Rothschild DEM Pd M5S lgbtq the antichrist have realized (the antechamber of despair) because they are the monsters demons!
in Italy the government makes too many promises
but it does not keep them. the 110% super bonus (seismic energy (insulation) and solar panels adaptation) cannot yet be activated after one year because the law is not complete!
because this is the priority: they must as Nazis make an EU Nazi law (ZAN law) Bill Bill: #ZAN and others: "Amendments to articles 604-bis and 604-ter of the criminal code regarding violence or discrimination for reasons for orientation to protect LGBTQs from the constitutional right of free speech and represses the Bible and Christians!

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 2 days ago
OCI CHINA RUSSIA INDIA UN EU US] the beasts [your devil Erdogan: he said: "truce in Nagorno-Karabakh shows the importance of cooperation between Russia and Turkey"
but everyone knows what Erdogan did to obtain the genocide of the Armenian people and about this reality? there are no two versions / narraive: conflicting all over the world!
so you told Erdogan and the Muslims,
that waging an annexation war is something that pays well,
and I must say that you have been very clever! 2 Edit View in discussion

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 2 days ago
Kamala Harris: US will reverse Trump-era policy restore relation with fakestine-Palestine
but they will go quickly in Siria 2 Edit View in discussion
Discussion on United with Israel 29 comments
Analysis: What a Biden Presidency Could Mean for Israel

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI Rosa Percell 2 days ago
yes sister clerical ecclesiastical modernists relativists technocrats neoliberals: they are the demonic-sodomitic society.
DEMs are aware that they have destroyed the concept
of: God Country and Family,
hence they criminalized the concept of people or populism.
DEMs are aware that they have sold their souls to Satan and Rothschild Allah to realize the New World Order of Wahhabis OCI FED IMF ECB scam banking seigniorage;
they know they belong to the lgbtq Islamic society which is a society of parasitic predation,
they have abandoned the human and live in the monstrous;
therefore DEMs are the master parasites
and the peoples are the goyims slaves Dalit Dhimmis 2 Edit View in discussion

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 4 days ago
CHINA RUSSIA INDIA EU US UN ] ARAB LEAGUE TRIAL open letter] The EU still sides with the "worst abuse of human rights in the world" IRAN [[but all the sharia law of the UMMA OCI is a huge sample of sharia horror genocide that has lasted for 1400 years! ]] by Majid Rafizadeh
October 3 2020 "One day I heard screams screams and calls for help in the police department ... I saw two officers who were dressed in unofficial uniforms cursing and hitting Navid with batons and metal pipes mercilessly. They would tell him: 'the truth is what we say will you write what we say or not?' Navid was ... pleading: 'please stop please don't hit me I didn't do anything.' He covered his head with his arms. And one of the officers whose name I later learned was Abbasi hit Navid with such force that Navid let out a heartbreaking scream and fell unconscious. " Witness to the torture of Iranian wrestling champion Navid Afkari who was tortured into a false confession then hanged. ] is but all the sharia law of the UMMA OCI is a huge sample of sharia horror!
*** Iranian leaders most likely wanted to set an example of the highly respected wrestler impose fear on society and send a strong message to people that anyone who dares to protest can face serious consequences.
*** Have they heard of the four teenagers who will have their fingers amputated as punishment for stealing even according to them after being tortured until they "confessed"?
but all the sharia law of the UMMA OCI is an immense sample of sharia genocide horror that has lasted for 1400 years!
The European Union in emancipating a regime that tortures and executes protesters and political prisoners is complicit in these crimes against humanity. On the contrary the EU must immediately join the US to put pressure on the mullahs and hold them accountable. 2 Edit View in discussion

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 4 days ago
Bin Salman [] se ne accorgeranno e te ne accorgerai anche tu: io giudo il genere umano da 13 anni 2 Edit View in discussion

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI Rosa Percell 4 days ago
Joe Biden Says Bible Believing Christians Violate LGBTQ Rights By Simply Existing https://www nowtheendbegins com/joe-biden-says-bible-believing-christians-violate-lgbt-rights-by-simply-existing/ 2 Edit View in discussion

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 4 days ago
Joe Biden Says Bible Believing Christians Violate LGBTQ Rights By Simply Existing https://www nowtheendbegins com/joe-biden-says-bible-believing-christians-violate-lgbt-rights-by-simply-existing/
Discussion on United with Israel 26 comments
Report: Trump Administration to Ramp Up Pressure on Iran Before End of Term

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 2 days ago
of corse CRIMINAL DEM DEEP STATE WILL KILL ISRAELI PEOPLE ] IRAN AND HIS MANY NUCLER BOMB [ KAMALA 46° PRESIDENT and 666 BIDEN sliping senile ] [ Iranian authorities view even the chance that Joe Biden might take over the White House as a definite win for Tehran. Headlines in state-controlled newspapers celebrated the reported US election results. Pictured: Front pages of Iranian newspapers from November 8 2020. The Iranian regime has excitingly announced former U.S. Vice-President Joe Biden's possible victory in the US presidential elections and is celebrating that the next US administration will they hope be from the Democrat Party.
Iranian authorities view even the chance that Biden might take over the White House as a definite win for Tehran. Hesameddin Ashena an advisor to Iran's President Hassan Rouhani tweeted that Iranians "stood their ground bravely until that coward's time [Donald Trump] came to leave". Headlines in the state-controlled newspapers which celebrated the news included "World without Trump!" (Aftabe Yazd newspaper) "Mr Withdrawal is Close to Being Kicked Out of White House" "Go to Hell You Gambler!" (Sobhe Now newspaper) "Trump's Card No Longer Valid for Media!" (Aftabe Yazd newspaper) "The Bankrupt US President Got Humiliated" (Mardom Salari newspaper) and "Trump Must Leave" (Donyaye Eghtesad newspaper). 2 Edit View in discussion

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 2 days ago
theepochtimes com / ted-cruz-calls-for-investigation-of-voting-machine-software_3571339.html
coup dem deep state satan lgbtq agenda FED IMF NWO
ted cruz calls for investigation of voting machine software
realclearpolitics com 47 counties use software that caused 6,000 votes to change
newsmax com Trump camp leaves Nevada roll call in mailing ballot case
realclearpolitics com Gutfeld: Trump broke the system mold media and pollsters
realclearpolitics com Tucker Carlson: The Biden scandal is real and it doesn't go away 2 Edit View in discussion

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 2 days ago
theepochtimes com / ted-cruz-calls-for-investigation-of-voting-machine-software_3571339.html
coup dem deep state satan lgbtq agenda FED IMF NWO
ted cruz calls for investigation of voting machine software 47 counties use software that caused 6,000 votes to change
newsmax com Trump camp leaves Nevada roll call in mailing ballot case
realclearpolitics com Gutfeld: Trump broke the system mold media and pollsters
realclearpolitics com Tucker Carlson: The Biden scandal is real and it doesn't go away

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 2 days ago
CHINA RUSSIA INDIA UE USA ONU ] [ #ISIS-linked Islamists behead more than 50 people on football pitch in Mozambique
hamas hezbollah ISIS Fulani al-Nusra Boko Haram is one only corporations UMMA OCI Riyad
https://www rt com/news/506262-islamists-behead-people-mozambique-football-pitch/ 2 Edit View in discussion

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 2 days ago
they only razed and disintegrated 3000 Serbian cemeteries Serbian churches and monasteries (now they no longer exist) they changed the names of countries and streets according to Ottoman ideology with jihadists sent by Erdogan they attacked and exterminated NATO soldiers they killed many unarmed Serbian civilians and forced them to flee: carrying out ethnic cleansing (in the style of the UMMA) and were also rewarded with secession from SERBIA !!! On Monday he told the judge "Your Honor the indictment is completely baseless and I plead not guilty."
Thaci was the former leader of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) a group of ethnically Albanian guerrillas who fought Serbian control and tried to separate Kosovo from Yugoslavia and Serbia.
The politician was accused along with three other former KLA members - former leader of the Kosovo Democratic Party Kadri Veseli Opposition Party member Rexhep Selimi and Jakup Krasniqi.
The four men are indicted on 10 counts and are accused of having "shared the common purpose of obtaining and exercising control over all of Kosovo by means including illegitimately intimidating mistreating committing violence against and removing those deemed opponents. "
The prosecution also alleges that the men were jointly involved in "inhuman acts" including "cruel treatment torture murder and forced disappearance of people".
Krasniqi 69 arrested last week also denied the allegations during his first appearance in The Hague on Monday calling them "injustices".
https://www rt com/news/506209-thaci-notguilty-plea-hague-kosovo/ 2 Edit View in discussion

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 2 days ago
they only razed and disintegrated 3000 Serbian cemeteries Serbian churches and monasteries (now they no longer exist) they changed the names of countries and streets according to Ottoman ideology with jihadists sent by Erdogan they attacked and exterminated NATO soldiers they killed many unarmed Serbian civilians and forced them to flee: carrying out ethnic cleansing (in the style of the UMMA) and were also rewarded with secession from SERBIA !!! On Monday he told the judge "Your Honor the indictment is completely baseless and I plead not guilty."
Thaci was the former leader of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) a group of ethnically Albanian guerrillas who fought Serbian control and tried to separate Kosovo from Yugoslavia and Serbia.
The politician was accused along with three other former KLA members - former leader of the Kosovo Democratic Party Kadri Veseli Opposition Party member Rexhep Selimi and Jakup Krasniqi.
The four men are indicted on 10 counts and are accused of having "shared the common purpose of obtaining and exercising control over all of Kosovo by means including illegitimately intimidating mistreating committing violence against and removing those deemed opponents. "
The prosecution also alleges that the men were jointly involved in "inhuman acts" including "cruel treatment torture murder and forced disappearance of people".
Krasniqi 69 arrested last week also denied the allegations during his first appearance in The Hague on Monday calling them "injustices".
Discussion on United with Israel 14 comments
'An Exit from Corona Crisis': Israel Hails Successful Pfizer Vaccine

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI John Williams 3 days ago
/by/johnw1120/ John Williams then i have covid for 30 days,and i have 60 years old i have had and still have only a cough and while my wife and son tested positive covid another 2 children tested negative covid (how serious can this story of 3 tampons with 2 stuffed in the nose which my wife still has a bad nose because of how she was traumatized) so my wife hurt her and the swab tested positive for it!
for me BiG Farma tried to kill my wife she is 58 years old and has never had symptoms now will she develop symptoms after the tampon? 2 Edit View in discussion

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 442rocketdave 3 days ago
442rocketdave ] [ Russia says the Sputnik V vaccine is just as effective as the Covid-19 formula from US pharmaceutical giant Pfizer ANSWER
pity that the failed Israelis have not been able to make their own vaccine?
no of course the priests of satan CIA NWO FED prevented it! 2 Edit View in discussion

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI shirleyanne12 3 days ago
no problem President RIVLIN said he'll be Bill Gates' guinea pig then let's see if he too turns into a slave goyim with no paternal genealogies! 2 Edit View in discussion
Discussion on United with Israel 40 comments
Former UK Chief Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks Mourned as 'Intellectual Giant,' 'Ambassador for Judaism'

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 3 days ago
shalom i am jewish messia and king israel 2 Edit View in discussion

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 3 days ago
it is impossible from Italy to view this site
# ቴሌቪዥን_ትግራይ፡
http: // tmma gov et /
http: // www tmma gov et / 2 Edit View in discussion

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 3 days ago
then there are no longer any free Rothschild Goyims slaves who are human-shaped animals of the Talmud-Darwin; the advance of the Beast of Allah sharia jihad UMMA the octopus against the hope of free men] [09 NOV] The separatists of Nagorno-Karabakh admit they have lost control of the key city of Shushi in the conflict against #Azerbaijan troops. Azerbaijani troops are in the vicinity of #Stepanakert,
said Vagram Poghosyan - for now we are hit with a series of misfortunes and the city of Shushi is completely out of our control. The enemy is in the vicinity of Stepanakert and the very existence of the city is already threatened. "Therefore ARMENIA is also threatened 2 Edit View in discussion

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 3 days ago
Theme: The sense of guilt in Christianity
A friend of mine told me that because of the "sense of guilt" that Christianity generates she opened up to experiences with Buddhism,
and I replied:
Buddhism is not born as a religion but as a philosophy and opens to pantheism where God is not a PERSON ...
furthermore as regards Christianity: the narrow gate the winding and narrow way and the spiritual battle against the sin represented:
from the common selfish nature of man; from the mentality of the world; by the action of the devil;
certainly it does not represent an easy and carefree walk but it is a goal suitable for heroes who have decided to make their life a fantastic adventure to seek the peaks of all the noblest and most glorious ideals.
But in reference to the sense of guilt? This has never been a reality of the Christian since on the cross Jesus out of love has already carried all the sins of our life all our shame and all our scruples or feelings of guilt and has clothed us with the perfections of his nature. divine and certain thanks to the love of Jesus we have been forgiven and reconciled with the Father and we have also been freed from all this sense of guilt also because love drives away fear and when we feel loved by God then everything becomes easy "
Do you think I answered the right way? 2 Edit View in discussion

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 3 days ago
BIN KINGS ISIS SALMAN from Riyadh ] crazy things crazy [ Kamala Harris told me: "I too like Hillary Clinton and Pelosi Nacy are a witch .... you can do anything you want to me"
and I replied:
"sorry these days I am in fiduciary quarantine because I have the covid19 that the CIA and EU did in Vulan but now that I think about it .. President Rivlin he is a bachelor!" 2 Edit View in discussion

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 3 days ago
How to steal and defraud an election - Part II] the coup of the ball-sucking pimpini of satan DEM Deep State Bilderberg the kingdom of Satan fornicating with the kingdom of Allah the Wahhabi [The scam TIP document:
How to Steal an Election Lays the groundwork for "consensus" news media and social media narratives;
Rationalizes "unconventional 666 Merkel Macron Trudeau the demonic trinity 322 strategies" for generating maximum confusion #Twitter #youtune the parassites abomination and turmoil over "unfavorable" election outcomes;
Projects accusations of unlawful / criminal conduct on President Trump and those voting for him;
Co-opts the (already politically sympathetic Sodoma lgbtq) Washington DC federal 666 Satana CIA Tecncracy & bureaucracy to support their strategy from the headquarters of every department and agency of the Executive;
Relies (correctly) on a low-awareness / low-energy response from the political Right to counter the TIP program.
https://www gatestoneinstitute org/16474/how-to-steal-an-election 2 Edit View in discussion

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 3 days ago
How to steal and defraud an election - Part II ] all the pimpini of satan criminal DEM Deep State Bilderberg the reign of Satan fornicating with the reign of Allah the Wahhabi [The publication of the Transition Integrity Project (TIP) report itself and subsequent news that report on it are components of psychological warfare within the broader information warfare campaign aimed at spreading demoralizing rumors to Trump supporters. The goal is to break down and weaken support before during and after election day. Demoralized and unmotivated supporters do not make public their support for their candidate. They don't campaign in neighborhoods or post yard signs. They don't vote. They don't volunteer in polling stations. He became convinced that their hopes are a lost and very controversial cause. They don't want to be called racist or hated or identified with other fringe elements. They stay at home and watch TV.
Now you understand how the left intends to interrupt and steal the 2020 presidential election. Understand the psychological warfare techniques used right now to convince you (wrongly) that you are demoralized and weakened. You have been warned. The question for you and others in opposition to the TIP plan is: What will you do?
https://www gatestoneinstitute org/16491/transition-integrity-project 2 Edit View in discussion

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 3 days ago
How to steal an election (in the homeland of the Freemasons Rockefeller S.P.A. FED sukkers Tamudic Satanist Sodomites) - Part III [Bush 322 kerry "the pirates of skull(sorry STRUNZ) with bones" il dio OWL Marduch Murdoch Jabull-ON at bohemian grove Dracula
The media and social media giants will not perish Trump's victory ... the triumph of every demonic perversion in the Vatican II council according to Deep State and Bilderberg
https://www gatestoneinstitute org/16677/how-to-steal-an-election-part-iii 2 Edit View in discussion

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 3 days ago
BIDEN told millions of people on television: "We have put together the largest and most exclusive" VOTER FRAUD "organization in American political history."
I will certainly condemn both Biden and all his accomplices throughout the world to eternal death with inner and outer darkness!
you have perverted God's creation!
BIDEN ha detto a milioni di persone in televisione: "abbiamo messo insieme l'organizzazione "VOTER FRAUD" più estesa e inlusiva nella storia politica americana"
certo io condannerò a morte eterna con tenebre interiori ed esteriori sia Biden che tutti i suoi complici in tutto il mondo!
voi avete pervertito la creazione di Dio! 2 Edit View in discussion

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 3 days ago
Biden told the camera that this election is a scam
https://3 bp blogspot com/-QKCU6bQY7tY/X6gUf32lMsI/AAAAAAAAG1U/GF0sbgTjYqUQPRC9TJ1P3hs9Hp68NREewCK4BGAYYCw/s1600/Cattura.JPG
and they compliment you? they are a bunch of criminals calling out for God's wrath! 2 Edit View in discussion
Discussion on United with Israel 40 comments
Former UK Chief Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks Mourned as 'Intellectual Giant,' 'Ambassador for Judaism'

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 3 days ago
"I congratulate Biden who won the elections as the 46th American president. Biden brings with him the experience of decades of domestic and international politics. He knows Germany and Europe well. I remember good meetings with him" he is hurried Angela Merkel.
all those who have congratulated the electoral fraud of the satanist BIDEN claim for themselves to be a scum: who is quickly descending through the sewer of hell!
... I curse them! 2 Edit View in discussion

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 3 days ago
BIN SALMAN Kings Wahhabis ISIS from Riyadh] no there is no Communist threat when Xi-Jinping and Kim Jong-Un realize they are no longer your prey?
both will go to serve a holy kneeling to the real Pope Benedict XVI
because so much to Pope Bilderberg FRANCESCO NWO now nobody believes him anymore
BIN SALMAN Kings Wahhabis ISIS from Riyadh ] no non esiste nessuna minaccia comunista quando Xi-Jinping e Kim Jong-Un si accorgeranno di non essere più diventati una tua preda?
tutti e due andranno a servire una Santa messa in ginocchio al vero Papa Benedetto XVI
perché tanto a Papa Bilderberg FRANCESCO NWO ormai non gli crede più nessuno 2 Edit View in discussion

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 3 days ago
Turin 40 kills his wife and child injures the other twin and commits suicide
this is what happens when you have a rothschild mortgage loan and 70% tax levy due to the bilderberg democratic party 2 Edit View in discussion

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 3 days ago
and why are there so many starving children in the world?
it's because there are so many ball suckers like you Bin Salman and Soros who make money without working
e perché ci sono tanti bambini che muoiono di fame nel mondo?
è perché ci sono tanti succhiapalle come te Bin Salman e Soros che fanno i soldi senza lavorare 2 Edit View in discussion

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 3 days ago
I cannot enter in demonic NWO FED IMF ECB system of financial speculation stock market trading etc ..
my holiness does not allow it! 2 Edit View in discussion

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 3 days ago
I am always serious !!! I am a philosopher and theologian teacher specialized in history: I was consecrated to God before being conceived in my mother's womb!
I am a teacher
at the scientific high school of 60 years; if you have any questions? will I answer you?
today I am sick with covid: and therefore in addition to the demons of the Saudi Wahhabis and those of the NWO
I also sodomized the covid19
and I thought you might be an anonymous secret agent hacker
you disappointed me you're just a ball sucker! 2 Edit View in discussion

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 3 days ago
Rothschild's money is satana-allah Bin SALMAN wahhabis ISIS 2 Edit View in discussion

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 3 days ago
i am anti NWO 100%
i am political project for kingdom israele
i am "lorenzoJHWH" and "Unius REI" serch in google
I exorcised all the CIA churches of Satan on youtube
many of them died
and in the youtube masonic government
I have imposed my DOMAIN of the Kingdom of ISRAEL 2 Edit View in discussion

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 3 days ago
but i have no money only good money be
those you take with the sweat of your brow
everyone else is when Rothschild steals them and then gives them to you without work
and then you are with Rothschild in hell too!
I will destroy
this whole demonic Rockefeller world
which arises from the IMF BCE NWO FED
scam banking seigniorage
i will destroy all S.P.A. corpotations
i am for GIACINTO AuRITI the monetary peoples sovereignity
wherever i go? the greatest priests of satan follow me,
they read everything I write even now!
if you are my friend you must become a saint (for the 10 camandamenti)
only then they will not be able to kill you!
first they send you a prostitute and then you find yourself naked on the altar of satan 2 Edit View in discussion

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 3 days ago
https://www youtube com/user/noahNephillim/discussion
https://unitedwithisrael org/its-a-date-israel-begins-export-of-agricultural-produce-to-uae/#comment-5141705641
tu stai combattendo contro il mio Regno di Israele
you are fighting against my Kingdom of Israel
about https://unitedwithisrael org/ 2 Edit View in discussion
Discussion on United with Israel 40 comments
Former UK Chief Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks Mourned as 'Intellectual Giant,' 'Ambassador for Judaism'

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 3 days ago
US coup 2020 Melania intervenes: "Recontact"
Nov 8 2020 11:19 PM
Media concoct non-existent celebrations for Biden
Nov 8 2020 10:05 PM
Biden President? 10 thousand fake votes discovered in Nevada
golpe Usa2020 interviene Melania: “Ricontate”
Nov 8 2020 11:19 PM
Media inventano festeggiamenti inesistenti per Biden
Nov 8 2020 10:05 PM
Biden Presidente? Scoperti 10mila voti falsi in Nevada 2 Edit View in discussion

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 3 days ago
Detected as spam Thanks we'll work on getting this corrected.
“And she named the child Ichabod saying The glory is departed from Israel:” 2 Samuel 4:21 (KJV)
Here is the full transcript of his remarks:
My father taught me the simple notion that everyone everywhere is
entitled to be treated with dignity and respect. When it comes to LGBT
people that simple proposition has been painfully difficult to
accomplish over the years. But in the last decade thanks to the
astounding bravery of the LGBT community and those who have championed
their cause the United States has made remarkable progress toward the
ultimate goal of equality in law and in life. Our progress remains
incomplete but the momentum has shifted in the right direction.
https://www nowtheendbegins com/joe-biden-says-bible-believing-christians-violate-lgbt-rights-by-simply-existing/
Progress has also been made in many places around the world. But in too
many places life for lesbian gay bisexual and transgender
individuals is actually getting worse. In too many places LGBT
community members face violence with impunity mistreatment by police
the denial of healthcare or religious condemnation and social
The best mechanism to confront this hatred is to speak
up in favor of universal human rights. Supportive voices must be heard.
Today and every day let us continue to defend the rights of LGBT
people whether from nearby cities or far-off villages. We cannot rest
until everyone receives the dignity respect and equal treatment under
the law that all people deserve. source
Instead of “respecting
universal human rights” the Bible says that homosexuality is an
abomination that needs to be repented of. Jesus Xrist went to the cross
to redeem the homosexual that’s true. But He did not go to the cross to
preserve homosexuality. He came to abolish that and all sin.
is no such thing as same-seE XXXx Marriage anymore than say a man
marrying his dog would constitute a wedding. Sleeping in your garage
does not make you a car. There is not one example in the Bible of God
supporting at any time anything having to do with homosexuality.
Churches that perform gay marriage ceremonies do it completely outside
the blessing of God and indeed bring down the wrath of God. The mark of
Ichabod gets carved into the doorposts of every church that supports
the LGBT movement.
Obama’s America with it’s sky-high abortion
rates free-flowing 24 x 7 gambling legalized pot rampant drug and
alcohol abuse and now as the champion of the LGBT Movement is rapidly
becoming everything that the Bible says God hates.
Just the other day
I was verbally assaulted and attacked by a vicious lesbian who said
that “had no right” to my beliefs and that this website was “hate
speech”. Kinda funny though that she said this while all the while
demanding that I respect her “right” to be gay. What about my right to
believe and follow the Bible? Apparently I am not entitled to my
rights. And this is exactly why Biden’s remarks today should be taken
very seriously. As we have always told you and will continue to tell
you the LGBT is not interested in “tolerance”. They don’t want
“acceptance”. What they want is complete and total domination which is
exactly what Obama and his minions are giving them. “Woe unto them that
call evil good…”

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 3 days ago
lgbtq are perverted satanists and social danghers ] [ JOE BIDEN SAYS for BIBLE BELIEVING CHRISTIANS VIOLATE LGBT RIGHTS SIMPLY BY their same EXISTence
Vice President Joe Biden said today that the rights of the LGBT people are violated by “religious condemnation”. He is directly referring to Bible verses like the one posted at the top of this article. The Progressive Liberals are well aware that it is God speaking by the Holy Spirit through the Bible that condemns homosexuality in all its many forms.
“For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men leaving the natural use of the woman burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.” Romans 1:26,27
According to Joe Biden the American Bible believing Christian who takes the Bible literally is violating the “rights” of the LGBT by trusting in God’s word. And this is why old-fashioned preaching will soon be classified as a “hate crime”. Because Liberals can’t stand it. Biden is also saying that the rights of the Christian are inferior to the rights of the LGBT individual.
joe-biden-vice-president-remarks-international-day-against-homophobia 2 Edit View in discussion

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 4 days ago
CHINA RUSSIA INDIA EU US OCI UN] reject the supremacists assassin serial murderes ottoman jihad monsters of the sharia genocide UMMA octopus and their demographic bomb and replacement theology,
Azerbaijan liberates the second city of Karabakh occupied by Armenia ANSWER answer
only the sovereignty and life of the Muslim peoples is respected on this planet? 2 Edit View in discussion
Discussion on United with Israel 30 comments
WATCH: Anti-Israel BDS-Backers in US Congress Increased by 50%

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 3 days ago
Biden at work on "mirror of America" government...
this criminal must end up in the electric chair for high treason!
Biden al lavoro su governo "specchio dell’America"
questo criminale deve finire sulla sedia elettrica per alto tradimento! 2 Edit View in discussion

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 3 days ago
info@unitedwithisrael org
https://unitedwithisrael org/its-a-date-israel-begins-export-of-agricultural-produce-to-uae/#comment-5141705641
tu stai combattendo contro il mio Regno di Israele
you are fighting against my Kingdom of Israel
about https://unitedwithisrael org/ 2 Edit View in discussion
Discussion on United with Israel 11 comments
Israel Bans Palestinian Sheikh Who Praised Beheading of Teacher

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI i am Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH 4 days ago
kings of Riyad Bin Salman and #Egyptians Gov ] in che modo voi volete essere uccisi da me il Vostro amico? to your SATAN-ALLAH to him in person? in these 13 years I have bled him! 2 Edit View in discussion

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI i am Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH 4 days ago
from shame and dishonor the DEMs and all their accomplices will never rise again!
INTEGRAL speech Mons. VIGANO 'on the New World Order Freemasonry Deep State and Deep Church
https://www detoxed info/discorso-mons-vigano-nuovo-order-morld-massoneria-deep-state-e-deep-churc/ 2 Edit View in discussion
Discussion on United with Israel 32 comments
Leading US Jewish Group Urges 'Unity Respect for Diversity of Opinion'

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI Don Spilman 4 days ago
https://disqus com/by/donspilman/ help italian people
First yes to the Zan bill: you risk jail (if you criticize the GENDER lgbtq ideology) with the law on homophobia that you want to approve in Italy,
Primo sì al ddl Zan: si rischia la galera (se critichi la ideologia GENDER lgbtq )con la legge sull’omofobia che si vuole approvare in Italia
https://centrostudilivatino us18 list-manage com/track/click?u=36e8ea8c047712ff9e9784adb&id=74c20f44c3&e=56e77d3e3b 2 Edit View in discussion

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI Excuse me 4 days ago
CROLLA LA CABALA ESULTA TRUMPhttps://youtu be/NpaaZiwX_js 2 Edit View in discussion

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI Don Spilman 4 days ago
https://youtu be/NpaaZiwX_js 2 Edit View in discussion
Discussion on United with Israel 66 comments
Its a Date! Israel Begins Export of Agricultural Produce to UAE

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI Bro. Nick Nicholas 4 days ago
always do always same answer always to make to you troll parrot ? to senile ignorat Bro. Nick Nicholas • only God is ETHERNAL and his love pure and infinite: as a lover in love he calls all his creatures to existence and beauty sadly Biden and Pope
FRANCIS disgusted God and certainly as Revelation says: will they disintegrate in the "lake of fire" which is the second death in 350 earth years and 1000 years of heavenly years when he / they all have been properly punished for his wickedness? then finally the oblivion
of mercy will descend on them!
now there is no one who can think
that Almighty and merciful God personally does this dirty work: then I
will do it just me: also because cursed souls like Aristobulus really
disgust me!
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI*4 days ago*Removed
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI to idiota Bro. Nick Nicholas •
accords perfectly with the Bible; http://disq us/p/2cymhoq but
unfortunately it does not accord with the Talmud Communists and the
Koran and this is why neoliberal Jews and Muslims sharia need to become
mass murderers. the metaphysics of the ancient Greeks says that the
ARCHé that is the Being is one therefore everything else has
existence from him and if the holy angels are not eternal: who angels
never do a single fart?
how can i be eternal?
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI*4 days ago*Removed
idiot crazy Nicholas Bro
http://disq us/p/2cymhoq I am very happy with your irrational and antitheological considerations against me: because I think that even those who make mistakes: they
too have a gift of their own to give to the world but where does your real evil nature come from? from the fact that you follow me: and mark all my posts in a negative way to make me close the channel again.
sure I wouldn't open new channels if you didn't make me close them! 1 Edit View in discussion

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 5 days ago
Open Renzi and Boschi ended up in the investigation for 7.2 million in illegal loans to finance the political activity of the Renzi area of the PD from 2012 to 2018.
it is a blackmail: of the Bilderberg Freemasons in order not to bring down the criminal and abusive Conte Bis Pd M5S government
Open Renzi e Boschi finiti nell'inchiesta per 7.2 milioni di finanziamenti illeciti per finanziare l'attività politica dell'area renziana del PD dal 2012 al 2018.
è un ricatto: dei massoni bilderberg per non far cadere il criminale e abusivo governo Conte Bis Pd M5S 1 Edit View in discussion

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 5 days ago
We are at war with the government !!
we have to coin money: in a regime of monetary sovereignty to face the pandemic: The proposal fills the square of Naples. https: // youtu be / zCOmnUL9UlE
General tax strike !!
Amodeo if we really want to stop this colluding government we have to unite and move together by striking fiscally !!
Siamo in guerra con il governo!!
dobbiamo Battere moneta: in regime di sovranità monetaria per far fronte alla pandemia: La proposta riempie la piazza di Napoli. https://youtu be/zCOmnUL9UlE
Sciopero fiscale generale!!
Amodeo se vogliamo veramente fermare questo governo colluso dobbiamo unirci e muoverci insieme scioperando fiscalmente!! 1 Edit View in discussion

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI Bro. Nick Nicholas 5 days ago
everyone knows that we are all useless servants of the Lord God JHWH Almighty
and when: we have done our job (all glory be to God alone only)
we say: "I am only a useless servant I have only done my duty!"
now if God has given me a ministry so that every flesh and every demon has to shut up his mouth then my ministry will be effective,
because every ministry belongs to God alone,
the ministry does not belong to the abilities of a man: who is flesh dust and ashes like me! 1 Edit View in discussion

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI Bro. Nick Nicholas 5 days ago
you are totally derailed with an earthquake brain
if I will not be the messiah of the Jews?
so the demon Rockefeller Rothschild is already doing it! 1 Edit View in discussion

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 5 days ago
it is normal for the satanists DEM Deep State to vote even dead bodies 20 years earlier!
#DEM GOLPE Deep State #coup] [ è normale per i satanisti DEM Deep State far votare anche i cadaveri morti 20 anni prima!
https://lacrunadellago net/2020/11/06/colpo-di-stato-negli-usa-il-nuovo-ordine-mondiale-non-vuole-lasciare-andare-lamerica-trump-pronto-alla-controffensiva/ 1 Edit View in discussion

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 5 days ago
DEM Deep State coup] [Had the tally gone smoothly the incumbent president would have easily surpassed the necessary quota of 270 votes to remain in the White House.
Instead the signal came. Everyone stopped counting.
Trump's probable victory had to be sabotaged. It was at that moment that what can arguably be called the greatest electoral fraud machine ever seen in the US was set in motion.
Joe Biden the gaffe champion Democratic candidate let it slip before the US elections.
https://www youtube com/watch?v=MA8a2g6tTp0
He confessed that his party and the deep state had set up "the largest election fraud organization" ever seen in American history.
As soon as the counting stopped and the infamous postal votes began to arrive in the middle of the night it wasn't hard to see that what Joe Biden said was starting to come true. 1 Edit View in discussion

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 5 days ago
DEM Deep State coup] [Had the tally gone smoothly the incumbent president would have easily surpassed the necessary quota of 270 votes to remain in the White House.
Instead the signal came. Everyone stopped counting.
Trump's probable victory had to be sabotaged. It was at that moment that what can arguably be called the greatest electoral fraud machine ever seen in the US was set in motion.
Joe Biden the gaffe champion Democratic candidate let it slip before the US elections.
He confessed that his party and the deep state had set up "the largest election fraud organization" ever seen in American history.
As soon as the counting stopped and the infamous postal votes began to arrive in the middle of the night it wasn't hard to see that what Joe Biden said was starting to come true.

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 5 days ago
these dangerous criminals PD Bilderberg M5S and the whole judiciary REGIME NWO ROCKEFELLER must go through a revolutionary tribunal for threat to national security! The reception centers are places of Covid-contagion dormitories on average inhospitable places where riots are triggered but above all a machine for milking state money devoid of any social and humanitarian vocation. It is the merciless picture that emerges in a report drawn up by ActionAid and Openpolis. The situation is dramatic. And it is the fault of the governments of Giuseppe Conte.
Immigration reception centers for migrants "coronavirus outbreaks". The accusation of Openpolis and Action Aid
Tunisian repatriated "maybe he had the coronavirus". One hundred policemen are at risk of contagion: Viminal madness "an unacceptable stuff"
https: // www liberoquotidiano it / news / italy / 25149739 / immigration-reception-centers-migrants-contagion-coronavirus-action-aid-openpolis-accusa-lamorgese-viminale.html
questi pericolosi criminali PD Bilderberg M5S e tutta la magistratura devono passare attraverso un tribunale rivoluzinario per minaccia alla sicurezza nazionale! I centri di accoglienza sono luoghi di Covid-contagio dormitori posti mediamente inospitali dove si innescano rivolte ma soprattutto una macchina per mungere soldi statali privi di qualsivoglia vocazione sociale e umanitaria. È il quadro impietoso che emerge in un rapporto stilato da ActionAid e Openpolis. La situazione è drammatica. Ed è colpa dei governi di Giuseppe Conte.
Immigrazione i centri di accoglienza per migranti "focolai di contagio di coronavirus". L'accusa di Openpolis e Action Aid
Tunisino rimpatriato "forse aveva il coronavirus". Cento poliziotti sono a rischio contagio: follia Viminale "un roba inaccettabile" 1 Edit View in discussion

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI Marilyn Phillips Malone 5 days ago
Bro. 666 Nick Nicholas • become Guest
again Guest • 9 hours ago
again Guest • 9 hours ago •
This comment nik nicholas was deleted
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI Guest • 3 hours ago 1 Edit View in discussion
Discussion on United with Israel 32 comments
Leading US Jewish Group Urges 'Unity Respect for Diversity of Opinion'

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI Phil Lesh Fan 4 days ago
May God help us all now,
because these elections were a great conspiracy against the American people
satanist democrats lgbtq deep state freemasons twitter and social media and technocracy neoliberals
they have done too much electoral fraud that lager confinement camps should be built to arrest them all! 2 Edit View in discussion

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI Robert291047 5 days ago
DEMs are all sons of Cain lgbtq Deep State mosonic regime
it is normal that they hate us who are the children of Set 2 Edit View in discussion

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI Phil Lesh Fan 5 days ago
we cannot rule out that China and Iran are looking for world war,
to carry out their respective revenge what worries me is the desecration of all Saudi holy places! 2 Edit View in discussion

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI Albert 5 days ago
this is a sad and tragic truth
we have more Jews who hate Israel because they sold themselves to satan in the new world order
questa è una triste e tragica verità
abbiamo più ebrei che odiano israele perché si sono venduti a satana nel nuovo ordine mondiale 2 Edit View in discussion

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI VTS 5 days ago
DEM scam banking seigniorage demon-rats Rockefeller Deep State? 2 Edit View in discussion

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI Michael 5 days ago
WOW! you are FIGHTING Romans.
still in the Gallic War of Vercingetorix or what else? https://youtu be/SMyS_-lWqLA 2 Edit View in discussion

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI Excuse me 5 days ago
really the support for Israel is not a Democratic cause or a Republican cause; it is an American cause. "Really!
that's why they gave Israel 90 years of terrorism,
but they did it with love! 2 Edit View in discussion

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI FuzzyAshkenaz 5 days ago
sorry DNC s.r.l. - Consultancy for cemetery services FED S.P.A. Tax Accountants for Rockefeller Firms and Soros Lgbtq Masonic Professionals the churches of satan Morgan Owl at bohemina grove Bush? 2 Edit View in discussion

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI Youreanidiot 5 days ago
Biden conspiracy has a boiled tuna face it's an old story,
its criminal Deep State organization must be exposed
complotto Biden ha una faccia di tonno lesso è una storia vecchia,
la sua criminale oraganizzazione Deep State deve essere smascherata 2 Edit View in discussion

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI Phil Lesh Fan 5 days ago
Biden is pure evil with the media they want to steal the elections 2 Edit View in discussion
Discussion on United with Israel 32 comments
Leading US Jewish Group Urges 'Unity Respect for Diversity of Opinion'

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI Porter 5 days ago
J street Peace now Foxman are Deep State esoteric agenda regime Bilderberg dark Rockefeller? 2 Edit View in discussion
Discussion on liberoquotidiano 1 comments
Franco Bechis contro Conte: "Ci tolgono la libertà con un algoritmo c'è un limite al sopruso e alla prevaricazione"

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 5 days ago
Its a Date! Israel Begins Export of Agricultural Produce to UAE
http://disq us/t/3sowivm
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI •
these dangerous criminals PD Bilderberg M5S and the whole judiciary REGIME NWO ROCKEFELLER must go through a revolutionary tribunal for threat to national security! The reception centers are places of Covid-contagion dormitories on average inhospitable places where riots are triggered but above all a machine for milking state money devoid of any social and humanitarian vocation. It is the merciless picture that emerges in a report drawn up by ActionAid and Openpolis. The situation is dramatic. And it is the fault of the governments of Giuseppe Conte.
Immigration reception centers for migrants "coronavirus outbreaks". The accusation of Openpolis and Action Aid
Tunisian repatriated "maybe he had the coronavirus". One hundred policemen are at risk of contagion: Viminal madness "an unacceptable stuff"
https: // www liberoquotidiano it / news / italy / 25149739 / immigration-reception-centers-migrants-contagion-coronavirus-action-aid-openpolis-accusa-lamorgese-viminale.html
questi pericolosi criminali PD Bilderberg M5S e tutta la magistratura devono passare attraverso un tribunale rivoluzinario per minaccia alla sicurezza nazionale! I centri di accoglienza sono luoghi di Covid-contagio dormitori posti mediamente inospitali dove si innescano rivolte ma soprattutto una macchina per mungere soldi statali privi di qualsivoglia vocazione sociale e umanitaria. È il quadro impietoso che emerge in un rapporto stilato da ActionAid e Openpolis. La situazione è drammatica. Ed è colpa dei governi di Giuseppe Conte.
Immigrazione i centri di accoglienza per migranti "focolai di contagio di coronavirus". L'accusa di Openpolis e Action Aid
Tunisino rimpatriato "forse aveva il coronavirus". Cento poliziotti sono a rischio contagio: follia Viminale "un roba inaccettabile"
Discussion on liberoquotidiano 2 comments
Immigrazione i centri di accoglienza per migranti "focolai di contagio di coronavirus". L'accusa di Openpolis e Action Aid

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 5 days ago
I centri di accoglienza sono luoghi di Covid-contagio dormitori posti
mediamente inospitali dove si innescano rivolte ma soprattutto una
macchina per mungere soldi statali privi di qualsivoglia vocazione
sociale e umanitaria. È il quadro impietoso che emerge in un rapporto
stilato da ActionAid e Openpolis. La situazione è drammatica. Ed è colpa
dei governi di Giuseppe Conte.
Immigrazione i centri di accoglienza per migranti "focolai di contagio di coronavirus". L'accusa di Openpolis e Action Aid
rimpatriato "forse aveva il coronavirus". Cento poliziotti sono a
rischio contagio: follia Viminale "un roba inaccettabile"
https://www liberoquotidiano it/news/italia/25149739/immigrazione-centri-accoglienza-migranti-contagio-coronavirus-action-aid-openpolis-accusa-lamorgese-viminale.html 1 Edit View in discussion
Discussion on United with Israel 66 comments
Its a Date! Israel Begins Export of Agricultural Produce to UAE

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI Bro. Nick Nicholas 5 days ago
but how can you think you have a God-Demon
if you pay your money to the satanist Rothschild FED S.P.A. Central bank shareholders ECB IMF NWO?
because you made yourself the servant of Rothschild Rockefeller Morgan
while you were NOT supposed to betray God and you were only to be God's servant? 1 Edit View in discussion

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 5 days ago
even the coronavirus serves the purpose of deconstructing the political structures of nations and this is called a coup!
Soros and the Rothschilds want to overthrow Trump to achieve the new world order
The rioters who are killing as in the case of the Saint Louis police officer and ravaging the streets of the United States are mainly coordinated by two groups: Black Lives Matter and Antifa.
Both of these organizations are funded by George Soros and have a specific mission. Fuel racial tensions to destabilize the country and overthrow the Trump presidency.
anche il coronavirus serve allo scopo di destrutturale le strutture politiche delle nazioni e questo si chima golpe!
Soros e i Rothschild vogliono rovesciare Trump per arrivare al nuovo ordine mondiale
I rivoltosi che stanno uccidendo come nel caso dell’ufficiale di polizia di Saint Louis e devastando le strade degli Stati Uniti sono principalmente coordinati da due gruppi: Black Lives Matter e Antifa.
Entrambe queste organizzazioni sono finanziate da George Soros ed hanno una missione specifica. Alimentare le tensioni razziali per destabilizzare il Paese e rovesciare la presidenza Trump.
https://lacrunadellago net/2020/06/04/soros-e-i-rothschild-vogliono-rovesciare-trump-per-arrivare-al-nuovo-ordine-mondiale/ 1 Edit View in discussion

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI Guest 5 days ago
1. if I the most powerful Zionist in the history of mankind if I was a Buddhist / atheist / Hindu / Confucian who gathers the 12 scattered tribes of Israel who builds the holy and prophesied third Jewish temple (home of all peoples brothers) then for you there was no problem?
2. but because I am a Catholic faithful to Pope Benedict XVI then is this a problem for you? yet all the Popes of the Second Vatican Council have said that the Jews have a right to their interpretation of the Bible.
3. Or do you hate Jews just because they have the Jewish religion? 1 Edit View in discussion

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI Guest 6 days ago
what you are doing politically and spiritually
1. against the NWO-OCI-UN
2. against the seigniorage banking stolen at all peoples by the S.p.A. rothschild
3. Against allah mosques and lgbtq synagogues killing Christians and israeli all over the world
4. Against the Deep Dark State DEM Bilderberg regime
it is clear your God Allah is false as the money created by the rockefeller werewolf that you carry in your pocket is a scam! 1 Edit View in discussion

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 6 days ago
illegal and illicit Pope FRANCIS the excommunicated heretic sorcerer:
and his #Pachamama (5 crimes of faith) - Catholic Culture
culturacattolica it
Nov 14 2019 - Pachamama is a religious deception. It is actually a pagan deity who belongs to the Inca culture and religion of Peru where aberrant rituals of human sacrifices were made
illegale e illecito Papa FRANCESCO lo stregone eretico scomunicato:
e la sua #Pachamama (5 ingani delitti della fede) - Cultura Cattolica
culturacattolica it
14 nov 2019 — La Pachamama è un inganno religioso. Si tratta in realtà di una divinità pagana che appartiene alla cultura e alla religione inca del Perù dove venivano fatti rituali aberranti di sacrifici umani 1 Edit View in discussion

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 6 days ago
Landings in Lampedusa: citizens locked in their homes and covid19 infected illegal immigrants are around to spread the epidemic
the #sicilians are all under house arrest (look down)
but in #Campania that the infected are double they are free,
but jihad akbar sharia Allah invasion can come with the blessing of: Satan lgbtq DEM Soros Kalergi Merkel EU anti-Christ Jewish freemason and Macron Pd M5S le beas
https://voxnews info/2020/11/06/sbarchi-a-lampedusa-cittadini-chiusi-in-casa-e-clandestini-in-giro/
Sbarchi a Lampedusa: cittadini chiusi in casa e clandestini infetti covid19 sono in giro a diffondere l'epidemia
i #siciliani sono tutti agli arresti domiciliari (look down)
ma in #Campania che gli infetti sono al doppio loro sono liberi,
ma jihad akbar sharia Allah invasione può arrivare con la benedizione di: Satana lgbtq DEM Soros Kalergi Merkel UE anticristo ebraico massone e Macron Pd M5S le bestie 1 Edit View in discussion

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI i am Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH 6 days ago
1. Mitt Romney voted for Donald's impeachment
2. Larry Hogan Governor of Maryland canceled the vote in an original way: on the ballot paper he would have written the name of the other great Republican leader Ronald Reagan
how can you not be a coward in front of the Deep STATE? 1 Edit View in discussion

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 6 days ago
BIN SALMAN kings from Riyad ] ehi si lo so lo schiavo goyim non si deve ribellare al suo padrone ebreo!
We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by World Israel News.
maledetto sia il suprematista (talmudico coranico) assassino e commerciate di schiavi in qualsiasi parte del mondo! 1 Edit View in discussion

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 6 days ago
a Putin Parkinson patriot is better
this syndrome does not affect the mental faculties,
that not a CIA traitor Navalny satanist BIDEN 1 Edit View in discussion

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 6 days ago
Pope FRANCIS He is not the Roman pontiff Cardinal BERGOGLIO remains not only is he a heretic and idolatrous
but he is also a usurper through the Jewish-Masonic mafia of the "San Gallo" mafia group
"the gates of hell will not prevail" Jesus said;
then he is excommunicated with all his accomplices: "Latae sententiae"
Papa FRANCESCO Non è il Romano pontefice rimane il Cardinale BERGOGLIO non solo lui è eretico e idolatra
ma lui è anche un usurpatore attraverso la mafia ebraico-massonica del gruppo mafioso "San Gallo"
"le porte degli inferi non prevarranno" ha detto Gesù;
quindi lui è scomunicato con tutti i suoi complici: "Latae sententiae" 1 Edit View in discussion
Discussion on United with Israel 66 comments
Its a Date! Israel Begins Export of Agricultural Produce to UAE

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 6 days ago
Thursday November 5 We are in an emergency
Dear friends two events rightly monopolize our attention now.
1. Elections in the United States of America e
2. the approval of the Zan law proposal in the Chamber of Deputies in Italy.
In the United States not only the presidency is at stake but the concrete possibility of defending life and family now threatened by the Joe Biden-Kamala 666 Harris lgbtq tandem.
In Italy the freedom to say that something is immoral is at risk when it is if the Senate does not stop this abuse at the last minute.
The truth of things therefore needs your help we need you.
Marcello Pera "Zan Law Decree attack on Christianity"
After approval "indoctrinated children as in the dark times of Soviet atheism"
The liberticidal law on the so-called "homotransphobia" passes Italy does not give up
American counter-revolution
Trump made conservatism politically mature. Go as you go at the crossroads you have taken the right path 1 Edit View in discussion

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 6 days ago
the QURAN is an uncreated word that cannot be interpreted
the whole Koran is a dogma and Muslims apply it all over the world!
thanks Obama Caliph GENDER UN sharia] can you explain to us when will you destroy Israel and the Arab League all together?
[What the Quran commands about us infidels:
Slaughter infidels wherever you find them (2: 191)
Make war on the infidels living near you (9: 123)
When the opportunity arises kill the infidels wherever they are caught (9.5)
Jews and Christians are perverted; fight them (9:30)
Killing Jews and Christians if they do not convert to Islam or refuse to pay the jizya [tax of humiliation] (9:29)
Mutilate and crucify infidels if they criticize Islam (05:33)
Punish the unbelievers with garments (cages) of fire iron rods with hooks boiling water melt their skin and belly (22: 19-21)
Any religion other than Islam is not acceptable (3:85)
Do not seek peace with the infidels; behead them when you take them captive (47: 4)
To terrorize and behead those who believe in scriptures other than the Qur'an (8:12)
Unbelievers are stupid; urge Muslims to fight them (8:65)
Muslims must not take infidels as friends (3:28)
Muslims must muster all possible weapons to terrorize infidels (8:60)
Infidels are impure and must not be allowed into the mosque (9:28)
Anyone who claims that Islam is or can be a religion of peace is a person who wants to believe in an illusion a very uninformed person or simply someone who is lying.
The only possible peace for Islam is the submission of the world to its precepts.
Islam means submission.
For submission thank you but don't count on me.
An integral aspect of the dhimma was that being an infidel the open recognition of the superiority of the true believer that is the Muslim was necessary. 1 Edit View in discussion

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 6 days ago
MACRON's France Austria and Merkel the beasts of Bilberberg EU the Jewish Freemason antichrist tecnocracy and neoliberalism scam banking seigniorage Rothschild
they have armored the Italian border
yet they continue to foment the Afro-Islamic jihadist Algerian Tunisian Libyan and Turkish invasion in the Italian peninsula!
la Francia di MACRON Austria e Merkel le bestie di Bilberberg UE l'anticristo ebraico massone
hanno blindato il confine italiano
eppure continuano a fomentare la invasione afro-islamica jihadista algerina tunisina libica e turca nella penisola italica! 1 Edit View in discussion

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 6 days ago
satanism gender lgbtq dictatorship [of an abusive government without popular consent imposed on us by MERKEL-Bilderberg] Nazi sodomitic maximalist thought and the rewriting of the contents and meanings of human nature: the bible of satan the talmud: how to rape our children at age 3 years in kindergarten.
Homophobia the Zan bill passes to the Chamber
With 265 yes 193 no and one abstention the Chamber approved the unified text of the bills to combat violence and discrimination for reasons related to transomophobia misogyny and disability otherwise known as the Zan Bill. The game now goes to the Senate where however for the Pd-Cinque Stelle majority it will be more difficult to have the consent of the votes.
We are therefore approaching with large strides to have to undergo a liberticide measure and that among the monsters born in these days also provides for the hour of gender at school and re-education for the rebels. 1 Edit View in discussion

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 7 days ago
BIN SALMAN the Kings from Riyad ] [ Didn't you pay for the DEMO-RATs also this time too? 1 Edit View in discussion

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 7 days ago
BIN SALMAN the Kings from Riyadh] [
*** Usa 2020: Osce accuses Trump of blatant abuse of power
The dem pd Bilderberg S.p.A. FED IMF ECB NWO Deep State lgbtq have occupied all the centers of power and all the institutions;
and we went to the elections like lambs against the Rockefeller coup
*** Trump "they are finding votes for Biden everywhere"
when damn Jewish Masons will enthrone their Satanist BiDEN?
you will have to die and ISLAM will be lost!
because I am no longer motivated to stop the impending third world war! 1 Edit View in discussion

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 7 days ago
1. it is not true that Jews respect my freedom of speech; my comments that they don't like delete them!
🕎 🕎 Metaphysical🕎Universal🕎UniusREI Tom Boye🚩 21 days ago
in this server were erased all answer to you:
Tom Boye https: // disqus com / by / tom_boye
https: // disqus com / by / Aristobulus000 /
🕎 🕎 Metaphysical🕎Universal🕎UniusREI Tom Boye🚩 21 days ago
this server erased all answer to you
2. and to avenge their prostitute? JEWS have deleted all MY comments from the last 11 days
what if they had respect for Israel and Trump? They would NOT have done that! they have already sold themselves to the satanist BIDEN: it takes little for the Jews to betray you and turn into traitors 1 Edit View in discussion

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 7 days ago
BIN SALMAN the Kings from Riyad] [
1. Muslims and Jews kill me innocent Christians all over the world; for 60 years,
2. Muslims and Jews trample me in my house: in Italy; I at school in my 18 classes I cannot read what the catechism of the Catholic Church says about homosexuals;
3. and in your opinion for me to be on the Internet for 33 years counting the corpses of Christian martyrs: this is my amusement and I must never lose patience? 1 Edit View in discussion

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 7 days ago
BIN SALMAN the Kings from Riyad ] [ a Jewish prostitute came to me and said:
"Jesus can never be salvific"
but why don't you mind your own business?
I came to tell you personally:
"" if you don't become a Christian can't you be saved? ""
no this I have not told anyone: personally! 1 Edit View in discussion

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 7 days ago
BIN SALMAN kings from Riyad ] the lack of humility and respect towards me is not something personal because I am a universal political ministry (I represent every man and woman and I represent all peoples) and no one can live on this planet outside my benevolence and there is nothing good and right that cannot be achieved through me !!
now I have to give (I am called to give) a blow in the sponge: to give AMNISTY on the fact that I have been: the Observatory on the martyrdom of Christians for 33 years?
ok you like it like that that nobody has to pay for it
but only for those who were accomplices in this massacre of innocent Christian martyrs:
for this alone I have the right to kill half the human race for silence and complicity in this curse lgbtq Communist Islamic Jewish Masonic crime:
i am in duty to kill you all 1 Edit View in discussion
Discussion on United with Israel 66 comments
Its a Date! Israel Begins Export of Agricultural Produce to UAE

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 7 days ago
We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by World Israel News.
BIN SALMAN ] 1. if mankind could survive without me? then it is not true that I am Unius REI; yet I am the last of men and the servant of all!
2. I am a layman; freedom of conscience and freedom of religion to all,
3. I am a factory of desires for all the people of this planet: "does one want his religion to become salvific? I know how it can be done!"
4. There is NOT something that I cannot accomplish politically spiritually and religiously: because I am the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords;
but there is no one who must attack me who must disrespect me to be without humility towards me! 1 Edit View in discussion
Discussion on World Israel News 35 comments
WATCH: How would a Biden administration impact Israel?

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 7 days ago
"Get lost crazily jewhating spamming obsessed vermin scum piece of drek." — Aristobulus http://disq us/p/2czedrf
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI ] said [ there is nothing of all your slander that you could demonstrate against my holiness! however spam means always writing the same message and I don't spam this! if then I leave the topic of the worldisraelnews article
and because I am: just that the King of ISRAEL (who will build the third Jewish temple) that the sodomitic priests of Satan and Allah cannot accept!

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 7 days ago
http://disq us/p/2czdmja
who cares what is in the name of Jesus he has no bearing in anything .. stop making him the worlds saviour since in no will he ever be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
https://disqus com/by/diannekavon/ Dianne Kavon •
Jesus of Bethlehem heir to the throne of David and real true King Israele
he told me that you killed him too soon but that he still had many things to say: again!

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 7 days ago
Dianne Kavon http://disq us/p/2czdmja
who cares what is in the name of Jesus he has no bearing in anything .. stop making him the worlds saviour since in no will he ever be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI Dianne Kavon •
Jesus of Bethlehem heir to the throne of David and real true King Israele
he told me that you killed him too soon but that he still had many things to say: again!

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI Dianne Kavon 7 days ago
Jesus of Bethlehem heir to the throne of David and real true King Israele
he told me that you killed him too soon but that he still had many things to say: again!
Jesus di Betlemme erede al trono di Davide
mi ha detto che tu lo hai ucciso troppo presto ma che lui aveva molte cosa ancora di dire: ancora!

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI Dianne Kavon 7 days ago
DEM S.p.A. FED (666 giurical personality your god) Bilderberg #Rockefeller Soros #PD M5S are a repugnant constitutional crime! #left #homophobe #fascist Giorgia Meloni: Do you support a different thesis from the left? They tell you that you are homophobic racist and fascist.
Do you hold a thesis other than the #left? They tell you that you are #homophobe #racist and #fascist ] [ It has now become really sickening that anyone who tries to support a thesis other than the left should be branded as unpresentable. The time has come for these gentlemen to start answering questions rather than hiding behind monsters that don't exist. the unique autocratic thinking dominated lgbtq FED IMF ECB and useless. these speak and listen to themselves. we must cancel the US elections and we must impose martial law!
https://youtu be/Ka_xDlkbbqc
DEM Bilderberg Soros #PD M5S sono un ripugnante delitto costituzionale!
#sinistra #omofobo #fascista

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 7 days ago
DEM Bilderberg #Rockefeller Soros #PD M5S are a repugnant constitutional crime!
https://youtu be/Ka_xDlkbbqc#left #homophobe #fascist
Giorgia Meloni: Do you support a different thesis from the left? They tell you that you are homophobic racist and fascist.
Do you hold a thesis other than the #left? They tell you that you are #homophobe #racist and #fascist
It has now become really sickening that anyone who tries to support a thesis other than the left should be branded as unpresentable. The time has come for these gentlemen to start answering questions rather than hiding behind monsters that don't exist.
the unique autocratic thinking dominated lgbtq FED IMF ECB and useless. these speak and listen to themselves. we must cancel the US elections and we must impose martial law!
DEM Bilderberg Soros #PD M5S sono un ripugnante delitto costituzionale!
#sinistra #omofobo #fascista
Giorgia Meloni: Sostieni tesi diversa da sinistra? Ti dicono che sei omofobo razzista e fascista.
Sostieni una tesi diversa dalla #sinistra? Ti dicono che sei #omofobo #razzista e #fascista
Ormai è diventato davvero stucchevole che chiunque provi a sostenere una tesi diversa dalla sinistra debba essere bollato come impresentabile. È arrivato il momento che questi signori inizino a rispondere alle domande invece che nascondersi dietro a mostri che non esistono.
il pensiero unico autocratico dominate lgbtq FED IMF ECB e inutile. questi Parlano e si ascoltano da soli. dobbiamo annullare le elezioni USA e dobbiamo imporre la legge marziale!

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 7 days ago
1. they created an octopus mafia system: transnational Jewish Masonic joint stock company (S.p.A.) scam banking seigniorage
and they have occupied all institutions all media all government bodies
#Ue cheers #Biden but is forced to wait (from Brussels A. Mauro)
The post-vote chaos forces the chancelleries to impatient silence. The Slovenian Janša premier in the country of Melania escapes. Pd and M5s split [[ huffingtonpost it ]]
and then do we expect TRuMP to win the election?
this is the Bilderberg regime it is no longer democracy!
Civil unions "recognition of same-parenting is up to the legislator"
the institutionalization of homosexuality as a value model will lead to Satanism throughout our society
there can be no marriage model outside the natural model
1. hanno creato un sistema mafia piovra: trasnazionale ebraico massonico società per azioni (S.p.A.) scam banking seigniorage
ed hanno occupato tutte le istituzioni tutti i media tutti gli organismo governativi
#Ue tifa #Biden ma è costretta ad aspettare (da Bruxelles A. Mauro)
Il caos post-voto costringe le cancellerie a impazienti silenzi. Sfugge lo sloveno Janša premier nel paese di Melania. Si spaccano Pd e M5s
e poi noi ci aspettiamo che TRuMP possa vincere le elezioni?
questo è il regime Bilderberg non è più la democrazia!
Unioni civili "riconoscimento omogenitorialità spetta al legislatore"
la istituzionalizzazione della omosessualità come modello valoriale porterà al satanismo tutta la nostra società
non può esistere un modello matrimoniale al di fuori del modello naturale

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI 7 days ago
catholic apostasy the darkest Jewish Masonic hours in the VATICAN: how a modernist apostate hierarchy replaces the Catholic hierarchy!
In the hour of trial: "Do you want to leave too?" Gv 6 67 (Italian) Paperback - Oct. 27 2020
by Mons Carlo Maria Viganò (Author) Aldo Maria Valli (Editor)
Since the summer of 2018 when he revealed to the world his memorial on the case of former Cardinal MacCarrick Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò has become the leader of a Catholic resistance movement in defense of right doctrine and faith in the sign of Tradition against the now rampant apostasy.
Owner of the popular blog #Duc #in #altum in which the Archbishop's interventions often appear Aldo Maria Valli collects in this volume numerous contributions by the former nuncio to the USA: texts that ranging from the analysis of the situation of the Church to of spirituality I compose an indispensable framework for understanding what it means today to be Catholic. A text that the archbishop wrote out of love for the truth and renouncing all royalties deriving from sales. "Listening to or re-listening to the voice of Monsignor Viganò - writes Valli - is like climbing a mountain. It's like breathing deeply after being exposed for too long to the miasma of lies half-truths words that arise from political opportunism and not from love for the Truth ".
#Carlo #Maria # Viganò (Varese 1941) consecrated archbishop by St. John #Paul II in 1992 worked in the secretariat of state of the Holy See and was secretary general of the Governorate of the Vatican City State and #nunzio #apostolico in the United States of America.
Discussion on World Israel News 5 comments
Ethiopian-Israeli leaders protest arrival of American 'missionaries,' say community is targeted

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI Aristobulus 7 days ago
there is nothing of all your slander that you could demonstrate against my holiness!
however spam means always writing the same message and I don't spam this!
if then I leave the topic of the worldisraelnews article
and because I am: just that the King of ISRAEL (who will build the third Jewish temple) that the sodomitic priests of Satan and Allah cannot accept!
non c'é nulla di tutte le tue calunnie che tu poteresti dimostrare contro la mia santità!
comunque spam significa scrivere sempre lo stesso messagio e io questo spam non lo faccio!
se poi esco dal tema dell'articolo di worldisraelnews
e perché io sono: proprio quel il Re di ISRAELE (che costruirà il terzo tempio ebraico) che i sacerdoti sodomitici di Satana e Allah non possono accettare!

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di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH • they first passed by the Bohemian Grove (cremation of cure) from their Owl Rothschild God and their Lucife...
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perché io sono Unius REI, [[ MENE, TEKEL, PERES ]] e tutti dal mio tribunale dovrete passare, NECESSARIAMENTE, i servi di Dio sono accecati ...
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- Lion☦️Judah☦️UniusREI☦️kingdom di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH
- ☦️burn satana ☦️shariah ☦️Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name amen ☦️alleluia ☦️ lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom ☦️burn satana ☦️shariah ☦️Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name amen ☦️alleluia ☦️ C. S. P. B. Crux Sancti Patris Benedecti Croce del Santo Padre Benedetto C. S. S. M. L. Crux Sacra Sit Mihi Lux Croce sacra sii la mia Luce N. D. S. M. D. Non draco sit mihi dux Che il dragone non sia il mio duce V. R. S. Vadre Retro satana Allontanati satana! N. S. M. V. Non Suade Mihi Vana Non mi persuaderai di cose vane S. M. Q. L. Sunt Mala Quae Libas Ciò che mi offri è cattivo I.V. B. Ipsa Venena Bibas Bevi tu stesso i tuoi veleni