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domenica 21 giugno 2020

I have your back

  • Hell hath no fury like a man fired from office.
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        “I am hard-pressed to identify any significant
        Trump decision during my tenure that wasn’t driven by re-election
        calculations,” Bolton writes according to the publisher.
        Now that's a good thing in a demoncrazy it is after all the Presidents job to execute the will of the people not the will of some globalist elites. That said this is obviously just propaganda too lies to present Trump as a man of the people as opposed to what he really is a globalist shill. If what Bolton says was true why the is the UN still in US soil and why isn't Hillary arrested? Those two would have ensured his reelection by a huge margin. Also If was true why isn't Bolton arrested too for alledgedly leaking classified material?
        Time for us all to wake up and to understand only G-d has the right to make Laws all other lawmakers are therefor false gods and voting for them makes us co conspirators to their blasphemy. Voting for them is worshiping false gods. We need to end that and we need to end that now and instead start to obey HaShem and implement His Torah in all aspects of our lives including Law and punishment. Otherwise billions of people will die in the Gog / Magog war that unless we wake us and do as stated above will be upon us shortly.
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            Getting others to buy bulk of your products is smart business strategy. I do not think that President Trump did wrong by asking Xi to buy more of America's agric. produce.
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              "What Bolton saw astonished him: a president for whom getting re-elected was the only thing that mattered even if it meant endangering or weakening the nation."
              Except that nothing would weaken this nation more than electing Joe "what was I saying again?" Biden as President.
              I find it hilarious that before Trump was elected the media said that he would be starting wars left and right and crashing the world economy. How many wars has he started? The American economy certainly hadn't crashed and neither had the world in his first three years. And the current economic situation can't rationally be blamed on Trump.
              I'm not buying what any of these people are selling.
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                  No doubt the handling of the dismissal of John Bolton by President Trump was awkward and clumsy at best. Didn't have to go down that way and now we will have to endure the President's attacks and the counter attacks by Bolton. None of this serves the interests of the President who is up for election or the Republican Party but it will sell books and enrich John Bolton.
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                      The expression,"I have your back" surely applies,thankfully to our President Trump.
                      We are in challenging times on many levels with the major fear of the Democrats and their leftist base of anti-Semitic anti Israel momsers!!
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                        That's a good thing! Probably classified information but anything Anti-Trump is acceptable in eyes of the activists leftist judges.

                      Hello lorenzoJHWH MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN !! MAGA PATRIOT HERO MAGA MAGA PATRIOT ... Exciting news—President Trump is hosting a re-election rally today in Tulsa Oklahoma his first rally since the coronavirus pandemic swept the country. Even more exciting we’re going to LIVE STREAM the rally and I’m hosting a watch party! I’ll be chatting with All Access members before and after the rally so head over to or our mobile app at 7:45pm ET / 4:45pm PT to watch it live and hang out. Hope to see you there! Cheers Michael Knowles Host The Michael Knowles ShowLeggi tutto


                      Lorenzo Fedele2506603 ore fa
                      storia di ordinaria follia e tradimento e depravazione del partito democratico: in Italia! DIECI IMMIGRATI MASSACRANO CARABINIERE A SEDIATE E CALCI Ore tre del mattino. Scontri tra immigrati a Piazzale Loreto a Milano. Che poi si trasformano in una brutale aggressione contro un militare. Una decine di immigrati acccerchia un carabiniere e lo massacra di botte. Secondo il Giornale sul posto era presente un maresciallo capo dei carabinieri si avvicina agli immigrati e mostra il distintivo qualificandosi come carabiniere. Illuso. A quel punto l’aggressione. Gli immigrati una decina l’hanno colpito con sediate calci e pugni. “Lo hanno distrutto di botte” dice una fonte. Si sarebbe salvato raccontano perché di mole imponente. “Altrimenti sarebbe finita molto peggio”. “La città finito il lockdown è tornata una bolgia dove l’ordine pubblico è fuori controllo” tuona il deputato leghista Paolo Grimoldi accusando apertamente il ministro dell’Interno Luciana Lamorgese “che pure è stata prefetto a Milano (uno dei peggiori peraltro) pochi anni fa” di non accorgersi di nulla. Lamorgese è una nota cazzara. Un’opposizione seria l’andrebbe a prendere.Leggi tutto


                      Lorenzo Fedele2506603 ore fa
                      UN OCI new ottoman empire UMMA OCI jihad sharia Erdogan ] [ In Turkish jargon the difference is simple: It is "conquest" when we do it and "invasion" when others do it. The venue for this year's Turkish celebrations of the 1453 conquest of Constantinople was not chosen randomly: it was the stunning edifice of the Hagia Sophia Cathedral (pictured) built in the sixth century Byzantine Empire as the centerpiece of its capital. President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan personally commemorated the conquest with Islamic prayers at the Hagia Sophia a UNESCO world heritage site. In Turkey every May 29 brings up the country's "conquest fetish." Turks are proud that their Ottoman ancestors in 1453 "conquered" (not "invaded") then-Constantinople today's Istanbul. It is bizarre enough that a proud nation is commemorating every year the capture from another nation of its biggest city by the "force of sword." This year's 567th anniversary was no exception: The celebrations euphemistically referred to the fall of Constantinople as "conquest" -- not "invasion." In Turkish jargon the difference is simple: it is "conquest" when we do it and "invasion" when others do it. In this year's celebrations President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan raised the stakes when he spoke of the conquest prospectively not just retrospectively. "I am wishing that God grant this nation many more happy conquests," he said at a celebration where he recited from the Quran.Leggi tutto


                      Lorenzo Fedele2506604 ore fa
                      Caroline Glick: Netanyahu must stay strong on sovereignty as pressure builds Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Uzi Kattan • eih Satana Morgan Rockefeller Soros Kissinger Aru Mazda JaBullOn you first treacherously: you shoot a man in the back and then you say "a chord is dead" tu prima a tradimento: tu spari alla schiena un uomo e poi tu dici: "è morto un cordo"Leggi tutto


                      Lorenzo Fedele2506604 ore fa
                      Inauguration of Lenin statue in the German Ruhr region brings together over 800 people After a long battle between the Marxist party and the city authorities Gelsenkirchen a city in the Ruhr area will become the first city in western Germany to boast a statue of Vladimir Lenin the founder of the Russian Communist party. ANSWER Do 200 million innocent victims of communism make them cry to Putin? Inaugurazione di statua di Lenin nella regione tedesca della Ruhr riunisce oltre 800 persone Dopo una lunga battaglia tra il partito marxista e le autorità cittadine Gelsenkirchen una città nella zona di Ruhr diventerà la prima città nella zona occidentale della Germania a vantare una statua di Vladimir Lenin il fondatore del partito comunista russo. ANSWER 200milioni di vittime innocenti del comunismo glieli facciamo piangere a Putin?Leggi tutto


                      Lorenzo Fedele2506604 ore fa
                      Ivri Anochi • Anyone who puts forward or accepts a peace plan that will even hint a division of the Holy Land for Israel to give away even a grain of its soil for "peace" will suffer G'd's Wrath and Judgment. So be very careful G'd Appoints kings and Deposes kings Daniel 2:21. Ivri Anochi • Chiunque proponga o accetti un piano di pace che suggerisca persino una divisione della Terra Santa affinché Israele dia via anche un granello del suo terreno per la "pace" subirà l'ira e il giudizio di G'd. Quindi stai molto attento G nomina i re e depone i re Daniele 2:21. 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Ivri Anochi • certainly we will not give the earth of God holy JHWH to the satanists of sharia and to his accomplice SpA Rothschild certo non daremo la terra di Dio ai satanisti di sharia e SpA RothschildLeggi tutto


                      Lorenzo Fedele2506604 ore fa
                      David Simonim • Please note the word sovereignty which is 100% correct and the word annexation which is 100% incorrect. David Simonim • Nota la parola sovranità che è corretta al 100% e la parola annessione che è errata al 100%. David Simonim • Please note the word sovereignty which is 100% correct and the word annexation which is 100% incorrect. 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 David Simonim • obviously: there are three legal titles: 1. Balfur declaration 2. 6-day war and: 3. 3000 years of history indicating that this is 100% land of ISRAEL this is the homeland of Jews 100% and sharia has always been a genocide: that all this islamic communist crime and lgbtq democratic party: they have never been condemned by Satan Rothschild Bin Salman these have set the shoah not only against the Israelians but also against all the peoples of the planet: who are not Islamic! ovviamente: ci tre titoli giuridici di proprietà: 1. dichiarazione Balfur 2. guerra dei 6 giorni e: 3. 3000 anni di storia che indicano che questa è terra di ISRAELE al 100% questa è la Patria degli ebrei al 100% e la sharia è sempre stata un genocidio: che tutto questo delitto islamico comunista e partito democratico lgbtq: non sono mai stati condannati da Satana Rothschild Bin Salman questi hanno impostato la shoah nonn solo contro gli israeliani ma anche contro tutti i popoli del pianeta: che non sono islamici!Leggi tutto


                      Lorenzo Fedele2506604 ore fa
                      between Hitler and Erdogan? no difference!!! the Turks must leave Cyprus as soon as possible! the Ottoman Islamic slanderer Cavusoglu in Sputnik: lack of dialogue on the eastern Mediterranean is the fault of Greece Already tense relations between the two countries have further deteriorated following Ankara's exploration plans for oil and gas fields in the Mediterranean Sea. Earlier this month the Greek defense minister warned that Athens would be willing to defend itself from an "aggressive" Turkey by any means necessary. tra Hitler ed Erdogan? nessuna differenza!!! i Turchi devono uscire da Cipro al più presto! il calunniatore islamico ottomano Cavusoglu a Sputnik: mancanza dialogo su Mediterraneo orientale è colpa della Grecia Le relazioni già tese tra i due Paesi sono ulteriormente peggiorate a seguito dei piani di esplorazione di Ankara dei giacimenti di petrolio e gas nel Mar Mediterraneo. All'inizio di questo mese il ministro della Difesa greco ha avvertito che Atene sarebbe stata disposta a difendersi da una Turchia "aggressiva" con ogni mezzo necessario.Leggi tutto


                      Lorenzo Fedele2506604 ore fa
                      Russian vaccine against Covid-19 may be ready for use in the fall Clinical tests of the Russian coronavirus vaccine on a group of volunteers all in good condition continue under rigorous medical supervision. ANSWER for a vaccine made in Russia: without nano particles uranium tungsten steel and the most dangerous of all aluminum? we can trust the Russians! STOP US made heavy metal vaccines!Leggi tutto


                      Lorenzo Fedele2506604 ore fa
                      Conte sbarca 200 clandestini e lascia licenziare 200 italiani: è un governo criminale Oggi mentre il Governo permetteva lo scarico di 211 clandestini da una ong tedesca dopo che ieri altri 67 erano stati scaricati dai sodali di un noto pregiudicato: Roberto Cavalli chiude i battenti a Firenze 170 dipendenti lasciati in mezzo alla strada abbandonati dalle istituzioni. Un'altra azienda italiana nota in tutto il mondo costretta a chiudere. Per Conte l'importante è continuare a far sbarcare clandestini. Maledetti. #RadioSavanaLeggi tutto


                      Lorenzo Fedele2506605 ore fa
                      Mike Pompeo criticizes United Nations: vote on racism and police is "hypocrite" The United Nations Human Rights Council announced an urgent session on racism and police brutality earlier this week after the United States was overwhelmed by mass protests following the death of African American George Floyd during the arrest of a white police officer in Minneapolis. ANSWER but for Erdogan IMAM ISIS UN the shining example and respect for all human rights? I'm in the ARAB LEAGUE that you watch them! Mike Pompeo critica Nazioni Unite: voto su razzismo e polizia è "ipocrita" Il Consiglio dei diritti umani delle Nazioni Unite ha annunciato una sessione urgente sul razzismo e la brutalità della polizia all'inizio di questa settimana dopo che gli Stati Uniti sono stati travolti dalle proteste di massa a seguito della morte dell'afroamericano George Floyd durante l'arresto di una agente di polizia bianco a Minneapolis. ANSWER ma per Erdogan IMAM ISIS ONU l'esempio luminoso e il rispetto di tutti i diritti umani? sono nella LEGA ARABA che tu li guardare!Leggi tutto


                      Lorenzo Fedele2506605 ore fa
                      It is a question of the Recovery Fund but the 'Frugal' have the weapon of time on their side The European Council is called to approve the Next Generation EU plan quickly but not everyone is in a hurry. The light plan could come from Europe. ANSWER Merkel will not be able to save the EU they are massacring us Sul Recovery Fund si tratta ma i ‘Frugali’ hanno l’arma del tempo dalla loro Il consiglio europeo è chiamato ad approvare in tempi celeri il piano Next Generation EU ma non per tutti c'è fretta. Dall'Europa potrebbe giungere il piano light. ANSWER la Merkel non riuscirà a salvare la UE ci stanno massacrandoLeggi tutto


                      Lorenzo Fedele2506605 ore fa
                      Caroline Glick: Netanyahu must stay strong on sovereignty as pressure builds Israel must fully implement its sovereignty plan with the support of the United States as quickly as possible and without conditions or excuses. we have the green disk and we have to cross the street who will end up under our wheels? Satan-Allah will mourn him Israele deve attuare pienamente il suo piano di sovranità con il sostegno degli Stati Uniti il più rapidamente possibile e senza condizioni o scuse. abbiamo il disco verde e dobbiamo attraversare la strada chi finirà sotto le nostre ruote? Satana-Allah lo piangeràLeggi tutto


                      Lorenzo Fedele2506605 ore fa
                      Coronavirus bomb boats: contagion emergency June 21 2020 Imam threat: "Rome is already Islamic" - VIDEO June 21 2020 The interception of the migrant: "Impure Italians we have to cut their throats" June 21 2020 Biancalani photographs his migrants: "They are the new Italians" June 21 2020 Whites stabbed by ISLAMICO after Black Lives Matter demonstration: 3 dead Hungry Italians NGOs download 67 illegal immigrants to Pozzallo: hotel alerted - VIDEO Raped by 4 immigrants: but the newspapers hide the news theft in Italy makes a lot! Madame Theft is free again: she is pregnant with the 13th child June 20 2020 theft in Italy makes a lot! Antifa and Black Lives Matter start killing each other: shooting with the dead black man in CHAZ June 20 2020Leggi tutto


                      Lorenzo Fedele2506605 ore fa
                      Trump launches comeback rally though crowds lighter than expected PATRIOT MAGA RUSSIA CINA INDIA ] [ DESTRY RIYADH ISLAM IRAN ithat is horror jihad Erdogan UMMA nazi Genocide sharia law destry UN and arab league!! kill tem all! Two teachers face long prison sentences for educating Baha’is who are banned from pursuing further education in Iran. After repeated harassment and intimidation married couple Azita Rafizadeh and Peyman Kushak-Baghi have been convicted for their involvement with the Baha’i Open University (BIHE). Rafizadeh recently received a summons notice to begin her sentence. IranWire talked to the teacher who will be forced to leave her six-year-old son behind about the incidents that led to the couple’s convictions. What is the latest news on your case? Recently the Moral Security Police contacted my bondsman and asked him to go to their headquarters. The bondsman asked for a written summons. A few days later he received orders to present himself at a specified address on Thursday October 8 and bring the convict he was representing with him. When he arrived authorities angrily asked him why the convict had not accompanied him and threatened to confiscate his collateral money and throw him in jail. He was then given a summons demanding that he present me to the police on the morning of October 10. I just hoped they would grant us a few more days so I could prepare my son Bashir for my absence. What is the background of the case? How did it all start? It started on May 22 2011 when security forces raided our home. They turned it upside down and seized every religious item there as well as books pictures on the wall posters booklets CDs the laptop and the desktop computers. They even seized unrelated items like some cash and our checkbooks and took them away after recording them on a list.Leggi tutto


                      Lorenzo Fedele2506606 ore fa
                      Israel enters second wave Health Ministry orders corona wings reopened immediately i am King and Jewish Messia


                      lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
                      10 ore fa
                      Annexation: Trump to decide US position after key meetings this week i am jewish messiah [eih DONALD TRUMP hero President MAGA] open letter [Vladimir Luxuria lgbtq said: "why are we not perverted creatures of God too?" ANSWER obviously like all of us: they too alias: my friends homosexuals they too are "perverted creatures of God" like all of us poor sinners but when the NWO's Deep State lobby Aru Mazda JaBullOn Marduch OWL esoteric agenda occult masonic power FED 666 IMF etc..? the lgbtq are all creatures of the devil with no hope of redemption i am jewish messia [ eih DONALD TRUMP hero President MAGA ] open letter [ Vladimir Luxuria lgbtq ha detto: "perché noi non siamo pervertite creature di Dio anche noi?" ANSWER ovviamente come tutti noi: anche loro alias: gli omosessuali anche loro sono delle "pervertite creature di Dio" come tutti noi poveri peccatori ma in quando lobby Deep State del NWO? gli lgbtq sono tutti creature del demonio senza nessuna speranza di redenzioneLeggi tutto


                      lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
                      10 ore fa
                      Annexation: Trump to decide US position after key meetings this week DONALD TRUMP] open letter [ from the damned demonic fake prophet Muhammad to this day? There has never been a valid sharia peace plan sharia only contemplates in genocide! Major Democrats: A rothschild Morgan rockefeller counterfeit currency including presidential candidate Joe Biden House majority leader Steny Hoyer and Senator Chuck Schumer have officially condemned Israeli sovereignty under the Netanyahu plan claiming it will harm the peace process with the Palestinians which has not made significant progress in decades ANSWER all that hurts democrats? it's good for us! go MAGA PATRIOT go 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • i am jewish messia 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • i am jewish messia [ eih DONALD TRUMP hero President MAGA ] open letter [ rompi le membrane delle emorroidi a tutti questi porci dei democraticiLeggi tutto


                      lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
                      10 ore fa
                      Raped by 4 immigrants: but all newspapers hide the news Group violence after the disco: the 4 are two Moroccans a Romanian and an Ecuadorian Not informing that rapists are foreigners is the biggest fake news. You journalists - except a few - are nothing more than scribblers in the service of a putrescent regime. Stuprata da 4 immigrati: ma tutti i giornali nascondono la notizia Violenza di gruppo dopo la discoteca: i 4 sono due marocchini un romeno e un ecuadoriano Non informare che gli stupratori sono stranieri è la più grande delle fake news. Voi giornalisti – tranne pochi – non siete altro che scribacchini al servizietto di un regime putrescente.Leggi tutto


                      lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
                      11 ore fa
                      Judge rejects Trump's push to block tell-all but says Bolton 'gambled with national security' 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • regime esoteric agenda : TALMUD (Anglo-American Jews NWO FED ECB UE tecnotic neliberalists IMF Deep State: Bilderberg regime etc ..) said that Christians must be exterminated: and that's what Jewish communities have always tried to do in these 2000 years answer. BUT the Israelis have changed their minds !! IRAN and all ARAB LEAGUE: they believe they are entitled to intercontinental missiles and atomic bombs because UN has said that sharia is a legal genocideLeggi tutto


                      lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
                      11 ore fa
                      'No Support for Ilhan Omar End of Story,' Says Top Jewish Democratic Group TALMUD (Anglo-American Jews NWO AND IMF Deep State: Bilderberg regime etc ..) said that Christians must be exterminated: and that's what Jewish communities have always tried to do in these 2000 years answer. BUT the Israelis have changed their minds !! IRAN and all ARAB LEAGUE: they believe they are entitled to intercontinental missiles and atomic bombs because UN has said that sharia is a legal genocide 'No Support for Ilhan Omar End of Story,' Says Top Jewish Democratic Group il TALMUD (ebrei anglo-americani NWO ED IMF Deep State: regime Bilderberg etc.. ) ha detto che i cristiani devono essere sterminati: ed è quello che le comunità ebraiche hanno sempre cercato di fare in questi 2000 anni answer. MA gli israeliani hanno cambiato idea!! IRAN e tutta la LEGA ARABA: loro credono di avere diritto ai missili intercontinentali e alle bombe atomiche perché ONU ha detto che la sharia è un genocidio legaleLeggi tutto


                      lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
                      11 ore fa
                      'No Support for Ilhan Omar End of Story,' Says Top Jewish Democratic Group il TALMUD (ebrei anglo-americani NWO ED IMF Deep State: regime Bilderberg etc.. ) ha detto che i cristiani devono essere sterminati: ed è quello che le comunità ebraiche hanno sempre cercato di fare in questi 2000 anni answer. MA gli israeliani hanno cambiato idea!!


                      lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
                      11 ore fa
                      🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 ONU China Russia UE USA India ] [ The Israeli court freezes the work on the Jaffa construction site in the abandoned Muslim cemetery ANSWER let the dead bury their dead OIC ISIS jihad Erdogan Iran the ARAB LEAGUE must understand that it cannot save ISLAM and sharia genocide together! Martin Krollig Martin Krollig Islam will never be saved its not a religion its a load of crap in a book made up by a drug addict 🕎 Biden moderati terroristi 🕎 ONU Cina Russia UE USA India] [La corte israeliana congela i lavori sul cantiere di Jaffa nel cimitero musulmano abbandonato RISPOSTA lasciare che i morti seppelliscano il loro morto OIC ISIS jihad Erdogan Iran l'ARAB LEAGUE deve capire che non può salvare l'ISLAM e il genocidio della sharia insieme! Martin Krollig Martin Krollig L'Islam non sarà mai salvato non è una religione è un sacco di merda in un libro inventato da un tossicodipendenteLeggi tutto


                      lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
                      12 ore fa
                      Judge rejects Trump's push to block tell-all but says Bolton 'gambled with national security' 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Richard DiBenedetto • Bolton like Erdogan is a paranoid assassin their narration is typical of the mentally ill .. however IRAN being in Syria and Iraq threatens all mankind because the CIA can make a nuclear attack on Israel on its behalf! Bolton come Erdogan è un paranoico assassino la loro narrazione è tipica dei malati mentali.. tuttavia l'IRAN stando in Siria e Iraq minaccia tutto il genere umano perché la CIA può fare un attentato nucleare contro Israele a suo nome!Leggi tutto


                      lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
                      12 ore fa
                      Judge rejects Trump's push to block tell-all but says Bolton 'gambled with national security' 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Richard DiBenedetto • evidently your aim Bolton / Morgan / Kissinger / Rothschild Aru marda FED OCI Riyadh Democratic party is to get the world war: against Russians and Chinese especially if the others are the ones who have to fight and die evidentemente il tuo scopo Bolton / Morgan / Kissinger / Rothschild Aru marda FED OCI Riyadh partito democratico è quello di ottenere la guerra mondiale: contro russi e cinesi soprattuto se sono gli altri quelli che devono combattere e morireLeggi tutto


                      lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
                      12 ore fa
                      Judge rejects Trump's push to block tell-all but says Bolton 'gambled with national security' Richard DiBenedetto • Trump says Bolton's book is all lies then he says Bolton's book is all classified information. Why would lies be classified? 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Richard DiBenedetto • topics (national security) are classified not their slanderous Bolton interpretation argomenti (sicurezza nazionale) sono classificati non la loro calunniosa Bolton interpretazione 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Richard DiBenedetto • the judge (Freemason rothschild SpA FED Deep State regime Bilderberg) is contradictory he also bet on national security il giudice (massone rothschild) è contraddittorio anche lui ha scommesso sulla sicurezza nazionaleLeggi tutto


                      lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
                      13 ore fa
                      WATCH: Rashida Tlaib Spreads Video About ‘Racist’ Jewish State’s ‘Land Theft’ Hank O'Hair 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • Apparently your "crown" is a tinfoil hat. 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Hank O'Hair • and then the new world order is an absolute and universal power and the satanists of the supreme Sanhedrin (FED IMF ECB Shareholders etc ..) have no interest in the kingdom of ISRAEL since for kabbalah voodoo they decided with Albert Pike to destroy it. so in London there is a letter from Albert Pike written to Mazzini where they said they would create Israel and then they would destroy it e poi il nuovo ordine mondiale è un potere assoluto e universale e i sataniati del sommo sinedrio(Azionisti FED IMF ECB etc..) non hanno interesse al regno di ISRAELE dato che per kabbalah voodoo loro decisero con Albert Pike di distruggerlo. quindi a Londra c'é un lettera di Albert Pike scritta a Mazzini dove dissero che avrebbero creato Israele e poi lo avrebbero fatto distruggereLeggi tutto


                      lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
                      13 ore fa
                      WATCH: Rashida Tlaib Spreads Video About ‘Racist’ Jewish State’s ‘Land Theft’ Hank O'Hair 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Apparently your "crown" is a tinfoil hat. 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Hank O'Hair • so it was criminals Freemasons Rothschild Bilderberg Satanists and their Islamic brothers ISIS sharia OCI (Talmud-Koran) illegally occupied power and took control of power. Jesus of Bethlehem was the legitimate Heir to the throne yet in its time KING Herod was not a descendant of David Richard Gerofsky Hinda39 • More like a rabid animal maybe... 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Richard Gerofsky • i am your king lorenzoJHWH si è così criminali massoni Rothschild Bilderberg satanisti e loro fratelli islamici ISIS sharia OCI (talmud-corano) hanno occupato illegalmente il potere e hanno preso il controllo del potere. Gesù di Betlemme era il legittimo Erede al trono eppure al suo tempo il RE Erode non era un discendente di DavideLeggi tutto


                      lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
                      20 ore fa
                      Chinese missionary cult invading Israeli ultra-Orthodox neighborhoods 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 DoesntMatter • if there are non-strategic commercial interests for national security these can be done Chinese people are certainly no less dangerous than Muslims DoesntMatter 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • Chinese non-governmental people aren't but the terrorist supporting (iran and pallys) commie government IS. Do Not Trust Anything involving them. 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 DoesntMatter • the CIA Satanists Deep State and Islamic Wahhabis ISIS OCI Erdogan: they are creating the Chinese enemy because they need to make the world war! in this aggressive context rothschild empire: high constitutional betrayal the bank seigniorage it is normal for the Russians and the Chinese to bind to any scum: since our Islamic scum is worse than theirs! i satanisti CIA e islamici Wahhabiti ISIS: stanno creando il nemico cinese perché hanno bisogno di fare la guerra mondiale! in questo contesto aggressivo impero rothschild: alto tradimento costituzionale il signoraggio bancario è normale che i russi e i cinesi si leghino a qualsiasi feccia: dato che la nostra feccia islamica è peggiore della loro!Leggi tutto


                      lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
                      22 ore fa
                      B Maddigan physicsandchem • bro' I wasN't calling for violence Just common sense & action! 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 B Maddigan • http://disq us/p/2a1qzrs you think you can deny the accusations of "patgo" moves against Falun Gong on this page?Leggi tutto


                      lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
                      22 ore fa
                      <a href="#"></a> tu credi di poter smentire l'accuse di "patgo" mosse contro il Falun Gong in questa pagina?Leggi tutto


                      lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
                      23 ore fa
                      Chinese missionary cult invading Israeli ultra-Orthodox neighborhoods è il video dei savi di Sion! complotto Giudaico Massonico Incitamento all'odio because these from the Deep State: New World Order won't they kill the Israelis too? perché questi del Deep State: New World Order non uccideranno gli israeliani anche? "Vecchie foto contro vecchie bugie da EffediEffe" non sono stato in grado di poterlo vedere I haven't been able to see itLeggi tutto


                      lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
                      23 ore fa
                      Hate Speech: YouTube Community Guidelines Dec 4 2019 Your content has been removed due to a violation of Old photos against old lies from EffediEffe "Masonic Jewish conspiracy" how can I judge the video if you have deleted it from me? ============== warning Your video: "sharia Islam Jihad sermon hatred caliphate nazi" has been removed because it violates hate speech. "caliphate nazi sharia Islam Jihad American Declaration how can I judge the video if you have deleted it from me?...Leggi tutto


                      lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
                      1 giorno fa
                      the M5S had sworn to destroy the Catholic private school it seems that they have succeeded by law Hon. Vacca RadioSavana @RadioSavana https: // twitter com / RadioSavana / status / 1274307621382696960 Pissed off nun (not a little) destroys and humiliates the M5s: "You are stealing the future from your children: you do not protect the poor children and 300 thousand disabled children. You are handing the children over to the Mafia and the Camorra. You are taking away the freedom of families irresponsible!" What a slap! #RadioSavana https: // voxnews info / 2020/06/20 / nun-brutalizes-government-you-are-stealing-the-future-from-italian-children-video / il M5S aveva giurato di distruggere la scuola privata cattolica sembra che ci siano riusciti per legge On. Vacca RadioSavana @RadioSavana https://twitter com/RadioSavana/status/1274307621382696960 Suora incazzata (non poco) distrugge e umilia il M5s: "State rubando il futuro ai figli: non tutelate i bambini poveri e 300 mila bambini disabili. State consegnando i bambini a mafia e camorra. State togliendo la libertà alle famiglie irresponsabili!" Che sberla! #RadioSavana https://voxnews info/2020/06/20/suora-brutalizza-governo-state-rubando-il-futuro-ai-bambini-italiani-video/Leggi tutto


                      lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
                      1 giorno fa
                      Chinese missionary cult invading Israeli ultra-Orthodox neighborhoods B Maddigan 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • Sorry brother but What planet are you from? 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 B Maddigan • Italy from: 1. masonic system 2. UE antichrist tecnocracy neoliberalism bureaucracy and 70% tax levy 3. occult power 4. esoteric agenda 5. Deep State tecnocracy 6. predations by France and UK and Germany 7. scam banking seigniorage Rothschild 8. in Italy of Soros Ja-Bull-On lgbtq is been destroy any hope! burocrazia e 70% prelievo fiscaleLeggi tutto


                      lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
                      1 giorno fa
                      🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • it is not easy to judge a Pope! the first thing the Pope thinks before speaking is this: "How many Christians could kill Muslims if I say this?" the second thing the Pope thinks before speaking is this: "How many Christians could kill the Rothschilds" Beni Berith "if I say this?" +++ 1. the political demonic power of the Central Banks privately owned Rothschild Morgan Rockefeller resides in all the SYNAGOGES and in the Supreme Sanhedrin +++ 2. same the political demonic power of the ARAB LEGA and its jihadist galaxy resides in all the Mosques: +++ 3. the goal of these two hypocritical demons when ruthless is your total annihilation at the livestock level I am lorenzoJHWH Unius REI the King of ISRAEL expelled from social networks worldwide then he goes around the world to kiss the hands of the Jews and the feet of the Muslims because the lgbtq Democratic Party is the antichrist of Merkel Macron Trudeau and the Bilderberg regime esoteric agenda Deep State coorporations FED IMF ECB NWO SpA 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • if instead of investing the money (2.5% tax) to support their jihadist galaxy then the Saudi Muslims Erdogan Wahhadites OCI Arab League UMMA supported Africa? migrations would end that is precisely the Islamic guerrillas foment: to obtain the extermination of Christians 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • Turkey: Erdoğan Wishes "Many More Happy Conquests" by Burak Bekdil • June 20 2020 In Turkish jargon the difference is simple: It is "conquest" when we do it and "invasion" when others do it. In this year's celebrations President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan raised the stakes when he spoke of the conquest prospectively not just retrospectively. "I am wishing that God grant this nation many more happy conquests," he said.... A serious question remains to be asked: When Erdoğan wished God to grant Turks "many more happy conquests" which non-Turkish lands is he hoping to "conquer"? The venue for this year's Turkish celebrations of the 1453 conquest of Constantinople was not chosen randomly: it was the stunning edifice of the Hagia Sophia Cathedral (pictured) built in the sixth century Byzantine Empire as the centerpiece of its capital. President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan personally commemorated the conquest with Islamic prayers at the Hagia Sophia a UNESCO world heritage site. In Turkey every May 29 brings up the country's "conquest fetish." Turks are proud that their Ottoman ancestors in 1453 "conquered" (not "invaded") then-Constantinople today's Istanbul. It is bizarre enough that a proud nation is commemorating every year the capture from another nation of its biggest city by the "force of sword." This year's 567th anniversary was no exception: The celebrations euphemistically referred to the fall of Constantinople as "conquest" -- not "invasion." poi lui va in giro per il mondo a baciare le mani degli ebrei e i piedi dei mussulmani perché il Partito Democratico lgbtq è l'anticristo della Merkel Macron Trudeau e regime BilderbergLeggi tutto


                      lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
                      1 giorno fa
                      WATCH: Ancient Jewish Ritual Bath Discovered in Galilee Dio ha bruciato SODOMA ed ora Sodoma brucia Dio! https://www facebook com/SenatorePillon/posts/2635104500098464


                      lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
                      1 giorno fa
                      WATCH: Ancient Jewish Ritual Bath Discovered in Galilee 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • Simone Pillon June 18 at 11:36 pm GENDER dictatorship] [Not only 6 years in prison not only astronomical compensation not only free jobs for LGBTQ EtcEtc associations .. Those convicted of homophobia will have their driving license removed their passport will be revoked and any other document valid for expatriation their hunting license will be removed and after jail they will have to observe the curfew returning home at sunset. There are only 20 lashes and exile and then we have seen everything. This is the concept of freedom of Zan Scalfarotto Boldrini & company. You should just step down from parliament and be ashamed of yourself for even thinking such things. Run this message because you won't find it in the newspapers. Saturday 11 July everyone in the square. #restiamoliberi 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • Satana-Allah ] smettila di frignare! ogni resistenza è futile! Simone Pillon 18 giugno alle ore 23:36 · dittatura GENDER ] [ Non solo 6 anni di galera non solo risarcimenti astronomici non solo lavori gratuiti per le associazioni LGBTQ EtcEtc.. Ai condannati per omofobia sarà tolta la patente sarà revocato il passaporto e ogni altro documento valido per l'espatrio sarà tolta la licenza di caccia e dopo la galera dovranno osservare il coprifuoco rientrando a casa al tramonto. Mancano solo 20 frustate e l'esilio e poi abbiamo visto tutto. Questo è il concetto di libertà di Zan Scalfarotto Boldrini & company. Dovreste solo dimettervi dal parlamento e vergognarvi per aver anche solo pensato cose del genere. Fate girare questo messaggio perchè non lo troverete certo sui giornaloni. Sabato 11 luglio tutti in piazza. #restiamoliberiLeggi tutto


                      lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
                      1 giorno fa
                      il personaggio tragico e demoniaco di BIDEN Deep State è ispirato alla fiaba di "Biancaneve la bella addormentata nei boschi" 1. è davvero una "lucertola addormentata" nella cerimonia di cremazione del bosco bohémien 2. Che dire del suo principe azzurro che sveglia la principessa con un bacio? è Bill Gates ============== i soldi dati ai democratici? sono il ticket per l'inferno the tragic and demonic character of BIDEN Deep State is inspired by the fairy tale of "snow white the sleeping beauty in the woods" 1. he is really a "sleeping lizard" in the bohemian grove cremation of care ceremony 2. What about her Prince Charming who wakes up the princess with a kiss? it's Bill Gates ============== i soldi dati ai democratici? sono il ticket per l'infernoLeggi tutto


                      lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
                      1 giorno fa
                      WATCH: Rashida Tlaib Spreads Video About 'Racist' Jewish State's 'Land Theft' Hinda39 • Looks like strings holding the top and bottom jaws in place. Or is it from the puppet-master? 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Hinda39 • i am jewish messia Michael Cohen 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • Who you? 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Michael Cohen • you made a contract with hell and you lost your house keys ... only you are responsible for selling yourself to Rothschild and to his world of satan Richard Gerofsky Hinda39 • More like a rabid animal maybe... 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Richard Gerofsky • i am your king lorenzoJHWH 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • WATCH: Rashida Tlaib Spreads Video About ‘Racist’ Jewish State’s ‘Land Theft’ answer First of all the ARAB LEAGUE must return all 50 Christian nations whose genocide it did and then he must stop lying: "Judea Samaria and the Jordanian valley they lost them in a war they didn't have to do !!

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                      non intendo mai offendere le persone e la loro dignità
                      con sharia massoni lgbt e chiese di satana, io non intendo mai offendere le persone e la loro dignità, ma unicamente la loro criminale ideologia pianificata dal talmud di Rockefeller Spa & Co.
                      quindi non vi fate ingannare da qualche sintetica volgarità!

                      questo NON è una testata giornalistica

                      questo NON è una testata giornalistica

                      questo NON è una testata giornalistica

                      La mia foto
             ☦️burn satana ☦️shariah ☦️Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name amen ☦️alleluia ☦️ lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom ☦️burn satana ☦️shariah ☦️Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name amen ☦️alleluia ☦️ C. S. P. B. Crux Sancti Patris Benedecti Croce del Santo Padre Benedetto C. S. S. M. L. Crux Sacra Sit Mihi Lux Croce sacra sii la mia Luce N. D. S. M. D. Non draco sit mihi dux Che il dragone non sia il mio duce V. R. S. Vadre Retro satana Allontanati satana! N. S. M. V. Non Suade Mihi Vana Non mi persuaderai di cose vane S. M. Q. L. Sunt Mala Quae Libas Ciò che mi offri è cattivo I.V. B. Ipsa Venena Bibas Bevi tu stesso i tuoi veleni